MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 310 It's really not a good thing

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It's no wonder that Nan Luo was afraid. After all, when Nan Jun went to the south of the Yangtze River, there were rumors in the palace that the emperor intended to marry Nan Jun and Lin Yu'er. Nan Luo couldn't believe it.

Nan Jun turned his head to look at Nan Luo, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and then nodded emphatically.

Originally, her smile made people feel like a spring breeze, but the gesture of her smiling and nodding made Nan Luo wish to smash her handsome face with a punch.

If it weren't for her Nanjun being better than him in every way, how could Mr. Lin only want to marry the Ninth Prince and not see him?

Seeing that Nan Luo was burning with anger and was about to explode, Nan Jun hurriedly patted her on the shoulder.

It's just that Nan Luo felt uncomfortable, seeing Nan Jun getting more and more distasteful, how could she still want her to touch him, and turned aside Nan Jun's hand.

"Aren't you jealous?"

" clearly know that I have always pretended to be him in my heart, why did you agree to marry him?"

Nan Luo's eyes turned red anxiously, and he lowered his voice and shouted at Nan Jun.

If it wasn't for fear of attracting the attention of the guards and ruining Lin Yu'er's reputation, Nan Luo really wanted to yell a few times to vent the sullenness in his heart.

She said clearly that she didn't like Lin Yu'er, did she really want to marry someone she didn't love for the sake of power?

"Hey! Seventh Sister, Seventh Sister, how can you do this? Could it be that whoever Nan Jun likes, you want to grab it?"

"You... what do you mean?"

"I never said that the Queen Mother would marry me to someone other than Qiao Yun."


Before Nan Luo could react from the great sadness and joy, Nan Jun turned and left.

After Nan Jun jumped off the carriage, Nan Luo realized that he was being tricked by Nan Jun.

"Well, you old nine, I really didn't misunderstand you. You have been full of bad things since you were a child. You really are not a good thing!"

Nan Luo scolded Nan Jun, but there was a smirk on her face.

She still knew a little about Nan Jun's temperament, since she just said that she did not marry Lin Yu'er, then she would never have Lin Yu'er's idea in the future.


"Ha ha…"


"Ha ha…"

From time to time, there were strange noises in the carriage, which frightened the driver of the carriage into a cold sweat.

I don't know what the Ninth Highness did to her highness, she seems to be sick.

It's just that the master's affairs are beyond the control of the car wives, so let His Highness the Seventh Prince stay in the car, she just pretends that she doesn't know anything.

In order to take close care of His Royal Highness, Xue Shengbai moved to the Tainu Mansion in the past few days.

Xue Han'er who stayed in the Ninth Prince's Mansion became the fish on Du Shuqi's cutting board. Before Nan Jun arrived at the mansion, Du Shuqi had already gone to Xue Han'er's yard with the food box.

Nan Jun looked at the bewildered face of the butler guarding the door, and knew that it was his cousin who came again.

When Xue Shengbai left, he specifically explained that no one should approach Xue Han'er except Nan Jun.

The butler agreed in front of Nan Jun, but as soon as Miracle Doctor Xue left, Miss Du's family came.

How dare the housekeeper block Du Shuqi's way?

No, she had no choice but to wait at the door, and when she saw her master, she rushed to file a complaint.

"Master, you are back, Miss Du is here again."

Nan Jun just laughed lightly, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, cousin won't hurt Han'er."

"But Miss Du still wants to take Mr. Xue out of the house..."

The housekeeper helplessly wiped the sweat from his forehead. If he hadn't insisted on not agreeing to Ms. Du's taking Mr. Xue out of the mansion, Miracle Doctor Xue would have to rush back to make trouble!

Nan Jun paused, and then he paid attention to it.

Du Shuqi didn't know Xue Han'er's true identity, so naturally he didn't know that someone outside wanted to take his life.

Once they leave the Nine Princes' Mansion, it is very likely that they will cause trouble, and Du Shuqi may be involved at that time.

Du Shuqi is the only grandson of the Du family. If something happens to her, the entire Du family will be ruined.

"Go and call Miss Du to the study, and tell her that we have something important to tell her."


Nan Jun didn't hide the identity of Xue Han'er from Du Shuqi. Firstly, he hoped that she could think carefully and see if she had made up her mind to marry Xue Han'er.

Secondly, it was to prevent Du Shuqi from making a big mistake without knowing it, which would harm Xue Han'er and herself.

But Du Shuqi didn't give up Xue Han'er because of the Jianghu hatred of his biological mother and father. Instead, he swore in front of Nanjun that he would take good care of him.

"Cousin, you and I both know that a woman from an aristocratic family can't help herself in her marriage. Han'er was born in the Jianghu. If the Du family wants to recognize him, it may not be so easy."

Du Shuqi's situation is different from Nan Jun's. Nan Jun and Qiao Yun are well matched. On this point, no one can stop Qiao Yun from marrying her.

However, Xue Han'er, who was born in the Jianghu, and Du Shuqi, the daughter of a century-old family, are completely different from the same starting point. The Du family recognizes their blood relatives and their identities. If Du Shuqi wants to marry Xue Han'er back as a righteous monarch, it will be difficult.

Xue Shengbai knew that it was not easy in this aristocratic family, so he stopped Du Shuqi from approaching Xue Han'er like this.

"But didn't you say that after God Xue cured His Majesty's illness, you asked to seal Han'er as County Secretary?"

Du Shuqi hurriedly said, it's not that she hasn't thought about this relationship, but she just wants to wait for the matter of Her Royal Highness to end before she brings up the matter of marrying Xue Han'er.

"Cousin, even if the emperor really ordered Han'er to be the Secretary of the County, considering Han'er's background, do you think grandma and aunt can agree to this marriage?"

"Then what should I do? Cousin, you have to help me! Since you like the little prince so much, you should understand my thoughts, I..."

Du Shuqi is older than Nan Jun, because she has never met a man who makes her heart move, so she has not married for a long time. Now that she has Xue Han'er, how can she give up lightly?

"It's not impossible..."

The old **** Nanjun squinted his eyes and pursed his lips and said, while Du Shuqi was busy staring at her face, waiting for her to speak.

"I just want to wrong my cousin."

"Don't say that you were wronged, even if you hit me dozens of boards, I will admit it."

Nan Jun clung to Du Shuqi's ear and whispered something.

Du Shuqi was startled for a moment, then blushed, gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"For Han'er, I risked everything."

Not to mention her reputation, she would not hesitate to take this life.

"Good luck, cousin."

Looking at the back of Du Shuqi leaving in a hurry, Nan Jun burst into a rare laugh.

If Nan Luo was here, he would definitely say that Nan Jun is not a good person.

In fact, it is not that there is no more suitable way, but only in this way, Du Shuqi will remember deeply, and will not easily defeat Xue Han'er in the future.

Xue Han'er is too simple, not because Nan Jun doesn't believe in Du Shuqi, but because Du Shuqi, who grew up in an aristocratic family, is different from Nan Jun. She is only worried that Du Shuqi will forget his original intention in the future and hurt Xue Han'er's heart.

Read The Duke's Passion