MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 303 A chance encounter with a delicate young man

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But Su Mingqiu showed embarrassment and opened his mouth, a little hesitant.

"Master Su has something to hide?"

When Nan Jun saw this, he already knew that he might be too happy too early.

"Although Xue Shengbai's medical skills are superb, he also has a quirk. He doesn't treat people easily. She doesn't want gold or silver to save people, she only depends on fate, or she has to exchange what she asks."

Su Mingqiu hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"From this point of view, she may really have some skills."

Nan Jun nodded in understanding, don't these talented experts all have some eccentricities?

"The lower official is afraid that her words will offend His Highness..."

What Su Mingqiu was afraid of was that Xue Shengbai would anger the Ninth Emperor's Daughter and bring about his death.

"It doesn't matter, this hall has something to ask of her, and even if it is a request from her, it should be done."

Su Mingqiu was a little surprised by Nanjun's gentleness and open-mindedness, seeing what Nanjun said, she didn't say any more.

Before dawn the next day, Nan Jun took the address given by Su Mingqiu and took Du Shuqi to look for the miracle doctor.

"This Xue Shengbai is so strange. With the ability to serve the world, he can exchange for a lifetime of glory and wealth, but he insists on hiding in such a remote place. What's the reason?"

Du Shuqi muttered while dodging the thorns on the roadside.

"People in the world have different pursuits. Some people like supreme power, some people like gold, silver and jewelry, and some people like peace and tranquility. Although Xue Shengbai has good skills, she can only save the world's diseases, but not people's hearts. She only saves predestined people in her life. , not afraid of five buckets of rice and bowing his waist, it can be regarded as a high-spirited man."

Nan Jun laughed lightly, but in his heart he admired this legendary miracle doctor very much.

"The book always says that doctors have a parental heart. If they just take care of themselves, wouldn't it be a waste of all their medical skills?"

Du Shuqi shook his head in disapproval. According to her, it was really hard to guess what this miracle doctor was thinking.

"When my cousin has someone who cares about her one day, she will be able to understand Miracle Doctor Xue's approach."

The two chatted and laughed all the way, bypassing thorns and encountering mire, and finally reached the door of Xue Shengbai's house, but the big lock hanging on the door almost made Du Shuqi mad.

Looking at the dirt on his feet, Du Shuqi was full of displeasure.

But because of Nan Jun's presence, she didn't dare to complain.

"Boom boom boom..."

Nan Jun knocked on the door lightly, and Du Shuqi hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her arm.

"The door is locked, there must be no one in the house, so why waste your efforts?"

As he said, Du Shuqi didn't forget to rub Nan Jun's red fingers from knocking on the door, looking like a little girl.

"Nan Jun doesn't know, but my cousin is such a careful person."

Nan Jun smiled and withdrew her hand, she was really not used to being so close to a woman.

Changing hands, Nan Jun knocked on the door again.

Du Shuqi's brows were getting tighter and tighter, she really didn't understand why Nan Jun was so persistent, there was obviously no one in this family!

"Did someone outside ask for a doctor?"

A voice of a delicate young man sounded from inside the door, Du Shuqi was startled, his face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly responded.

"Yes, I'm here to ask to see Miracle Doctor Xue, and I hope you will open the door to see me."

The scuffling footsteps inside suddenly stopped, but the delicate child didn't make another sound.

"The eldest sister in the next family is critically ill, so she came to seek medical treatment, and I hope the young master can help pass the news."

There was a bit of urgency and nervousness in Nan Jun's voice, she was also afraid that the person who spoke would suddenly leave again, and it would be even more difficult to see Xue Shengbai again.

There was another sound of clothes rubbing against the door, and the man hesitantly pressed his head against the door, and peered out through the crack of the door.

"Master went to the mountain to gather herbs, and he is not at home today, you two should come back another day!"

"It's okay, we can wait."

It is said that Xue Shengbai asks for fate to treat people, if they leave today, there will be no hope for this matter of seeking medical treatment.

"That..." The villain Xu hadn't talked to outsiders for a long time, swallowed nervously, and then continued, "Master, she won't accept a doctor easily."

"Thank you, young master, for telling me, since I'm here, no matter what, I want to see Miracle Doctor Xue."

After Nan Jun finished speaking, he still cupped his fists towards the crack of the door.

The little guy inside blushed from the surprise of Nan Jun's actions, but fortunately there was only one crack in the door, and the two women outside couldn't see his expression at this time.

"Young Master, is the disciple of Miracle Doctor Xue?"

Du Shuqi asked softly.

"I... I was picked up by the master. I can only recognize herbs, but I don't know medical skills..."

The child's voice was not loud, but he explained the matter clearly in one sentence.

If Nanjun and Du Shuqi expected Xue Shengbai's apprentice to go to the capital to treat the princess, then this idea would be considered wrong.

"Please tell me, sir, the sun is getting bright at noon, so you should go back first, and the two of us will just wait here."

It took them more than an hour to walk from the Su Mansion, the road was bumpy and difficult, the carriage could not pass, so they could only rely on their feet.

The little man hesitated for a long time, and then he mustered up the courage to say to the two people outside: "Well... it's almost time for lunch, why don't you two come in!"

Du Shuqi was overjoyed, and hurriedly walked towards the gate.

"Then you need Mr. Lao to hand over the key."

"The key? Oh... the key was taken away by the master, and I was left alone at home. The master locked the door because he was worried that there would be bad people."

"Alas!" The light in Du Shuqi's eyes dimmed, and he sighed helplessly.

"How can we get in without the key? Forget it, young master, let's go back to the house quickly. The sun will set in the middle later, I'm afraid we will suffer from heat stroke."

The south of the Yangtze River is no better than the capital city, and the weather here is still very hot in September and October.

Nan Jun and Du Shuqi's foreheads were already covered with thin sweat, and after looking at the dried mud on their feet, Du Shuqi couldn't care less about anything else, and just sat down on his buttocks.

"Young master, don't worry, if Master Xue doesn't come back, the two of us will definitely not take a step closer to you. You should go to rest soon!"

After Nan Jun finished speaking, he took advantage of the situation and sat beside Du Shuqi.

The two aristocratic daughters who called for the wind and rain in Beijing just dragged their feet in the mud, sitting at the gate of a farmyard under the high noon sun.

The voice behind him became farther and farther away, and after an unknown amount of time, the familiar voice sounded from inside the door again, with a bit of haste.


Nan Jun and Du Shuqi hurriedly turned their heads to look, and a green brick under the gate between them was moved away by a pair of tender little hands, and then there was a cute laugh from the little man.

"I brought you water..."

As he spoke, his moss-stained hands handed out two bowls filled with water.

"Thank you son."

Du Shuqi hurriedly got up and took the two bowls, thanked the little man, and brought them to Nan Jun.

"That... I made egg pancakes, do you want to eat them?"

Read The Duke's Passion