MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 280 future young master

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"I have never thanked you well for the Nanjun matter. You and your mother not only saved Nanjun's life, but also my entire Nanjia!"

Nan Yi's words were not polite, she always kept this gratitude in her heart.

How Qiao Xiucai and Qiao Yun raised Nanjun these years, Nan Yi has already found out clearly. Although Nanjun had a hard life, he was lucky enough to meet this mother and son. Everything was the child's good luck.

"Mother doesn't need to be like this. I'm willing to treat Nanjun well."

Qiao Yun has never regretted the matter of Nanjun.

"I came to see my mother today, and I discussed it with Nan Jun. I think Aunt Liu also told you about Yun'er learning to manage the affairs of the mansion..."

Before Qiao Yun finished speaking, Nan Yi understood the purpose of his coming.

"You are a caring child. I am still worried about finding someone to get back the key to the mansion from Mrs. Zhang first. If you are willing, that would be great."

Ever since he found out that it was Sanfang who killed Du Ruo, Nan Yi had already begun to deploy to reduce Nan'an's forces.

The daily expenses of Nanfu are all in charge of by Mrs. Zhang, no matter what happens on weekdays, the amount of money coming in and out every day is not a small number.

Nan Yi didn't dare to take the initiative to ask Qiao Yun to talk about this matter. First, he was worried that Nan Jun would not let it go, and second, he was also considering that the two children were not yet married, and he was afraid that Qiao Yun would not be able to deal with the old people in the mansion.

"Since Nan Jun intends to force Sanfang Gou to jump over the wall, I also want to help her."

Qiao Yun said in a low voice, he has no interest in these things at all, but for Nan Jun, even if he doesn't like it, he has to do it.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll let the housekeeper assist you first, so as not to trouble you with those worry-free things."

"Thank you mother."

Nan Yi has always done things vigorously and resolutely, and he will do what he says.

Qiao Yun only looked for her in the morning, and in the afternoon she summoned all the servants in the mansion, including Nan Jun and Qiao Yun.

"I don't know what it is, but I want to trouble the eldest sister to ask everyone in person?"

Mrs. Zhang's shrewd face appeared in front of everyone, and the long-lasting smile on his face made people feel bored.

"Are you here? Sit down."

Nan Yi pointed to an empty chair beside her, and asked Mrs. Zhang to sit down first.

Then he looked at the people standing in the courtyard. This Nanfu is a century-old family, and there are nearly a thousand people from all over the place.

"Is everyone here?"

Looking at the crowd of people, Nan Yi couldn't help but get a headache.

"Going home, the Lord's words are all here."

The butler stepped forward and bowed.

"I think you all know that my Nanyi's daughter has returned home, and this Miss Di of Nanfu is your master after all. To call you here today is to recognize the master first."

As soon as Nan Yi finished speaking, everyone fell to their knees.

"I have met Miss, please greet Miss."

"Get up!"

Nan Jun's voice was cold and without the slightest emotion, and everyone couldn't fathom the temperament of this young lady.

"Miss Xie."

"Beside Miss is your future young lord. The lord has passed away for many years, and I will never marry again. Mrs. Zhang has worked hard all these years. Now that Ah Jun has returned home, in the future, all the people in the mansion will be handed over to you." The young master will take care of it!"

Nan Yi told Zhang Shi to hand over Zhongfei after a few words, how could he be convinced?

Although everyone was somewhat dissatisfied, they did not dare to refute after all.

This young lord has just arrived, and the young lady has never been married, how can he be in charge of Zhongfu?

It's just that the matter of the master can't accommodate the beaks of these slaves?

"Sister, this... this is against the rules!"

Mrs. Zhang never expected that Nan Yi would hand over the power of housekeeper to an outsider who hadn't been through the door yet.

"There's nothing against the rules. These two children have already decided on a marriage. They just wait for Ah Jun to get older before holding the wedding. Sooner or later, Yun'er will be a member of my Nan family. It is also appropriate to learn how to be a housekeeper earlier. .”

Nan Yi didn't change his face, looking at Zhang's iron blue face, it was ridiculous.

"But Yun'er is still young, how can he manage such a big Nanfu, I..."

Mrs. Zhang still wanted to say something, but Nan Yi suddenly turned cold.

"This mansion is supposed to be managed by the daughter-in-law Zhengjun. It is against the rules to have you manage it for many years. Now that Ah Jun has Zhengjun, how can you still keep the key?"

After Nan Jun finished speaking, he didn't look at Zhang's face any more, and only waved to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper came in front of Mrs. Zhang, stretched out his hands, bowed and said, "I also ask the second husband to hand over the key."

Mrs. Zhang put a large bunch of keys in the hands of the housekeeper with a blank face, and watched the housekeeper deliver the keys to Qiao Yun with her own eyes.

"Yun'er, this is the seal of the mansion. Your father has been in charge of it before, and now it is handed over to you."

Nan Yi took out a seal from his bosom and handed it to Qiao Yun, who took it with both hands.


Looking at the scene in front of her, Mrs. Zhang gritted her teeth angrily. He has been in charge of Zhongfu for many years, and Nan Yi never gave him his seal. Now this brat has only been in the mansion for half a month, and he holds the entire Nan mansion in his hands. .

Really good skill!

"In the future, you will have to listen to the young master's order. Anyone who refuses to obey will be driven out of the Nanfu at the least, or sold out at the worst."

Nan Yi's face was solemn and his tone serious.

Everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly said: "I will obey the young master's orders and dare not disobey."

The head of the family personally supports the future young master, what kind of scenery is this?

Those people who secretly slandered Nan Jun and Qiao Yun later in the book, after meeting them today, no one dared to say anything about them.

Just looking at the demeanor and manners of the two of them, they look like masters, how can they have half a mountain habit?

"The young master is the person I care about most in Nanjun. If anyone dares to offend him, it's no wonder that my Nan family can't tolerate you."

The chill in Nan Jun's eyes made everyone shiver, especially Mrs. Zhang, he just thought something he shouldn't have, and Nan Jun said such words, could it be that he was telling him?

The news that the young master who had not passed the door was in charge of Zhongfu in the mansion soon spread throughout the capital, and when Nan'an came back from outside, Mrs. Zhang was sitting on the side of the couch wiping tears.

"Why are you crying? If crying was useful, you would have cried that little **** Nanjun to death."

Nan An glanced at Zhang irritably, then sat down on the soft stool beside her, stroking her forehead helplessly.

"Why can't I cry? The power of stewardship has been in my hands for so many years, and suddenly it was given to someone else. Are you not allowed to cry a few times?"

Mrs. Zhang was also in a bad mood, so she had the guts to quarrel with Nan'an.

"Then keep crying and see if you can cry back that bunch of keys."

Nan'an raised his voice, causing Zhang's body to tremble in fright, and he choked back the crying that reached his lips.

Read The Duke's Passion