MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 260 matchmaker

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He almost froze to death when he failed to steal the chicken, and on the second day after he almost froze to death, his left ear was cut off again.

This cost half of Qiao Ergou's life. She cried and complained to the village head, and the village head reprimanded her again. Maybe she didn't learn well and offended someone outside, and they came to revenge coming.

Qiao Ergou had no choice but to admit the bad luck.

Because of this matter, Qiao Yun was happy at home for several days, and even Nan Jun's mood brightened a lot.

Seeing that spring is coming, Nanju calculated to go for a few more trips to the mountains before the spring plowing, and they would have enough pocket money for this year.

On this day, Nan Jun went up the mountain early, leaving only Qiao Yun at home to clean up the house, but he didn't want an uninvited guest to come.

Holding a feather duster in his hand and wearing an apron that he hadn't taken off in time, Qiao Yun just ran to open the door, thinking that Nan Jun came back early today.

It's just that the smile on his face turned into shyness when he saw the man in front of him. I'm afraid his actions like this are extremely indecent in front of the elders, right?

"Yun'er is doing work at home!"

Mrs. Wang, the husband of the village head's family, stood at the door with a basket of wild mushrooms, looked at Qiao Yun with a smile and said.

I don't know why, since Nanju woke up from injury, the village chief's family has been extremely close to them, which made Qiao Yun feel very uncomfortable.

Thinking back when his mother had just passed away, the ten-year-old him and the seven-year-old Nan Jun almost starved to death at home, and no one came to ask.

Now that Nan Jun has the ability, and they are pretending to be close, Qiao Yun always feels that that attitude is too hypocritical.

Just thinking about it, the upbringing in Qiao Yun's bones still prevented him from blocking people out of the door.

"Why is uncle here? Come in and sit down."

Qiao Yun beckoned Mrs. Wang to go into the house, Mrs. Wang looked around the yard, feeling a little more satisfied with Nanjun.

The snow in the yard has melted away, facing the rising sun, this once dilapidated small courtyard is now a bit more dazzling.

Wang followed Qiao Yun into the back room, and was greeted by Qiao Yun, and sat on the edge of the Kang that had just been cleaned.

"Uncle, sit down first, I'll get you a glass of water."

Qiao Yun put down the feather duster in his hand, turned around and walked out.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, Mrs. Wang looked at the layout of the room, her eyes were dark and inexplicable.

"Uncle, drink water, be careful not to burn it."

Qiao Yun specially made a bowl of sugar water for Mrs. Wang, which is the best treat for a villager.

"Sit down quickly, don't be busy."

Wang Shi took a sip of the water lightly, his mouth was filled with sweetness, and he couldn't help but take another sip.

Putting down the bowl, Mrs. Wang smiled and said, "I've always wanted to come and see you, but due to the heavy snowfall a year ago, my legs and feet have always been bad, and it's inconvenient to go out, so I pushed it until today."

"What did my uncle say? Thanks to the care of you and the village head aunt during this time, Xiaoyan and Xiaoyu often come to accompany me, which makes me feel less lonely."

In terms of caring, the things that the village chief's family gave Qiao Yun and Nan Jun were far less than Nan Jun's gift in return. It's just that the Wang family wanted to get close to Qiao Yun, so Qiao Yun could only be courteous with him.

"You are also a hard-fated one. You lost your father at such a young age. When my uncle saw it, his heart ached in panic."

Wang took Qiao Yun's hand, and her eyes were red again as she spoke, and Qiao Yun was so frightened that she didn't know how to persuade him.

Qiao Yun's biological father passed away early, but now that he thinks about it, he doesn't remember anything, but when his mother passed away, it really made him feel uncomfortable for a long time.

Seeing that Qiao Yun pursed her lips and said nothing, Wang went on to say: "You are no better than Nanjun, you are a man, without your father's teaching, I am afraid you don't know many things. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can go to me. .”


Qiao Yun responded softly, but he never expected that Wang's next words would almost cost him half his life.

"I saw that you and Nan Jun are still sleeping in the same room?"

As soon as Wang's words fell, Qiao Yun's face turned pale, and even the pink lips lost all color.

"Nanjun is old, and you have passed Jiji's age. If the two of you continue to live like this and spread the will be bad for you and her."

Wang only thought that Qiao Yun had lost his elders since he was a child, and no one taught these important matters of defense between men and women, so he pretended to say kindly.

"And your little clothes are very important things in the man's house, and it is absolutely impossible for Nan Jun to see them."

Wang looked at the dry inner garment hanging on the rope in the corner of the house. The material was excellent and it was a man's style, so it must be Qiao Yun's.

In fact, Qiao Yun also paid great attention to these things on weekdays, but Nan Jun felt sorry for him always squatting by the fire to dry his clothes in winter, so he specially set up a rope in the house for him to temporarily dry his underwear and towels.

But when Wang said this, it seemed as if Qiao Yun's secrets had been stripped away. It seemed that Wang had seen through all the unspeakable thoughts he had towards Nan Jun in his heart.

Wang babbled on a lot, but Qiao Yun didn't hear a word clearly, he only knew that he and Nan Jun - after all, it was time to separate.

Seeing that Qiao Yun kept his eyes down and refused to speak, Mrs. Wang simply told her why she came here.

"Yun'er! Uncle won't hide it from you, Nanjun is a good kid, and your two younger brothers in Uncle's family are also obedient and sensible, and they are about the same age as Nanjun. Nanjun is also at the age of discussing marriage. If you are willing, let Nan Jun choose one of the two younger brothers, you are already familiar with each other, so you won't feel any inconvenience if you marry in the future, will you?"

Sooner or later, Yu Qiaoyun would have to tell about this matter, and Wang Shi was afraid of being snatched by others, so she came here to let her know when the sky was just a little better.

In Wang's heart, regardless of appearance or temperament, his two sons are naturally the best men in these ten miles and eight villages, and Qiao Yun has no reason to refuse.

"This... Nan Jun has an idea. I have to discuss it with her after she comes back."

Qiao Yun forced himself to swallow the bitterness in his mouth, pretending to be strong and smiling.

"What you said, she was raised by you, so naturally your words shall prevail. As long as you agree, is there any reason for her to object?"

Wang patted Qiao Yun's hand and smiled, he could see that Nan Jun respected Qiao Yun very much.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw all kinds of snacks and candied fruit on the kang. With this kind of life, he couldn't find a second one in the whole Qiao's village.

If Nan Jun can treat Qiao Yun like this, he won't miss out if he marries her husband in the future.

In addition, Nan Jun has a good appearance and is capable.

As long as Qiao Yun nods, his son will be able to marry to Nanjun and live happily ever after.

Read The Duke's Passion