MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 253 duplicity guy

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"Aren't you here? Where are you going?"

Hearing what Nan Jun said, Qiao Yun couldn't help panicking.

"You are here, where else can I go? But I always have to go up the mountain and down the field. How can I feel at ease when you are at home alone?"

Nan Jun didn't expect Qiao Yun to be so excited by a word of his own, so he hurriedly explained.

"We grew up in this village since we were young, it's nothing."

Only then did Qiao Yun withdraw the hand that was holding Nan Jun's sleeve, lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

"But didn't those two dogs bully us and want to grab our food?"

Speaking of Er Gouzi, Nan Jun also planned to meet her some other day, and he would scare her once, so that they would never dare to think of Qiao Yun again.

"Hmph! Er Gouzi is not a thing at all!"

Ever since Nanjun was injured by Er Gouzi, Qiao Yun hated her to death. If it wasn't for his status as a man, he would have fought that Er Gouzi to the death.

"Hurry up and put away the things first, let's take a closer look at them tomorrow!"

Nan Jun yawned, looking at the newly changed bedding on the kang, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

"Sit down and have a rest, I'll get you some hot water."

Qiao Yun slapped his forehead, and then remembered that Nan Jun had been tired all day, so he trotted to bring her hot water.

Nan Jun pushed everything to the end of the kang, then moved Qiao Yun's quilt from the top of the kang to the top of the kang, and moved to the top of the kang himself.

Seeing this, Qiao Yun, who came in with water, couldn't help scolding: "What are you doing? Where are women sleeping on the kang?"

Women are noble in this world, so there is no reason to let women sleep on the top of the kang.

"Your body and stomach are cold, and you sleep on the kang to keep you warm. I'm not afraid of the cold, it's the same wherever I sleep."

Nan Jun wanted to sleep with him, but he was afraid that he would not allow it!

At Nanjun's insistence, Qiao Yun moved to the warm kang, covered with a new quilt bought by Nanjun, not to mention how warm it was.

And Nan Jun was also covered with two layers of quilts. Qiao Yun was afraid that she would freeze, so he wanted to put everything on her body.

Nan Jun looked at the things on her body that made her breathless, but she was calculating in her heart that she would have to get into his bed even if she said something next year.

Qiao Yun didn't know what Nan Jun's plan was, it was just that he had experienced too much this day, and he couldn't bear it.

Put your feet in the hot water, and instantly drive away the fatigue of the whole day.

Seeing Qiao Yun still sitting at the end of the kang, tidying up his pile of treasures, looking at this, touching that, loving it, Nan Jun felt extremely satisfied.

The duplicity guy, he obviously likes it tightly in his heart, but he still says no.

Nan Jun got used to getting up early, and after she recovered, she started to practice martial arts again.

Every time Qiao Yun got up and watched Nanjun gesticulating with a branch in the courtyard, he would stand there for a long time, watching and watching, and he would feel an inexplicable sense of desolation in his heart.

He seemed to see that the girl who was getting better and better was getting farther and farther away from him.

"What are you and Mu going to do?"

Qiao Yun saw that Nan Jun was busy working on the wall with a shovel in his hand, so he couldn't help asking.

"Make some clay bricks and build a courtyard wall."

When Nan Jun passed by the villages near the capital, she had seen those masons making mud bricks. Although she had never done it herself, she knew something about it.

"The courtyard wall?"

Qiao Yun lived in Qiaojia Village since he was a child, so he didn't know what the so-called courtyard wall in Nanjun's mouth was like.

Almost every household in Qiao's Village has a fenced yard, and only a few households have built a low earth wall around the yard.

"I also went to the town and saw others doing this, so I wanted to learn it, and I don't know if it can be done."

After all, Nan Jun was still worried about the yard surrounded by fences. Qiao Yun's appearance was too outstanding, and he would always cause some troubles in the future.

It's not to blame for Nan Jun's overheartedness, it was written in the book that Qiao Yun had never been married, and when Nan Jun was twelve years old, she split up with her and moved to Westinghouse by herself.

But he was often harassed by unmarried women in the village, especially at night, people often listened to his corners and leaned against his windows, which made him sleepless at night.

Even though Nan Jun was reluctant to let Qiao Yun move to live in the cold west room alone, he would never let others look at Qiao Yun more.

With Nan Jun's hard work day and night, the courtyard wall in the front yard of her house was quickly erected, and before the wall was completely dry, the doorman also arrived.

The people in the village discovered the changes in Qiao Yun's house early in the morning, and they would come over to ask a few questions, but they were all dismissed by Nan Jun's "build the wall".

Seeing that Qiao Xiucai's family, which has always been the most difficult in the village, suddenly changed its appearance to look like a rich family in the city, many people started to play tricks.

"The child picked up by Qiao Xiucai's family is really useless. He is only twelve or thirteen years old, and he has already shouldered the burden of supporting the family. It is not in vain for Qiao Xiucai to save her life. The child Qiao Yun Good days are ahead!"

Village head Qiao Gu poured himself a bowl of rice wine, put a piece of pickle in his mouth, and sighed.

"It's strange to say that Nanju was always a boring gourd before, and he couldn't kick a fart with eight feet, so why did he suddenly become capable? I went to do the laundry today, and when I met her to fetch water, she still He took the initiative to say hello to us!"

Mrs. Wang, the village head's husband, took out a bamboo basket of steamed buns and put them aside. First, he set aside a small bowl of vegetables and a bowl of porridge for his daughter who was studying in the house. The two sons on the side.

Wang is a virtuous and capable person who gave birth to a daughter and a pair of twin sons for the village chief.

His daughter, Qiao Chi, studied with Qiao Xiucai since she was a child, and when Qiao Xiucai went, Qiao Gu sent her to the town, where she could only go home two days a month.

Although Qiao Chi is not very intelligent, he is extremely serious and hardworking, and he is quite liked by his wife.

Although it may not be possible to pass the Jinshi examination, it would be good to be a scholar in the future. After all, apart from the late Qiao Xiucai, there are no scholars in the entire Qiao family village.

The two sons are only twelve years old this year, because the mother and father are quite capable, and they don't need to work in the fields on weekdays, they only stay at home to do some housework and embroidery, and they look like city sons .

Although they are still two teenagers, but the matchmaker nearby has been eyeing the two brothers for a long time, and just waiting for them to grow up, they will arrange a good marriage for them and make a small fortune.

"This means that she has grown up, but I feel sorry for that child Qiao Yun. Because she is fifteen years old and has not been married to others, if it is not for worrying that he left and no one at home cares about Nan, how could Qiao Yun delay?" Are you willing to marry?"

Qiao Gu sighed, it's not that no one went to Qiao Xiucai's house to say goodbye, but they were all kicked out by Qiao Yun.

Even if Qiao Yun didn't say anything, they all understood that no woman in this world would be willing to accept a newlywed with a picked-up younger sister.

Read The Duke's Passion