MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 340 The shadow of the laboratory building

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Fang Zheng knocked on the door with his hand.

The few people sitting around Yan Qingya didn't seem to hear Fang Zheng's knock on the door.

Still chatting succinctly.

Yang Yibiao said, "Since you've all seen it, what does this ghost look like?!"

Zhuge Hong's voice carried a delicate tone: "There are two ghosts, one tall and one short! It's like a man and a woman!"

Ding Peng snorted and laughed: "I said, when did you see that this man and a woman were dating in the laboratory building, right?"

Yan Qingya defended: "What kind of love! We look at the man from the window, and he just floats away! As for the woman, her face is still glowing, can this be a human?!"

Yang Yibiao asked, "Then how did you see these two ghosts?"

Zhuge Hong said: "It was the night before. After I came home from school with Qingya that day, when I was doing my homework, I found that I forgot to bring my English homework. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, then I called Qingya, and we both Come to school together!"

Yan Qingya continued: "When Zhuge Hong and I came to the school, the security uncle also gave us two flashlights and told us to go back quickly. In fact, we didn't feel scared at first. After all, we come to the teaching building every day. But when we came to the classroom to finish our English homework,

I accidentally found a woman with long hair staring at us on the fourth floor of the opposite laboratory building! At first I thought I was wrong, after all, how can there be any woman in the big night! "

When Yan Qingya said this, her voice was very soft, as if she had returned to the night two days ago:

"But it happened to be raining lightly that day, and a thunderbolt suddenly fell. I took advantage of the thunder and saw a woman with a pale face in the laboratory building smiling at us! I shouted at that time, and Zhuge Hong saw it too. The ghost is gone!"

Zhuge Hong continued, "Then last night, when a few of us girls wanted to come to the school to find out the truth, they saw the laboratory building again!"

Just as everyone started chatting, Fang Zheng walked over quietly, the man leaned forward to reveal his head, and asked in a very soft voice:

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear you knocking on the door?"

Fangzheng's sudden sound frightened everyone, and Yan Qingya screamed.

Zhuge Hong also screamed.

Not to mention other people, even Fang Zheng felt deafening.

Fortunately, after seeing who was coming, Yan Qingya clutched her chest: "Mr. Fang?! What are you doing?!"

Fangzheng grinned and covered one ear: "What am I doing? What are you doing, what is it called in the daytime?"

Zhuge Hong also exhaled: "Mr. Fang, you scared us to death!"

Fangzheng also said, "You guys are scaring me to death, okay?! What are you talking about so excitedly?!"

Ding Peng shrugged, obviously he didn't really hear the story just now.

Ding Peng: "We were just talking about a ghost in the school, Teacher Fang!"

Fangzheng looked confused and opened his mouth: "Ah? There's a ghost?! What's the ghost? Is black and white impermanent? See you don't study hard to take you away?"

Yan Qingya smashed her tongue: "It's not Teacher Fang! It's true, Yan Qingya and I and several girls in the class saw it with our own eyes! Our school is really haunted!"

After saying that, Yan Qingya pointed to the laboratory building in the distance: "It's upstairs!"

Fang Zheng looked back, the experimental building has always been a sparsely populated floor, because in addition to some experimental classrooms, there are some grocery classrooms upstairs.

In addition to being used as a warehouse, Fang Zheng has never entered the laboratory several times as a class teacher.

After all, junior high school students are busy studying, doing biological experiments, chemical experiments, many things are done in the classroom, there is no need to go to the experimental building at all, of course, it is not ruled out that some teachers will lead the students in the class go.

But that's still very few.

Fang Zheng glanced at the laboratory building and found nothing strange. Except for no one, there was no difference between that building and the teaching building.

Fangzheng: "Isn't it wrong, you? The 21st century should pay attention to science! How can there be any ghosts and gods!"

Ding Peng said: "I said the same thing, but the girls in our class don't believe it!"

When Yan Qingya heard this, she slapped Ding Peng with her hand in anger, and the man grinned in pain, but didn't dare to say anything.

Yang Yibiao asked Fang Zheng, "Mr. Fang, isn't the next class a math class? Why did you come to the classroom?"

Fangzheng snorted, and was reminded by Yang Yibiao's reminder. He took out the transcript and a few test papers from his arms and threw it on the table.

He smiled and said without a smile: "Look at it, and then it's better to give the teacher a reasonable explanation!"

As soon as the two boys saw the report card, they immediately glanced at them. While they were glad that they passed, they also saw that Yan Qingya, Zhuge Hong and other girls had failed grades.

So the two of them looked at each other and left quickly.

Only Yan Qingya and Zhuge Hong were left, the two women looked at their transcripts and their exam papers with shame on their faces.

Fang Zheng looked at Zhuge Hong who lowered his head, then looked at Yan Qingya who grinned awkwardly, and sighed:

"Occasionally abnormal performance, the teacher is understandable, but this time the points dropped a little too much, will you be careful next time?"

Yan Qingya nodded: "Don't worry, Teacher Fang, we will definitely not do it next time!"

Fangzheng pointed at Yan Qingya and said, "I'm very pleased to have this determination in teacher! Okay, see what I'm doing wrong and study it well, I'll find the remaining students who failed. Let's talk!"

Fang Zheng took the remaining failing exam papers and distributed them to several people in the class one by one.

Just when the last copy was sent, Fang Zheng looked at an empty table and wondered, "Hey, where is Luo Changming? Did you go to the toilet?"

When Shang Dongfang heard Fang Zheng's words, he replied, "Without Teacher Fang, Luo Changming didn't come today, so please ask for leave."

Fang Zheng was puzzled: "About leave? Why didn't I know! Yang Yibiao!"

Yang Yibiao stood up.

Fangzheng asked, "Where is Luo Changming?"

Yang Yibiao said, "I'm asking for leave."

Fangzheng: "Why did you ask for leave again? Didn't you come yesterday? Ask again today? And what about the leave? Why haven't I seen you?!"

Yang Yibiao said: "He just left in the morning, I haven't had time to give you the leave request."

Yang Yibiao found a leave request form from the head of the table, walked over and handed it to Fang Zheng. Fang Zheng took it in confusion and glanced at the reason for asking for leave.

"There is something at home, please take a day off."

Fangzheng was silent for a moment, and finally sighed. He put the test paper in his hand on Luo Changming's desk and said to Yang Yibiao, "Do you know the ins and outs?"

Yang Yibiao shook his head: "I don't know much, but I heard that Luo Changming's grandmother seems to be hospitalized."

"Grandma is hospitalized?"

Yang Yibiao nodded: "Anyway, that's what he told me, I don't know about the other circumstances."

Fang Zheng looked at the leave slip in his hand, and hummed, "I see, go back and sit."

The ding bell rang for class, Fang Zheng took the leave slip in his hand, and hurried to the third-grade office to check what was going on at Luo Changming's house.