MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 301 confluence

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The next morning, before Fang Zheng's cell phone alarm went off, he was called by Yang Yibiao's phone in bed.

That call was made over and over again.

Fang Zheng opened his eyes irritably in the 100-square-meter rental house, took out his mobile phone and closed his eyes to answer the call: "Hello? Say something!"

Yang Yibiao roared, "Mr. Fang, what time is it! Are you going to let our pigeons go again?"

Fang Zheng opened his eyes and lay on the bed to check the time, took a deep breath, and responded loudly:

"What a roar! It's only nine o'clock, don't I have to sleep, your teacher?!"

Fang Zheng roared, and the other side immediately became discouraged, and turned into a slow and leisurely saying:

"It's mainly because it's very late, Mr. Fang, everyone is waiting for you, stop messing with us."

Fangzheng sighed: "I know, I know, it's the park where we met before, and let the students gather there. Oh, by the way, people from our company will also come over today, and we will work together at that time."

Yang Yibiao had a general attitude: "No problem, then we'll go over first, get up quickly!"

"Ooke Oak, hang up."

"Hey wait, Teacher Fang! Don't hang up yet."

Fang Zheng was about to hang up when he heard the other party's voice and picked it up again: "Is there anything else Yang Yibiao?"

"Mr. Fang, my sister heard last night that we were handing out flyers today, and she also said to come and play, why don't you report it to your mistress?"

Yang Yibiao on the other end of the phone saw Yang Xiaoxue in a white dress sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The siblings stared at each other and said nothing.

Fang Zheng snorted: "Mr. Yang is coming too? Well, come, needless to say."

"Ah? Needless to say, are you sure?"

"No, because your wife won't be with us today, let it go!"

Fang Zheng hung up the phone, but Yang Yibiao wanted to ask again, but there was only a beeping sound.

Yang Xiaoxue asked her brother, "Can I go?"

Yang Yibiao frowned: "Mr. Fang said that my wife is not with him today."

Yang Xiaoxue: "Not with Teacher Fang? Why?"

"Then I don't know, he hung up."


In the rental room, Fang Zheng closed his eyes and lay on the bed for a few minutes, then suddenly got up, dressed and washed.

In the past two nights, he occasionally dreamed of the two previous nights of love with Jiang Xiyao, after all, the first time for a man and the first time for a woman.

That scene is really memorable.

Fang Zheng changed his trousers, put on his clothes and looked at his mouth full of foam in the bathroom, remembering that just a few days ago, brushing his teeth was still the work of Damei Jiang.

Jiang Xiyao: "Honey, open your mouth, I can't see inside."

The man let out a long breath, feeling very depressed in his heart.

The intensity of brushing your teeth is a little faster than you consciously.

Before going out, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the company's group A:

"All the employees who follow me are gathered at the park I sent! Be sure to be there before ten o'clock."

There are a lot of "received" in the group.

The man went downstairs and rode the little electric donkey that had been with him for a long time to a familiar park.

In the park, Yang Yibiao was elegant and quiet, Ding Peng and others had already arrived, and Yang Xiaoxue was also sitting obediently on the park bench, discussing the two-month summer vacation with the female students.

As soon as Fangzheng's little electric donkey stopped, everyone looked over: "Mr. Fang!"

"Mr. Fang is here?!"

"Mr. Fang is here!"

Fangzheng stopped the little electric donkey, and he had not seen these children for more than half a month. He felt very cordial to meet again.

Fang Zheng walked forward and said with a smile, "You all come so early?"

Yan Qingya and Zhuge Hong ran towards Fang Zheng, while Yang Xiaoxue and Yu Jing stood up from the bench and stood there quietly.

Yan Qingya came to Fang Zheng and took his arm: "Mr. Fang, you are too unreliable! We agreed to let us rest for three days. Your family is so long for three days?"

Zhuge Hong said delicately, "That's right, Mr. Fang, you are always fooling us!"

Fangzheng said:

"Why am I fooling you? Your teacher, I am also very busy, Yang Yibiao, have all the students in our class arrived?"

Yang Yibiao replied from a distance: "A few people who have something to do at home didn't come, most of them came!"

Fangzheng sighed: "Okay, after all, this is an extracurricular activity. Our fourth class is not compulsory. In this way, everyone will wait here for a while, and wait for the employees of our company, and then I will tell you what you should do today!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Okay!"

Yan Qingya and Zhuge Hong took advantage of this period of time to directly drag Fang Zheng to the group of girls to chat, asking this and that.

Everyone was sitting on the lawn, Yan Qingya and Zhuge Hong were on the left and right of Fangzheng, then Yang Xiaoxue and Yu Jing beside Yan Qingya, and then the other girls in the class.

Yan Qingya glanced at Fangzheng's appearance, she didn't see any big changes after half a month, she just looked at the distance.

Yan Qingya said, "Mr. Fang, why didn't my wife come with you today?"

Fangzheng snorted: "Our company is currently holding a special event, that is, the company members are divided into two groups, your wife will lead one wave, I will lead the other wave and then compete with each other, so we will not work together for a while in the future, understand? "

Zhuge Hong asked curiously: "After graduation, the company still has this kind of competition? Why does it sound like a school debate event?"

Fang Zheng laughed and said, "That's almost what it means."

Yu Jing calmly said: "Mr. Now the software is developed, right? Is the new company developing smoothly?"

"It's okay. At present, except for the unhappy things, there are basically only the happy things. So aside from the facts, the teacher's progress is still very smooth."

Everyone's faces were strange, especially Yang Xiaoxue and Yu Jing, the two women looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

I felt a little curious. After all, Jiang Xiyao's domineering and very territorial character, she would actually engage in such activities that are opposed to Fangzheng?

It's hard to imagine that kind of picture.

Ten minutes later, a group of people from Xiaomi and other companies also came to the park one after another.

This time, the little secretary didn't hold the documents in his hand, but walked over with a stack of flyer templates.

She handed it over with both hands: "Brother Fang, I didn't reply to my message when I saw your mobile phone. This is the template of the flyer. You can see if you can."

Fang Zheng hummed and took the leaflet.

In fact, Jiang Xiyao participated in the design of this picture. Many of the designs including partitions and graphics are first-class templates. As for the title of the flyer.

"Running errands! Let you enjoy home delivery service at home》

The name of the software is simple and direct, and the title is also simple and direct, that is, the word "running errands" is used. Although it is a bit abrupt, the various software on smart phones is not overwhelming.

In this market format where people don't like to use apps very much, cumbersome and weird names are often not a good choice.

Fang Zheng glanced at the flyer and hummed: "The flyer is alright, it's still in the experimental stage anyway, so let me introduce to you, this is Sister Xiaomi, our company's secretary."

The boys and girls sitting around Fangzheng said in unison: "Hello, sister Xiaomi!"

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