MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 3 mischief

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Ji Shilei's pupils contracted instantly, he looked at the cash machine's screen ...

什么 What the **** is this? !!

On the cash machine, the tabs that should appear on the left and right sides of the column have not appeared. There are no options for transferring money, checking balances, or withdrawing money. Some are just a hollow, slowly flowing like a starry sky. In the center of the hole, there is a ... stick? ?

Although he does not like to play games, Shi Lei has seen many western fantasy movies. Soon, he realized that it was not a **** stick, but a scepter representing supreme power.

Alas, is this a virus in the cash machine?

Speaking of which, ATMs are also some kind of computer. At most, robots with functions of depositing and withdrawing money, should be infected with viruses, right?

Yun Shilei wanted to turn around and leave, he was a little worried that the virus in the cash machine was related to the **** bank card he had tucked in. After all, which country's banks name themselves slave banks?

But wait, slave? What did the ATM with the virus just say?

It seems like "Welcome to you, new slave"?

So, the slave bank is not right, it is the slave development bank. If the order of the words is changed, the development of the slave bank seems a bit ...

Shi Lei 恍惚 felt that he had reached the point.

This bank card, or does this bank exist to develop slaves? Well, the name couldn't be more appropriate, and myself ...

Look down! I became a slave to this bank? ——Shi Lei wanted to turn around and run again, but his legs seemed to be welded to the ground, unable to move at all, his heart was full of fear, and his body began to tremble.

At this time, there was another weird voice in the cash machine: "Well, you can still maintain a standing position. It seems that the slaves in this development are at least stronger in psychological quality than those before." . "

The slaves in this development, Malegobi, are really slave banks.

But, those previous ones, it means that a lot of people have been developed? This is a great socialist country, not a poor and distressed Africa. Even if you have money and rights, you ca n’t play slaves, right? What's more, what is the use of slaves?

"Can you see me? Are you talking to me?" Shi Lei tried to breathe calmly, trying to keep a calm word, but the sound of trembling between intonations, and the upper and lower teeth between each word He still betrayed him.

The cash machine laughed, and the scepter on the screen also slowly turned around. A ruby ​​on the crown-shaped object at the top shone with a brilliant light, blinding Shi Lei's eyes.

Laughter can't distinguish between male and female, of course.

"Hahaha, although pretending to be calm, but dare to talk to me so soon, your mental quality is really better than those of your predecessors. I hope you can maintain such a strong heart in the future, I believe you do not want to be like yesterday Is that the same guy late? "

Wu Shilei looked around. He felt that he might have encountered some kind of prank, such as a reality TV show? However, this type of reality show may be available in Europe and the United States, but in this country, you ca n’t get the approval of the bloated chrysanthemum to broadcast it?

I have to say that Shi Lei is really different from others, but it belongs to him ...

The good point is simple, and if you don't speak well, it means that the brain lacks a string.

After turning the words of mischief and reality show inexplicably in his mind, he was not afraid anymore.

Hit him!

I'm not afraid!

"What did you just say? Say I became your slave?"

Seeing that Shi Lei really calmed down so quickly, he didn't talk anymore, and the scepter was obviously a little bit stupid.

"It's really strong in mental quality, and it's finally a little interesting this time!" The voice of that boy and girl sounded again, and then said, "Yes, you have become my new slave, you adapt so quickly In your new identity, it seems that you are not only mentally sound, but also smart. "

Xi Shilei was secretly funny, and he said that the guy who made this prank was really playful.

So he pretended to be overwhelmed, "But ... but I don't want to be a slave to anyone."

"The slave itself has no right to decide. When you pick up this card, insert it into this cash machine, and enter the password, your fate is completely doomed." The voice began to look a little unhappy, it was severe Said: "Remember, I don't like my slave resistance, not even complaining!"

Ji Shilei continued to play a panic role, saying, "But ... I didn't pick up this card ... After I woke up, this card came to me by myself."


That voice seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then said a little bit angrily: "This is not important. The important thing is that you insert the card into the cash machine and enter the password. Isn't it that I forced you?"

Shi Shilei's crooked mouth with a bit of aching pain, reluctantly said, "Well, greedy to kill people."

"You guys, why so many words, from now on, you shut up and listen to me!"

Shi Shilei nodded helplessly, but said nothing, but was thinking in his heart, why no one came in. Today, but on weekends, do n’t any of the students in the school want to withdraw money? Oh, this is a prank. Obviously someone got a camera here, so there must be someone outside to prevent others from coming in ...

This stupid and bold, he would not think about it, if it is really a prank, who would be so boring to make such a big battle just to play him such a reel, the reality show is even more impossible, he is not Deng Chao that funny .

Seeing that Shi Lei finally said no more honestly, the voice seemed to be satisfied again, it continued: "Article 1 of the Slave Code, slaves will receive the income given by the master every week. The initial quota is 10,000 yuan."

Hey! What! ghost!

The so-called first code seriously provoked Shi Lei's three views.

一 One thousand yuan a week income? Or the initial quota? That means it will be higher in the future?

要 If all of this is true, then it seems ... quite happy! ?

But why is it $ 10,000?

However, that guy bought him a jacket for 100,000 yuan last night. In other words, that guy has been upgraded to 100,000 yuan per week? But it's only 100,000 yuan. How long does that guy save before he can afford that Porsche?

Xi Shilei's mind was thinking wildly. If this happened today is just a prank, there is no doubt that it should be just a magic last night. David Copperfield can even wipe out a locomotive in front of a group of people, and it doesn't seem to be difficult to make a person disappear ~ ~ The battle is quite big!

Ji Shilei's heart was cold, and he almost realized that the 100,000 yuan he had just received could not be kept, or maybe it was a reward for mischief?

Quietly pulled out Meizu mobile phone, opened WeChat, checked the change wallet ...

Well, one hundred thousand is really missing.

Xi Shilei silently scolded a spite next door. Although he did not know how the man behind the voice lost his money in WeChat wallet, he had decided to change the WeChat payment password in a moment.

Seeing that Shi Lei didn't respond, the voice said, "Article 2 of the Slave Code, a slave must consume all the income given by his master every week."

Yun Shilei only felt that if all this was true, he would still be the slave! Who have you seen as a slave who can get 40,000 oceans a month?

But it ’s not right. Since this second rule is that all the income must be spent every week, last night, that guy couldn't save the money to buy the sports car, which means that the man's quota is far more than 100,000 yuan? The reason why he hurriedly spent 100,000 yuan on his own clothes last night, just because he had 100,000 yuan left in his quota last week?

Let me go. How much does his quota reach each week? millions?

Ji Shilei is increasingly inclined to this is just a prank.

"No. 3 of the Slave Code ... Well, at your current slave level, you only need to know the first two." The voice continued and became extremely severe. "However, the most important thing is Zero. "

Xi Shilei has been speechless, Article zero, it seems that the designer of this prank probably has some kind of defect.

"Article 0 of the Slave Code. Those who violate the Slave Code will be punished!"