MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1408 Terrible experiment

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() Shi Lei glanced back at the wine and dishes on the table, pulled back, and pulled a chair to sit down.

"Mr. Ferry will not poison these wines, right?"

The ferryman calmed down, he looked at Shi Lei and said, "I haven't used such a method, it's too out of the way."

Shi Lei nodded, picked up a piece of braised beef and threw it into his mouth, and said with a smile, "I believe it."

Between words, Shi Lei called out six sensory cards in his brain, and then chose to use them at the same time. In a split second, he entered a state of seventh sense.

"Mr. Ferry should not have done such low-level things like poisoning. Now that this is the situation, I dare not kill you immediately, and you have no choice but to help me, I am very interested to know, What kind of gift is Mr. Ren specially prepared for me? "

The ferryman looked at Shi Lei and laughed, "Mr. Shi is really interested to know?"

Talking, he quickly walked into the bedroom, and Shi Lei was too aggressive, which made the ferryman think that it was impossible to delay these hours, he could not care much, even if the thing was not Fully mature, he must also use it in advance.

According to previous experiments, even if this thing is not mature, there is a certain probability of success.

Now it is only a few hours from full maturity. He has cultivated more than half a year for this thing. To be honest, this thing is only a step away from maturity.

In this case, the probability of success is high when you put it into use immediately.

He originally wanted to hold off for a while, drinking and drinking with Shi Lei, just like the last time he was chatting on the beach in Male.

But Shi Lei's gesture made him know that the delay was no longer possible, and he could only risk it.

When seeing the ferry entering the bedroom, Shi Lei did not stop, because he is now in a state of seventh sense.

When he asked about the "weapon", the thoughts of the ferryman were inevitably closely linked to that "weapon". The ins and outs of the whole thing soon appeared in Shi Lei's eyes.

I don't know if it's crazy or not. Shi Lei read the memory of the ferryman, but he didn't know what it was.

Shi Lei had no choice but to read from the initial stage of this memory.

From the memory of the ferryman, Shi Lei saw a laboratory where the ferryman personally supervised the entire experimental process.

From his conversation with the scientist in charge of the experiment, Shi Lei learned that the ferryman is indeed conducting experiments on immortality, and he wants to find a way to immortality.

However, in the memory of the ferryman, the mode of the whole experiment seemed very vague, as if he did not know much about the experiment, what was going on.

Fortunately, in the memory read by Shi Lei, the ferryman was talking with that scientist, and he called the scientist a doctor.

The doctor told the ferry that death of the human body is inevitable, so the only way to get eternal life is to continue the memory.

"The memory is renewed, but the body is a healthy young body, the appearance and other vital signs are completely different, but the renewal of the memory will allow the new body to continue everything. At least, from the perspective of memory activity, this is OK It's called eternal life. "

The ferryman looked at the doctor and said, "That is to say, it is still me who is dead, and the one who is alive, but his memory has been replaced by my memory?"

The doctor nodded and said, "From a fundamental point of view, it is true. However, as long as your memory replaces the physical memory, it is no different from living your own life. After all, the manifestation of human existence In fact, it is just the existence of consciousness. Who I am and where I come from, when the body of consciousness of 'I' changes, the body is just a carrier. "


Through the conversation between these two people, Shi Lei understood that the so-called immortality and the immortality are actually the transformation of consciousness.

The ferryman and the doctor tried to replace the consciousness of one with the consciousness of another. In this way, the conversion of the existence of consciousness was completed. To put it plainly, it is that consciousness has completed the crossing from one body to another.

The actual situation is that the consciousness has penetrated into another body, and the original body will die.

This does not seem to be the so-called immortality, but when the consciousness passes through completely occupying the new body, the body of consciousness will regard that body as itself, and to a certain extent, it can be considered that the continuation of individual life is completed .

However, this continuation is actually at the cost of murder.

Of course, this kind of murder cannot be identified from a legal perspective, because the living person is still the original person from the vital signs, except that he has the memory of others. The person who died was also the one who had come to the end of life.

During the doctor's experiment, many people were killed, and those were the failures of the experiment.

He tried to directly transfer one person's consciousness and memory to another person's body. After many failures and at least one hundred people died, he finally succeeded.

In the memory of the ferryman, Shi Lei saw two huge machines. After the two people entered each other, only one person survived, and the memory of that person clearly became the memory of the dead person.

It seems that the experiment has been successful, but Shi Lei is puzzled.

In this way, it seems that it can be used as a weapon. The ferryman passes his consciousness and memory into Shi Lei's body, completes the replacement, and then his body dies. Shi Lei survives. .

However, Shi Lei is difficult to understand. After all, it requires two such huge machines to run at the same time, and those two machines are even larger than this house. It is impossible for a ferryman to complete all of them.

Shi Lei was puzzled to continue reading the ferry's memory.

The experiment seemed to be successful, but soon problems arose. To be precise, it was not the problem of the transfer of consciousness and memory, but the fusion of consciousness and memory.

There is a big conflict between the new memory and the old memory, or more accurately ~ ~ is the conflict between the brain memory and the body memory.

The new brain memory cannot control the body completely, leaving a lot of muscle memory in this body, which makes it unable to cooperate with the brain's memory for activities.

Under such a deviation, even eating became difficult, and the subject died quickly.

Later, the experiment was repeated. The doctor hoped to inject the test subject to survive. He hoped that the brain memory could gradually control the body.

However, this test still ended in failure.

It's a joke that memory is indeed transferred, but it can't adapt to the new body.

The doctor started a new round of trials, and the content of the trials was unknown to the ferryman.

Shi Lei crossed the worthless memory of a large number of ferries,

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