MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1387 Free from penalty

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() Three months passed quickly, Shi Lei paid off the first installment of the yacht, and the scientific research investment project that Yao Er helped him find was finally a sight.

This research and development investment was obtained by a research institute that researches on touch screen technology. Their goal is to interrupt the monopoly position of South Korea and Japan in touch screen, which is very similar to some BOE research.

Shi Lei inspected their R & D on the spot, exchanged technology on touch screen in the prestige system, and after a thorough understanding, they confirmed that the other party's R & D was valuable.

As a result, Shi Lei did not hesitate to give out 300 million yuan of funds and invested in that research institute.

This research institute only received a total investment of 100 million yuan from its creation to Shi Lei's investment. The three hundred million yuan of Shi Lei made them overjoyed, and repeatedly assured Shi Lei that they would come up with mature technology within one year, even if they could not yet Korean and Japanese companies can compete in the highest areas of flexible screens, and they can definitely produce products that are sufficient for the secondary market.

At the same time, Shi Lei used these 300 million R & D funds to obtain a 30% stake.

Later, Shi Lei consulted with the Wu Dong government to apply for a site in an open park in the suburbs to build a private collection museum.

After seeing Shi Lei's collection, the Wu Dong government approved Shi Lei's project without hesitation.

The reason is simple. Almost any one of these collections alone is enough to make the collection world crazy. Shi Lei also made it clear that the private museum will be donated to the government department free of charge after 50 years. If it is not approved, It doesn't make sense.

And the government will never know that the collections that Shi Lei brought out were simply the most insignificant part of the collections in his hands. The real top-level collections he dare not take out now.

One billion yuan was invested in the construction of the stadium and the security measures that must be followed after construction.

At this point, Shi Lei's 1 billion quota cycle, 40% of urban copy consumption, 30% of non-revenue investment, and 10% of collectible consumption have been used.

And the remaining 200 million, due to the purchase of the yacht, paid the first and first installments, plus the cost of this period, only less than 70 million are left.

These 70 million miles also include the 50 million yuan that Shi Lei can and must use for ordinary investment. ,

In fact, Shi Lei's quota cycle from the fifth level has already made preparations to use the 50 million quota first. After all, ordinary investment is mandatory.

However, during this time, he said that he was busy and busy, and that he was busy and busy, and he really had no time to distract himself.

However, he has already figured out the countermeasures. Putting 50 million into the stock market is definitely the most secure investment. Although it is difficult to test the significance of ordinary investment in this way, in order to maintain stability, he has ordinary investment for the first time. In the quota cycle, Shi Lei still uses this investment method more securely.

Even though ordinary investment will not bring the punishment of being obliterated, Shi Lei still does not want to know what kind of punishment it will cause.

Therefore, as early as Wei Xingyue completed the privatization of Flash, when Shi Lei went with her to launch a yacht for the first time for her yacht, Shi Lei had already put these 50 million into the stock market. in.

At that time, Shi Lei used an investment cheat card to deplete all the usage of the month and invested up to five stocks.

And these five stocks are not all profitable stocks. Shi Lei no longer needs to prove himself with the simplest investment method of stock trading at this moment, and he does not need to obtain any funds in this way. He just wants to make the investment more complicated. If you make a loss, you can explore the meaning of ordinary investment more.

At that time, the time node set by Shi Lei was the second day of the settlement day of this quota cycle.

Three of the stocks will earn more than 15%, and the highest one will earn more than 30%.

One of the other two lost only slightly less than 1%, while the remaining one lost 40%.

All in all, this 50 million investment, sold at the time set by Shi Lei, will make an overall profit of about 5 to 6 million.

However, in the process, Shi Lei was unknown.

He inquired about these five stocks. The three profitable ones have not seen much potential now, basically all of them are in a state of slightly rising stock prices.

On the other hand, the stock that should have lost 40% of its stock has now made a profit of over 10%.

That stock, which lost less than one percent, was stable, rising slightly by one percent.

Shi Lei also checked the K-line of this stock and found that the stock price of this stock has been fluctuating around that amount, it is a stable stock for ten thousand years.

After completing all this, Shi Lei entered the password in his brain and summoned the scepter.

Nearly three and a half months have passed since the last time Shi Lei spoke with the scepter. This is the longest time between Shi Lei and the scepter.

"I need to check my consumption in this credit cycle."

Shi Lei now has the opportunity to query the consumption situation twice per quota cycle, and now conducting the first query is the most correct choice.

Therefore, the scepter did not make nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "In the current quota cycle, the fifth-level president has consumed a total of 927,986,542 yuan."

Shi Lei nodded, because the 5% of ordinary investment will never be told whether it is included in ordinary investment before the settlement date, so the remaining 70 million is actually more than 20 million.

This is basically equivalent to the amount calculated by Shi Lei himself.

"Speak about the specific composition."

"The specific composition requires that the five-level president first confirm the consumption itself."

Shi Lei considered it and said, "The three billion yuan invested in the development of soft screens is a non-returnable investment."

The scepter was also unpretentious, and responded directly: "In this quota cycle, the consumption of non-return-type investment quota of the fifth-level president has been completed."

Shi Lei nodded secretly without error.

"100 million yuan for the construction of private museums and their ancillary facilities for consumption as a collection."

This time, the scepter was a little bit dull, and then said, "Congratulations, Level 5 Manager, you have found another way to complete the collection consumption."

With a smile on Shi Lei's face, he shook his fist fiercely, saying: "I know that the consumption of collectibles does not necessarily have to be spent on the collectibles themselves. With so many precious collections ~ ~ It is also necessary to invest in security from these collections, and these consumptions can also be counted as collection consumption. "

"Huh! You're smart!" The scepter is still proud.

Shi Lei ignored his pride and continued: "The money used to buy Atherton's house was counted as a copy of the city."

Suddenly, the scepter laughed twice, and its voice became a little weird.

"Level 5 President, are you sure you want to count that money into the consumption of the city copy?"

Shi Lei answered affirmatively: "Of course."

"That being the case, as you wish. Then, as honorable as I must tell you, the fifth-level president, you have lost your life-saving opportunity. This consumption is considered as invalid consumption. Given that the consumption is below the total 50 percent, so the chance that you are exempt from punishment will automatically take effect. "

In fact, this life-saving opportunity is automatically effective, but it can only be used the moment Shi Lei completes a quota cycle and enters the settlement date.

Read The Duke's Passion