MTL - The Big Landlord-Chapter 426 Settled and framed

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Seeing a flash of fire, the iron bullets hit straight from a distance, the kind of smashing the darkness, almost when An Ziran discovered that he had come behind him.

Slightly surprised at the other side's prospects, I never thought that in the army of Ziwei, there are people who can use the fire to be so skilled, but this sense of surprise is just a flash, and Anzi still calmly escaped this one. Iron bombs.

The iron bullets fired by the fire are very different from all the pistols of his life.

Although the firepower of the fire is good, but compared with the pistol, it is lower than one grade. There is a big difference here is the speed of the bullet.

An Ziran can escape some bullets in his life. The iron bullets fired by the fire are naturally not mentioned. He has never said that he is very disgusted with the speed of the iron bullets when the fire is launched.

The man who sneaked in the dark did not appear.

Huo Jingfei was not surprised at this. Instead, he took the opportunity to entangle Anziran. He didn't seem to want him to go out and find the man.

An Ziran suddenly noticed that it seems that the person hiding in the dark is probably just a good shot, and the force should be flat.

There was an iron bullet, but it was still avoided by An Ziran.

The other party seemed to be reconciled and began to become impatient. He fired iron bullets at him one after another. Anzi took advantage of the misplaced position. Huo Jingfei was not prepared, and the iron bullets wiped his shoulders and cut the clothes. A slower step will hit him on the shoulder.

The move suddenly scared the man, and then did not shoot again.

Huo Jingfei almost screamed, and An Ziran was more embarrassed than she thought. Financial can still have extra thoughts in the battle to calculate these. Although shocked, but more determined that he wants to kill An Ziran, this person must not let go.

In the eyes of the killing power, Huo Jingfei's movements are getting sharper and sharper.

The speed of the two is getting faster and faster, but the two sides are not the kind of people who are weaker and weaker. The attention will be concentrated over time, knowing that a big tree suddenly collapses in their direction, the speed of the two Separate, there was a loud bang, and the body of the big tree was halfway between them.

Two men who played more fiercely than they hit them in front of them, and the appearance was not small.

An Ziran looked at Fu Wutian, the appearance is not particularly embarrassing, it seems to be more than enough.

"There is no need for the king to shoot."

Fu Wutian glanced back and forth between him and Huo Jingfei, and immediately judged their situation. Some time ago, he personally taught Wang Hao’s skill and was very proud of it. If Wang Hao’s internal strength is half of him, Da Ya will definitely have more A strong person.

An Ziran didn't believe him. "How can I explain this tree?"

Fu Wutian shrugged. "It’s not the king."

Wen Yan, An Ziran accidentally picked his eyebrows. He knew that Fu Wutian did not bother to lie on this kind of thing. Looking across the plane, Lei Lin was staring at them with a sullen face. Soon, he noticed Lei Lin’s The shoulder seems to be hurt.

Compared with a general who has been fighting for the border for many years, Lei Lin, who has been staying in the palace, is obviously still slightly inferior. It is no wonder that his face is gray and ugly. I am afraid that the emperor’s self-respect and pride are not allowed.

Perhaps this is the reason. Perhaps it would be that if there were no similar flirtations between the two people, Lei Lin felt very glaring, and the whole body was filled with low pressure.

Huo Jingfei saw this scene, and it was a serious black matter. Ruirui can be sure that the emperor could not love An Ziran at first sight. He is probably the ability of An Ziran from beginning to end, but then he will continue to say this. Uncertainty, perhaps the emperor himself did not notice that his attachment to An Ziran has become deeper and deeper, and one day may turn into feelings. This is not a good phenomenon.

Thinking of this, he suddenly made a decision.

Huo Jingfei walked to Lei Lin and lowered his voice and said: "The emperor, I can take a fuss for a period of time. You took the opportunity to kill An Ziran. This is the best choice for Ziwei."

The last sentence is full of hints.

How could Lei Lin not understand, but he did not want to negate it, "No!"

"Emperor!" Huo Jingfei was shocked and wide-eyed.

Lei Lin did not waver. "An Ziran can't die. He is very important to the purple country."

Huo Jingfei hurriedly said: "But with Fu Tiantian's day, he will never belong to the emperor and the purple country. Only by killing him, we have the chance to win."

"You don't have to say it again!" Lei Lin lifted the arm that was not injured to stop him, and his eyes were firm: "He will not change his decision."


This is, suddenly surrounded by a rush of footsteps, many people came in the direction of this side, the number of dozens of people, not the soldiers of the purple country, is the soldiers of Daya.

Huo Jingfei worried that he was a soldier from Daya. He immediately left Lei Lin to leave. "Since the emperor insisted on this, he will not say anything at the end. We are not good at the current situation. Please ask the emperor to leave."

After a while, I learned that some of Sosos appeared in their sights, but there were both the soldiers of Daya and the reinforcements of Ziwei. When they saw the enemy, they immediately started to fight. The scene became more and more chaotic, and the blade and the The dark figures appeared later. They didn't go to the northeast. The 20th was concentrated in the east. The effect was obviously good. The Ziwei soldiers who were in the northeast did not find this.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, are you all right?"

When he came dark, his appearance was more embarrassing than they were, and he was not injured.

"Nothing, nothing?" Fu Wutian looked across the plane, Huo Jingfei and Lei Lin had escaped, the night was too dark, and the pursuit of the past certainly could not find people, it took a break.

Darkly shook his head: "I am fine with the blade, but lost some soldiers."

After all, there can be no casualties in the war. Even if they are prepared to be complete, Ziwei is not a weak person.

In the deep mountain battle, Da Ya was a victory.

When the signal of victory was launched to the sky, the Da Ya army that received this information immediately marched into the mountains. At this time, the sky had already appeared white, and the beasts who had eaten their stomachs for the first time went back. The visibility of the mountains Improved, the army marched very smoothly.

The purple micro-national soldiers who guarded the northeast were evacuated after receiving the above command line. They decided to temporarily abandon this mountain. Although they thought that they could not lose this natural defense, they can now let purple in the current big Asian. The micro-country suffers, they are not so confident, so they have prepared a second plan, but this is only one of them.

Confidence can be there, but overconfidence becomes arrogant, and different coaches will have different personalities and lead the way.

Like Huo Jingfei, his talent is above Zou Yan and he is much more confident than the other side, but he is not over-conceited like Zou Yanyong. Before he fights a war, he will infer any possibility, whether it is Win or lose, as comprehensive as possible, this is the biggest difference between the ordinary generals and the real ones.

On April 15th, the news of the victory was sent back to Daya, which attracted a lot of joy in the country.

When Daya’s arrogance reacted in the countries, it has unknowingly risen to the point that even the purple countries have to pay attention to them.

Five years ago, perhaps no one would have thought about the things that are happening now. History seems to have taken a huge turn at this moment.

At the same time, Wanqingguo, who finally calmed down, later changed the name of the country to the Great Nirvana, meaning that Nirvana was born again, and this country also had a major event.

Ziwei State created some false evidence, and then designed Zhou Xiang’s heroes to discover that he was a big Asian. He wanted to use his hand to drive Zhou Xiang down.

However, Zhou Xiang is smarter than they think. It seems that some people would expect to do so. It was deliberately created half a month ago when two ministers were accused of being a traitor in Da Ya. The two ministers were Zhou Xiang. The confidant, one is not, and later proved to be someone behind the ghosts, this matter involves many people.

This incident was once raging, and many people in the Great Nieguo are discussing this matter. Most people think that today’s holy people can’t be enthroned, but they can become kings of a country and let some people smash, so they will come up with these things. The matter was directed at the first emperor of the Great Nie, and wanted to force him to step down, so that the big country would fall into chaos like the former.

With precedents, Ziwei’s strategy can be imagined as a failure, and even most people are angry. Before the two adults were framed, they want to frame their emperor. If it is not the uprising led by the emperor, it will finally start. This incompetent emperor rushed to the throne, and they are still in dire straits. This kind of credit and achievement are not enough to thank them. How can they let those who are ill-intentioned to destroy the life they have finally settled down?

Under Zhou Xiang's deliberate guidance, many people think that it is a trick of Ziwei, so the impression of this country is even worse. Folks even have people talking about this topic.

A smoke disappeared invisible.

At the same time, Rong Guo’s release of Ziwei was not an opponent of Daya, and many ministers went to Rong Guoxin.

Because Da Ya is attacking Ziwei, the offensive pace for them has slowed down a lot, and Rong Guo has been able to catch his breath, but this situation cannot last for too long. After Gao Ze’s recuperation, they will definitely reorganize. The army launched an attack again. At that time, I was afraid that the real dust would be settled.