MTL - The Big Landlord-Chapter 403 Reveal each other

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"Let's not be an ordinary woman."

When Liu Youwei said this sentence, Qi Kaicheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Was it true to say this? Of course, he knows that Rong Rong is not an ordinary woman. If she is ordinary, she will not grow so beautiful. Even if she is a fox-fine, she also recognizes that after taste of her taste, Qi Kaicheng does not want to give up.

Liu Youwei saw his expression and knew that he did not take it seriously. Then he said: "In the previous period, Chen found a secret to Qing Wang. Because there was no evidence, Chen did not dare to make an argument. Until he found it, he dared to tell the emperor. The secret emperor may not be able to think of it. It turns out that the Qing dynasty and the first imperial palace have always had a relationship, and the relationship is not normal."

When I heard the words behind, Qi Qicheng’s face was already bad, alternating white and white, like a flashing light bulb.

"This scorpion is tolerant."

The emperor's brother and the emperor's nephew are closely related. How to close the law needless to say, as long as the individual can guess.

"What evidence does Ai Qing have?" Qi Qicheng was almost angry because of his anger.

Liu Youwei said: "There is one person who knows the most clearly. He is the general manager of the eunuch, Liu De. Every time he celebrates the prince and Rong Rong, he helps him to cover. If the emperor does not believe, he can ask him to ask clearly. Did the minister know if he was lying?"

Qi Qi was founded and called the chief eunuch.

Liu De heard that the emperor’s tone was very bad. He immediately rushed over, but when he heard the names of Qing Wang and Rong Rong from the emperor’s mouth, the whole person was not good. He was an accomplice. Going out, he is also finished.

"You'd better tell the truth, otherwise if you wait until you find out the truth, you will only die even worse!"

"The emperor was forgiving, the slave said that the slaves said that the Qing dynasty and the Rongshen empress did have an ulterior relationship. In the past six months, Qing Wang Ye always took the emperor to the palace of the empress, until he left in the middle of the night."

Qi Kaicheng shook his body and stepped back two steps. After a while, he suddenly angered the things on the table and smashed it.

Liu De scared to pick it up.

This is a night worth celebrating. Under Fu Tiantian’s deliberate arrangement, Qi Qicheng spent the night of anger. The things in the house were almost completely stunned by him. On that night, he even executed Liu De and others, and heard the news. Others are not surprised.

When Liu De was in the emperor or the prince, he once gave him a look. This person has already been on the list of the emperor, but it is a small person who will pack up sooner or later.

The next night, Fu Wutian, who had been tired of being around An Ziran, suddenly took him to the periphery of Qi Kaicheng’s palace.

"You will not arrange for Liu Youwei to do anything else?" asked An Ziran.

"you guess?"

An Ziran gave him a blank eye. "Don't say pull down." Turned away and left. During this time, he was guarded in the palace of Wanqingguo. Even if it was fake, he felt that it was a waste of time and it was very boring.

Fu Wutian quickly pulled him. "This king knows that Wang Hao is very boring, so I specially show you the drama, and Bao Jun is satisfied."

An Ziran was dubious. They were together for the past two days. Fu Wutian knew everything. He generally knew that he had not heard that there would be a good show tonight.

The two are talking, the first actor has appeared.

Wearing a transparent tulle, the body is in a demon-like manner, and it is always in the hook. The attractive smile and the confident smile enter the palace of Qi Qicheng. On this black night, Rong Rong will appear here. And know.

"Spring - Palace Opera?"

An Ziran looks like a smile and smiles at the service. It seems that he does not know that you still have such hobbies.

Fu has no smiles and no words.

The two once again made a return to the gentleman.

Every time, Qi Qicheng saw that Rong Rong would show an urgent-color appearance, and he could not wait to let Rong Rong’s clothes smash, but this time, knowing that she and her uncle had a leg, Qi Kaicheng looked at her. The eyes are getting more and more disgusted.

Rong Rong did not find that Qi Qicheng was half in the dark, and could not see his expression. She came tonight with no intention. I thought about it and ignored it.

"The emperor..." Rong Yu walked over and snuggled up with Qi Kaicheng. "Some words, the courtiers don't know when they don't talk about it, they are afraid that you are angry, don't talk and worry that you will be deceived by others, and the deacon wants to think about it, or decide Tell you, even if you don't believe in the courtiers, as long as the emperor can be safe, the courtier will die without regrets."

In the darkness, An Ziran suddenly licked the goose bumps on his arm.

Such hypocritical words can be said by her very sincere and true, and it is worthy of the post-shadow level.

Fu Wutian saw his movements and smiled and helped him with his arms.

Qi Qi costs to open her, and suddenly heard this, "What?"

Rong Rong pretended to reveal a happy expression, holding his hand and whispering: "Is the emperor will believe the words of the courtier?"

When Qi Qicheng suddenly remembered something, his face showed a strange smile. One hand touched her cheek and smiled and said: "The ambiguity is so beautiful, as long as it is what you say, you will certainly believe."

"Isn't the emperor not a singer?" Rong Yi said with joy, and the expression made the feeling of being flattered perfectly.

However, when neither side noticed, they had a slight dislike of each other in their eyes.

Qi Kaicheng smiled, "Of course."

Rong Rong did not hear his ambiguous answer this time. Even if he heard it, he would not be able to ask another question and make a difficult gesture of hesitation. Under the eyes of Qi Kaicheng, she still said it.

Seeing this scene, An Ziran suddenly remembered a picture.

He remembered that he had seen a picture of a pair of men and women who hugged each other, but behind both sides did not know, men and women were holding a knife against each other, the picture is very interesting.

Although Qi Qicheng and Rong Wei did not take the knife, this situation is very similar to that scene, and the sharp blade in their hands is much sharper than the knife in the hands of men and women. Once it is fatal, it will not give you A chance to breathe.

An Ziran finally knows what Fu Wutian said, and it is just a warm-up. The next step is the highlight.

Rong Rong did not know where to get the news. He even knew that Liu Youwei was a spy who was lurking in the side of Qi Qicheng. The clever one immediately guessed that they had a common purpose. In addition to Liu Youwei, Rong Rong wanted to give邬启成灌-迷-魂-汤.

By telling Liu Youwei's identity, he created a series of coincidences and evidences to let Qi Kaicheng believe her words, and at the same time take this opportunity to achieve another purpose.

In Qi Kaicheng's heart, she is only a plaything scorpion, and it is far from reaching the level of trust. So if she can help Qi Kaicheng find out the enemy's internal rape, I believe he will definitely be her. More like, more trust.

The plan is good, but the premise is that Qi Qicheng does not know her relationship with Zhao Qingming.

Now that I know, Qi Kaicheng only thinks that Rong Rong wants to protect Liu Youwei for self-protection. He disposed of Liu De, and Rong Rong must be panicked, so he will come up with this method, as long as he believes her, then Liu Youwei’s words may have been deliberately fabricated.

Without the expectation of An Ziran, Qi Qicheng did not believe her words at all.

One of the harem's favors and a courtier who helped him to the throne, which one is more trustworthy? Qi Qicheng believes that his brain has not broken.

Qi Kaicheng’s brain is not only broken, but also smart. He feels that it is impossible for a woman to know so many things, and she can’t think of these strategies. So I decided to let the big fish catch the big line and see if I can handle it. The people behind you dig out.

After leaving the palace of Qi Kaicheng, An Ziran pondered. "How did Rong Rong know that Liu Youwei is a spy of Daya?"

If she knew that it was impossible to wait until now, their plan should be no one to know. It is even more impossible for Qi Kaicheng to tell her that she already knew her relationship with Zhao Qingming. There are other reasons for disposing of Liu De, so it should be Someone told her.

"Wang Hao still remember Lei Yang this person?"

An Ziran nodded, "naturally remember."

Fu Wutian affirmed: "We have wiped out the purple door, and the purple country must have known it, then they should also guess that we intercepted the information in the Zhiyimen intelligence department..."

He hasn't finished yet, and An Ziran has already guessed it.

"So the emperor of Ziwei State sent Lei Yang over, wanting to stop us from getting Wanqingguo, and Liu Youwei’s identity is also what Lei Yang told Rong Rong."

Fu Wutian said: "Yes, but then we only need to watch the show."

Qi Qicheng is definitely not letting go.

An Ziran chuckled and suddenly climbed to Fu's back. He made such a childish movement for the first time, but made Fu Wutian stunned.

"Wang, my feet are sour, you carry me back."

"Wang Hao, the feet should be the king."

That is to say, Fu Wutian hands have held his hips.

An Ziran bit his ear.

"Go back to give you a massage, go, drive!"

"..." What is this feeling of joy and speechless?

Fu Wutian suddenly had an impulse to feel emotions. When Wang Hao became so naughty, although he was very surprised, but once in a while it seemed quite good.