MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 87

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The defense software in this test is rare, although it is not abnormal, but the level is not low. If you want to break the computer, the level is at least first-class.

And even at the top level, it takes half an hour for normal speed.

Jin Yu estimates that she can use more than ten minutes, which is enough to prove that her level is superior to the others.

But that's it, Jinyu has just started to break through, and there is a reminder that someone has completed the task in the classroom broadcast.

Ma Dan, who is this perverted!

Not only Jin Yu, but other people in the classroom who heard the broadcast prompt also had the same idea.

Including the old professor who presided over the exam, also looked stunned.

Three minutes? It really only took three minutes? The defense software they prepared should be correct, it is the one that tests the first-class level of difficulty!

"Quick, let's see if the software is installed wrong?"

Not to mention that the examinees at the scene stopped their movements in shock, even the old professors were a little disbelieving and signaled to their assistants to bring the computer over to check, and carefully confirm whether they installed the system wrong.

And it turns out.

Their software was installed correctly, and someone did complete the task in three minutes.


Everyone began to look at each other's computer screens, trying to screen who was No. 03. Regardless of No. 03's abilities in other areas, at least in terms of defense and intrusion technology, he is not the boss.

Then, Jinyu's voice screamed in the classroom, "Fang Ziyang, how can it be you? You are No. 03? This is impossible!"

Jin Yu stared at Fang Ziyang's computer screen with an expression of disbelief at the big two Chinese characters "Complete", completely unable to accept the reality.

She was sitting not far from Fang Ziyang and wanted to wait to see Fang Ziyang's joke, but now the joke didn't come true, and she was beaten badly by reality.

But how? How could Fang Ziyang's skills be better than hers? I've never heard of Fang Ziyang's greatness in computers. Even if he is Zang Zhuo, the other party is only 18 years old! This is simply too shocking.

Zhao Kairui, Yuan Zhuoting and other people in Group B also rubbed their eyes in disbelief, staring directly at Fang Ziyang's computer screen.

The shock came so suddenly like a tornado, what if this little brother was a waste?

The rest of the people heard the words and looked over.

Faced with so many gazes, Fang Ziyang seemed a little embarrassed, with a shy and shy smile, "Well, I'm actually good at this, brother and sister, please give me more advice..."

The shy look looks harmless to humans and animals, and the well-behaved look is very attractive.

This immediately made the shocked people feel a lot more comfortable and nodded inwardly.

Many people used to say that Fang Ziyang was airborne and walked through the back door, which was not a real drag, but now it has been proved that the country did not engage in such pickled things in such an important event, Fang Ziyang was invited to come, and it really did desirable.

Don't look at the defense and intrusion technology sounds simple, but the role of this technology in research is extremely huge.

No wonder the country invited Fang Ziyang, at least Fang Ziyang's present show, no one can compare.

The old professor nodded to Fang Ziyang with satisfaction, secretly wrote down his name, and then continued to organize the exam, "Okay, let's continue. The ranking of breakthrough speed is related to your quota. Confirm, there is only one chance."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately realized that they are still in the exam, and there is no time to delay!

Don't care about being shocked anymore, quickly regain your attention and continue your task.

Jinyu did the same, hurriedly continued her exam, but the whole person was a little dazed at the moment. She still can't believe it.

But believe it or not, reality is reality.

Jinyu gritted her teeth and could only comfort herself angrily, Fang Ziyang is also a bit skilled in invasion and defense technology, it's not a big deal, how can she be compared to Fang Ziyang, hum!

The first exam was not particularly difficult and ended quickly.

Although Jinyu is arrogant and domineering, it is indeed a little arrogant to capital. Immediately after Fang Ziyang, she completed the task, which took 16 minutes.

Zhao Kairui, Yuan Zhuoting, Yang Qilong followed, almost at the same time, and the gap with Jinyu was more than ten seconds. The four are worthy of being regarded as the strongest people in this invitation list.

A few people should have been brilliant, but with Fang Ziyang's speed ahead, their results are not too surprising.

However, except for Jin Yu and Yang Qilong who are not very good-looking, Zhao Kairui and Yuan Zhuoting are very happy and relaxed, without the slightest jealousy, it is true that they did not have expectations for Fang Ziyang at all, but they ended up getting such a big one Surprise, as teammates, how could they be unhappy!

Wen Wen, Yan Bin, and Liang Tiantian are also full of surprises. When they were first assigned to Group B, they said that they were not disappointed. It must be false, but now it seems that they may have picked up a leak .

Everyone in Group B was a little excited and wanted to talk to Fang Ziyang.

But there is no such time now. After the first test, the old professor immediately took them to another classroom to continue the test.

It is not too long before the international competition. The sooner the official team members are confirmed, the sooner they can train.

The second round of the exam took a little more time. It was a written test paper, and it tested the theoretical knowledge reserve.

This round of exams is more comprehensive. This time, it is not that anyone who is good at a certain thing can get a high score. The postgraduate entrance examination is about comprehensive research ability.

This level is not easy for everyone.

Fang Ziyang is also included, he must deal with it with all his strength, and he must not be sloppy at all. He must know that all those present are geniuses among the younger generation. He is very aware of the consequences of arrogance and arrogance. Simple things should be taken seriously.

Not to mention all the research in his previous life, the main core content is basically completed by himself, under the pressure of revenge, his efforts cannot be described as hard work. , that's utter madness.

It is conceivable how wide his knowledge covers, and it is not difficult to cope with such an exam.

Writing exams need to be reviewed, and the results cannot be released on the spot like just now.

So after handing in the test paper, everyone was in a relatively relaxed mood, obviously confident in their own abilities.

The results of the subsequent rounds of tests are not available on the spot, so the determination of the number of places cannot be the result of today.

When all the tests were completed and everyone returned to the hall where they first gathered, it was almost dinner time, and everyone's face showed exhaustion and hunger.

But no one complained, even Jinyu, who is so arrogant, is very honest, and obviously attaches great importance to the competition quota, and no one wants to be disqualified because of a trivial matter.

The old professor is very satisfied with everyone's performance, and his attitude is still very kind,

"You have worked hard today, and the results of the exam will be out within two days. As long as you don't leave the training base for these two days, you can move freely everywhere."

"Wait, someone will take you to a special canteen for dinner. The housing has also been prepared, one room per person, and someone will take you to check in after the meal. You will spend the next year and a half. All household items, including clothing, will be fully supplied here…”

“…During the period, you are not allowed to leave the base. If you want to contact family members outside, you need to apply. Of course, there is also a place for leisure and Internet access, where you can learn about information from the outside world…”

The old professor smiled and reiterated the rules of the training base again, and things like vaccinations must be prepared in advance.

In the next year and a half of training preparation time, a lot of scientific research secrets will be involved, and you have to be prepared. After all, the word "traitor" will not disappear in any era. Not every Chinese is patriotic, and there are many things without conscience.

Everyone nodded to remember.

This kind of request is not difficult to accept. In fact, all research bases and laboratories basically follow this rule. It is imperative to close it for confidentiality.

There is no dissatisfaction including Jinyu's arrogant temper.

The old professor looked around everyone and nodded, "That's about it, if you haven't understood, each of you will have a living manual in your room, you can go back and read it. Do you have any other questions? If If not, you can go to dinner."

The others shook their heads.

Yang Qilong raised his hand, "Professor, I have a question."

The old professor is very good-natured, "You said."

"Professor, before I came, I heard that this time there is a person who can contact the outside world at any time without following the closed rules? Is this true?"

As soon as Yang Qilong spoke, everyone present was startled. Obviously, not many people know about this.

You can contact the outside, what is the treatment? This can hardly be described as a special treatment.

And it is also very unreasonable, isn't the base afraid of this person leaking secrets!

Everyone looked at the professor.

The old professor still didn't change his expression, nodded with a smile, "Yes, there is such a person. This is the special treatment of the first assessment, you are all qualified, as long as you have the ability."

Although the above promised Fang Ziyang the conditions to contact the outside world at any time, but in order to block Youyou's public, he still had to go through the motions. With the ability Fang Ziyang showed, they were not afraid that he would not get the first place in the assessment.

However, the eyes of everyone who did not know the inside information immediately lit up when they heard this.

In fact, it is not important for everyone to be able to contact the outside world at any time, but such treatment is a representative of honor and a sign that distinguishes the strong.

For young people who like to be competitive, the first place with such a special treatment bonus immediately becomes important.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go have dinner and check in. See you in two days."

The old professor was very satisfied with everyone's enthusiasm, nodded and ended with a smile, and left with a smile.

Then a few staff members came up immediately, took everyone to the cafeteria for dinner, and then checked in and rested.

Now that China is strong, the treatment of technicians dedicated to the country is very good.

The housing conditions of the training base have not been seen yet and will not be evaluated for the time being, but Fang Ziyang, the food in the cafeteria, has to praise him for being really attentive.

It is said to be a canteen, but in fact it is more appropriate to say a restaurant.

There is no dislike in life.

Fang Ziyang happily ordered several dishes that he liked, and pulled Tang Xun and the group B to sit together.

Tang Xun is the object of most of the younger generation's admiration. Being able to get in close contact with Tang Xun, even Yuan Zhuoting, who has a cold personality, has some eager eyes.

But as soon as everyone took the food and hadn't started eating, another person who didn't have eyes ran over to disturb it.

This person is none other than gold and jade!

Jinyu raised her chin, still arrogant and contemptuous, staring at Fang Ziyang like a thorn in her eyes, "Fang Ziyang, come here, I have something to tell you."

He looks like a queen.

Fang Ziyang doesn't actually hate arrogant and arrogant people. Children who are spoiled by the family will inevitably be squeamish, whether they are rich or ordinary people. Although such people are not likable, they are actually The most simple and unschematic, frank and frank, much cuter than those who like to play yin.

But the premise is that the other party must have self-knowledge, don't entangle, otherwise it will be a bit annoying.

Fang Ziyang could see that Jinyu's temper was arrogant, but he didn't have any scheming, but he just didn't know why the other party seemed to be staring at him.

He is also a temperamental person, and it is impossible for Jinyu to endure such a rude attitude.

Fang Ziyang is not a very good-tempered person, don't forget that he used to be an arrogant and domineering young master.

As soon as he put the chopsticks in his hand, Fang Ziyang didn't maintain any obedience.

"Miss Jin, don't be ashamed of your TMD, I will endure you for a day today. If you have something to say, just say it here. What about Wan Chong's little baby, who has put the eldest lady's spectrum in front of me over and over again, are you finished? Your face is as big as a pot, why should I go out and talk to you!"

Fang Ziyang didn't want to cause trouble, after all, this is an official site, and making trouble is not good.

He also knew that he was not well-known before, and he would definitely be criticized and questioned when he came here, but he felt that he didn't need to pay too much attention, anyway, he had plenty of opportunities to prove himself.

But this eldest lady of the Jin family doesn't know why she is smoking crazy, and she keeps chasing him, which is annoying.

Fang Ziyang's sudden change of face made everyone in the cafeteria quiet.

Zhao Kairui, Yuan Zhuoting, and the rest of Group B opened their mouths and looked at the young man who suddenly had a ferocious face: ... What about the well-behaved little brother?

After a brief moment of stunned, Jinyu suddenly seemed to have discovered the truth and said angrily,

No, you came to slap me in the face on purpose? You are too sinister! Too much! Damn!"

"Okay, if you want to say it here, then I won't save face for you. Fang Ziyang, tell me, do you like Xie Zheng? Don't try to lie, when you come to the base today, I will Seeing that Xie Zheng sent you off, you are about to stick it on Xie Zheng's body so shamelessly!"

The audience fell silent again.

Who is Xie Zheng? Especially after the announcement of New World Technology's cooperation with the government on chip ID cards, Xie Zheng's name is now a resounding presence in the scientific research community.

Fang Ziyang likes Xie Zheng? Why did Jin Yu ask such a question?

Everyone is an adult. Haven’t read the dog blood novels or the dog blood TV series? Let’s get in touch a little bit, isn’t this a big show of jealousy?

When Fang Ziyang heard Jinyu's question, he immediately understood why Jinyu was targeting him.

Feel the curious gaze of gossip around.

Fang Ziyang smiled and did not hide, "Yeah, I like Xie Zheng, but what's your business?"

Although it is not convenient to expose his relationship with Xie Zheng at present, there is no need to hide his love for Xie Zheng. Anyway, there are more people who like Xie Zheng.

His frank attitude was something that Jinyu didn't expect, after all, shouldn't you be shy to be pierced by someone's liking? Fang Ziyang admits it so generously, and thank you bro? Not at all restrained!

Jinyu was very angry, "You, you are shameless!"

When these words came out, everyone was speechless.

Fang Ziyang was also amused, "Why would I be ashamed if I like Xie Zheng? You, Miss Jin, care about the world and who others like? Or, do you like Xie Zheng too? So You don't allow me to like Brother Xie too?"

Jinyu, who was poked in the public's mind, turned red, ashamed and angry,

"So what! I liked Xie Zheng first, you are not allowed to like him! And you are not worthy of Xie Zheng at all, I advise you to calm down early, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you , our Jin family is not something you can afford to offend, hum."

Jinyu was spoiled too much by her family and always wanted anything, so it was difficult to hold back the eldest lady's temper when something went wrong.

Previously, it was just because Fang Ziyang liked Xie Zheng, and he directly and blatantly targeted it. Now seeing Fang Ziyang's undisguised attitude, it is even more unbearable.

Tang Xun's complexion changed slightly because of Jin Yu's attitude towards his baby brother, and he wanted to stand up to protect it.

But then he was held down by Fang Ziyang, shaking his head to signal his brother not to interfere.

Then looking at the unreasonable Jinyu, Fang Ziyang folded his arms and smiled.

"That's such a pity, I can't do what you ask, what if I like Xie Zheng? Besides, I'm worthy of Xie Zheng, who cares about your business, why don't you Let me like Xie Zheng? Miss Jin, do you think the world is your father and mother, and they all have to depend on you?"

Jinyu has never met someone who talks back to him directly, and is not good at quarrelling at all.

Of course she knew that she was unreasonable, but she, the eldest lady of the Jin family, said something, and suddenly became anxious, "Just because I am better than you, have more family affairs than you, and like Xie Zheng earlier than you. Anyway, I just don't allow you to like Xie Zheng!"

Such a childish tone really made Fang Ziyang feel too embarrassed to care, it felt like he was arguing with a little kid.

However, he is still very interested in being able to jump in popularity against himself.

Ignoring the threat of the other party at all, Fang Ziyang deliberately showed a happy expression,

"If you don't allow me, I have to listen? Originally, I just liked my brother Xie a little. Since you are so domineering now, I have decided that from now on I will love Xie Zheng to death. And I'm still going after him!"

Jinyu was so **** off by his straightforward words that he widened his eyes, raised his fingers and trembled, "You, you..."

Fang Ziyang akimbo, more flamboyant than her,

"What am I? I just like Xie Zheng, I want to pursue Xie Zheng, if you have the ability, you can hit me. Xie Zheng like you won't like it, I really don't know you The self-confidence that comes from there speaks to me, don't you know that my brother and Xie Zheng are good friends? Don't you know what it means to get the moon first?"

"I tell you, Xie Zheng is now not only my brother Xie, but I also live in his house, I can see him every day, I look better than you... You dare to trouble me Threat me, and when I go back, I'll just climb on Xie Zheng's bed and mad at you!"


Can things like bed climbing be so open now?

Jin Yu was really going to be **** off, and Fang Ziyang, who was more arrogant than himself, almost cried.

This guy, he he he he actually said he lived in Xie Zheng's house? Can you see Xie Zheng every day? He even said that he was going to climb Xie Zheng's bed? It's so outrageous!

Jin Yu was wronged, "You shameless vixen!"

Fang Ziyang was proud, "The fox can live in Xie Zheng's house now, and the bedroom is next to Xie Zheng."

Jinyu stomped her feet, "You immoral thing!"

Fang Ziyang was proud, "If you don't have morals, you can get the moon first, and see Mr. Xie every day."

Jin Yu angrily said, "You shameless bastard!"

Fang Ziyang proudly said, "The shameless **** will take leave tomorrow to go home to climb Xie Zheng's bed, so that you can see it, but you can't get it, and your heart is like a knife twisted every day."

Golden Jade:…

Jinyu screamed, and suddenly burst into tears on the spot.

Too much is too much.

This **** is really **** people off woohoo, how can there be such a shameless person in the world!

The atmosphere was awkward and quiet.

There seem to be two strange things mixed in their genius.

Fang Ziyang didn't seem to be reconciled to his popularity. When he saw Jinyu crying, not only did he not panic, but he was extremely happy.

waving to the staff next to her, she said with a smile, "Hello, uncle, may I apply for a phone call now? The training preparations haven't started yet, so the application should be quick, right? "

The staff member didn't understand what he was going to do, so he nodded, "Ah, um, it looks like this. Are you sure you want to apply now?"

Fang Ziyang nodded, looking very good again, "I'm sure, please uncle."

The staff smiled and immediately returned with a specially made mobile phone in a few minutes.

Fang Ziyang took the phone and thanked him, then looked at Jinyu, who was curious and aggrieved, smiled and dialed a series of phone numbers to go out.

Wait until the phone connects.

Fang Ziyang raised his chin towards Jinyu, and said in a sweet voice to the phone,

"Brother Xie, are you busy? If you're not busy, please finish listening and say something? I have one thing to tell you, that is, I found that I seem to like you, and I want to pursue you , you think about it, will you give me the answer when I come back from training? Whether you answer or not, I like you, alright."


Fang Ziyang hung up the phone and raised his chin to show off, "Look, I'll thank you, brother."

Golden Jade:…

KO loses immediately.

Read The Duke's Passion