MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 82

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"How could this be!"

Yan Tong looked at the hot search on the Internet and was almost mad.

He's not doing well at all recently. In fact, since Fang Ziyang's bullying video has been reversed, his life has begun to be difficult, and everything is not going well. !

He now regrets forcing Fang Ziyang too hard, how could he forget that Fang Ziyang is a spring, the harder the force, the stronger the rebound power, he shouldn't be so anxious, he should boil it in warm water The frog came slowly.

It wasn't until now that he discovered that this is not a paper world that is only expressed in words, not everything is static, even if he has a plot advantage and wants to live well in this world, it is not It was as easy as he imagined.

Since Fang Yandong and Fang Qianhao were imprisoned one after another, his work has become more difficult every time.

Xie Wenxu and Fang Qianhao have a natural hostile relationship with Fang Ziyang. It is impossible for Xie Wenxu to help him deal with Fang Ziyang like Fang Qianhao. Just do it.

This is too restrictive for him.

But the real problem is that he can't do without Xie Wenxu in a short time. He needs Xie Wenxu as a backer, not to mention that he wants to use Xie's family to use gold fingers to make money. Don't want to separate...

Before, he was so stimulated that he couldn't help but let Shi Meijing move Fang Ziyang in advance, but who knew that Fang Ziyang was fine in the end, Shi Meijing directly turned him into a waste.

The night of the hands-on.

He originally wanted to go to the end and kill Shi Meijing. But when he got there, he was knocked unconscious, and when he woke up from the wilderness, he heard that Shi Meimei was hospitalized.

When I think about it now, Yan Tong feels a chill behind his back.

At this moment, he finally understood one thing, that is, he has been calculating Fang Ziyang like a fool, but in fact I am afraid that he is a big fool! Fang Ziyang must know everything!

He was so complacent that he completely forgot that Fang Ziyang would still have IQ even if he didn’t have the aura of the protagonist. Since Fang Ziyang saw his calculations clearly when he was bullying the video, how could he have no defense against him after that? ?

This time Shi Jingming suffered, but he was only knocked unconscious, which was clearly a warning.

Although he didn't know why Fang Ziyang let him go, Yan Tong felt a deeper fear than direct death, and felt a kind of insignificance despised by the **** of death.

Although he was very unwilling, but after returning home in anxiety for a period of time, he could no longer go out to calculate Fang Ziyang's thoughts.

He even began to regret why he was greedy against Fang Ziyang and grabbed the protagonist position.

The brain is simply flooded to have this idea! He knows the plot. He can get Fang Ziyang's golden finger. With these two advantages, he has already lived a glorious life. See what you're doing with your life right now.

So after a few days of fear and fear, and after finding that Fang Ziyang did not seem to have the idea of ​​killing himself, Yan Tong finally breathed a sigh of relief and decided not to provoke Fang Ziyang for the time being, but to manage his own business well. .

Anyway, he has already obtained Fang Ziyang's golden finger and robbed the other side of the man he loves the most. Fang Ziyang will definitely not be able to achieve the achievements in the book.

Fortunately, Xie Wenxu has been ineffective recently, and he met Fang Ziyang's uncle Lu Yan again. And Lu Yan also had a good impression of him and was willing to help him enter the entertainment industry and complete his star dream.

Thinking about this Yan Tong feels quite proud.

No matter how awesome Fang Ziyang is, the relatives around him don't like each other. There may be a reason why Fang's father and son don't like Fang Ziyang, but Lu Yan, who is his uncle, is also like this. Doesn't this mean that he is more attractive than Fang Ziyang?

Lu Yan is a popular actor, very skillful in the entertainment industry, and immediately shot him an advertisement for ZD perfume.

ZD Perfume is an international brand, and those who can advertise are first-line stars. If you choose an amateur, then this amateur can wait for the fragrance advertisement to become popular overnight!

This was a good opportunity, but who knew that the stylist he met when he went to shoot would be Zhong Ning.

He was embarrassed at the confession feast, and then let him dove, making him mad.

He always remembers this.

So when he met Zhong Ning again, he couldn't help taking the other party as a vent. He spread the grievances of the past six months on the other party, and made things difficult when shooting advertisements and modeling.

In the end, who knew that Zhong Ning was so temperamental, and quarreled with him directly at the shooting site.

Of course he was angry when he went back, but a small stylist didn't even take him seriously, so he used a small account on Weibo to expose it on a whim.

Firstly, to vent his anger; secondly, to sell and sell badly, taking the opportunity to hype and whitewash the rumors that he had been bad on the Internet.

He really didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end, Zhong Ning directly scolded him on Weibo! The most hateful thing is that the other party also uploaded a video!

Zhong Ning posted this on his Weibo:

Zhong Ningv:

[I saw something very interesting on Weibo today. Although it is not on the hot search, the spread is quite wide. During the shooting of the perfume advertisement, a certain big-name stylist bullied the newcomer... It's a particularly gimmicky story. Is there any? Great, so now I'll tell you, I'm taking my seat, and the big-name stylist in this story is me. 】

[Yes, as the newcomer said, I did use a very bad tone on the set to scold the newcomer. For this, I don't think I'm wrong. As a professional stylist, I don't slack off in my work. When some people who don't understand anything criticize my professional level unreasonably, I think I'm angry. There is no problem…】

[In response to this "kind-hearted" netizen who broke the news, let me ask you if you dare to release all the videos? If you dare not, then I can kindly help you. 】

[…Then now I have finished my seat, do you want to know who this newcomer who was "bullied" by me? Hehe, very interesting. It is an outsider that everyone has been very familiar with for the past six months. He has been involved in high school bullying incidents, illegitimate children of wealthy families, marriage disputes between the heirs of the Xie Group, two or three things about the Fang family, and the replacement of college entrance examination scores. ...Wait for the ups and downs of Yan Tong. 】

[I will not judge Yan Tong's legendary achievements on the Internet for the time being, I just want to ask Yan Tong, are you just blatantly taking revenge on me? Just want to debut in C position? 】

[Very good, then I will fulfill you now, needless to say thank you. 】

Two videos attached at the end.

One is the complete event video of the shooting scene of ZD perfume advertisement that day.

One is that when Zhong Ning was doing styling at Fang's house, he received a video of Yan Tong slandering him behind his back.

The two videos and Zhong Ning's Weibo description are enough to let everyone understand the truth of the whole thing.

There is no doubt that anyone in the circle broke the news that a certain big-name stylist bullied a newcomer is nonsense. This is obviously Yan Tong's revenge and malicious speculation before his debut!

After Zhong Ning's Weibo was posted, many first-line stars in the entertainment circle forwarded it one after another, and the attached article stated that Zhong Ning's stylist's character and professional level were impeccable.

With the fate of these first-line stars, public opinion has no accident at all, and there is a direct and one-sided reversal.

Netizens sighed in amazement.

"Fuck, this Yan Tong is too capable. I said on the Internet that he has a problem with his character, he is a white lotus on the surface, and cannibalizing flowers on the inside, I think it is too much. He rose up, but it was indeed the people who liked him who made their own decisions, and I still have a little sympathy. Now... well, there was no evidence before, this time it's really not innocent."

"Let's not talk about the previous one, this time, Zhong Ning's stylist is really drunk. The video clearly shows that Yan Tong is making things difficult for Mr. Zhong, and Mr. Zhong can't bear to pick and choose. I'm just cursing, how can there be a so-called insider who broke the news that Mr. Zhong is bullying the newcomer? Hehe... I'm afraid this insider is Yan Xun himself."

"I watched the second video. From the video, Mr. Zhong used to go to Fang's house to help Yan Tong to do styling. Mr. Zhong and Young Master Fang deliberately colluded to frame him for making a fool of himself, and sued the then-manager Fang to shirk the responsibility, and then it is estimated that he would hate Mr. Zhong for this, and this time they got the opportunity to take revenge and hype... Who knows that the car overturned."

"Damn, what kind of magical brain circuit is this? What kind of onion is this Yan, Mr. Zhong will accept bribes to collude to frame a little guy who doesn't know? Can you use Mr. Zhong's information? Mr. Zhong is also proud to be rich, thank you."

"More than that, I heard that Mr. Zhong's lover is the big boss in the circle, but Mr. Zhong is low-key and never preaches..."

"It's really funny. It was said on the Internet that Yan Tong was wronged. With this kind of character, even if the things of Young Master Fang were not done by Yan Tong himself, he would definitely have nothing to do with him! "

"I still want to be a star? Very good, now I'm satisfied with my debut, are you happy? Are you surprised?"

"Jugua professional contractor, do you still want to be popular after being so famous? Tsk tsk..."

After several hot search events, Yan Tong is really not very impressed in the hearts of most netizens.

In the past, Xie Wenxu gave him the bottom line, using the power of the Xie family to help him search for hot spots, and find water and military control reviews to clean up. Now that Xie Wenxu is sober, it is naturally impossible to help him regardless, and Xie Wenxu doesn't agree with Yan Tong's entry into the entertainment industry, and he doesn't want to care anymore.

Lu Yan wanted to help, but Lu Yan's ability was limited. Zhong Ning's lover is the boss of one of the two entertainment giants in the entertainment industry, so Lu Yan didn't dare to take action for a while.

This results in a one-sided situation for the whole event.

In fact, the current scolding and ridicule on the Internet is not half as powerful as the Fang Ziyang bullying incident, but it is like this, Yan Tong is almost unbearable.

Xie Jia.

Yan Tong looked at Xie Wenxu who was indifferent no matter how much he begged.

"Xie Wenxu! How do you want me to help me? It's just a hot search. You are my boyfriend, why don't you help me? You don't mean to forget Fang Ziyang and want to have a good time with me Go down, that's what you're doing to me now?"

"You clearly know that it is my dream to enter the entertainment industry. You said that I don't understand your computer and do not support your dream. What about you? Do you support my dream?"

Yan Tong hissed and revealed the bottom, he really couldn't stand Xie Wenxu anymore.

Xie Wenxu was also very tired looking at the person who was hissing in front of him.

The more he really gets along with Yan Tong, the more disappointed he will be. Originally, he didn't plan to bother with Yan Tong anymore. He really wanted to forget the past and go on with Yan Tong. He didn't want to make Ziyang look down on him again and again.

But Yan Tong always let him down, especially when Yan Tong did something wrong, he didn't know how to regret it, and he even blamed him.

Xie Wenxu was also disappointed and angry,

"Xiaotong, I already told you not to be a star in the entertainment industry. We have made so many things before, and our reputation on the Internet has become stinky. If you go to the entertainment industry, even if you have capital Protection can only take the black and red route, I can give you a beautiful life, why should you suffer like that?"

"And this time, the Zhong Ning you offended is not a nobody, his lover is Qin Feng, the boss of one of the two entertainment giants in the entertainment industry. Even if I wanted to help you, there was no way to do it. …”

How do you want me to help you?"

What Xie Wenxu didn't say is that Yan Tong, who he knew before, was obviously generous, kind and gentle, so how could he do something to deliberately make things difficult for others because of a small matter.

And in hindsight it seemed that there was no sign of repentance.

Yan Tong is not listening at all now.

He felt that Xie Wenxu just didn't want to help him. Even if the Xie family is not as good as before, they won't even be able to deal with a young president of the entertainment industry, right? Xie Wenxu is completely evasive, Xie Wenxu just changed his mind again.

If you want to forget the past and continue to walk with him, it is a nonsense. Xie Wenxu is a half-hearted and cowardly coward!

Good words and good words can't make sense, Yan Tong doesn't want to be aggrieved anymore, and finally reveals his true colors, mocking,

"Xie Wenxu, don't tell me if there are any, you just don't want to help me, right? A stylist, a little CEO, and your Xie family can't solve it, you really think I'm a fool cheating, right?"

"Give me a beautiful life? To put it nicely, Xie Wenxu, what position do you have in Xie's family now? You have to ask your family for pocket money, and you have to do everything, you can't do anything. Give it to me, and stop me from pursuing my dreams, Xie Wenxu, don't you think you are selfish?"

"I'm selfish..."

Xie Wenxu looked at Yan Tong with a mocking face, it was incredible.

What face does Yan Tong say he is selfish? How much has he paid for Yan Tong, and now Yan Tong says he is selfish?

When did he stop Yan Tong from pursuing his dream? He just analyzed the reality for the other party. Yan Tong's reputation is so bad now that becoming a star is simply the rhythm of being scolded as black and red. He persuaded him because he felt bad for him.

On the contrary, he is the one who can even give up his dream for Yan Tong, okay? Before, it was just to accompany Yan Tong to relax, and he missed the rare event of diving at night!

Xie Wenxu wants to speak.

But Yan Tong was faster than him, and his eyes were sad, "Xie Wenxu, you have changed, you know? This is your love, half-hearted can change at any time. When your beloved is wronged, you are like this. Shrinking turtle... You said you love me, that's how you love me?"

Xie Wenxu:…

Xie Wenxu was stunned.

Fang Ziyang can recognize these words, but on Yan Tong, it's just a ridiculous joke, okay! He has paid for Yan Tong to this point, isn't it still love? !

Obviously, in Yan Tong's view, his efforts are indeed not counted.

Since Xie Wenxu is his boyfriend, isn't everything he did before? Besides, if he didn't say that knowing the mysterious boss can provide scientific research cooperation, Xie Wenxu can still be the heir now or not.

Think so.

Yan Tong suddenly reacted, yes, although he needs Xie Wenxu very much now, Xie Wenxu seems to need him more, right? So, why did Xie Wenxu stop him, and why did he compromise to please the other party?

Once he leaves, the scientific research project that the second room of the Xie family has just started to prepare will have to be put on hold.

Xie Wenxu just didn't realize his importance to him now. Sure enough, the relationship can't be maintained for a long time by feelings alone, it still has to rely on interests. Only by letting Xie Wenxu realize his importance can he truly have a place in the Xie family by marrying Xie Wenxu in the future.

Instant blessing to the soul.

Yan Tong immediately showed a tired expression and said,



Yan Tong turned around and left sadly as if he had been heartbroken.

Xie Wenxu stood there.

Looking at the back of Yan Tong leaving, the whole person was stunned again.

Isn’t what happened this time because Yan Tong did something wrong? ?


Xie Wenxu suddenly felt something was wrong.

But he couldn't think of what was wrong. He just felt that Yan Tong's words were wrong.

The other end.

After Yan Tong left Xie's house again, unlike the last time he could only run to the hotel when he left the door, this time he had a direct place to stay, Lu Yan's house.

In addition to Xie Wenxu, he can only find Lu Yan now, not to mention that he will enter the entertainment industry in the future, and it is necessary to befriend Lu Yan, a popular actor.

Although Lu Yan couldn't fight against the wind and immediately help Yan Tong speak online, it is still possible to take Yan Tong to comfort him.

Although he has also seen the black material about Yan Tong on the Internet, he doesn't really believe it. After all, he is in the entertainment industry, and most of all, he knows that it is not clear whether the online news is true or false. He was not in the country when there was ups and downs in the past, so what he heard is naturally more believable than seeing it.

Because of the good sense of the first meeting and Yan Tong's special ability, so in Lu Yan's view, Yan Tong has been hacked, the other party is actually a very good boy, everyone All misunderstood.

Seeing that Yan Tong's eyes were red and swollen from crying and came to flee, Lu Yan couldn't help but comfort him immediately,

Don't make any comments on Weibo for the time being, although Zhong Ning is a bit grumpy, but he's not holding on to people, I'll ask an agent to help you do post-public relations..."

Although it is not an immediate solution as imagined, it is better than Xie Wenxu's direct persuasion to quit the circle.

Yan Tong was very moved, "Thank you Brother Lu Yan. You are so good to me, I don't know how to thank you. When I sign in to your studio, I will definitely try my best to complete the announcement, It's just wasting the advertising resources you helped me find this time, I, I'm really useless."

The tone of self-blame looks really helpless and pitiful.

Seeing this, Lu Yan's thought of blaming him for how to provoke Zhong Ning dissipated a lot, and he also enjoyed Yan Tong's full-eyed admiration. The appearance also makes it easy for men to have the desire to protect and torment.

Lu Yan's eyes were deep, "It's okay, you will be the first artist signed by my studio soon, I should take care of you."

Yan Tong knows men very well, and is not a child who knows nothing, and almost immediately realized the meaning of Lu Yan's eyes.

He paused, struggling a little.

But I thought that Xie Wenxu was his fiancé, but now he doesn't help him. Anyway, he is not a girl, even if he is Xie Wenxu, he doesn't know.

Why Xie Wenxu can sway from side to side, and he has to keep his body like a jade? And compared to Xie Wenxu, a young man who has just grown up, he prefers Lu Yan, a mature, stable and experienced man. If he had not been forced to, he would not have been with Xie Wenxu.

Xie Wenxu wouldn't know anyway, and he needs Lu Yan's help now.

"Brother Lu Yan, thank you, it's nice to meet you. …"

Thinking like this, Yan Tong bowed his head and thanked him, revealing his white, tender and clean neck, full of soft charm.

Lu Yan couldn't help but look a little deeper.

Fang Ziyang got the news from the detective that Yan Tong ran to Lu Yan and lived in Lu Yan's house, it was the third day after Yan Tong and Zhong Ning's hot search came out.

Look at the message on the phone.

Fang Ziyang thought about it for a few minutes, then called to order a green suit and had it delivered to Xie Wenxu.

Xie Wenxu was surprised and nervous when he suddenly received his gift.

He didn't know what it meant, and he was in a lot of trouble, so he could only call carefully to ask,

"Ziyang, I received a suit, really, did you really send it?"

This time Fang Ziyang didn't have a cold face, and responded in a very good mood, "Well, I sent it."

Xie Wenxu was a little overjoyed when he heard this, but he was a little unsure, "Ziyang, you, why did you suddenly remember to give me something? You are..." Forgive me?

But the latter words have not been said.

I was interrupted directly by Fang Ziyang, smiling, "It's no fun, I just think this suit suits you well. I forgot to give it a breakup gift."

Breakup gifts.

This word makes Xie Wenxu a little bitter, but I am very happy to receive the gift again,

"Thank you, I like it very much. It's the green... a little bit not very good match. The suit is darker and more temperament."

Xie Wenxu carefully hinted that he wanted to make more phone calls under the pretext of changing colors.

Fang Ziyang:…

Fang Ziyang cracked the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Just be happy."

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