MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 76

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"...I was in the hotel at the time to attend the celebration banquet held by the principal for us, when Shi Xuemei suddenly called me and said that her brother, my roommate and classmate Shi Liangchen had something to say and wanted to meet me alone Said. I was a little hesitant at first, it was too late, and it was not safe at night, but Xuemei Shi said that there is a surprise for me on the good day, I, I will…”

"At that time, there were other classmates around me. They were a little curious and worried, so in the end, I asked Guo Ran to accompany me and take care of them."

"I actually have bodyguards by my side on weekdays, but I usually live on campus, and the bodyguards will follow me on weekends. I thought about so many people at school that day, and I would go back to school after the celebration. I didn't call the bodyguard."

“…Xuemei Shi asked Guo Ran to wait outside, she and I walked into the park. But before we reached our destination, a few people ran out and grabbed us and dragged us into the van ."

"We were taken to the abandoned factory together, but the kidnappers separated us... I heard the screams of Shi Xuemei next door, and I was very scared. They still wanted to treat me..."

"...people of my status are always at high risk of being kidnapped, so I have learned some coping knowledge and fists since I was a child...I broke free of the tape on my hand and used an abandoned fire axe from the factory cut one of them..."

"At that time my mind was blank and I didn't know anything. I just thought that even if I die, I will not compromise. If I want to bring a few people to bury me, the attack will be more fierce."

Injured and ran away..."

"I waited for me to calm down before, and then went to the next door to find Shi Xuemei, and it became like this."

"It's all my fault. If it wasn't to protect me, Shi Xuemei wouldn't say so much to irritate the kidnappers and be angry with the kidnappers..."

"Woo, is Ziyang okay now? I heard that Shi Jingjing is being rescued in the hospital. Ziyang looks much better than Shi Jingjing. Those kidnappers will definitely not let him go. Woohoo."

"Guo Ran, calm down, Fang Ziyang doesn't have a big problem, he just suffered some traumatic injuries and mental blows...Shi Jingjing is more serious, but his life is not in danger and he has not suffered any injuries. In terms of sexual violence, although the injuries are relatively serious, the current situation is still optimistic. Please carefully recall the situation at that time, so that we can trace the robbers. "

"Okay, I'll think about it right away, that's how it was at the time... The figure grabbed my phone, so I chased after him, but didn't run two steps, and Fang Ziyang and the others called for help... "

"But it was too late when I ran over, Fang Ziyang and Shi Jingjing were both dragged into the van, the license plate of the car was deliberately blocked and I couldn't see it... Then I immediately ran to the nearby The convenience store called the police."

"Yes, yes, Shi Jingming called and we were all there, we heard..."

"The police uncles and aunts, you must arrest people. These people dare to be so arrogant at the foot of the imperial city of Beijing. Girls and beautiful boys are going to suffer. Woohoo, it’s so scary, it scared me to death, I have a psychological shadow and I’m going to have a heart attack.”

"…Guo Ran, don't worry, we will work hard, and now you can leave."

Bloody, it almost scared me to death."

"Then I called the police immediately."

"My sister told me that if you meet someone you like, no matter if you can succeed or not, at least try it out so that you won't regret it in the future."

"I was a little hesitant. No matter my sister supported me, she helped arrange the venues. I was very moved, so I decided to listen to my sister and try to confess to Fang Ziyang."

"But I didn't see anyone after waiting in the small park for a long time. I didn't know that such an accident happened until the police station called me later..."

" is the situation at the hospital, can you tell me? The beauty is like this, I'm really sorry for my parents, it's all for me..."


Fang Ziyang dragged his body slightly swollen out of the abandoned factory to ask for help, and the police who had already received the report from Guo Ran quickly rushed to the scene of the crime with 120.

Because of Fang Ziyang's identity and the vileness of the incident, the police immediately launched an investigation that night without any delay.

First of all, of course, we must start with the testimony of several parties.

Although on the surface this seems to be a simple robbery incident, but in the eyes of the experienced police officers on the police side, they keenly sense that it is not simple. Very premeditated suspicion.

One is that the coincidences are too much;

Secondly, since the kidnappers drove the van, it is absolutely impossible to have a temporary intention. Whether it is the crime tools and the number of people, it is not a temporary word to explain;

Third, when the police went to investigate the route monitoring that night, they found that the monitoring data of those road sections that night were all gone.

Isn't this a problem!

Being able to directly delete all the surveillance videos of the road section of the day is not an easy thing to do, which makes the police realize that this ordinary kidnapping case may not be easy.

However, without waiting for the police to continue to conduct an in-depth investigation, the Beijing police chief received a call from the special department above,

"Fang Ziyang's kidnapping case ends here, and it will be closed as soon as possible."

There is only one sentence above.

But it was enough to make the director who received the call realize the seriousness of the matter.

Obviously, they guessed right, this kidnapping case is probably not simple, not so simple that they don't even have the qualifications to intervene.

So the next day, after interrogating all the people involved in the case according to the procedure, the police quickly closed the case and suppressed the news, preventing the media from hearing the news from reporting.

Although Fang Ziyang's injury is not serious, it looks very scary, and his body is blue and purple.

So after recording the statement, he also stayed in the hospital, waiting for a general examination.

Tang Xun rushed over from the laboratory when he heard the news, and when he saw his younger brother's bruises, he couldn't help but his eyes were red. He was a little angry and distressed.

"Ziyang, didn't my brother tell you before that you have to bring bodyguards whenever you leave the school gate? Why don't you listen to your brother? And what about the necklace that my brother gave you before? What are you doing? Need not?"

"Brother, don't talk about me, okay, I was stunned at the time. You see I'm so hurt, if you don't comfort me and tell me, you don't hurt me anymore …”

Fang Ziyang was a little guilty and didn't dare to tangle with Tang Xun on this issue, so he could only reveal it coquettishly.

Where is Tang Xun really willing to blame his younger brother, that is, love is deeply responsible, and when he hears that his younger brother is softhearted, he immediately softens.

He changed Fang Ziyang's ointment in distress, and Tang Xun only had comfort left in his mouth.

"The school has given you a leave of absence, you stay in the hospital and complete the whole body examination. The robber's side will also handle the matter, this is not a coincidence, my brother will definitely Find the mastermind! As for that student Shi..."

Here, Tang Xun paused before continuing,

"The hospital said I'm afraid I'll have to spend it in bed in the future. I've already negotiated with her brother about medical expenses and follow-up matters... You can visit after the inspection."

"Well, I got it, brother."

Fang Ziyang nodded, and clenched the hand hidden under the quilt.

This is his masterpiece, of course he knows what Shi Meijing is now. But he didn't regret it, because that was what the other party deserved.

Rather than being forced by circumstances, it is better to say that they are all making excuses for their own selfishness.

Every decision of the other party from the beginning to the end is their own choice, and now it is just self-rewarding.

Since Shi Meijing likes to set up people who are sick and weak, then just set up for a lifetime, everyone has to be responsible for their own choices, right?

His eyes fell on Xie Zheng, who had been silent since walking into the ward.

Fang Ziyang pursed his lips and smiled at Tang Xun, "Brother, I want to talk to Brother Xie for a while, okay?"

Tang Xun didn't know why he suddenly asked so.

Rick didn't know either.

So the two looked at Xie Zheng and left after seeing Xie Zheng nodding in agreement.

Wait until there are only two of them left in the entire ward.

The smile on Fang Ziyang's face couldn't hold back anymore, his heart seemed to be pressed against a huge stone, and his voice was a little difficult and hoarse.


There are only three words and nothing is said, but the two people present know what the meaning of the three words is sorry.

Xie Zheng is not a fool, even if he is emotionally deceived, but at this level, he can no longer deceive himself, many things are clear at a glance.

Fang Ziyang lied to him, any surprises are fake.

Yesterday he waited at the hotel for a full night, but in the end he did not wait for the person he was expecting, but only for an appalling robbery case. Tang Xun couldn't think of Fang Ziyang, but he was able to think of the truth behind the case. After all, the information Fang Ziyang left him was too obvious.


Xie Zheng's deep eyes were full of struggles.

He was not angry, he was just uncomfortable, why did the young man show him such a side, why did he reject him in such a way...

"Because I don't want you to like me."

Fang Ziyang said softly.

It was like a knife pierced into Xie Zheng's heart.

Fang Ziyang hugged his legs, his voice was low,

"Brother Xie, you shouldn't like me, we are people from two worlds. From the beginning you should know that I am not as beautiful as you think, I am not good at all, I'm not obedient at all, in front of you and my brother, I only behaved well to make you happy..."

"I am more vicious than you think, Shi Meijing is just one of my many masterpieces. I will do more extreme things than this in the future, but I do not regret it at all, nor I don't feel like I'm wrong at all."

"I hold grudges, they provoke me, then there is only one fate. That is all hell."

"All you like is the way I am well-behaved, but that's just my mask. The real me is dark and twisted, and I can do anything to do what I want...even if you Not my brother's friend, I will definitely take advantage of you, what do you mean by uncompromising means, Xie Zheng, do you understand?"

Fang Ziyang raised his head,

"You persuaded me not to be blinded and dominated by hatred, but I really couldn't do it. For revenge, I would rather become a devil."

So don't like him, okay?

Xie Zheng did not speak immediately after hearing this, staring at him for a long while before speaking,

"Is that why you rejected me?"

"Can't this be the most deadly reason?" Fang Ziyang's voice was harsh, "Xie Zheng, I can't explain some things to you clearly, what I can tell you is that the relationship between us will always be forever. Impossible."


"Brother Xie, most of the people who can really go on together are not in love, but suitable, I am not suitable for you... So really don't like me, okay? Mine is stress, not happiness, because I will do a lot of things you hate."

Fang Ziyang's nails tightly clasped his palms, and he lowered his eyes to hide the tears he wanted to cry.


But now he wants to cry, and wants to cry loudly to vent.

It's not that he doesn't like Xie Zheng, but he chooses no one to be Xie Zheng. He is one of the few people who are really kind to him.

He tried to suppress his feelings.

Xie Zheng's voice suddenly sounded again,

"How do you know it's not suitable if you haven't tried it? You haven't asked, how do you know that I only like your simple and well-behaved look?"

Fang Ziyang froze.

Xie Zheng's stern face is softer than ever before,

"If I only liked you and you are simple and well-behaved, I would have liked you long ago. After all, although you were a little temperamental and a little stupid in the past, you would like something like Xie Wenxu, but every time you come to Xie's house, So cute and shy. If I really just liked you like that, would I have agreed to your engagement with Xie Wenxu?"

"You showed me that diary on purpose, right? But how can you be so sure that I can't accept a devil?"

Fang Ziyang slowly raised his head and stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Xie Zheng reached out and rubbed his hair, and continued,

"Since I persuaded you, I naturally saw your true colors. In my principle, many of your behaviors are not very good, but that does not mean that I cannot accept it, because I know that you are different from those real devils, Fang Ziyang is not a bad boy..."

He admitted that many of the young people's methods were not upright and upright, and they were extreme and harsh. But if the other party was really that bad, he wouldn't take the initiative to reveal his mask to reject him out of fear of hurting him.

There is no complete good or bad in the world. The young man is too inferior and thinks of him too beautifully.

He is not as honest as he thinks, he is not a person from two worlds, they are the same kind of person.

"Although I don't know what kind of hatred you have in your heart, I can see that everything you do is passively fighting back. , you won't be so cruel to them. I know what you are like, and I don't need you to tell me who you are."

"How do you know that I am passively fighting back, do you have any evidence? Even so, I will directly abandon a girl Shi Meimei, and she will spend the rest of her life on the hospital bed, Don't you think I'm going too far when I can't even say a word, so cruel?"

Fang Ziyang's eyes suddenly became wet, and he turned his head away.

The hand under the quilt clenched the quilt tightly, so as to calm yourself and not be confused and shaken by such trust,

"You only find reasons for me because you like me now. This is a filter, and even if you can accept such a cruel and cruel way of me, so what? I don't like it You and I…"

"Are you trying to say that you already have someone you like? The owner of the ring?"

Xie Zheng interrupted.

Fang Ziyang was suddenly silent, looking at the man whose eyes were still so deep and warm, he really felt so despicable.

His heart was full of calculations, he never told Xie Zheng a truth, but Xie Zheng always treated him with the greatest tolerance and sincerity. Even when he didn't recognize his brother, Xie Zheng was actually very good to him. He didn't seem to have a good attitude on the surface, but he always helped him at critical moments.

Anyway, it has already collapsed to this extent, so it doesn't matter if it collapses.

Fang Ziyang took a deep breath,

"No, I lied to you, I don't like the owner of any ring at all, and I don't like anyone. I'm sorry, Brother Xie, what I told you before is false, I really think To find the owner of the ring, but not because I like him..."

Xie Zheng's face finally changed.

Fang Ziyang was a little afraid to look at the other party's eyes, closed his eyes, shameless,

"I'm looking for the owner of the ring, just want to have a child with him, simply have his child."

"You, what did you say?"

Xie Zheng's slightly changed face turned petrified.

Why does Fang Ziyang understand each word separately, but he can't understand it together?

Fang Ziyang covered his head, thinking of the dumpling who left without even opening his eyes when he came to the world, choked out,

"I can't explain it to you. Anyway, I just want to have a child with that person. You can think I'm crazy or stupid. In short, I must do it. In this life, I don't like anyone."

Although that child did not come brightly at the beginning, it also caused him pain and hesitation, but it was the source of motivation for him to support him in the darkest period.

The reason why I insisted on giving birth to a child at that time, in addition to the touch of blood connection, there is actually a trace of impure calculation...

He was kicked out of Fang's house in such a miserable manner, how could he not have any resentment in his heart? At that time, he wanted revenge and wanted to clear all his grievances and wishes, but he didn't have any funds or background, and those around him who could help him avoided him like snakes and scorpions, and those who were willing to help him were incapable of doing so. .

At last he thought of the baby's other father.

From the ring left by the man, he guessed that the man with whom he had a relationship must be from a rich background, and the responsible note left by the other party after the incident proved the other party's character. If he gave birth to the child, then in the face of the child, the other party would definitely not be as heartless as others.

He admitted that the idea at that time was very crazy and extreme, using and calculating, but this was really the only way he could think of to turn around at that time.

With this idea, and after a long time, he developed a father-son relationship with the baby. During that time, he insisted on these two reasons.

Who knew the reality was so cruel...

This child is no longer just a child to him, but also his hope and belief, which has now become a knot in his heart.

Rebirth doesn't mean you can live again.

As long as all the knots and hatreds in the previous life are not resolved, he will never be born again.

Fang Ziyang stared at Xie Zheng, smiled with the few courage,

"Brother Xie, do you really know who Fang Ziyang you like is? You have no idea, I will never like anyone in my life, because no one can enter my world. "

"Even if I choose one person to be with, that person will definitely not be you, because I really don't care about your feelings, do you understand..."

It is impossible for him to have a truly emotional partner in his life, because what he does is simply not comprehensible to ordinary people.

Even if Xie Zheng is willing to accept his various crazy actions, he can't enjoy the other person's sincerity with peace of mind.

The space in the ward was suddenly so quiet that only breathing could be heard.

"I want to rest, thank you bro, go out."

After Fang Ziyang finished speaking, he lay down and covered his head with a quilt to express his desire not to talk anymore.

He has made it very clear that long pain is worse than short pain, no matter what Xie Zheng says, he will not be shaken, this is his last kindness. He can be vicious and cruel, but he definitely doesn't want to become Yan Tong who has no bottom line to play with other people's feelings, that is what he hates and hates the most.

I don't know how long.

Xie Zheng's voice sounded again,

"So, are you going to let my child grow up in a single parent household, or do you want my child to be called someone else's father?"

Fang Ziyang, who was hiding under the quilt, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, "Xie Zheng, what do you mean!"

"Fang Ziyang, I can't change you, but I can change myself. So let's date, for the purpose of marriage."

Xie Zheng stretched out his hand and clasped Fang Ziyang's head, the hot breath leaned down, leaned over and kissed.

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