MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 43 (1)

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"Brother Qianhao, it's me, you open the door, I'm worried about you..."

Yan Tong's soft voice sounded.

Fang Qianhao, who was angry and angry, heard this, and the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

Love is a very wonderful thing, both men and women, when they have real feelings, they will always do some incredible things because of love. And in lows and difficult things, it is also a comfort and comfort to the soul.

Fang Qianhao has a very domineering and cruel personality, but when facing Yan Tong, he can show all his tenderness like a beast whose hair is smoothed.

His feelings for Yan Tong are absolutely beyond doubt.

Opening the door and seeing Yan Tong with a worried expression on his face, Fang Qianhao felt an indescribable warmth in his heart, and his voice involuntarily softened.

Hurry up and open the door and let the other party in, very concerned,

"Xiaotong, why did you come back on your own? Why don't you call me so I can pick you up. Have you met those hateful paparazzi? Like candy..."

Seeing that Fang Qianhao always took himself to heart, Yan Tong was very satisfied, and a secret smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Before crossing, he deeply understood a truth:

A beautiful face, an image that can make any man or woman give birth to a loving image. As long as you have these, it is no worse than any magical ability.

Before the time-travel, he had seen too many people who had these two advantages easily climbed to high positions, he was envious and jealous, but before the time-travel his appearance was too ordinary, no matter how he learned those Attractive ability, not good enough is a flaw.

They, all came after him.

Now Xie Wenxu and Fang Qianhao are the best examples.

Fang Qianhao is actually a top-notch handsome guy, the kind of arrogant and cool, before he had to take into account the blood relationship between the original body and the other party, and did not dare to go too far when building a good relationship, Now that he is not a member of the Fang family at all, there is no need to be taboo about some things.

Yan Tong shook his head slightly, unreservedly releasing his charm, with a strong and weak smile on his face,

"No, most of those paparazzi are guarding the main gate of the police station. I asked the gatekeeper inside and left from the small gate. I have nothing to do. Brother Qianhao don't need to worry about me, but it is brother Qianhao. I saw you just now... I'm a little worried about you."

These words make the onlookers sound not very clever, but those who are not particularly stupid can hear the full smell of green tea.

But for men who have fallen into beauty, these words are simply a big killer to gain favorability.

Anyway, Fang Qianhao felt distressed and warm when he heard this.

Many friends on the Internet and around him are talking about Xiaotong's various bad things, that Xiaotong is scheming, and that Xiaotong deliberately seduces Xie Wenxu to attack Fang Ziyang. But he knew that it was not true, Xiaotong was the kindest person in the world, weak and strong, all of which were slandered by other people's nonsense.

Just like now, something happened to him, his friends and brothers who were once good enough to wear a pair of pants, those women and boys who once said they liked him, all disappeared.

At the critical moment, only Xiaotong never gave up on him.

Seeing Yan Tong's slightly exposed white neck, Fang Qianhao's emotions that had been suppressed in his heart couldn't help but burst out again.

He couldn't help reaching out and hugging the person in front of him, the irritable lion revealed his fragility,

"Xiaotong, if, if I'm really not my mother's son, really...really an illegitimate child, would you..."

Speaking out.

Yan Tong interrupted directly,

"No, brother Qianhao, whether you are the illegitimate child of the Fang family or not, in my heart, you are you, the best brother Qianhao. You never disliked me from a humble background before. , take care of me everywhere, how can I despise you?"

"What's more, brother Qianhao, you are so good, even if you are not Mrs. Fang's son, you will make achievements in the future. Besides, in Uncle Fang's heart, you are the son he really likes, so , Brother Qianhao, don't be influenced by what others say that envy you..."

This is from the heart of Yan Tong.

Fang Ziyang's half-brother is a little impulsive, but he is indeed very capable. If he works hard, his future achievements will not be bad. After all, in the novel, the other side is also a small boss. talent.

Fang Qianhao is now vulnerable and confused, Yan Tong's words comforted him.

He couldn't help but red eyes, excited, wanted to open his mouth to ask something,

"Xiaotong, in fact, I have something to say to you..."

But it was interrupted again by Yan Tong who saw it very cleverly.

Yan Tong was a little shy and struggled out of the other's arms, and quickly changed the topic. The ambiguity that is not clear is the longest hook.

"Brother Qianhao, don't worry now, things will pass soon, and I will spend it with you. By the way, I just heard from Ma Zhang that I wanted Mrs. Fang for you. Necklace, is that necklace very precious? Why Fang Ziyang doesn't want anything else, he must have that necklace?"

Speaking of this.

Fang Qianhao's mood was ignited again, but in front of Yan Tong, he still held back, his tone was angrily,

"My mother has so many relics, how do I know what necklaces are, this must be that **** Fang Ziyang who deliberately came to find fault with me, I have not been on good terms with him since childhood, he will follow me whenever he gets the chance Do it right!"

Yan Tong didn't know which necklace belonged to Fang Ziyang or Fang Qianhao.

Although the novel he read was discovered by Fang Ziyang, he did not mention when he discovered the secret of the necklace. The necklace belonged to the Lu family. Fang Qianhao got it first and then transferred it to Fang Ziyang. , is also possible.

Fang Qianhao doesn't remember, so just look for it.

Yan Tong was a little anxious,

"Brother Qianhao, I think Fang Ziyang values ​​that necklace very much, you might as well find it out. I have a friend who I know, so I will help you to identify it quietly. After all, it is something left by Mrs. Fang. That necklace is really important, you were given away with a single act, wouldn't it be cheaper for Fang Ziyang..."

Fang Qianhao's expression changed slightly.

Xiaotong is right, it's all his fault for being confused, his mother is the daughter of the Lu family, although the Lu family is not a big family, but they are also very wealthy, in case that necklace really looks like Ordinary, actually very valuable, if he gave it out indiscriminately, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Otherwise, why can Fang Ziyang not want other relics, but the necklace!

Thinking like this, Fang Qianhao also calmed down, nodded, and quickly opened the safe to search.

What is it worth.

But as soon as this necklace was taken out, Yan Tong's eyes lit up and his heart was beating wildly.

"Brother Qianhao, don't worry, I will definitely help you get things done. Fang Ziyang will never think that I will help you get the necklace for identification."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Fang Qianhao had no doubts at all and handed things over with confidence.

Yan Tong got the golden finger, and the whole person was extremely excited.

Fang Ziyang only got news from Zhang Ma after Yan Tong went home.

After confirming that Yan Tong got the necklace from Fang Qianhao, he returned to his room excitedly and did not come out all afternoon, he couldn't help showing a big smile on his face.

Greedy kills people, this sentence is indeed true.

Whether it is Fang Yandong and others, or Yan Tong, if these people are not so greedy, how can they fall into the trap he dug again and again?

So, if you do evil, you can live; if you do it yourself, you can only die!

Cross out a plan in the notebook in his heart, seven days later, Fang Ziyang finally waited for the day when the court heard the case.

May 23rd.

The Fang family's mistress exchange case officially opened.

Because the plaintiffs and defendants involved in this case are people with certain social status, the content of the case is even more appalling.

Therefore, after a week of fermentation, this case is no longer as simple as the whole network's attention, and now it has attracted national attention. Even a small number of foreign scientific research media have paid attention.

The tortuous and bizarre life experience of a genius scientific research talent is simply too eye-catching!

On the day of the trial, the Jiang City People's Court was surrounded by reporters and netizens and passers-by who came to watch enthusiastically. The crowd almost blocked the road. It is also fortunate that there are restrictions on the number of jurors watching cases in the court case, otherwise the crowd would have to crowd the auditorium.

However, the media with a strong relationship background have won the opportunity for their reporters to be jury in court.

In the sound of reporters taking pictures at the door, and the angry voices of passers-by and netizens.

All the witnesses involved in the case and the family members of the plaintiff and defendant jurors entered the court gate one after another and took their seats in the plaintiff's seat, the defendant's seat, and the auditorium.

Wait later, the court clerk, jurors, etc. will be seated.

The judge was present, and all stood up and announced that the case was officially opened.

I was detained and questioned at the police station for several days.

Sisters Fang Yandong, Zheng Yaxue, and Zheng Yating are not very good, they all look haggard.

The eyes of the three people looking at each other are no longer as harmonious as before, but full of hatred and resentment.

Zheng Yaxue was a little scared by the two knife-like gazes, her face was pale and her head was lowered, and she still looked kind and harmless.

Until now, she still wants to cover up her actions with harmless appearances and lies, hoping to exonerate.

She is not a very capable woman.

To a certain extent, she and Yan Tong are a kind of people, both are good at using their appearance advantages to achieve their greedy goals, and they have to wash themselves clean when they are done.

Of course.

Zheng Yaxue is not not afraid, she knows very well who Fang Yandong and her sister are, so now that things are exposed, she is also panicked, and she is so nervous...

However, in order to get rid of the crime, no matter how afraid she is, she still made the best choice for herself, which is to find someone else to blame.

Fang Yandong and her sister became the best targets.

After the judge struck the hammer to announce the opening.

As the plaintiff, Tang Xun's lawyer and the police prosecutor first stood up and restated the content of the accusation together:

"According to the indictment record, our victim confessed: Half a month ago, our victim Mr. Tang accidentally picked up a photo and saw his mother, Zheng Zheng, in the photo. A photo of Ms. Yaxue and Mrs. Fang 20 years ago, in the photo they are holding a newborn baby each."

"This is a very common story, but our victim unexpectedly found that his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Mrs. Fang, and the baby held by Ms. Zheng Yaxue looked the same as when she was a child There is a slight difference in the appearance of the photos, so I have doubts..."

"Later, Mr. Tang began to verify, through blood identification, inquiries, looking for witnesses... etc., and finally confirmed his guess about the truth."

Speaking, the lawyer handed over some evidence and documents.

Several of these DNA identification reports stand out.

[Mother and son identification of Tang Xun and Zheng Yaxue; father and son identification of Tang Xun and Fang Yandong; brother blood identification of Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang. 】


[Mother and son identification of Fang Qianhao and Zheng Yaxue; father and son identification of Fang Qianhao and Fang Yandong; brother blood identification of Fang Qianhao and Fang Ziyang. 】

The entire six appraisal reports were verified by authoritative institutions at home and abroad and by the police.

"... Therefore, based on the above evidence, we can make a reasonable inference. Fang Yandong and Ms. Zheng Yaxue once had a relationship as lovers and gave birth to a son. In order to crystallize their own love, the two had a premeditated plan. We planned to steal our victims who were still in swaddling clothes and forcibly occupy the identity and property status of our victims."

"In addition, Ms. Zheng Yaxue has been brainwashing and educating our victims over the years, not only premeditating to encroach on the identity rights of our victims, but also premeditating to encroach on the Lu family's heritage."

"Afterwards, when our victim's mother, Ms. Lu Fei, found out the truth, she quarreled with Mr. Fang Yandong."

"It can be seen that this is a premeditated and purposeful crime, and the circumstances are serious and bad. Therefore, our victim sues the defendant for child abduction according to Articles **** and **** of the Criminal Law, and **** ... , embezzlement of a huge amount of property...etc."

"In addition, in addition to the above written evidence, our victim has two witnesses, who can now testify in court at any time."

Tang Xun's lawyer is very well prepared, the accusation is logically reasonable, the evidence is even more sufficient, and there are physical witnesses.

The judge nodded.

Mother Zhang and Uncle Liu were brought up together.

In Fang Yandong's ugly face, the two concealed all the things they had noticed in the past without saying anything, and Fang Yandong instructed them to teach the young master.

"...What we said is true. Over the years, Mr. has asked us to guide the young master not to study, but to develop into eating, drinking, and having fun all day long. In order to make our husband and wife work hard, Mr. pays us a long way. Far beyond the salaries and bonuses of normal babysitters and drivers, the bank transfer records can be verified.”

As for the antique jade, the two of them didn't talk about it, this is what Fang Ziyang ordered.

After all, he swindled Fang Yandong 2.3 billion from the antique jade. If Uncle Liu and Zhang Ma explained it now, wouldn't it tell everyone that he knew the truth and deliberately designed it?

At that time, Fang Yandong will be charged, and he will have to cause a show.

Tang Xun's lawyer has provided complete evidence, and the truth and reasoning are simply appalling.

Even the well-informed reporters on the jury couldn't help hissing. This is simply more extreme than strangling a child directly to death!


The jury's voice made the judge hammer the hammer to maintain order.

The trial continues.

Fang Yandong and Zheng Yaxue naturally refused to admit Tang Xun's accusation.

Zheng Yaxue mercilessly pushed all the charges on Fang Yandong and her sister Zheng Yating, arguing from the mastermind to an accomplice.

"Your Majesty, I don't fully agree with these accusations. I admit that I stole and exchanged two children, but this is what Fang Yandong ordered me to do!"

Although Zheng Yaxue is not particularly smart, she is very cautious. She was worried that the incident would happen someday, so she was ready to get rid of the crime.

"...Your Majesty, the reason why Fang Yandong instructed me to do this was because he always suspected that Miss Lu Fei had given him a green hat and held a grudge. Later, he learned that I had deceived him, and he held a grudge against me. There was also resentment, so he asked me to change children, and then he wanted to monopolize the joint property of the husband and wife, as well as the inheritance of the Lu family, and finally my sister and I lived together."

"However, I was worried about the incident at the time, so I kept the information reported to him after the exchange of children."

"Although Fang Yandong didn't marry my sister home in recent years, he paid my sister a living allowance every month, and when Yan Tong recognized his relatives, he would not personally verify it at all DNA, it's so easy to bring children home."

"It's just that he didn't think that his and my sister's child would have died long ago. Yan Tong was just a substitute for my sister who was afraid that he would blame him. Your Majesty, what I said was true, I have all the evidence."

"I know I shouldn't have taken my sister's credit and lied to him, but I really didn't expect him to be so cruel and want me to memorize all the crimes by myself, woo woo..."

Zheng Yaxue was crying and defending.

The evidence brought out is also very hard.

Fang Yandong was about to die of anger at her nonsense that turned black and white.

How much he loved this woman at first, how much he hates her now!

Fang Yandong really can't accept himself who has been shrewd all his life, and he has been deceived by such a woman for a lifetime. Until now, he didn't know how badly he was deceived.

This woman not only deceived his feelings and destroyed his family, but now she wants to make him take the blame.

If it wasn't for Zheng Yaxue's shamelessness, he would never have loved the wrong person...

If it wasn't for Zheng Yaxue's calculations, he would not have misunderstood the character of his deceased wife... After all, although he didn't like Lu Fei at the beginning, he didn't hate it either. Lu Fei was a very qualified business wife. They get along harmoniously.

Later, because of the resentment of the deceased wife's "derailment", he will not treat his own young son like a "true love son"!

As for the monthly living expenses for Zheng Yating these years, it is entirely because Zheng Yaxue is good! Because Zheng Yaxue let him take care of her sister when she left!

Fang Yandong really regretted his bowels.

"Against! Your Honor, I object!"

Fang Yandong stared at Zheng Yaxue who was crying like she was crying, raised her hand loudly to object, and motioned for his lawyer to defend.

He thought about it a lot these days. Although Tang Xun sued him and Zheng Yaxue, most of the evidence presented by Tang Xun pointed to Zheng Yaxue as the mastermind. In these years, Zheng Yaxue's extravagant brainwashing to protect her son is the biggest unfavorable behavior.

He knew there were some sins he couldn't justify.

The time is too short and the evidence is too much, all he can do is to admit the lightest part.

Thanks to Uncle Liu and Zhang Ma, who feared that she would become an accomplice, she didn't tell the story about the antique jade. So after discussing with his lawyer, he decided to plead guilty, but he had the final say on what crime to plead.

Fang Yandong's lawyer stood up:

"Your Majesty, we object to all of Ms. Zheng Yaxue's testimony. My client admitted that he did know that the child was being exchanged, and condoned Ms. Zheng Yaxue's behavior of stealing the baby. At the same time, these Nian did not fulfill the responsibilities of a normal father for the upbringing of his youngest son."

"However, all my client's actions are based on being deceived by Zheng Yaxue!"

"Because of Ms. Zheng Yaxue's deception, my client will condone the other party's criminal behavior without knowing anything about it, and have a young son who is abandoned, hoping that the family's property will be handed over to Fang Qianhao in the future Intend."

"The monthly living allowance for Ms. Zheng Yating is also based on the fact that Ms. Zheng Yating is Zheng Yaxue's sister."

"Although my client is unable to provide clear evidence, it is inferred from the motives of human nature that Ms. Zheng Yaxue's text message cannot be used as conclusive evidence."

"If according to what Ms. Zheng Yaxue said, since my client already knew the truth that he was deceived and knew that he was in love with the wrong person...then he doesn't need to take care of Zheng Yating's mother and son all these years. Outside, you can marry someone back home after your deceased wife dies!"

"...and in Mr. Tang's complaint, there is a separate statement that Ms. Zheng Yaxue had brainwashed her since she was a child, so that Mr. Tang would return home as an illegitimate child to compete for the family property, and protect the two Brother, it's actually protecting Fang Qianhao."

"From this, can we infer whether Ms. Zheng Yaxue waited for my client to have an 'accident' accident in the fight for the family property by her sons, and then her son inherited the family business and returned to enjoy the change Rich lady?"

Although Zheng Yaxue has prepared evidence, there are indeed loopholes.

She had a very well-thought-out plan back then. If she had put the case on trial twenty years ago, she would have been able to get out of the guilt with a piece of text message evidence.

But now the law is perfect, many lawsuits can be dialectical in terms of "Human Motivation", "Social Behavior"...etc.

In court, Zheng Yaxue and Fang Yandong started dog bite dog.

Although Zheng Yaxue prepared evidence to exonerate her, she did not expect Tang Xun to find out so many things at once, and some of the rhetoric was still incomplete and had loopholes.

Fang Yandong's lawyers stick to these loopholes and have no refutation evidence, but Fang Yandong's speculation is reasonable in terms of motivation and behavior, and has a certain reference value. Zheng Yaxue's attack was also rude.

"No, it's not. Your Majesty, the reason why Fang Yandong didn't marry my sister was because he was worried about Fang Ziyang's objection. He wanted the shares of his youngest son and the inheritance of the Lu family. Fang Ziyang is angry, he can't get it..."

"And I still keep the recording where he said he wanted to avenge Miss Lu Fei's derailment. I brainwashed Tang Xun, and it was just out of maternal love. I hope my son has a good life."

"I really don't want to take the property of the Fang family and the Lu family, I already have a rich boyfriend abroad, I don't need it at all, woohoo..."

In order to get rid of her crime, Zheng Yaxue's ability to reverse black and white is not small.

Fang Yandong was so angry that he stood up and scolded, losing his temper,

"You bitch!"

"It's clearly what you said to leave for me and for our children to selfishly exchange children and let me take good care of your sister. If it weren't for you, how could I have misunderstood Lu Fei? How could I have misunderstood me? It's you, the vicious woman, who raises the youngest son..."

"Zheng Yaxue, I was so **** blind that I fell in love with you!"

The two quarreled directly in court, and the former lover has now become an enemy.

Everyone was amazed.

Scumbag VS Scumbag.

Zheng Yaxue is obviously worse than Fang Yandong. At any rate, Fang Yandong still had real feelings at the beginning, but Zheng Yaxue lied to him from beginning to end, Fang Yandong didn't get angry directly, and he was usually well maintained.

However, in Fang Ziyang's opinion, these two are half a catty and deserve it.

Fang Yandong is not a good thing, don't look at the appearance of being deceived because of love and hate. Even if Zheng Yaxue doesn't put the blame on him, he will not let Zheng Yaxue go, and will definitely make Zheng Yaxue his scapegoat.

This farce of a lover turned into an enemy made everyone stunned.

It also made Zheng Yating, who has not been interrogated, sneer, laugh at herself, resentful, and go crazy.

"I plead guilty! All Mr. Tang's accusations are true, and I plead guilty!"

Just as Fang Yandong and Zheng Yaxuegou were biting the dog, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone heard the sound and looked over, it was Zheng Yating.

Zheng Yating's eyes were full of madness and hatred,

"Your Majesty, I plead guilty. All Mr. Tang's accusations are true. Fang Yandong and my sister conspired to steal and replace Mr. Tang. They not only want their son to be upright and fair. The eldest young master still wants to occupy all the inheritance of the Lu family!"

"Not only that, when Miss Lu found out that her son was wrong, the two of them directly **** her off. Although they didn't kill people themselves, they couldn't get rid of it!"

"As for my sister saying that Fang Yandong is for me... Haha, it's ridiculous."

"But they exchanged children together, and I did participate in the matter of stealing the inheritance of the original spouse. Because after knowing the truth, I threatened Fang Yandong with this and asked him to marry me. He promised to wait until the matter was completed. Just marry me."

"So these years I have been teaching Yan Tong to fight against Fang Ziyang, slandering Fang Ziyang's reputation in school, robbing Fang Ziyang's friends, and robbing Fang Ziyang's fiancé."

"Because I want to help Fang Yandong get all the inheritance and shares of Fang Ziyang..."

Zheng Yating has been completely stimulated by Fang Yandong and her sister.

These two are a vicious woman with a vicious heart and a stinky man who is blind and ruthless. These two people ruined her life.

She has nothing now, and her strongest beliefs are shattered to pieces. Since she is not well, then these two should be buried with him together!

Zheng Yating was full of resentment and completely put her life and death aside.

"Yating you are crazy!"

Fang Yandong and Zheng Yaxue were shocked at the same time, in unbelievable unison.

Neither of them thought that Zheng Yating would do such a thing. In the thoughts of the two of them, Zheng Yating will definitely favor one side no matter what.

Zheng Yating is most likely to favor Fang Yandong.

Fang Yandong felt that this was beneficial to him;

And Zheng Yaxue also felt that this was beneficial to herself, so she could say that the relationship between the two was problematic and they partnered to slander her. In any case, the more turbid the water was, the better the judgment would be for her.

However, neither of them thought that Zheng Yating would choose to die together!

"Yes, I'm crazy, driven crazy by the two of you. You two ruined my life, and now you want to get away with the crime, are you two going to quarrel about the crime? Push it all to me?"

Zheng Yating was crying and laughing, her heart was ashes, "Don't think about it! Don't run away today!"

"I plead guilty, I have evidence, my sister has been contacting me over the years, and she has called me many times, all of which are to discuss crimes. Your Excellency, you can check the communication records..."

This is of course nonsense.

But the problem is that even nonsense can be used as evidence. As long as she wants to make a phone call to plan a crime, the police can only check the communication records.

No one but themselves can be sure of the content of the call.

Woolen cloth?

After Zheng Yaxue realized her sister's intentions, her face turned pale.

Fang Yandong also secretly said that it was bad, constantly winking at the lawyer and asking the other party to explain.

But the lawyers are also sweating.

Zheng Yating, this crazy woman, is too hard-headed, and directly pulled everyone into the water. Fang Yandong's side was already at a disadvantage because there was not enough evidence to whiten himself, and now he is very annoyed!

The situation on the scene took a sudden turn.

The jury bench couldn't help but open up loudly.

"Ah, I didn't expect it to be true. Fang Yandong and Zheng Yaxue are just scumbags. It's too hateful."

"These two still want to bite the dog and shirk their responsibilities. Now they have been dismantled!"

"It's so vicious. Brothers Miss Lu and Mr. Tang have spent eight lifetimes running into these people."


The judge struck the hammer again, looking sharply at Fang Yandong and Zheng Yaxue, "The two defendants, do you have any explanation for this?"

"No, my sister is talking nonsense, I am wronged, I was instructed."

"Your Majesty, this woman is a lunatic, and her words cannot be used as testimony!"

The two have pleaded not guilty. One flustered, one angry.

Right now.

Yan Tong couldn't wait any longer on the jury. He stood up with a document and said loudly,

"I can prove it! I can prove that my adoptive mother's testimony is invalid, she is mentally ill, and her words cannot be used as testimony."

Yan Tong has been waiting for this meeting.

He knew that Zheng Yating would do bad things. When he was interrogated before, he knew that Zheng Yaxue had testified against Fang Yandong, and that when Zheng Yaxue stole the credit from his sister, he knew that Zheng Yating would definitely go crazy.

He doesn't care about Zheng Yaxue, but Fang Yandong can't have an accident. Fang Yandong must exonerate, otherwise he and Fang Qianhao would not be able to keep the Fang family's position in the Fang Group.

Fang Qianhao also stood up, nodding expressionlessly,

"I can testify too."

"In recent years, I have often received some unfamiliar calls from abroad. A woman asked me how I am doing, and I must please my father and not treat Fang Ziyang as a younger brother. , said Fang Ziyang would rob my property..."

"So, I can prove that Ms. Zheng Yaxue is the mastermind and my father was deceived by her."


Yan Tong and Fang Qianhao handed over the "evidence" prepared for Fang Yandong in advance.

Seeing this, Fang Yandong breathed a long sigh of relief and quickly confessed.

"Your Majesty, it is indeed because I was deceived by Zheng Yaxue that I would not report it and condone her crime. Even for my eldest son, I did not behave like my father to my younger son. Responsibility, let him grow crooked..."

The Zheng sisters stood up in anger.

Zheng Yaxue looked at her ruthless son, she could no longer pretend to be innocent, she was angry and sad,

"Fang Qianhao, you have no conscience, you are making false confessions! I am your mother, and I exchanged you with Tang Xun for your life, I let you enjoy so much For many years, I have endured hardships abroad, and this is how you treated your own mother!"

Zheng Yating looked at Yan Tong even more crazy,

"You bastard, I'm not sick! I knew you were an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, I'm going to kill you bastard! Yan Tong, you are not a good thing!"

"I'm going to kill you, you little bastard, kill you..."

Zheng Yating's eyes were blood red, and she wanted to rush to the courtroom, but was caught by the police who maintained the order.

The testimony and 'evidence' of Yan Tong and Fang Qianhao suddenly reversed the action, and all the plans of exoneration and death were all lost. How could they not be mad?

The scene was chaotic.

It wasn't until the judge slammed the hammer a few times before he got control.

Up to now, the truth of the case is basically clear. Who is the ghost and who is the human being, everyone has a steel scale in their hearts.

The judge announced a half-hour adjournment to discuss the verdict with the jury.

In half an hour.

The court decision is out.

All the crimes against Zheng Yaxue were established, and since Zheng Yaxue refused to admit it, she even intended to escape the crime maliciously. The victim's identity was sensitive, the amount of property was huge, and the crime was so bad that she was sentenced to life indefinitely. imprisonment;

Although Zheng Yating 'confessed', her testimony was false, but because she did not participate in the case, she was sentenced to 10 years in prison for abduction, theft, theft, and illegal artificial pregnancy;

As for Fang Yandong.

Because Yan Tong and Fang Qianhao helped to testify, Zheng Yaxue's accusation evidence was insufficient. Although Zheng Yaxue knew about the exchange of children, but did not provide him with hiding, property, or help to escape, the sentence cannot be sentenced here.

However, because the evidence of infidelity in marriage is conclusive, Fang Yandong's wife 5 inheritance shares and funds will be deprived of everything and returned to Tang Xun and Fang Ziyang.

In addition, the share authorization letter he coaxed from Fang Ziyang before will also be invalid...

Under the court's judgment, Fang Qianhao's shares, dividends from these years, and Mrs. Fang's relics, etc., will all be forcibly returned to Tang Xun within half a month. (The Lu family’s inheritance has already written a waiver letter and no longer needs to be sentenced)

Into the police station and court.

If you come out again, you will lose 20% of the group's shares, as well as the chance to obtain more than 4 billion inheritance from the Old Man Lu Foundation.

We will also face online public opinion attacks.

When Fang Yandong walked out of the court door, he was haggard for several years, and his footsteps were even more vain.

As a result, he just went out and met Li Zhiren, his nemesis in the company!

Saw Fang Yandong coming out of the court.

Li Zhiren walked up with a complacent smile, and his tone was very rude,

"Oh, brother Fang, after entering the police station and the court, the whole person is calm, and he doesn't even stare at me when he sees me. I'm so touched. Since that's the case , then I'll tell you two good news..."

"The first good news, your two good sons have agreed with me to sell their 20 shares to me. So, from next month, I will be the group largest shareholder."

"The second piece of good news, the piece of waste land that your youngest son bought before has been reclaimed by the government, the purchase price of 13 billion, and the net profit in less than half a month. 5 billion. Now you are worth more than you."

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy