MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 40

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"What? My father and mother's first son, isn't that my eldest brother? Police uncle, are you mistaken?"

When everyone's eyes widened in disbelief because of the police's words, Fang Ziyang was the first to react, and then ran up and exclaimed.

Although the emotions are a little emotional, as a family member of the victim, this is normal.

Fang Ziyang's exclamation also awakened the stunned crowd, and the guests pricked up their ears.

What about stealing babies, kidnapping and selling children, and illegally stealing other people's property... The Fang family's gossip is really a blockbuster!

Fang Qianhao, who was directly related to the case, was also shocked by this sudden news and woke up from drunkenness, and his mind suddenly sobered.

Then stumbled and ran up, grabbed the talking policeman's shoulder a little excitedly, with an ugly expression,

"What are you talking about? Do you know what you are talking about? What about stealing babies and abducting children, I am obviously my father's biological son, what nonsense are you talking about! Are you liars? You dare to dare Lied to our Fang family, are you impatient to live!"

I can't blame Fang Qianhao for being so excited and speaking in confusion.

For others, what the police said just now is to read the gossip of some people. But for him, it was a fatal blow to lose everything!

If he is not the son of the father, the son of the Fang family, everything he once had will be returned.

He will no longer be the eldest son of the Fang family that everyone respects, and he will become more of a joke in this city than the younger brother who broke off the engagement.

He will… no future!

Fang Qianhao's expression is ugly and hideous.

However, the police have seen a lot of people like him in handling cases.

"This little gentleman, we are indeed the police of the **** police station. If you have any doubts about our identity, you can go directly to the police station for verification. But now, please don't hinder our law enforcement and handling of the case. ."

"At present, the situation of the case is not clear, and it is not convenient for us to disclose too much, but this case is very related to Mr. Fang and classmate Yan. If Mr. Fang and classmate Yan do not cooperate, then We will enforce enforcement."

Speaking, several police officers looked at Fang Yandong and Yan Tong.

Although I just came in to ask, but it is actually polite, who does not know Fang Yandong, a famous entrepreneur in Jiang City? Yan Tong is also one of the protagonists of the bullying incident some time ago, and the news is still hot now, no stranger.

In this case, because the identities of the victim and the plaintiff are too special, the above are very concerned, and they have to work with 120,000 energy and rigorous work.

What's more...

to the point of being made public.

They see this kind of thing a lot.

"Mr. Fang, classmate Yan, if there is anything important in your family, you can explain it now. After all, we can't guarantee the time for recording the confession."

Is it that simple to go to the police station for tea?

Even if it is to record a confession, it is necessary to go in for a day and a night.

This is fine for ordinary people, but for Fang Yandong, who has to meet and sign contracts every day, it is a very significant delay.

In front of so many people, the police also have legitimate notices and reasons to come to the door.

Fang Yandong wanted to faint again, but he couldn't faint, and he couldn't.

Striving to suppress the turbulent waves in his heart, he forced himself to calm down and smiled stiffly, "Okay, everyone, please wait a few minutes, I will go with you after I explain the work."

Yan Tong didn't move, he was stupid now, and there was endless panic in his heart.

The first son of Fang Yandong and his deceased wife, if he heard correctly, is that Tang Xun?

Then this is Tang Xun himself? Or Tang Xun's friend?

No, no matter which one, Tang Xun's existence is revealed, it will be a devastating blow to him. This will not only weaken Fang Qianhao's strength, but will also allow Fang Ziyang, who has been isolated and helpless, to regain his backing.

How can this be...

Only Zheng Yaxue and Fang Yandong know Tang Xun's life experience. He obviously killed Tang Xun. How can these secret things be exposed? How did things turn out like this?

Yan Tong is really panicked and scared now, and his head is buzzing.

He has already fallen out with Fang Ziyang, Fang Ziyang hates him so much now, once the other party gains power, will he still have good fruit to eat?

After a brief silence, the banquet hall soon fell into whispers.

Although the police who came to the door didn't say much, there was a lot of information revealed, and those simple sentences with a little bit of a normal mind could understand the meaning.

If you understand correctly, according to these policemen...

Doesn't that mean that Fang Qianhao is not Fang Yandong's son at all? The real young master of the Fang family was replaced when he was born? Oh mother, isn't this a plot in a TV series? How come it really happened in real life, and the object is still someone they know!

But that's not right.

Everyone's eyes wandered back and forth on the two of them, muttering in their hearts.

How could Fang Ziyang not know what these people were thinking, arranging such a good show, if he didn't make the atmosphere more lively, wouldn't it be a pity for him and his brother to work so hard?

So when Fang Yandong called to explain the company's affairs, he started talking again.

"Uncle police, don't you mean that my current eldest brother is not my father's own son, but was brought back from outside? But it is impossible, my eldest brother and my father look so similar. It looks like his own, this, how is this possible..."

Fang Ziyang was excited and collapsed, looking like he was about to cry.

Several police officers were very sympathetic and wanted to comfort them.

But in fact, Fang Ziyang planned to let him speak at all, and without waiting for a few policemen to speak, he began to speak again on his own,

"No, this is ridiculous. I used to be sick and my eldest brother gave me a blood transfusion, which definitely proves that we are family... But I believe uncle police, you won't lie , Then, then I really have a brother?"

"Wait, this, my mother wasn't pregnant with twins, I can't have two brothers at the same time, then...then is this..."

Fang Ziyang seemed to have guessed something, so he looked at Fang Qianhao, gnashing his teeth, his voice was like thunder,

"Fang Qianhao, are you also my dad's illegitimate child?!"

One sentence reveals the secret speculation in everyone's heart.

But guessing is one thing, and speaking out is another.

Fang Qianhao didn't want to accept this fact at all, his expression became even more hideous, he stared at his brother fiercely, furious, "Fang Ziyang, what nonsense are you talking about! I am obviously my father's son, and you are illegitimate child!"

"Yes, you are the illegitimate child, no wonder Dad doesn't like you all the time, you must be the illegitimate child!"

As if he had found a vent, Fang Qianhao mercilessly put the pot on his brother's head. Anyway, he didn't like this younger brother, and he didn't care whether this younger brother lived or died.

However, this is exactly what he said, waiting for his words.

Fang Ziyang seemed to suddenly understand something and burst into tears,

"You bastard! You are an illegitimate child. Although you look like your father, you are not like your mother at all... No wonder you have been bad to me since I was a child, obviously my brother, But you always bully me, it turns out that you are not my brother, woohoo..."

"You even said that Dad doesn't like me, you are obviously jealous of me. How could Dad not like me?"

"Every time I ask for something, my father buys me something... My father will never scold me if I fail in an exam, and will comfort me gently, saying that in the future most of the family's money will be left to me, I just don't want to study and I'm not afraid... I like to buy antique jade, and my father let me buy it... In order to prevent me from spending money, my father asked me to authorize the shares to be managed by him. "

"So, how could Dad not like me? Fang Qianhao, you are obviously jealous, so you are talking nonsense!"

Fang Ziyang shouted angrily while crying.

At first, everyone nodded, thinking that his analysis was right, Fang Qianhao was definitely Fang Yandong's illegitimate son, that's right, the youngest son of the Fang family is still flexible.

But the more you listen, the more you feel that something is wrong?

What do you want from childhood to adulthood? If you don’t study well, you don’t scold you, and you say you don’t need to study. Antique jade is a money-burning hobby that supports casual purchase? In order to restrain his son from spending money indiscriminately, asking for a share authorization?

This... how does this sound wrong?

Are you sure this is the real favorite son? Didn't you raise a prodigal son on purpose?


What a shrewd person Fang Yandong is, how can he really make his son so useless? That's impossible, didn't you see that Fang Qianhao, the eldest son, was famous and excellent in the circle!


The eyes of everyone are really subtle.

Looking at Fang Ziyang, who was crying and defending his father's sincerity, no matter how cruel the old fox was, he couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic.

Everyone knows that the youngest son of the Fang family is not good enough. Broom the star!

The atmosphere at the scene was weird. After tonight, the Fang family is destined to become a 'star' in your circle.

Finally, Fang Yandong and Yan Tong were taken away by the police.

The dinner ended abruptly.

Xie Wenxu, who originally promised to come to propose marriage, did not show up until all the guests were gone.

As the original protagonist of today's dinner, Yan Tong became synonymous with jokes and unlucky stars on the first day he officially entered the upper-class circle of Jiang City.

Isn’t it a bad luck star!

Before, the young master of the Fang family was scolded as a public enemy of the whole network because he knew this guy.

Fang Qianhao took him to the party, and it ended up in a scene of catching a traitor and fighting...

Now it's even more powerful, Fang Yandong wants to recognize his relatives, and directly brings the police to the door...

This baby is definitely dying!

Although feudalism is no longer popular in modern times, people in the upper class are still very superstitious.

Everyone can't help but think silently.

"I'm Xie Zheng. Your brother asked me to pick you up for dinner. I'll wait for you at the intersection."

When all the guests who came to the dinner were sent away, Fang Ziyang received a call from Xie Zheng.

To put it in the past, Fang Ziyang must not complain about this antique pretending to be an old man.

But now that he has been in close contact with him a few times, he feels that he can't complain. Although Xie Zheng is a bit old-fashioned and too serious, he has to say that Xie Zheng is indeed one of the people he has met. The best.

For someone like him who is in the dark, a presence like Xie Zheng is like a guiding light in the boundless darkness, warm and hopeful...

At the moment, the Fang family is in a mess.

He is widely recognized as an idiot, Fang Ziyang will not waste his energy to stay and sit in town, the more chaotic the Fang family is, the more he likes it. And after recognizing his brother, except in the clubhouse that day, in order to avoid exposure, the two brothers never met again, let alone had a good meal.

Today is a great time to celebrate reunion.

Let Uncle Liu and Zhang Ma clean up the mess at home, ignoring Fang Qianhao, who is grumpy and unwilling to accept the reality, Fang Ziyang went out directly under the excuse of being in a bad mood.

But he didn't go to meet Xie Zheng directly.

I drove the family car around the villa area for a few laps, then parked the car in a remote location, made sure no one was following me, and walked to the intersection that Xie Zheng said.

Actually, Fang Ziyang didn't want to be so suspicious.

But he suffered too much in his last life, and he has to be careful in this life. It's always good to plan ahead and be cautious.

The car that Xie Zheng was riding in today was not the one we met for the first time, but the style was different, but the brand was still the same, and it was also a Maybach.

This is not because Xie Zheng loves this brand, but this guy is a bit obsessive.

Wear clothes only in those few colors; the number at the end of the contract must always be 8; the number of drinks must never exceed three; Three words... wait.

In short, Xie Zheng is a famous monster in the circle.

The terrifying work ability is matched by the old-fashioned and serious character of the other party.

To be honest, Fang Ziyang was indeed a little nervous about Xie Zheng because of these rumors in the past, but since he found out that Xie Zheng is a pure and innocent old virgin that is rare in ten thousand years, the fear in his heart disappeared.

Because once you know that the terrifying monster in front of you has an Achilles heel, that fear disappears.

Fang Ziyang was in a very good mood today, and he greeted him cheerfully as soon as he got in the car.

"Uncle Xie, good evening!"

His voice is particularly sweet because of the excitement, and I believe that anyone who listens to it will be in a good mood.

But Xie Zheng is definitely not included in 'anyone'.

In view of the fact that during this period of time, he was kissed for the first time, and framed for a crush on the second meeting, and... every time Fang Ziyang did this kind of thing, he would show a very cute and beautiful smile.

So Xie Zheng has developed vigilance.

Seeing Fang Ziyang smiling brightly, he tightened his body in a conditioned reflex.

I quietly put the piles inside, expressionless, before nodding and responding, "Well, good evening."

Then instructed the driver, "Drive."

The deep voice is particularly magnetic and pleasant.

But this 28-year-old appearance, 82-year-old with a straight-forward soul, is really a waste of face value!

Although he can understand it, Fang Ziyang feels that he really can't stand Xie Zheng's behavior. He feels particularly pressured, just like facing the dean at school before.

But because of his brother's relationship, he and Xie Zheng will have to meet often in the future.

Fang Ziyang felt that he should do something to make his life easier in the future.

The character is not easy to correct, so let's start with the title. He estimates that the reason why Xie Zheng develops this picture is because of his high status and seniority. See everyone is habitually regarded as subordinates and juniors.

Besides, he has officially terminated the engagement with Xie Wenxu now, and it is not appropriate to call him Uncle Xie Zheng.

Juniorly took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator of the car, Fang Ziyang took a gulp, and then looked at the old-fashioned man next to him with a smile that he thought was kind.

"Uncle Xie, I finally kicked that **** Xie Wenxu away now, do we have to change our names?"

The young man smiled.

Smiles again!

Xie Zheng:…

Xie Zheng felt that he was a little nervous.

Hiddenly, he put them in the direction of the car door, a little bit away from the source of danger.

Although he is an old-fashioned person, it does not mean that he really likes being called old, and he is not a masochist.

What's more, he and Fang Ziyang's brother are friends, what does Fang Ziyang call his uncle like.

Fang Ziyang didn't expect him to talk so well, and thought that because of Xie Zheng's temper, he had to lecture him seriously. But it's a good thing that Xie Zheng is good at talking, and he doesn't want to call someone not much older than himself as an uncle, so he looks like a child.

No matter what, his soul is still in his twenties, and he pretends to be tender when everything is okay, a little ashamed.

"Since you and I are friends with my brother, then I will also call you brother from now on."

Fang Ziyang took the initiative to get through the relationship, and then became annoyed, "But what is it called... Brother Xie? Forget it, it feels like a **; Brother Xie Zheng? No, no, no, this mother-in-law Xie brother? Uh, this sounds a bit strange..."

It's not weird, it's a little rude.

In order to maintain integrity, Xie Zheng did not squint, and interrupted wisely, "Just call your name, or Brother Xie is fine."


Fang Ziyang is very satisfied and surprised.

Although Xie Zheng is a high-cold flower, he is not ignorant. Look, isn't this just talking. Who said that Xie Zheng didn't chat with anyone outside except talking about business? Sure enough the rumors are not credible.

Today I slapped the scumbag, and he is in a very good mood now, especially Xie Zheng has done a lot of work in this, and now he looks at Xie Zheng not to mention pleasing to the eye.

Thinking of Xie Zheng's situation in Xie's family, they are a group now, and he should help a little, otherwise it will be detrimental to the cooperative relationship.

After thinking about it, Fang Ziyang continued,

"This time, I'm afraid it will affect you in Xie's house for a while, but don't worry, since we are a group now, you have helped me, and I can't favor one over another."

"Don't you want to kick Xie Wenxu out of your account book, and then get rid of Xie's family with integrity? I can help you, within three months, to help you achieve your wish."

This is not a small tone.

Xie Zheng turned his head and looked at Fang Ziyang with sharp and deep eyes, "What can you do?"

What he took so long to finish, can this kid do it for him in three months? Although it is somewhat unreliable, Fang Ziyang's move from Fang's family today is not without credibility at all.

In fact, Fang Ziyang does have confidence. After all, since the day he was reborn, he has been digging holes for his enemies.

Fang Ziyang smiled, with a dangerous knife in his smile,

"I can't tell you the specific method for the time being, but don't worry, I will help you solve it perfectly. I don't dare to talk about others, but Xie Wenxu... No one knows him better than me."

However, when these words fell in the ears of Xie Zheng who didn't know the inside story, the meaning changed a bit.

They all say how much you hate now, how much love you had in the beginning, combined with what you say at the moment... a typical example of love and hate going into the devil.

Xie Zheng looked at Fang Ziyang and couldn't help but speak earnestly again,

"The past is over. In fact, you don't need to torture yourself for Xie Wenxu at all. You are still young, and you will definitely meet someone who truly loves you. Xie Wenxu is not worth what you have become for him. "Your brother has always been worried about you."

He was very kind and comforting, always like a persuasive elder.

However, Fang Ziyang did not feel comforted.

He only felt that he was coming and coming again, the old grandfather Xie Zheng was online again, this terrible man of 80 years old at heart.

He didn't want to say things in his previous life, so he couldn't explain a lot of things.

Seeing that Xie Zheng was about to start lecturing the elders, Fang Ziyang could only change the subject and said quickly,

"Hmm, thank you, I understand what you said. I will definitely try to correct it, adjust my thoughts, and become positive and sunny! But now can you help me with one more thing?"

"What are you talking about."

Although the attitude of the young people's agreement was a bit perfunctory, Xie Zheng said that today's young people are more impetuous and need to teach slowly, and the young people have performed very well.

Seeing this, Fang Ziyang breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone and pulled out a hand-drawn photo, and said casually,

"Then please thank eldest brother for helping me find the owner of this ring..."

The photo is a hand drawing of a men's ring.

This is what he drew from memory. It was the thing of the man who had a one-night stand with him in his previous life.

At that time, he was confused and rolled the sheets with the other party. After waking up, although he didn't see anyone, the other party left a note and a men's ring.

The note had a string of phone numbers on it, and what would be responsible for it…

However, he was frightened and panicked at the time, and he was angry and scared after being calculated, so he didn't take the note to heart at all. When he was getting dressed and packing in a panic, he finally only took the ring. The note was lost.

There are too many variables after rebirth, and he can't guarantee that he will encounter the same person when he goes to that hotel in this life.

So he drew the pattern of the ring from memory, and was going to use this clue to find it. As for the phone number on the note, he was too panicked to remember it.

"I checked this ring. It is a set of works by SK, a famous jewelry designer in the design world. There are twelve pieces in that set, and they were sold to twelve people..."

"However, Mr. SK has passed away now. The buyer's information back then was kept confidential, and I have no contacts to check it. But Brother Xie, it shouldn't be difficult for you to check, right?"

It shouldn't be difficult to do with Xie Zheng's connections.

Fang Ziyang handed over the phone.

Xie Zheng's eyes fell on the photo in the mobile phone. He was looking at it casually, but when he saw the hand-drawn drawing of the ring in the photo, he was suddenly startled.

This ring…

Xie Zheng's heart suddenly beat a little faster, so he pretended to ask casually,

"What are you doing to the owner of this ring?"

"I like him."

Fang Ziyang is cheeky, after all, he can't say that I want to have a baby with this person, that is even more ridiculous and thrilling.

What he wants is the baby who accompanied him through the mental breakdown, not just one. Although he did not welcome the arrival of the baby at first, he thought about not wanting it several times, but in the darkest days, it was that little heartbeat that accompanies him in the end and was his spiritual support.

That's it.

Xie Zheng has also been terrified!

Xie Zheng shook his hand, "You... like him?"

Xie Zheng felt like he was struck by lightning in the head.

A little blank, a little dizzy, a little unbelievable.

What is this goblin talking about? Does he like the owner of this ring?

No, this is terrifying, how is this possible, his ring is clearly his! What the **** is the little goblin talking about, holding his ring, and saying that he likes him in person...

Xie Zheng's expression was subtle, and he looked at Fang Ziyang with a deep shock and disbelief.

Although it can be seen that Xie Zheng is brain supplementing, but Fang Ziyang has no mind reading skills, seeing the other party's expression, he thinks the other party is shocked by what he said.

After all, he was Xie Wenxu's fiance before, and the engagement was terminated today. Now that he says he likes other people, he is very feisty!

Although Fang Ziyang doesn't care about fame now, he doesn't want to take this kind of pot on his back.

Cough, explain, make up stories without conscience,

"Actually, the owner of this ring is my first love."

Xie Zheng:…

Xie Zheng was sluggish.

Fang Ziyang is nonsense.

"Actually, I don't have much love for Xie Wenxu, at most I like it. After all, he chased me too enthusiastically and did so many things for me. I'm just an ordinary boy. Can you not be moved? If I could meet a person who treats me so well, I would agree to him in a feverish moment..."

"But now I'm sober, to be honest, although I hate Yan Tong, I have to thank him for letting me recognize Xie Wenxu, stop the loss in time, or we'll be together I'm really at a loss."

"I thought about it a lot during this time, and then I thought of him..."

Fang Ziyang's writing became smoother and smoother.

"Although I don't even know what he looks like, the traces he left in my heart will never be erased in this lifetime."

, and the hand with the ring, so I can't forget it."

“Life is too short, I hope I don’t have any regrets in my life, so I…”

Fang Ziyang didn't finish his words, and made a shy look of "you know".


He did it right.

Although Xie Zheng can't remember when he met Fang Ziyang in private and had an "ordinary and beautiful" encounter with him, he didn't doubt what he said.

It's true that Fang Ziyang doesn't need to lie on the surface.

No matter how powerful Xie Zheng is, he can't imagine that in front of him is a goblin who has lived and been reborn all his life.


So Xie Zheng's mind was blank again.

So, Fang Ziyang not only has a crush on him? Have a crush on him for years? Secret love, still want to find him to develop it?

This, this.

Xie Zheng's mind was a little confused, and then looking at the suddenly shy expression of the young man in front of him, his ears suddenly warmed.

How could someone have such a crush on him...

Xie Zheng, a pure and innocent old virgin, felt a little blush.

With a light cough, he tried his best to hide his strangeness, holding a serious and calm expression, "Well, in that case, I will try my best to investigate you."

As for whether he can investigate the result or not, he has to think about it.

Fang Ziyang is too young, he has just grown up at the age of 18, he is immature emotionally, if the other party knows that the owner of the ring is him, he may make some impulsive intentions with the other party's bold personality Unexpected things.

Emotions must be treated with caution.

"But have you ever thought about what to do if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend now and you find him now?"

Xie Zheng felt that it was necessary to prepare the little goblin to be rejected.

Heard it.

Fang Ziyang shook his head confidently, "No, he must be single."

If he wasn't single, the man in his previous life would not have left him any responsible notes when he left.

It can be seen that the other party is not only single, but also a man with a sense of responsibility and a good character.

So, if possible, he doesn't mind developing with each other, after all, a baby with both fathers will be happier.

In this life, he does not expect any love.

He just wants to fulfill his wish, then have a home and live a peaceful life...

"Brother Xie, although I'm just an adult, my mind is very mature. You don't have to worry about what I do impulsively that will make you regret, I will be responsible for my actions, and every time I do I have also considered the consequences.”

Although Xie Zheng is a lot of nosy, Fang Ziyang is not angry.

Those who are really good to you will take care of you, especially Xie Zheng. Although he is upright, he is not a holy father. He will only do this to those who really value . Treating outsiders has always been the power of the autumn wind sweeping the leaves.

Because he is his brother's younger brother, Xie Zheng cares so much about him. This is the luck that his brother brought him.

"Besides, I will talk about the future. I just don't want to regret it. You should strive for good things so you won't miss them. Brother Xie, what do you think?"

Fang Ziyang smiled from the heart.

Bright and clean.


Xie Zheng didn't speak anymore, but his fever ears slowly turned red.

Is this young man secretly in love with him to such an extent?

It's daring and...a little cute.

Although Xie Zheng was still sitting expressionlessly, staring at the driver in front of him with a serious head, but there was an inexplicable joy in his body.

Such an obvious change in mood was even felt by the driver in front, let alone Fang Ziyang who was sitting next to him.

Fang Ziyang didn't know why Xie Zheng was in a good mood all of a sudden, he was a little confused.

But Xie Zheng was originally a moody and eccentric master, so he didn't take it too seriously. As long as the other party promised to help him with errands, he had nothing to do with Xie Zheng's mood changes.

Thinking like this, Fang Ziyang put all these aside and began to look forward to having dinner with his brother later.

Finally, he has a brother who loves him, he has to behave well later, he must be a well-behaved and obedient brother in front of his brother, although he is actually very cruel.


In this strange atmosphere, the car drove for an hour and finally stopped at a suburban villa.

The villa does not seem to be large in size, but the surrounding environment is very good, and the apartment is also very delicate, very suitable for people who like quiet. It's just that the villa as a whole looks very new and less popular. It should only be an occasional residence.

But at the moment, the gate and windows of the villa are pasted with blessing characters and red couplets that are only available during the New Year. It can be seen at a glance that the owner of the villa should be in a particularly good mood recently.

In fact it is.

Tang Xun is very happy recently, especially today is the happiest, when he heard the doorbell, he was so excited that he ran out and opened the door in person, leaving the nanny and Rick far behind.

Fang Ziyang was hugged by the other party before he could react, and then he was pulled in by his excited brother.

As for Xie Zheng in the back.

Tang Xun said that he is too happy now, and really has no time to manage the boss.

But Xie Zheng, who was ignored, is not angry, he is in a good mood now and doesn't care about these little things.

After seeing Tang Xun pulling Fang Ziyang to go first.

Xie Zheng grabbed Rick, leaned in mysteriously, and then looked serious,

"Rick, I feel like I need to tell you something very serious."

"What? You said."

Rick thought he had something important to do, so he stopped in a hurry, raised his ears nervously, and was ready to listen.

Then he heard Xie Zheng say seriously,

"I found out that someone has a crush on me, and it's been a long time. Are you serious?"


Rick's mouth twitched.

Brother, your flamboyant tone makes me feel that you are not serious, but a little happy, thank you.

Read The Duke's Passion