MTL - The Best Male Supporting Character In the Pet Text is Reborn-Chapter 106

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The two who came were none other than Moore James and Shi Liangchen.

In the wheelchair pushed by Shi Liangchen, an acquaintance is also sitting, and she has become Shi Meijing who cannot move or even speak.

Fang Ziyang saw the corners of the three people's lips tick slightly.

When Shi Meijing in a wheelchair saw him, panic and deep resentment appeared on his already haggard face. He kept making a "uuuu" sound in his mouth, staring at Fang Ziyang as if he was going to eat him.

It's all Fang Ziyang, it's this person who made her what she is now!

If it wasn't for Fang Ziyang, she wouldn't be involved in Yan Tong's shit, she wouldn't lie to her brother, and she wouldn't be hated by her brother!

It was obviously the fault of Yan Tong, the culprit, she just helped a little, Fang Ziyang was so cruel to her, turning her into a wretch! The most extreme thing is that I don't know what Fang Ziyang said to my brother, so that my brother hates her so much now that she makes her life worse than death every day!

Shi Meijing was bitter and resentful, until now she didn't realize her own problem and didn't think she was wrong.

Fang Ziyang is not surprised that Shi Meijing is still like this. If these people really have some conscience, they will not kill him in the last life.

The worse these people are now, the happier he will be, and his whole body will feel at ease.

The debts of the past life, all these people have to pay back little by little.

My eyes met Shi Liangchen secretly in midair.

Fang Ziyang continued to keep a low profile and stay in the team.

And Shi Liangchen.

Mohr's face was full of interest, "I have heard that Mr. Tang Xun is a young generation in the scientific research world, and today I saw it as a well-deserved reputation, and his courage is not small. I just don't know about Mr. Tang Xun. Can they really decide, and if they lose the bet, the Huaguo team will withdraw from the competition?"

Compared with the arrogant members of the M team just now, Moore's words were not polite, but they were obviously more confident.

It is an elegant gentleman and aristocratic appearance, but anyone who is a little more sensitive can feel a cold threat from the other side.

The beast in clothes and crown, it is Moore James.

Rick stared at his sinister cousin and clenched his fist secretly.

Tang Xun held Rick and smiled slightly, the warm breath was not sharp enough, but it could dissolve the coldness brought by the opposite side,

"Of course. Since it's my bet, I can make the decision, but I don't know if Mr. Moore agreed so readily, can he be the leader of your team?"

"This is natural. It is boring to always participate in the competition according to the rules, and the competition will be more exciting if you have a bet. Your team is willing to add interest to the competition. If you want to be the partner of our James family, Mr. Tang Xun's performance should not disappoint me, right?"

Moll finished with a smile and looked at Rick beside Tang Xun, "Cousin, I haven't seen you for many years, your vision is very good."

A gentleman's tone and smile should be approachable.

But everyone has a very uncomfortable feeling.

Rick's face sank directly,

"Moore, I am no longer a member of the James family, I don't care about your business, you better not pay attention to me. Don is my lover, not the James family mate, put away your ghost ideas, unless you want other brothers to take advantage of it."

Outsiders don't know More, as a rival of the family, he knows too well the meaning of every word and expression of More.

Moore is a natural ambition, Tang Xun's ability is enough to make the other party want to occupy. But that's impossible, and he definitely won't let that happen.

"Cousin, you are still so violent, I just admire the ability of my cousin, why are you so anxious?"

Moore shrugged, "Okay, since my cousin doesn't like seeing his younger brother so much, then I won't get in the way of your cousin. I will contact the person in charge of the competition to announce the bet just now. Go to the Internet, Mr. Tang Xun, then we will see you on the field."


Moore gestured for the members of the M country team who were provoking to leave.

When passing by the Huaguo team, Moore looked sideways at Fang Ziyang, squinting his eyes slightly, as if he was looking at some prey, showing an inexplicable smile.

Eye met.

Fang Ziyang also smiled, bright and harmless.

A conflict that started fiercely but ended quickly and peacefully.

However, everyone can feel the turbulent waves lurking in this calm.

More brought the members of the M country team back to the hotel room, the gentleman's smile disappeared immediately, and he reached out and slapped the few people in front of him.

After the fight, she took out the high-end handkerchief decorated in her suit pocket and wiped her hands in disgust.

"Useless things. Let you try it out, but instead you have pushed me down, embarrassed me in front of so many people, and asked me to save you, right? It's just a bet, no one dares to answer it, it's just a joke..."

"Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Moore, we just didn't expect the Huaguo team to be so tough today, and we didn't react for a while. We really didn't do it on purpose."

The slapped members covered their faces and did not even dare to express their anger. Facing Moore's unkind tone, they shrank and feared.

Although many of them have backgrounds behind them, in front of the James family, if Moore is not happy, the politicians and parents behind them cannot keep them.

Especially after the James family produced those scientific research results, the family's status in the political arena of M country has been improved to an unparalleled level.

A group of people who were arrogant and arrogant outside just now are cowardly like chickens at this moment.

Moore was not interested in wasting his precious time with these cowards, waved his hand and said impatiently "go away", and after driving the person away, his face eased, and he looked silent for a while Shi Liangchen of the voice,

"Shi, what do you think? This time the Huaguo team seems to have come well prepared. Do you have confidence in the bet?"

"Of course I have, but I can't guarantee others. After all, the first round of offense and defense is divided into individuals and teams..."

Shi Liangchen didn't change his mood, and told the truth in a flat tone.

Moore was not satisfied with this answer, but he also understood that it was a fact. In addition to Tang Xun, there is also Fang Ziyang, whose strength is unpredictable. The Lu family who can leave those research materials can't be underestimated.


Moore smiled dangerously, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you lose the bet, just take this opportunity to understand the true strength of the Huaguo team. I want to see if Fang Ziyang is really like that Yan Tong. He's even more powerful than his brother."

"Don't mention this man to me!"

Shi Liangchen's indifferent face changed instantly when he heard the words, with a strong disgust and hatred, and his attitude was not very good.

But Moore was not angry, but in a very good mood.

It is said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. The more Shi Liangchen hates Fang Ziyang, the more he will work hard for him.

When he first met Shi Liangchen, he didn't trust and look down on him very much, but later Shi Liangchen used his actions and results to prove to him that this person is indeed available.

Such a genius.

As for Yan Tong...Although it looks delicious and appetizing, but in the end it's the stuff that was used up on the Caesar cruise ship, he doesn't like such things.

What's more, this Yan Tong is stupid enough to die, harming others instead of harming himself, and offending the more useful Shi Liangchen.

However, for the sake of the other party's usefulness, he still has to save his life.

"Ok, don't mention this person. When I empty the information on him, I will leave the person to you to deal with."

Moore was very generous and changed the subject,

"Before I didn't really understand why you were afraid of Fang Ziyang, especially Yan Tong. He seemed to regard Fang Ziyang as a formidable enemy that he had to get rid of in his life. Looking at the photos, he was obviously a beautiful oriental angel, but ...I got it today."

"What do you understand?"

Moll showed a cheetah-like gaze, "This Fang Ziyang is really interesting. I feel the same kind of breath in him. I think we are a bit compatible. Shi, what do you think?"

"Similar? I think it seems like playing with fire***…"

Shi Liangchen was blunt, raised his head and smiled, "He is Xie Zheng's partner. Rick can leave the James family, and the boss should know whose credit it is."

"Xie Zheng, what a disgusting name."

A name made the smile on Moore's face disappear, but soon returned to a noble and elegant gentleman.

Moll's face was full of interest, "But it's more interesting, isn't it? The **** is always more delicious, especially the former owner of this thing is the nasty guy Xie Zheng. Shi, I think I found a perfect canary, are you happy for me?"

Shi Liangchen did not speak, and his face was not very good.

Seeing this, Moore patted him on the shoulder, and his tone was soothing but with a force that could not be refused,

Isn't it good to stay and watch and play, trust my vision, you will definitely like his taste very much..."

"Prepare well, I don't want the champion of the technology competition to fall into the hands of others."


Moore got up and left with an interesting smile.

Shi Liangchen stared at the direction where Moore left for a while, then put away the look on his face.

Read The Duke's Passion