MTL - The Beautiful Wife of the Whirlwind Marriage-Chapter 1579 Help her eradicate

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"Oh, what are you doing, how can this be done?"

Amy hurriedly ran over.

However, outside reporters have begun to shoot crazy.

Su late reached out and wiped the egg yolk, pulled Amy grain, and went in.

Later, Sun softly squatted, and then went in with a dark face.

This scene, how many people have to remember it.

Sure enough, the TV was broadcast very enthusiastically.

The picture of Su’s beating was also placed back and forth on the Internet, and it was also made into an expression pack.

The news said in a big way, "Su night and Gu Jingyu came out of the scandal, and fans were smashing eggs in public."

The fans immediately returned below. "Live, what is it because of the rumor, we hope that our family will be happy, but one thing, no one can use our family."

“She was beaten because she used Jing Yu’s rumors.”

"We can see that some people have calculated this for us."

"We are so pure, but you can just smudge it."

"Take away your utilitarian heart and stay away from us."

Su looked at these in the evening.

In the office, the economic man looked at Su night. "Gu Jingyu didn't like to shoot things in recent years, but the brain powder is still the most in the country. You should be careful."

Su nodded late.

"Don't go out recently. For the time being, I still pat the cafe and the new drama. This is a new drama. You take a look. It will be better after a while."


Su night is just watching those curses,

She said that she did not use Gu Jingyu's words. Does anyone believe?

Gu Jingyu, will he believe?

Su night opened the phone and saw the phone of Gu Jingyu.

I want to say, but I dare not call him.

Su night thought, applied for a trumpet trumpet.

Clicking on the information of Gu Jingyu can send him a private letter. However, it is estimated that many and many private letters are sent to him every day. She will be drowned in the sea.

It doesn't matter, she is one of those dusts anyway. For his bright stars, her point, the weak, firefly-like light can be ignored.

She wrote in it, "Jing Yu, I think, you should never see it. I am writing this letter to you in this small corner. You are not sure to see the letter."

"I think they are right, I am not worthy of you."

"You are so good, so tall, so pure."

"You are so beautiful, so beautiful, your eyelashes are so long, your nose is so cute, your mouth is so gentle."

"Your eyes are like the stars and the sea, the boat inside me is always so small, so weak."

"Jing Yu, I think, they are right. From the very beginning, I just hold it. If I want to approach you, I will not be able to stop you. But, as I approach, I know, I am so small, I am not worthy of your good, at least for now."

"So I am so resistant, then I want to escape, I am so inferior, so sad, now, I am not worthy of your good."

"But I have already met, I am, close to the best of you, that is already, I can predict, the nearest distance."

"It seems to be a little fan, love for idols."

"I am already your luckiest fan, thank you, let me have the opportunity to be close to you."

Su night put down the phone and leaned there.

I feel that these words have gone out and I feel a lot better.

She does not want him to see, then, their relationship is still the simplest, the simplest,

Like these days, he is so beautiful with her.


In the evening, Gu Jingyu looked at the news online.

On one side, things have been properly packed, looking at the top, Su was beaten by eggs, he frowned and looked at the picture.

"The one who beat the eggs, why no one has pursued it?" Gu Jingyu said.

On the one hand, the broker said, "How to investigate now, if the pursuit is a fan, there is no way."

"In case it is not."

"This one……"

"I don't think fans will be like this." Gu Jingyu put down his mobile phone and thought about it, saying, "Let people check it out."

"Well, I will go to everyone to look at the surveillance video."

The agent couldn't help but sigh and shook his head. "You said, you have to go, why do you manage this?"

Gu Jingyu also looked at the backpack. "Since it is caused by me, I have to deal with it."

"You really have to go hiking. I think it is very tired. You still have to think about it. Why do you want to find sin?"

"What do you know, the tiredness of the body is much better than the tiredness in your heart." He said, got up and went out.


Not long after, his agent came back.

"You think it's right," he said. "I watched the video surveillance. The man was planned from the beginning. He came in from behind. After he finished playing, he ran. You see, this boy."

"Who is the person found?"

"Find people to check it out. This person came out to the building and went home. I checked the monitoring inside and found that he should have collected a woman's money."

"This person is..." Gu Jingyu looked at it.

It is Sun soft.

In the coffee shop, Gu Jingyu was impressed because he had seen it and the time passed.

She probably thinks that there is no power in the late night, and she is framed, and she does not need to be too careful, so she is so brazen.

However, these little tricks are used by these little artists who have just started to enter.

Su night is still a small artist.

If it is higher, as for Lin Che, the tricks used are different.

However, Gu Jingyu is a person after all, and the gadgets of these people are nothing to him.

"Take this person."

"How to deal with it?" said the agent.

"Let her say goodbye to the circle."


It’s too easy to let a small artist say goodbye to the circle.

Especially for Sun Rou, she has no backing, she will have a lot of black spots.

Just find a black spot and you can eat her.

In the afternoon, Su was sitting quietly in the coffee shop.

It was hard to empty, she was looking at the outside with her head, when Gu Jing was coming.

He got off the bus from the outside and walked straight in.

A coffee shop is watching the crowd, watching Su and Gu Jingyu.

Su’s station stood Jingyu said, “You come with me.”


Gu Jingyu took her with her and walked to the back.

"Is Sun soft?"

Sun softly stunned.

When I stood up from behind, I was trembled.

"it's me……"

Looking at Gu Jingyu's expression, she only felt terrible.

After all, compared with Gu Jingyu, her status is too low.

Gu Jingyu wants to pinch her, so it is as simple as pinching an ant.

"Gu seniors..."

Below, a file was thrown into Sun soft face.

"I heard that you used to sit here in the past, are you?"