MTL - The Beautiful Wife of the Whirlwind Marriage-Chapter 1517 Maybe he won't wake up again.

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Lu Beichen snickered and thought that this action was good.

Gu Jingwei is on the side and has been rolling his eyes.

After a mess, Disney finally returned to normal.

A family of three just wanted to go back, Lu Beichen suddenly received a phone call from home.

"Sir, Master is not good, come back soon, Master..."

Is Lu Qinyu something wrong?

Lu Beichen naturally has to hurry back.

Gu Jingyu held some disappointed apples and looked at Lu Beichen. "What did they say?"

"Just say that Dad suddenly fainted, and it is still not clear."

Lu Beichen took a Gu Jingwei, "I am going back now, you should bring Apple to play first."

Gu Jingyi is willing to do so.

"No, I want to go back with you."

Lu Beichen looked at her.

Gu Jingyi insisted, "Dad is so good to me, he fainted, I am still playing with the children, how is it possible, even if I divorced you, Dad is still my father."

Lu Beichen thought, how can the old man, Gu Jingyu, care so much?

Lu Beichen did not stop Gu Jingyi.

Apple is also very sensible. I heard that my grandfather is ill, and I will say it back soon.

Take a private jet back.

Before Lu Beichen got on the plane, he called Lin Che first.

"My dad suddenly fainted. I am not using this to force you to do anything. I just want to say... Sometimes, a regret may be that there is no way to make up for this life. I will tell you, if there is any What regrets... I will not say it on the Black Hawk side. If you can, tell him about it."

At the end of the phone, Lin Che is also silent for a long time.


Lin Che sat on the edge of the bar.

Gu Jingze came over and said, "If you want to go, go."

Lin Che took a breath. "Just, Lu Bobo has always been very good to me."

"I know."

"I will definitely go, but the Black Hawk..."

"I will inform him, go and choose, be in him, say no, but it is our business."

Lin Che nodded and thought he was right.

Lin Che first rushed to Lujia.

Seeing that the Lu family has been blocked, I saw Lin Chelai, and there are sporadic reporters around.

Lu Qin Yu fainted in a semi-public place, and some outsiders have already seen it, so the news has leaked, and there is no way.

Lu Qinyu is the master of Lujia. Although he is now in a semi-retired state, things are handed over to Lu Beichen and Gu Jingwei, but in the end it is a big man of Megatron.

Such a person, there is something, it is a big event.

It is normal for the press conference to come around and watch.

Seeing that Lin Che came, the reporter immediately went up,

Lin Che wearing a cap, the hair is pressed very low, people stop the reporter from coming over.

This is a private matter, and it is a private matter of Lujia. She does not want to respond to anything, and people make unreasonable guesses.

After entering the door, he was led to the inside.

Lin Che also walked and asked about the specific situation of Lu Qinyu.

The servant said, "Master is still good in the morning. Going out to drink some tea on the road is the teahouse that I always go to. The result is fainting. However, the heart and lung function of the old man has already been said by the doctor once. But now I am squatting, I don’t know if it’s the original fault. Just now our husband has returned, let’s go in and see.”

Lin Che nodded and saw Lu Beichen, who had just arrived home, leaning in it.

"How about Lu Beichen and Lu Bobo?"

Lu Beichen looked at Lin Che, "The doctor said..."

"What did the doctor say?" Lin Che looked at Lu Beichen's expression, and felt that his heart was still sinking.

Lu Beichen said, "The doctor said, my dad, I don't know if I can wake up."

Lu Beichen said, leaning there, he even sighed.

Lin Che busy, "Why?"

Lu Beichen looked up and closed his eyes, and his voice was weak.

"The doctor said that my father is not good at heart and lung function. At this time, it is supposed to be an operation quickly, but his current body is very bad. He is doing surgery at once. It is possible that it is really on the operating table. Forever. They can't wake up, and now they are in a coma, and surgery is dangerous."

Lin Che listened and asked, "What should I do... Oh no, no way?"

Lin Che could not help but look inside.

I thought it was nothing. At this time, I was very blocked.

That is her biological father.

However, it makes people feel so far away.

That is because, for a long time, she has never regarded him as her biological father.

This time, I suddenly thought that if he really couldn’t wake up, then she really would have no father...

No more.

Lin Che silently looked inside, "What should I do..."

Lu Beichen said, "Now there is no way."

Lin Che’s eyes lit up.

Lu Beichen said, "The doctor said that in Sweden, an extremely cold ginseng has just been opened from the cold, and it has been collected by a collector for almost a hundred years."

"So long……"

"Yeah, the family recently intended to take out a hundred years of ginseng for everyone to visit. If you use that top, my dad may still have a rescue."

Need great nutrition, so that he can wake up at once.

This is the key to surgery.

Now, the most likely thing they can think of is the extremely cold ginseng.

However, it is obviously not easy to get that.

Lu Beichen looked inside, faint. "In any case, no matter how much it costs, I decided to try it."

Lin Che licked his lips and rubbed his dry lips.

I don’t know what it feels like, it’s complicated, but there is a voice that seems to be telling her.

Anyway, try it.

She nodded to Lu Beichen and said, "If there is a need, I will help."

Lu Beichen turned around and gratefully looked at Lin Che.

I knew that this girl is very kind.

"I will go to Sweden If there is any news, I will tell you again."

Lin Che couldn't think of it for a while. If there is anything I can help, nod. I am going to go back and ask Gu Jingze. Is there any way?

Lu Beichen sent Lin Che to go out.

Two people arrived at the door, but saw the distance, a black Hummer, parked there, it seems not close, it seems that the person, not far from the inside.

It is a black eagle.

Lu Beichen stopped there, looking over there, silent.

Lin Che also noticed that the Black Hawk car, she is still familiar.

Lin Che smiled and said to Lu Beichen, "In fact, he has no appearance, so indifferent."

Lu Beichen is silent.

Lin Che Road, "I have a look."

Said, Lin Che has already gone.

The Hummer's door opened and I saw Lin Che coming over. The driver had already got off the bus ahead of time.

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