MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 534 The Last Throne XI

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When recovering from her drowsy state, Freya blinked a bit, and in her somewhat blurred vision, the first thing she saw was a blood-red sky. The field of vision gradually zoomed in. The sky's borders hung a plume of smoke, crystal clusters passing overhead, and occasionally a fire or two lit the heavy sky in the east.

The light of stars has appeared in the sky, and the stars are shining on the lavender sky in the east.

Occasionally a bright flash of light exploded in the sky, or the ship was firing, or it fell. Then she could see a little closer. Ms. Yin Long looked at her eyes with concern, the latter's left eye was closed tightly, and silver blood flowed continuously from it.

Freya paused for a moment before finally remembering what had happened before, and she asked hoarsely: "Ms. Missreal, your eyes?"

Miss Riel shook her head, saying she was not in the way.

"I'm sorry ..." Freya whispered.

"It's not about you," Miss Riel replied, "you're good enough."

"Are we successful?"

Missriel nodded earnestly.

Freya felt dizzy with happiness for a while. She stared at the golden clouds, and the light of the sunset seemed to make the whole sky burn. It took a while before she recovered her strength and asked softly, "Are we winning?"

"We won a part," Miss Riel replied.


Ms. Yinlong quietly let go of her body, so that Freya could see the other side of the sky. Above the golden clouds, the center of the battlefield is already light and light, the huge portal has long disappeared, Freya's gaze is still, and Xuebai gradually climbs onto her cheek.

In her brown eyes, a golden flame was reflected somehow.

It was a bright golden thread, which quietly ran across the sky, with endless flames spouting inside, slowly spreading out. Freya finally saw what it was, and it was an eye that was opening—golden eyes, vertical pupils, above the sky, overlooking the earth.

Flame-like clouds hang low, and countless meteors are slowly descending from the clouds and crashing to the ground.

It was a dragon that struck the world.

It was, dusk.

Freya opened her mouth slightly and said hoarsely, "It, wake up ..."

"Yes, it's awake," Ms. Yinlong also watched in that direction. A silver light reflected in her silver eyes, and she replied softly, "After an era, the nightmare of our world came to this land again. Above. "

"Is everything over ..."

"No, we still have hope."


Ms. Yinlong took Freya's hand and replied, "Have you forgotten, Freya, our battle is over, but another battle has just begun."

The Valkyrie suddenly quieted down.

She quietly listened to the sound of her heartbeat, snoring, calm and powerful.

That was his war--


It was an ancient verdant dream. When Brando stopped to look at the crystal forest in front of him, he thought in his mind. The clusters of trees, emitting green light, shone at each other. A holy ancient tree surrounds this peaceful holy place.

He raised his head, and the countless trees of the world above him—the roots rose from the darkness and the mist, intertwined with each other, and gathered here to form the base of a giant tree.

On the top of the Emerald, before countless days, people used to describe this place's vocabulary-it is the pinnacle of the lower world, connected with the country of fog, the country of death and the river of scorching heat. The entrance to this place was found in the river of scorching heat.

And here is the lair of the green dragon, the strongest in the world.

Although it is called green, Nieder Hog is a real black dragon. It is so named because of its green blood like emerald. Brando didn't understand until then. It wasn't Nieder Hog's special, but because it was originally a bronze.

For that blood is the blood of bronze.

He also understood why, since thousands of years, Nieder Hog was hiding here and biting the roots of the world tree endlessly-the vague background story in "The Sword of Amber", finally here Turned into a clear answer.

Because the purpose of the green dragon is the final throne.

The eternal time did not resolve the hatred of the gods in her heart. It wanted to take revenge on everything that Martha had created, and completely destroy the world guarded by her. What Brando just dreamed of and didn't expect is that the undefeated world boss in "The Sword of Amber", after the end of everything, in this world, his goal returned to the original point.

He still came here.

He looked at this place, as if there was a wonderful feeling in his heart, a connection from another world, and the souls of countless people were caught in him.

But whether he really had to face the eternal dragon, Brando had no idea.

Everyone proceeded cautiously in the crystal woodland, and everyone cautiously did not speak. After all, the host here is a mythical existence. Its subordinates, the horrible dog Garm, are all fierce existences in the war of God, not to mention the master himself.

Of course, no one would expect this host to be hospitable—

Quietly in the woods, Tia and Hipamila looked at the reflection on the crystal bark, which could reflect their faces. Just on the divided mirror, the reflections are larger or smaller, some are distorted and exaggerated, Tia is startled, and Miss Shenguan's face shows an interesting look.

Except for the two of them, who had the attention to pay attention to these details, the others looked more or less severe.

"I finally understand it," Charles finally couldn't help but open his mouth, and he whispered to Medfis, "Why is there a bronze group here, it turns out their boss is here."

Morpheus nodded and agreed.

And the deer sorceress Elaine is at the front of the team. She has been lonely in the dark for thousands of years, and is most suitable for adapting to the loneliness here. Besides, the crystal jungle is kind to her.

She looked around and said, "It doesn't look like an outsider has broken in."

"You mean we're already ahead of dusk?" Aloz asked.

"It's hard to say," Elaine replied, "The road to the top of the Emerald is not just a jump in the kingdom of the dead. I remember that Nieder Hog himself reached this place from the ice and snow world of the mist country. "

"But at least you can't see the twilight species here, are you?" Charle took the conversation: "And most importantly, we didn't follow the same path with the green dragon, so you might not believe it, in saying this. Let me breathe a sigh of relief. "

Brando looked back at Tia. The elf girl still held the light ball, and the light on the light ball pointed straight forward. Although he hadn't been to this place in person, he also watched a lot of related videos, and in his mind quickly estimated what direction that direction was.

If he remembered correctly, there were several world tree roots staggered in front, and the gap between the tree roots formed a huge valley. Players call it the Altar Valley because there is a square cone-shaped altar in the middle of the valley.

As soon as Brando thought of the altar, there was a suspicion in his mind.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for them and their group to walk out of this crystal forest. The view ahead suddenly opened wide, and a beautiful valley jumped into the view of everyone. Everyone couldn't help but stop--the valley in the distance was actually a sea of ​​grass, dotted with some crystal groves, and a waterfall fell from the roots of the world. After flowing through the valley, a sparkling sky was injected into the sky Among the lakes.

Tia was so surprised when she saw this scene that it was not just the little girl. In fact, if it were not for the first time, no one would believe that there would be such a beautiful place in such a lower world.

Only Brando had anticipated it, so he saw the tall altar in the valley at a glance.

It is a pyramid-shaped altar standing in the sea of ​​grass. The whole body is made of obsidian-like material, so it is particularly conspicuous in a green field. Brando noticed that on the black body of the altar, the sea was full of dense crystal grids. He saw many such things in the ring of Death Frost Forest and Trade Wind, and he knew at a glance that this must be tiamat The network cannot be separated.

Brando walked forward, but Akane asked behind him a little worried: "Will the Verdant Dragon be in this place?"

Brando shook his head, and he wasn't particularly worried about that. Although the top of the emerald is Niederhogg's lair, the green dragon does not always stay in this place. It more often bites the foundation of the tiamat rule above the world tree. There are often only a few in a year. Only then will he return to his lair to rest.

Of course, the explanation in "Amber Sword" is that players can only challenge this eternal dragon for a few times of the year-if someone will come to challenge it.

So Brando explained to the mountain girl: "Needer Hog has been fighting the law of tiamat for a long time. He always fights until he is covered with bruises, and then he returns to the top of the jade. In time, it lasts almost endlessly, so it does not take much time to return to the top of the Emerald. "

"But I don't understand," Qian frowned. "Why does it do that?"

"Naturally it is because of hatred of the gods," Aloz said. "The Bronze people hate everything created by the gods, even our world itself."

"Sadly," the little mother dragon continued, "even though it represents eternity, it is not possible to bite through the foundation of the tiamat's law, so for this battle it is destined to continue endlessly."

"It's a sad fate." Shire shrugged.

In conversation, the crowd had reached the edge of the altar.

Brando looked up at the tall altar, and the light ball in Tia's hand was almost linked to the altar. "Looks, it's somewhere," Charles said, seeing the beam of light, "what shall we do next?"

"Who's the Lionheart Sword in?" Brando asked.

"Here is me." Meditis hurriedly replied, and she lowered her head to get the Lionheart Sword hanging from her waist, but at this time, the whole valley suddenly shook slightly.

At that moment, everyone stopped subconsciously. Tia was so scared that she ran to the back of her sister in the first place.

Others raised their weapons in one hand, but Brando looked around carefully and found that there was nothing unusual in the valley after the sudden shock just now.

"The vibration came from above." Elaine raised her head cautiously and pointed to the top of her head: "It should be close to here."

"It should be the movement of the Green Dragon." Brando thought for a moment and replied, "It may be attacking the tree of the world."

When Tia heard her words, she spit out her little tongue and asked in amazement: "It's not close to us, can it make such a big movement, how big is it?"

"Nature is not small," Brando replied, "That is a perfect existence after all. It holds the only eternal element in the world of Warnd. The Verdant Dragon is defined as existing in countless parallel worlds and parallel Time, even if it dies at one moment in one place, it is resurrected by the existence of another moment in another place. "

"Master Lord, shall we not kill it?"

"That's why it's called immortal," Brando nodded and replied, "In another plan of the gods, it was originally the ultimate weapon against twilight, but it was unpredictable. Maybe people I did not expect that they would create a disaster. "

"Fight me?"

There was a sudden smirk in the valley.

Brando lifted his head suddenly, and that voice—it was the voice that portrayed the deepest nightmare in his heart countless times at midnight dreams, and made him wake up again and again from nightmares.

That was Roman's voice.

The crowd turned back, and she saw that the merchant lady slowly came out of the sea of ​​grass. She looked at the others and smiled slightly: "Needer Hog only deserves to be a watchdog. Its power is also called Can it be eternal? Brando, in front of you, the so-called Bronze King is not worth mentioning— "

Brando watched Roman silently, watching this young girl who escaped Butch with him and Freya, dreaming of a businessman. The faint smile on her face was as if she had been in the past, and everything six years ago seemed like a dream. He promised the young girl's promise in the past, but today he has become the biggest regret in his heart.

He said quietly: "Since the twilight dragon, you control this body, as the enemy of us, I hope we can have a minimum of respect."

The smile on Roman's face gradually narrowed.

She looked at Brando: "If it weren't for the complete destruction of your world, would I use it here? Everything is just because of that **** woman. If she had tiamat in chaos, I would easily You have become powder. "

A voice sounded.

"In the final analysis, it's just because you are just a consciousness born out of chaos. At dusk, although you are strong, you can't represent the world itself." A figure came out from behind the mountain girl, it was Ovena, she Looking at the dusk coldly, he said, "If you hadn't launched that battlefield, would we have come to this world? But that's okay. Wars from several eras have come to an end, and that moment is you. When it fails. "

"Azure," Roman stared at Ovena with a grudge. "Our account, sooner or later--"

As soon as she spoke, the whole valley suddenly trembled again.

So that everyone looked up subconsciously, because everyone clearly felt that the source of the shock this time was much closer than the last time.

The Dragon of the Dusk also looked up at the dome of the World Tree, and she smiled: "It seems Nieder Hog has realized your existence."

"Me?" Brando frowned.

"Don't you understand?" The Dragon of Dusk smiled strangely: "Needhog exists in every time and every space, the so-called eternity, but there is a rule in this world that can lock every time and Every space is doomed to restrain this so-called eternity. Do you think it will be imperceptible? "

Brando suddenly realized.

Isn't your own time and space factor the strongest nemesis for the Green Dragon? But what changed his face a lot was that the Dragon of Dusk said that Nieder Hog had noticed his existence, so wasn't it coming to the top of the Emerald?

It was at this time that there was a third shock on the top of the Emerald, and the shock was so violent that Tia hit her sister. Others are more or less based on instability and raise their heads subconsciously.

This time, everyone could clearly feel that a behemoth had come to the top.

"It's a good show," Miss Merchant looked at each of them with a smile on her back, "but I'm afraid I didn't waste much time here, Brando, don't you want to see your little lover?"

Brando froze slightly, suddenly a flash of bad hunch in his heart.

I saw Roman raising his hand and tapping a ring finger gently, and a person gradually appeared behind her. Isn't that who Antitina is? The crowd saw the lady awkwardly, apparently under the control of the spell.

"Miss Antitina?" Metisah could not help but whispered.

Brando's eyes were even more anger. He held out his hand, and the holy sword Odysseus appeared in his hand almost instantly. When he was in shape, he would stab a striker towards the dragon of dusk . But Romain didn't move, the space in front of her was slightly curved, and a crystal claw of dozens of feet high emerged from the air, blocking Brando's offensive with a sound.

And Miss Merchant took the saber in her hand and put the blade on the neck of Antitina, who said motionlessly, and said leisurely, "Why, worry about your little lover? But forget that I am fir Lead a real mistress, I am your fiancee, dear Brando. "

Brando looked at her gritted teeth and took a step back.
