MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 522 End of night

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"So, what the **** is going on?" The three of them sat on the floor, Brando asked, "Why did you suddenly go to Silver Bay, and what does this have to do with Namenes? You are not returning. Is the Holy Silver Valley? "

The rustle of the woods murmured, and He-Xi's sunlight passed through the branches, marking mottled light on the green meadows. In the depths of the dense forest, a young deer is raising his ears alertly, looking up at this side. There are a few bright mushrooms at the edge of the forest, and a ring-shaped snake snake is hovering in the bushes. .

Qian sat on her knees beside Brando, staring at the quiet afternoon scene.

Namenis smiled and didn't answer, leaving the right to answer the question to Shire. Shire also smiled and replied: "It's just a whim to find your former self. Your grandfather is so famous, and as his attendant wizard, there must have been many stories about the name" Shire "in the past. Of course, the more critical Yes, after all, Metisha and Miss Hipamila have inherited their own heritage. I can't be left behind. "

"What does it matter?"

"Because the source of strength of each travelling mage is related to experience, whether it is the experience of others or himself, the worlds he sees during the trip form part of the rules he has shaped."

Brando saw Shire as if he was lying, and asked, "Why is it Silver Bay?"

"I don't know, just a vague impression in my memory, telling me there is something I'm looking for."

"The results of it?"

Shire sat upright: "It really made me find something interesting. I found that I studied under the Bugatti as a child and lived in Yinwan for a long time."

"Study under the Bugatians?"

"Adults know that the towering wizard was a follower of the Buga people, and we originally established a country in the Silver Bay area-the so-called Silver Bay, in fact, means the bay of Silver. Later, we broke up with the Buga people before crossing. Hai came to Karasu, and later allied with the Highland Knights. But for hundreds of years, for the same reasons, we have kept in touch with Kanek, and even some outstanding apprentices have some People will be selected to send Carnegie to study. "

Brando nodded, with the talent and elemental quality of Shire, it was also called genius in Tongji, and it was not surprising that the Bugatians saw it.

"I was subconsciously impressed with the experience of living in Silver Bay, but I still couldn't remember some details. The memory of the past was like a piece of fragmentation that bothered me. Until I went to Silver Bay, I really remember many things, including those before I became a Black Tower wizard. "

Shire recalled: "I remember that I did n’t know the memory, and moved from Manowell to Carasu with my family. My mother died very early, and my father was the family's principal. In my memory, I only remember that person faintly. The appearance of Mr. Aristocrat is a little serious, unsmiling, a very rigid jazz. When I was very young, there were often strange guests in the house. Later I realized that those were elves, but they were not Saint Osor's. The wind elves, they have silver hair, silver eyes, and they talk very well.

"Silver folks, silver elves?" Brando gave the Minnes a subconscious glance.

Namenis nodded slightly.

Shire paused and continued: "I later learned that the guests were relatives of my grandmother's side, and my great-grandfather was said to have married an unusual silver elf lady. Since then, we The family had an inextricable bond with the silver elves. I had a deep memory of my experience of learning magic. Before I was sent to the Abelian Tower, I remember that I had learned spells with a silver elven. As far as I remember, it was the respected gentleman who guided me on the path of the wizard until his reputation rose to be selected for the tower wizard, but after that, he left Karasu as my teacher of enlightenment, and since then I have I didn't see this person either-- "

Hearing here, Brando jumped in his heart, and he looked up at Shire.

Charles smiled slightly: "Hearing here, presumably Lord Lord should have guessed it, because later I met Hippad and Borg in Silver Bay and became their grandfather's wizard attendant under their introduction. And Mr. Borg, it is Miss Antitina ’s father. We also recognized each other after experiencing a lot of things at that time. Borg is the descendant of my grandmother's brother, that is, My distant cousin. "

"Do you remember these?"

"There are some details, but not to mention, the reason why I was able to go to Sacred Silver Valley to find that Menez was also because I remembered some traditions about the people of silver. In fact, the most important part of my mage road That is, the respected teacher who led me on this path, and I am afraid that only the silver elves can tell me the answer to his question. "

"So have you found the answer?" Brando looked at Shire.

Shire set his sights on the side of Namenis.

"The incident between Mr. Villefort and His Royal Highness was unknown to Her Majesty at first, but after so many things happened, we felt guilty about the descendants of the former Emperor Eck. Anxious to find His Royal Highness Princess, who has left the Holy Silver Valley for a long time, "said Namenis," the one who taught Mr. Charl is actually the brother of Princess Metisha and Princess Tiamas. Wang, unfortunately he was sacrificed beyond the elemental borders thirty years ago. "

The leaves rustled, like the footsteps of a hero.

Charr silently picked up a blue card and displayed this bright destiny card in front of Brando.

That was his life--

Gao Tower Junjie

Pick a spell / power card from your library, put it into your hand, and discard a card. If you have three or more Spell / Ability cards in your graveyard, exile Tall Tower Junchar, and then return him to the battlefield under his owner's control and be transformed.


King of Towers

When Tower King enters the battlefield, he has 5 magic counters on his body.

Add a magic counter to reduce the power level of any target creature on the field by one level. If the target power level is below the element, destroy it. Reduce 3 magic counters. During this turn, you can cast any ability and spell card from your graveyard. If the card will be placed in your graveyard this turn, shuffle it into the library instead.

If there are more than 20 mana counters on this card, exile the King of the Tower, then return it to the battlefield under the control of its owner and turn into (High Tower Junjie). Target creature gains a negative level ability.

When Charm of the Tower King is 0, exile the King of the Tower, and then move him back to the battlefield under the control of his owner and turn into (High Tower Junjie).

Cannot be destroyed.


The winter haze envelops the Brown Crow Fortress. The towering towers on either side of the recently completed fortress stand in heavy fog, watching over the Farnzan Plain in the north, which was once the busiest area, but it is now No one was dead. There was a sudden rush of horseshoes in the forest in the mist, breaking the loneliness of this morning.

The soldiers on the castle hurriedly lowered the suspension bridge, the iron chain rose, and the thick wooden boards hit the dry mud ground heavily, raising a piece of dust. A knight came out of the mist, and the law tightened the stable to turn over the horse outside the gate. All of them were wet and did not know whether it was sweat or dew. Immediately brought another warhorse.

But the knight didn't stop for a moment, and even had no time to drink a spit, and then turned hurriedly and stepped on the back of another horse. "Open the door!" Opening it suddenly, he slashed quickly and rushed out from that direction, leaving everyone a back view.

Such a scene is being staged in each fortress north of Alkash.

It was not until October of the spring dawn year that a message spread in the north.

The northern twilight army is recovering, and tens of millions of monsters converge with the ring of the world on the east side of the ten cities, Ellanta, and come southward.

Beyond the elemental borders, the Bugatti wizards monitoring the area also sent messages.

The dragon of dusk is waking up-

After five years.

The final seal left by the earth sage finally began to loosen.

At the same time, on the plateau south of Eruin, the Karasu people are welcoming a special celebration.

After three years of reconstruction, a strong line of defense with dense fortifications and the Acropolis has been formed in this area from Dizzi, Delinker to Silver Horse City; and civilians have long been evacuated to meet the upcoming war. For the first time, the Cartierigos who have lived here for a long time have left their homeland to rebuild their new homes in Manowell and Viero; only soldiers, adventurers, and Mercenaries and Bugatians everywhere. Of course, there are also businessmen from the rear. These merchants spontaneously transported supplies from Lantoniland, Golan-Elson and other places, and have prepared this long-awaited winter solstice festival.

This is the most traditional festival of Karasu every year, and in most areas of Eruin, there is also the custom of hunting and carnival on the winter solstice.

It can even be said to be an important sign of an old year spent in this ancient kingdom.

Although the troops of different countries, large and small, remain here, there are some from different cultural areas. For example, the wind elves often fast on the winter solstice to honor their heroes and sages who died in the battle of the saints. But here this year, at the end of this spring day, everyone does not know if there is any significance for tomorrow, so people put aside their differences and join the ranks of the Eruins to welcome this grand carnival together.

After the night fell, in many areas, the bonfire stayed bright all night, and it looked like a series of stars from a distance, dotted on the dark plateau. All food and drinks were open for supply at the carnival, and the streets were covered with colorful banners and flags. People indulged in song and dance and blessed each other, hoping to survive this war. Knights from different regions even started The competition once developed into alcoholism and turmoil, which made the scenes smoky-but people laughed, and after the awakening, the troublemakers shook hands with each other and left politely.

Regarding these things that happened below, the noble officers also mostly opened their eyes and closed their eyes, just as if they hadn't seen the treatment; because the castle was also performing a banquet, staggering, and a word of hope that the flag was opened one after another The only thing that was a little unsatisfactory was that there were no beautiful and delicate aristocratic ladies, but only one stick, five big and three big, big masters.

However, people also understand that the so-called carnival is just a ritual, which boosts morale and vents the depression in the mind for days. They know that maybe the moment the sun rises tomorrow, when everyone puts down their wine glasses, it may be to leave everything on the battlefield of life and death.

And that day was not too far away.

This is the last New Year of Eruin, and perhaps also the last New Year of this era.

On the street full of festive atmosphere, a pair of bright eyes in the darkness are watching this with interest. Then Miss Merchant stood up and left two gold coins at her desk-she thought about it and recovered one more. Then walked back into the crowd.

She will remember this interesting memory.

In her long life, this may be a wonderful experience.

But all this will eventually come to an end.

Roman laughed lowly.

Above the city in the distance, the soldiers on duty are sounding the alarm--

But it wasn't the army at dusk.

Instead, a white mist appeared above the horizon, and the foggy mist was so prominent at night.

The coalition of the Earth Army and the Silver Elves finally retreated here.


"found it!"

There was a cry of surprise in the dark abyss.

Both Solomon and the dwarven king Karifen looked down, although the big bang a few years ago completely changed the terrain of the Dead Frost Forest, creating a huge rift valley in the north of the Needle Hills, and it is even said to pass over the calm wind In the mountains, seawater poured into the rift from the north, forming several connected saltwater lakes and wetlands.

It can be imagined that under the erosion of tidal forces, the old days here will completely disappear within a few years, becoming a brand new coastline north of Wallenden facing the Sea of ​​Dark Stars.

Fortunately, they had time to get back the slate before all this changed.

Frost Singer Xin Na exudes a deep light in the darkness.

Several knights happily lifted the slate up and attached it from below. It was a rather quaint chic slab, but also the last page of the seven slabs.

"Finally ahead of everything," Cardiffen, the dwarf king, could not help but sigh. "Hope is too late, Lord Martha to protect us and make this last hope truly come true!"

Solomon nodded.

Behind him, Adjani had commanded the knights: "Take it immediately to the fir collar, find the Lord of the Fire, and help us pass a word to the Lord of the Fire-"

"grown ups?"

Ajani turned to look at Solomon, and her silver eyes exchanged that look. At last the King of Wizards nodded, and Cardiffen, the dwarven king, put his warhammer on the ground. Before the Queen in charge of the silver fire spoke again, he replied roughly:

"Go tell the Lord Yan, everything is ready, and everyone is already in their place-"

"Go tell him, the war is coming."


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