MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 514 Holy Alliance II

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Faina wore a azure knight ’s suit, and the bloated clothing with thick seams was difficult to hide her slender figure. The brilliant long blond hair was cleanly tied into a bunch behind her head, and a pair of sapphire-like eyes were in the middle Shows a natural and confident maturity, where there is still a bit of arrogant nobility.

Brando froze when he saw the young lady.

Faina seemed to be very satisfied with him, her eyes narrowed narrowly, like a pair of crescents, with a narrow smile and said, "They said you are here, you are really there."

"Are you looking for me?"

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think?" But there was a bit of past in her tone, but Faina might as well say in a small breath: "Why don't you come to me these days, you know me right here?"

Brando looked at the young lady strangely. "The meeting is about to begin, aren't you with the Duke of Mehotophen?"

Faina was so angry that her eyes were widening, and she stared at Brando fiercely: "My father asked me to come."

Brando looked at her like this and couldn't help laughing: "Sorry, I've been too busy these days, not to mention that I'm not suitable for private contact with Cruz, right?"

This explanation suddenly wiped out Faina's little dissatisfaction. The poor girl didn't really care what the excuse for her sweetheart was. She looked at Brando with eyes full of eyes and said, "In fact, you and Cruz Personal contact-no, even fair contact is perfect. "

"What?" Brando froze, wondering why the young lady started talking nonsense again without two words.

He couldn't help but look at the knight who was walking with Faina. The two young knights looked at him with an envious look, apparently they were both admirers of the flower of Mehotolphine. Kefaina did not mind the eyes of the two companions, and did not conceal her admiration at all: "It was also good for Eruin. If you are willing to join the empire, you have everything you want. "

"Isn't the answer to this question long ago?" Brando replied with a smile. If someone asked him that way, he might be unhappy because of that; but the same question was asked by the lady Qian Qian, but let He recalled the wonderful time in the ring of trade winds, and Wen Xiang's feelings are still there.

Faina felt Brando's warm eyes slightly, her heart slightly faint, her face slightly red, she obviously remembered the same thing. She stuttered, "But this time is different."

"What is the difference?"


"I mean, what's different."

Fayina opened her mouth to answer, but then thought of something, and changed her voice: "I know that you can't let Her Royal Highness be the princess, but I am also a princess, although my father is only a duke, but Mejo Toffen is much bigger than Alluin. If you want, I can't consider it for the empire. "

This made Brando cry and laugh. Although I knew that the young lady was unusual, sometimes it was too warm. Even Antitina couldn't help turning her head to the side, and her shoulders shuddered.

Medisa tilted her head and looked at the scene with some interest.

Faina was also blushing and cute, but after all, the Empire ’s enthusiasm and generosity were different from those of the Eruin, and she still looked at Brando firmly, waiting for his answer in her blue eyes.

But Brando shook his head: "Faina, thank you, but I am an Eruin."

Faina couldn't hide her disappointment: "But it's not impossible for the Eruin to be Her Majesty the Cruz Emperor."

"What did you say?" Brando didn't hear the young lady muttering in private for a moment.

"No, nothing," Faina realized she had leaked, and quickly shook her head. "I mean, my father actually asked me to come to you. Sister Delphine is waiting for you--"

"Oh?" Brando knew that Delphin was never kidding about major events, only to realize that Faina might really represent the Duke of Mehotophen, but what did he think the Lord Duke found himself for? Except for Faina's bond, he and the Duke have at best a relationship, not even a nod, but he is an Eruin, and it seems that he also has a relationship with Cruz. There is no interest link.

And he always felt that the young lady in front of him was a little weird and restless, which was not her original character. You must know that the prideful aristocracy may have disappeared, but the outspoken personality is subtle and imperceptible, and it is by no means more than a short while to reverse it. The so-called Jiangshan easy to change nature is difficult.

Brando looked suspiciously at Faina, and always felt that the young lady was conspiring with the prime minister to make a conspiracy-as for why it was Delphine, it was not that he looked down on the young lady, but that she did Without this tendon.

Faina didn't know that her sweetheart had black-labeled herself in her heart, and asked seriously: "You're no longer an Eruin noble, Brando."

Brando nodded, and since he took the initiative to remove Tonigel-Earl Jeanneel, he could say that he had faded out of the aristocratic circle of Eruin. Although nominally, he still has the identity of the Cadilosso family and the descendants of the Earth Swordmaster, but this identity is not much at all, let alone he has never used this to himself.

His Royal Highness gave him an honorary speaker status, but this status is only somewhat binding in the territory of Eruin. It is not so much a noble title as an honor, a symbolic post.

He suddenly understood what Faina and Delphin meant.

The prime minister was deliberately trying to get himself to attend the meeting as a Cruz.

If he insists on participating in the League as an Eruin, the best option is Count Tonigel, and even if he denies this, it will not prevent outsiders from thinking so. Because the Earl represents the hero of Eruin, the legendary lord who saved the kingdom and the royal family more than once, and people talk about his 'love' with His Royal Highness-after all, the story of the princess and the knight has been in Wayne was alive and well-but more importantly, what he was recognized for was Eruin's de facto regent.

So if he attended this meeting with Haruze, whether he was happy or not, people would think that he was the leader of the meeting, not the royal family of Eruin. There may be nothing on the surface, but it would Damage to the central authority that this ancient kingdom has so easily established.

Perhaps Her Royal Highness Princess had seen this for a long time, but for some purpose she and Haruze did not show their intentions. Brando could understand the friendship of the sister and brother to himself-but this The problem is only if he is not aware of it. Once he is aware of it, he will not allow everything he has done in the past in vain.

But Brando himself realized that he might be really talented in politics, because he did n’t want to understand it until now—not just Princess Griffin. The key to the problem.

Brando sighed and stopped thinking about this frustrating question.

In fact, he could ask the Bugatians for help, and because of his identity, Solomon would definitely give him a place. But this is not the best choice. After all, in the sacred vows, the silver people have always been bystanders rather than participants. What he has to do is to lead the conference. After all, I am afraid that in this war No one knows the Dragon of Dusk better than himself.

If he participated in the congregation as Count Toniger, the whole of Warnde had witnessed the glorious Holy Sword when Antinina rebelled against the Sadr Witch that day, so the Eruin was here naturally The League of Nations has an advantageous position-especially when it has been known that Divine Sword Amber may be inside Eruin.

But if you want to give up this advantage, then Cruz seems to be the best alternative.

the reason is simple.

Because Cruz's sage is the king of inflammation-Gilt.

But the problem was the same. He frowned and asked, "But I am an Eruin, after all, even if I am with you, isn't it right?"

Faina replied confidently: "Brando, don't worry, Sister Delphine said she will satisfy you."

Brando remembered the woman who knew everything, Delphien was not a person who couldn't help it, but this time he couldn't think of any way that the prime minister could solve this difficult problem.

But whenever he thinks of the name full of charm, he feels more in touch with the cold fingertips and ten fingers, hot skin and half-star eyes of star eyes, and exhaled like blue musk. .

The impression in his mind was a little indifferent at first, and even made him feel scared, but gradually, it became so deep.

Brando looked back at Antitina, and the Miss Staff nodded silently to him.

The light in the clouds is fading.

Kusano was low, and people gradually appeared above the wasteland.

Representatives from various countries on the order side began to enter the real holy place.


Entering the venue, the two sounded at the same time with the same childish voices.

Haruze stopped, his little hand under the thick cloak clenched his scepter, and watched the phoenix fire not far away, with a look on his face like a small animal that was feeding. Phoenix Fire had known another student of the teacher for a long time, and stopped to look at him curiously. She did not flicker or avoid the gaze of Haruze, and looked calm.

"Teacher, she is ..."

"She is Phoenix, in a sense your classmate. According to Jiufeng, you are a senior and an elder brother." Of course, Brando understood the heart of His Royal Highness and reminded him: "Although Phoenix Fire may be far away from you in the future, but at least here you have to take responsibility for protecting her. "

"Well, is she learning swordplay with you?" Haruze asked in a low frown, frowning tightly.

"Almost." Brando replied, of course, Phoenix Fire is not only learning swordsmanship from him, but it can also be regarded as his mantra. In the eyes of outsiders, he is more of a swordsman, so it is not impossible to say so.

Haruzer was even more disappointed, and whispered, "It would be so good if I could learn swordsmanship."

Brando watched His Royal Highness's eyes become deeper and deeper as if they were stars, and he shook his head unconsciously: "Black magic is not bad, Haruze, and maybe this is the future, let's talk about it. I said that you have to be confident in yourself-at your age, your swordsmanship is not bad. "

Of course, it is worse than Phoenix Fire.

"Really?" After all, Haruze is a child's heart. Although he has worked hard to be the mature and stable man who should be the master of a country, he is not the same before Brando. It is a combination of gratitude, Worship and expectations complex emotions.

Brando nodded.

The venue of the St. White Stele is actually a group of low pillars surrounding the stele. I don't know who set up the pillars. The grass was laid with standard slabs around the concentric circles. Each other-the huge white stele in the distance.

From this close distance, the entire holy white rock seemed to have such a towering taste.

More and more people have entered the venue, and some people have noticed this direction-the actions of the Eruins are now noticeable, but few people can recognize Brando's identity, and people see him and Eru Because of the young king's dialogue, he was secretly trying to figure out his identity.

Compared with Haruze, Huang Huo's performance naturally gets more. She still speaks a sword for her teacher without saying a word—this is also the tradition of Jiu Feng.

Many people were even more surprised to see Huanghuo took the sabre from Brando and stood aside. People have gradually been able to distinguish the identities of these nine phoenixes these days. Huanghuo, as the jade phoenix of this generation, Jiufeng Her Royal Highness Princess, her identity need not be exalted in the future, or she may be above the king, or she will not participate in this meeting on behalf of Jiufeng this time.

And these two important people have a relationship with that young man-who the other is.

I am afraid there are only a few Wind Elves from the Bugatians, Cruzs, and St. Osor who have no doubts at the scene. In fact, even the Wind Elves, there are also many middle-level nobles whispering and discussing Brando's Identity.

But under their gaze, Brando saw Yalta.

"Mr. Brando."

Yalta hurriedly saluted Brando, but Pea didn't bow her head, but the proud hunter girl remembered her absurd move that night, her face burned a bit, so don't overdo it-fortunately, her skin was exuding health The bronzed light and blush are not so obvious to outsiders.

Seeing the children of the hunters, Brando thought of Saint Osor after the wind, and he sighed a little: "You did a good job, Yaluta, Peya, I heard about your deeds in Alkash Now, you are not sorry for the post-wind band in your hands, Lord Saint Osor will be proud of you. "

He looked at Lord Lorraine Dale behind them, nodded slightly to the latter, and apparently heard of each other's glorious deeds. It was not necessarily a blessing for them to have such a person to teach.

"You're the grandson of Darus?" Istorville faced Brando's gaze, his eyes flashing.


"Very good, Darus has a good descendant," Istorville nodded and replied, "Unfortunately, human life is too short. Your grandfather is the best opponent I have encountered in my life. But you are also good. It may not be a good thing for the coalition to have a commander like you. "

Brando knew his grandfather's grievances with this man, who was the commander of the coalition forces on Saint-Osor's side during the long war 60 years ago. However, the elves have a long life, rich experience, and an endless stream of excellent strategists. The King of Lorraine's fame has been known for at least a century in the morning compared to his grandfather. Definitely a talent of heaven, it is no accident that he has a huge reputation in the entire Temple of Fire.

But the elf lord's words made him stupefy: "What are you talking about, Mr. Istorville?"

For this question, the Lord of Lorraine's gray face showed a natural smile, but did not answer anymore, but left Yaruta and Peia back to the elves.

But just this side of the scene has once again caused waves in the entire venue, and more and more people are looking in this direction.

On the contrary, the internal discussion of the Wind Elves has subsided, and most of the Elves have clearly recognized each other.

The legend of the Earl in Eruin may not be anything, but his other identity is daunting. As a signer of the contract with the wind, he holds the Holy Earth Sword and the Golden Flame Blade. No matter where it is a living legend, it is awe-inspiring.

Still others set their sights on the lion's side of Torquain, and what Harangya, the holy sword of the earth, means to the people of the Holy White Plain, is self-evident. Moreover, according to legend, the Lions also had a bad relationship with Eruin because of this. They also sent people to Eruin to seize the Holy Sword, but they left it in the end.

But Brando didn't care about this, and took Haruze and Phoenix to continue to move forward, and occasionally exchanged his own experience with his two students. As he got closer and closer to the center of the venue, the piece in the field of vision The sheer size of chalk-colored rocks is becoming more and more shocking.

People have stepped back to both sides, and only really important people can enter the area next to the stele-the entire Silver Bay is only elected with two representatives. In most small countries, only one person can go, but they cannot enter the core. region.

It was only the heirs of the seven ancestors who could actually walk to the stone monument and engraved the name on the sacred covenant. Plus at most one Jiufeng and one Madara.

More and more people are beginning to guess Brando's identity.

It was time for Phoenix Fire to leave, because she had already reached the area where the nine envoys were located—she saluted to her teacher, returned her sword, and turned away. After that, Brando saw Fang Qi again, but the guy looked a bit toothy and grinned, and didn't seem to agree with him.

"They're all looking at you, Brando," Faina said with joy in her voice, watching the situation around her as she walked: "They must be guessing who you are."

Antinina shook her head, and calmly replied, "Curious, just wait until they really know who we are, and they won't pay such attention again. The importance of Eruin does not mean that Egypt Luin's kingdom has become pivotal. "

"I understand, Miss Antitina," Haruze, who had just fluttered, shook his head quickly. In Toniger, in fact, Antitina had been a teacher for a longer time. For this, The sermon model of a lady of staff also has some fears: "We will face our identity."

Antitina glanced at him and nodded.

But Faina couldn't tolerate Brando being despised-not even his aides, she countered: "That's not necessarily true."

Brando looked back strangely at the confident young lady, increasingly suspicious of her performance today: "What did Delphine say to you, Faina?"

"No, nothing." Faina was startled, and quickly shook her head.

"It's nothing?"

"Delphine won't let me say, Brando," Faina was forced into desperation, and had to sell her teammates bitterly: "I won't let you down anyway, won't I?"

"hope so."

"Brando, are you angry?" Faina asked cautiously.

Meditis smirked from behind and hurriedly covered her mouth with a blush.

Brando also smiled helplessly: "Do I look so careful?"

"Okay," in fact, the girl just had some troubles in front of her sweetheart: "Right, Ropar?" She remembered the Firetalon Lizard Lord who had saved his life in the capital.

"Rut took him to the elemental world of fire, the river of scorching heat," Brando replied casually.

He saw Magdale in the crowd, and the nun princess saw him at the same moment, and stood up quickly, greeting him with a smile. For Magdal, Brando was not only the one who was most likely to be close to the Throne of the Last Chosen and received the Amber Sword, but more importantly, the knight of this close friend had saved her life several times. .

But in her mind, Brando was far more than just grateful.

Fortunately, no one noticed this distant glimpse between the two, otherwise I am afraid there was already a tumult at the venue. The Silver Bay states first responded to the call of the Cruzs and Saint Osor's Elves to establish a coalition. Under the leadership of the nun princess, they participated in the Battle of Kandbel and participated in the Battle of Alkash. At this moment, they have already played an important role in this venue, and they are no longer a force to be ignored.

"Who is Ruth?" Fayin asked in doubt.

"A little goblin, they are flame goblins, creatures born from the source of fire, and the elemental world of fire is their hometown," Brando replied.

"So is the elemental world of fire also the hometown of the fireclaw lizards, so Ropal went home to visit relatives?"

Faina's slightly coquettish understanding made Brando smile a little lightly, but he understood that the trip of the Fireclaw Lizardman and Ruth may not be so easy. After the First World War, The four major elemental realms have long since collapsed, the aborigines there have fled to the physical realm, and now all that is left is a deadly twisted void.

The reason why Rutter and Ropal returned is only to obtain the inheritance of the elemental world of fire. Correspondingly, another little fairy and the crystal stag Marocha also returned to the shallow ocean realm.

Thinking of shallow water, he could not help thinking of Miss Tata, and could not help but sigh.

Faina couldn't understand what he was sighing, but she didn't have time to care about it, because with Haruzer's departure, everyone's eyes finally fell on her. Although for the choice of Brando, the little prince was slightly surprised:

"Teacher, aren't you with us?"

He frowned and looked very sad. There was already a blink in his eyes. If he didn't remember his identity, I'm afraid he would cry in public.

Brando shook his head. He knew that although His Royal Highness appeared to be strong on the surface, the weakness in his heart was not completely eradicated—he was both the brave Princess Fusha and the crying nose. Haruzet-but for the commission of this kingdom, this little boy has actually sacrificed too much ...

Fortunately, a scream came from afar in the crowd, and a fat dragon suddenly flew over from there. Both Haruzer and Brando looked with amazement at Hipamila who chased him behind.

The little prince realized his malaise. He wiped away his tears, paid tribute to Brando, and returned to his place with the attendants.

Brando was left with only a handful of people, including Metisha, Sister Medfis, Antitina, and Faina.

But several people are still moving on.

At this time, people in the venue finally recognized Faina.

"It's Cruz."

"Strange, does the Cruz representative have such a young man?"

"Is it their eldest son?"

"No, it's not."

"Look at the sword behind him--"

Golden Flame Blade.

The crowd suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, Brando also happened to set foot on the innermost ring of the St. White Stone Stele. Everyone in the inner circle looked back to the new outsider, the seven wizard leaders of the Bugatians, and the representative of St. Osor, the King of Lorraine and his sister, the hunter, Her Royal Highness, Magdale, White Wolf Sword, St. Blanc, Druid, Lion of Toquinin, Dwarf King Carriffen, and Dilferi and Manrique, Faenzan, The Hazels, Her Majesty the Queen of Madara, the Silver Elves and even a few weird Naga.

Finally, the little mother dragon Aloz and Frohfa.

Each look has a different meaning.

Some are clear, there is joy, there is eagerness and admiration, there is calmness, there is also scrutiny, and even doubt and suspicion. Brando distinguished each look from it, and responded to a few of them. He took a look at Dilferry with a little surprise-he didn't expect to see the Earl and his captain here. .

Manrique was obviously very excited. He had wanted to return to Eruin long ago, just like Bryson, but the Lord Lord had given him the mission that he had to stay and continue to protect Dilferi.

He did not expect that he would meet his Lord Lord in this place.

Then Brando saw Aloz, and the golden dragon's golden eyes did not hide his nostalgia, and responded with a smile.

Finally, there was Blanc, and the old man nodded his head slightly.

But Brando noticed another look in the crowd, which slightly warmed him. He looked in that direction and just saw a pair of green eyes like dreams—the little girl was so incomparable Watching him tenderly and admiringly, the look was so firm, like a hope.

On the night the firth of fire broke out, he saved this hope with his own hands. This hope took root and sprouted in the human heart like a seed, and now it has broken through and is about to grow into a towering tree.

He smiled slightly, and suddenly realized what, maybe too many choices and too many burdens, but as long as he remembered the original decision, he would no longer regret it.

Because he believes in all justice.

He nodded to Funia, the light in the eyes of the distant little girl seemed to light up suddenly, and burst into a contented smile.

Then Brando stopped.

Looking up at the huge stele, a faint whisper occurred in his heart. He stood here, as if time was going backwards. It was a wilderness thousands of years ago. The wind was blowing on the blades of grass, in a wave of waves. Everyone who stands is so clear and real.

There seemed to be a sacred and solemn breath in the air.

Brando clearly felt that there seemed to be a gaze, passing through the time, and staring at himself.

He held out his hand--

Just listening to the buzz, Delphin stood in the crowd and looked at the scene with a slight smile-the sacred ring of fire in her hand, at this moment, she gave a dazzling light, in her palm. The middle shuddered slightly.

The wind rose on the grassland, and the wolves howled at each other from afar.

The sound of whine, one after another.

The Lions of Torquain stood up one by one.

The tall, young lion head, with a shallow scar on his face, seemed to hold a burning light ball in his hands. It looked at this scene somewhat incredibly, and then looked in this direction:

"Human, who are you?"

The wind elves, the Fazans, the Hazels, the Druids and the dwarves also left one by one. Although some people had already expected them, this scene also shocked them.

Every ring is shining dazzlingly, every ring is trembling as if to break free from all restraints.

That is the oldest story, the sacred Seven Commandments of the King of Fire.

And now their king is back.


Read The Duke's Passion