MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 507 Shrine

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String magic.

These three words represent the most destructive power since the age of the people.

The Dragon-based spell system goes beyond the restless element layer and the silvery network of laws—extracting power directly from the bottom of the Tiamat Code; and the three major elements that make up it, the laws, energy, and matter, are what build this world The basics.

Reshape the purity of energy and magic with the strings of law. This is the origin of the magical title of string.

The apex of the mortal spell is the Fourteen Rings spell, which the silver people call the forbidden spell, because that is the limit that the law and elemental power can reach. But to the people of God, such power is just a secondary manifestation of the essence of this world.

What is the universe?

It is dimension and energy.

Only the fifteenth ring owned by string magic, magic war spell.

Even in countless times in the past, the splendid sword of beheading God is not every time there is a chance to cast.

In this declining era, there is only one dragon on this continent that uses string magic. After the battle of the saints, in fact, it is no longer possible for the dragons to use the ritual of the ring to reproduce this former glory.

But there is always a turn for the better.

That is to use the power of life.

A huge French array unfolded behind more than a hundred dragons.

The dragon chant chanting a spell resounded between the heavens and the earth, the air resonated, and a beam of dazzling beams of light pierced through the circle.

Even though it has crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters, it still looks like a spear of light and is accurately inserted into Bahamut's head-the light is so simple and glorious that even Cruzians close at hand cannot even Be aware of any wave of energy in this spell.

But the human wizards who accompanied the ship almost went crazy when they saw this scene.

Their knowledge of this world tells them that any magic power will be attenuated, and there is no energy loss when no one energy form can transition in different energy forms.

But this dazzling beam of light.

It is the perfect form of energy existence, and the escape rate is zero.

This is impossible magic.

However, it is displayed in this world by the hand of the string magic of the dragon.

Everyone was shocked to see the beam of light running through the skull of the metal dragon. Bahamut wailed in pain, raising his neck so high that his entire body stood up from the black sphere and fell backwards.

But this is not without cost.

The dragon in the circle was turning into dust, and died with the wind.

"Preparing for a second attack ..." Aloz watched the sacrifice of her fellow, heart-skinned, but she hardened her heart-even for herself, she could give up her life, and she reminded her companions They: "Don't pin your hopes on an attack, our goal is to stop it from coming to this world!"

"Aloz ..." Frofa looked at her anxiously.

"I'm okay." Mother Dragon shook her head hard.

The array was bright again, and the second attack was charging.

But the screams interrupted everyone's movement.

"Everyone, look below!"

Aloz lowered his head.

The golden pupil reflects an incredible scene-the black sphere is shrinking.

"Where is Bahamut?"

Everyone stayed.

That metal dragon disappeared.


In the dark and deep space, the remaining starlight is half-extinguished, exuding little light. Remains from the age of the gods have quietly floated in this space, and the surface is covered with a layer of starlight.

At the end of the field of vision, the crystal curtain wall divides the whole space into two sides-on one side is the deep void, and on the other is Warnde's glowing atmosphere.

Stars and flares flickered in many places above the earth.

The crystal wall was covered with cracks, and from time to time, small fragments fell from the wall in a slight sound and floated in the space. Rows of structures in the distance are distributed on the wide sky, shining with metallic luster.

A scream of hatred and resentment suddenly shook the entire space.

The floating debris was pushed back by the sound waves and collided with each other. A metal dragon slammed in and then bumped back in. The metal face on one side completely disappeared from the eye socket to the jaw, leaving only a dark hole-it screamed in pain, rolled and opened. Platinum wings shattered countless constructs.

It was so furious that it turned and rushed towards that space crack again.

But at this time, a cold hum came in the darkness.

"Bahamut, I did not expect that in this war, you and I exchanged identities."

This voice stopped Bahamut's movements. It turned its huge skull, slowly turned back in that direction, and saw a giant wolf standing like a mountain stepping through the void step by step to the distance.

Esis raised her head and looked at the scene coldly.

"Rebel ... reverse ..." Bahamut issued a low roar: "dead ..."

It turned around, spread its wings and rushed to Esis.

But Eichs only made a little move aside to avoid its blow. A strange light flashed in her eyes, looking at her former enemy: "Master Dusk Dragon, you control these tattered toys, is it interesting?"

Talking, she raised her paw and slapped it behind the metal dragon, sweeping it out. With a loud noise, Bahamut hit a crystal wall in the distance like a shooting star.

The crystal wall, which had cracked everywhere, was not trembling at the moment when the metal dragon hit it, and even the crystal powder did not fall on the wall.

The dragon climbed tremblingly. But how could Esis give it a chance, a leap forward and leaped on the fallen dragon god. In the clattering sound, Shengsheng stepped this platinum dragon on the crystal wall.

The dragon roared angrily.

Esis understood that the will of the dusk dragon had left the body, and now the fallen dragon **** was only fighting by instinct. She snorted: "Without Tiamat's law, it seems you don't even have your brain. Without Martha's support, what are you fighting me?"

The metal dragon couldn't understand her and struggled frantically.

Echsien raised his head, the silver hair at the back of his neck stood completely, standing still on Bahamut. She even narrowed her eyes narrowly and looked a little sneer sneer: "Still struggling, your brain is really unconscious-was interrupted in the process of advent, and also took a dragon strike, in exchange for I won't be upset, let alone your shabby. "

Then, she cut a paw relentlessly. The power of this paw was so great that even the space under the sharp claws produced a layer of ripples. This claw was severely chopped around Bahamut's neck, and although it did not penetrate the law, it still made it make a painful howl.

Esis was unmoved, and bite down like a real beast, and the sound of the metal dragon suddenly roared from the beginning, gradually turning into a cry of crying.

But the voice of wailing gradually became lower.

Esis stepped on its shoulder with two claws, and the fangs that could destroy everything finally pierced through the power of the layers of law and bite on the neck of this dragon god. A click sounded, and Bahamut's huge body shook, and the only mercury eyeball left blinked slightly, and finally faded.

That was the last moment of a deity.

Although somewhat ironic-in this war, originally representing both sides of order and chaos, it has now changed places.

"It looks like the order has won again," Ehys said to herself in a somewhat ironic manner. After confirming that her opponent was completely dead, she raised her head and issued a long long whistle.

For centuries, she finally killed this **** reptile.

But it represents Martha.

Thinking of this, Esis turned back and looked at the woman in the black robe in the distance.

Sophia stood on a floating ice crystal asteroid and watched this war calmly-a war of gods, but so barbaric and violent, she lacked the sense of beauty. But in fact, after the strength exceeded a certain level, the battle actually became simple and straightforward.

Esis released Bahamut's body—a huge metal body slowly flew out. It is foreseeable that in the next hundreds of years, this wreckage will soon become part of this quiet space.

Another deity died forever.

"I have proved my sincerity, although I could not kill it at all, and after restarting the world, it should have been part of me," Esis said. "So, little witch, now It's your turn to fulfill your promise. "

Sophia nodded. "Yes," she answered, her voice unchanged.

The girl looked up, looking over the mountain-like wolf and looking at Vond in the distance. In the darkness, rows of constructs suspended in the starry sky exude a faint light.

She raised a finger and gestured a symbol:

That is the true eye of the trial.

Then comes the Serpent of the Truth.

world Tree.

Tiamat the Dragon of War.

Sophia's pupils had a green light flowing, and the data fell like rows of waterfalls in her eyes. As she drew symbols that represent authority-from near to far, those star-like structures The rows lit up.

Esis closed her eyes.

She sighed in a low voice: "Sure enough, this is the whole of Tiamat's law. I have to say that you are so intelligent that you can build such a huge system. Then, after they are all to me, can I restart the world? ? "

"No." Sophia shook her head.

Isis opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes were terribly cold: "Why, do you plan to go against it?"

"Our agreement is that you can restart this world when everyone has given up hope," Sophia replied humblely, "I have no objection to your taking over Tiamat's authority. For the new world, mother It doesn't matter who it is-but at least in this era, you have to follow our promise. "

"What if I disagree?" Esis asked back.

"You don't have permission," Sophia looked at her quietly. "The final throne, you won't get it until the last moment."

Esis showed white teeth and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes, but Sophia raised her head and looked at her without fear.

"Very well, I will keep the promise!"

Sophia nodded.

"But there is one more problem," Esis said.

"what is the problem?"

"I'm curious, who are you?" Esis narrowed her eyes narrowly. "You said you were the heir of the thirteenth month, but I have never heard of a witch's inheritance. Authority is even higher-- "

"This is important?"

"Of course, it has to do with my good judgment of you."

Sophia thought for a moment and replied, "You have never heard of an inheritor from the thirteenth, Esis."

Esis was silent.

Sophia then said softly, "I'm actually the third experimenter."

"The third experimenter?"

"In the surface plan, Miss Roman represents the road that coexists with dusk, and I represent the road that completely suppresses the magic of chaos."

"Complete suppression," Esis sneered. "What about the young man named Brando?"

The three plans are just to ensure the comprehensiveness of the plan, but Sophia did not argue with her, but replied: "He and we are different, only Master Martha knows about that."

This answer frowned Esis, and asked, "You don't even know?"

"Yes," Sophia nodded again. "Miss Roman is the product of the truth society. I am the product of the trial society. Only Mr. Brando comes from the will of Gaia. The most mysterious existence in the organization, only Martha has all permissions. "

"But I'm Martha now!"

"You still don't count."

Ehes took a deep breath: "When it comes to this, I think of another thing. What about Gaia's forty-seven psionic mechanical satellites, why didn't I feel it?"

"Have you forgotten?" Sophia replied calmly. "That's your agreement with Miss Tiamas, I'm not responsible for intervening."

"Hum, it turns out to be an immortal. She actually wanted to resurrect a mortal person with such a great existence. She really couldn't understand your stupidity," Echs snorted. "It's OK, I can Wait, but you'd better not do any tricks. "

Sophia was unmoved by her threat.

Esis was helpless to this human girl too. After looking at each other deeply, she turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Behind Sophia, there were several other daughters of Esis, exactly four—Sister Kou Hua stood hand in hand, and the two sisters stood side by side in a black and white costume, like a mold. The two young girls carved out are just one cold and firm, one quiet and gentle.

In the back is Agatha, wearing a black mourning suit and a black veil, looks like a dwelling woman, but her face is as watery as if she doesn't care about anything.

The youngest daughter of Esis is still naked at the end of all people. She barefooted on a metal surface and wrapped herself with a large silver-white tail. She tilted her head and showed a small tip. Teeth, occasionally moving long silver ears-looks more like a fox than a wolf.

She looked left and right with a curious look, and finally whispered to the dark Kou Hua: "Sister Kou Hua, why doesn't her mother seem so happy?"

Dark Kou Hua snorted coldly and ignored it.


The black sphere has completely disappeared.

It seemed to be just a blink of an eye, and the scene of clear sky was restored again outside Campbell.

The crystal clusters receded just like the tide, and the maggots and dragons also lost their targets, raging through the human fleet-but without orderly command, their death was only a matter of time.

The exhausted Silver Bay Allied Forces on the ground were unable to catch up, and many people sat paralyzed on the ground, watching the beam of light that the southern sky was disappearing.

They already knew it was Eruin.

That is the hope of civilization--

The huge fleet slowly turned to change the formation in the sky, and more and more floating warships began to leave the original formation and join the pursuit.

For the rest of the life, the people stared at the scene in front of them.

The little Duke Malvis knelt on the ground with a pale face, and a dragon girl with a bright eyebrow was bandaging his wounds, smiling from time to time. Blanker looked back from the hill in the distance, and couldn't help shaking his head when he saw what Malvis was like—it was clear that he had come to save people, but he was saved by the person to be saved.

It's a shame.

But most knights don't think so. Most of these blood-stained warriors look at their duke with reverence-even with a little envy.

Cheering in the direction of Campbell Bell has spread far.

When the sound of the tsunami was heard, everyone here realized that they had won.



Magdal stood in front of the city, covering her mouth, and tears had fallen.

Many people were crying.

Rejoice in despair and sorrow for a beloved friend who died in the battle, and be thankful for this saved future.

It was tears of coexistence of excitement and grief.

Cries echoed in the wind.

Look, this is the triumph of mortals.

The sword that changed destiny is always held tightly in the hands of everyone, and the spirit of never giving in is the flame of civilization.

Aloz opened his wings and let the shadow of the dragon sweep across the ground, patrolling the entire battlefield in the sky.

But she seemed a little confused and pale.

Something in the bloodstream that told her a few minutes ago--

Bahamut is dead.

The age of the people of gold is over.


(PS: Although it wasn't necessary at first, but think about it and ask for a monthly pass. After all, it should be the last monthly pass for this book ...)

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