MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 496 Final Battle VII

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There were cheers from time to time in the distance. Three heads and seven snake lizards were attacking the rebel camp below the mountain. These huge creatures had exceeded the canopy from their chests. When they led the rebels and threw them into the air. At that time, one of the raised heads was as high as a spruce; the seven snake lizards were covered with armor, and even the skulls were spiked with spiked skull helmets, and the layered chain armors that protected the long necks. The soft bows and spears of the rebels had no effect on it at all. They rushed forward and broke through the barricades. The wooden walls creaked and crumbled under the impact. A row of iron men in the camp came up and got kicked. Step on flat.

In the face of such a monster rebel, the psychological defense line finally collapsed, and then turned around and fled after a scream. The knights of the White Lion Guard saw the fourth-level creature iron man made by the craftsman sorcerer on the mountain. They were stunned like a piece of paper. Although they knew the existence of these snakes and lizards in Valhalla, they did not. I thought they were so powerful.

Did Monica take care of these treasures.

Dozens of gargoyles rose into the air and flew over to the snake lizard under the command of a wind elemental giant, but the snake lizard swept its torso under the order of the animal trainer, exposing the one on its back. Two-storey tower. The tree elf archers on the tower were holding silver long bows, standing in rows of grace gracefully behind the chest wall. They opened their bows, and a creaking sound of bows rang through the forest.

"Open the bow--"


The black arrow rain flew out, as if a wall rose in midair. The hurricane usually swept across, and in the blink of an eye, most of the gargoyles withered away. Only the wind giant roared fiercely in the air, and thunder in the cloud-like body roar.

But the commander on the tower had noticed the light pole commander, and a black flag rose-the elves turned their targets and shot at the scattered rebels below, because the physical attack harmed the elemental creatures of the virtual body almost harmlessly. ——Druid shot, a bunch of flame vectors flew from the tower, hitting this wind element, making it mournful.

The wind elemental giant had once allied with the Bugatians. Naturally, the gray wizards of the Sazard could not ignore their allies and were attacked. They all rose up from the forest and tried to stop these monsters. But before they had time to attack, a row of silver figures descended into the clouds. They were the Valkyrie. They rode a fierce flame, armed with silver spears and scimitars, and whistled and launched an attack on the battlefield.

The Valkyrie, who came from Tonigel's support, arrived. They merged with the Valkyrie led by Brenhild. The number has obviously increased more than before, and has almost formed a scale. Since the Gate of the Clouds began to be repaired, Valhalla has begun summoning Valkyrie on a small scale.

Seeing these Valkyrie girls, the young knights of the White Lion Guard couldn't help cheering again-although they are now ragged and look like a group of beggars, but this does not hinder the enthusiasm in their hearts And excitement-these Valkyrie have been their biggest reliance these days. If it were not for the gray wizards who dragged the Sasardes, they would have been burned to ashes by magic.

The Gray Wizards and Valkyrie are already old rivals. The fighting power between the two is not that of Bo Zhong. Obviously, it is very difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in a short time.

But after losing the most reliance on the battlefield, there is only time left for failure. Of course, this is no longer important for the Tonnigers. Compared to the battle with Mintai, this is just a small scene at the moment, and the results of thousands of noble rebels are not worth mentioning.

After leaving Griffin's tent, Brando found Freya. The Elvain's Valkyrie was sitting alone on a rock for a while, and didn't care about the battle below. When Brando found her, the former was frightened to dry her tears and blushed. Jumped off the rock.

"You ... didn't you see anything?" Freya asked blushingly.

"Have you seen it in the tent ..."

Such an answer naturally gave him a severe glare.

Freya hesitated for a moment, thinking of Antinina, with a bit of guilt in her heart: "Brando, I didn't protect Miss Antinina, I'm sorry, I ..."

Brando shook his head: "Your opponent is a Sazard, and we have done a good job this time. If you have to apologize, talk to Antitina in person."


Brando looked at the fight in the distance.

He glanced back and said, "Let's go, let's get Antitina back now."

Freya's eyes widened in disbelief, she pointed to her chest: "Me too?"

"Why, don't you want to go?" Brando smiled: "You lost her, naturally you found her back, I will take you along the way."

Freya felt warm in her heart but couldn't speak, she could only look at each other gently and express her meaning with her eyes.

That is thanks and gratitude.

Of course not only this time.

"Sorry, Brando," she said suddenly apologetically.

Brando froze. "What's wrong, don't you say I'm sorry?"

"Not that," Freya blushed. "Just because of something before."

"what's up?"

Freya just shook her head and was dumb.

It seemed like a lot of time before.

The memory that only remains in my heart ...

"... I want to find my parents, and my uncle said that when I grow up, they will tell me who they are. They say that my father is a knight and a man as great as Everton. I will one day Knights. "

"Of course, Roman wants to be a businessman, because a businessman can make a lot of money, so much that my aunt and I can never run out!"

"How about you, Brando."


"I do n’t know, but I do n’t want to learn any swordsmanship. I want my grandfather to understand that what is really powerful in this world is not a sword. If I have this ability, I must let Eruin never be affected by war. So that its people can live in peace without the need for a sword, instead of being as daunted as they are now. "

"How can that be, the undead are so terrible, how can they let us go, Brando, how are you going to deal with the undead?"

"I haven't figured it out, but I always feel that I have seen such a world in my dreams. If it exists, I will definitely find it out."

And once the childishness gradually matured, she stood in front of the pair of young girls and asked them: "Brando, Mr. Madden is the Swordsman Instructor of Ridenburg. He is a real person. I It ’s time to join the militia, and Bresson will also go. Do n’t you want to protect others, come with us? ”

The young man shook his head: "I may have to return to Prague for a while. I have the opportunity to say it again. My father wants me to inherit his mill. He said in the letter that his grandfather's health is getting worse and worse. I."

She was a little disappointed in her mind, but she never said anything.

"What about you, Roman."

"I'll wait for Brando to come back. If he's going to the militia training, I'll go too."

The girl nodded and turned to leave.

That one is seven years.

When they met again, it was already the summer of the flowering year; and on the summer night of that year, the stars in the sky were particularly bright.

The two walked side by side in the camp like this, Freya quietly looked at Brando aside-the original words at that time, he had never forgotten, it turned out that Roman always knew that she was the most The stupid person. But why did he choose such a path? Mr. Madden said that his path is different from ours. It turned out that Mr. Madden had already seen something. He knew from the beginning that Brando was Swordmaster Daruss. Descendants?

Freya thought silently.

"Is the element civilized, Freya, can you fly?"

Freya looked back, watching Brando's hand reaching out to her.

"Well," she nodded. "Andrea they taught me."

"That took my hand--"

She stretched out her hand and hesitated before putting it in that warm palm.

The wandering heart settled unexpectedly at this moment.


Rows of seats, religious-style reliefs, twelve-story columns, one level up, the layered arches supporting it are immersed in the darkness, and 170 stone statues are watching the noisy hall in the shadows. The top of the vault is the final battle between the Azure Knight and the Dragon of Dusk, the heroes of the gods and the destruction of the world. The cyan and red paint each occupy half of the mural, and the sky light is projected from the central circular hole.

A mere beam of white light passed through the darkness, and the ring-shaped table in the center of the hall was carved out of the darkness.

The Fanzan, the Cruz, the Wind Elves, the representatives of the Silver Bay states, the Bugatians and the Druids each occupy an area, and then the representatives from the White City states, the barbarians, and the center of the round table. It is the owner of this place, a red robe of the Miner elemental tyrant, Tumen, Murdfis and Andreig separated from this old man.

Beside the three were the gray sword Mephisto, who was looking at the area where Cruz's representative was located. At that moment, it was mostly empty. Only Mangrove, the Duke of Ludwig and a few army of Veronica Fang people sit there.

The elves haven't arrived yet. There are only a few guards in St. Osor's position, and the elven girls are talking to each other in whispers, carrying long bows. The area of ​​the Silver Alliance was almost empty, with only three or two big cats and kittens left. Most of the wizards left Babel fortress, with only a few apprentices left, and never said anything about it.

A dumb elder sat in the druid's position, proving the existence of the ring of sky.

Although the crowds in the areas of Silver Bay are crowded, in fact, there are not many people who have a say. A considerable number of these people are inquiring about the Four Realms, why the Silver Bay's coalition has not yet arrived in Alkash . As for the representatives of the barbarians-most of them are mountain people fleeing Valachi and highlanders of Azeruta, they rarely send representatives, but rarely express their opinions.

Finally, there are representatives of the Faenzans and the White City states. The former mainly includes members of the Royal Knights and the Air Knights of Faenzan supported by the Pope, and the latter is basically a number-except for the eagles in the distance. The Adventurers' Guild sent more than 300 mercenaries to support the situation.

After all, the Faenzans and Elranta's wild elves had to deal with the threats from the Great Glacier and the Ascaris to the east.

This decision on whether to withdraw from the Babel fortress actually revolved around the opinions of the Wind Elves and Cruzians, but the sudden absence of the Cruzians and Wind Elves before the meeting left most people wondering. There was a lot of discussion, echoing the buzzing noise.

Almost the main representatives of Saint Osor's side were not present at all. Of course, the elf guards responsible for maintaining order would naturally not participate in this level of meeting. On the Cruz side, serious disputes occurred within the military.

Veronica does not insist on evacuating the fortress-her insistence is not unreasonable. After withdrawing from the Alkash region, the crystal cluster army can launch an attack from the Alkash mountains to the whole land of the Four Realms. The plain, there is no danger at all.

After that, we will retreat to Mugu Forest and rely on the White Mountain and Qiumu Mountain for defense. Although the ancient forest is the natural borderline of Saint Osor, it is hard to say how important it is for the crystal cluster army. .

More importantly, the conditions there are not necessarily better than here. If Babel, the immortal fortress, cannot hold on, then what's the point of building a line of defense elsewhere? They can retreat today, but then again, is it like fleeing the wilderness like in the battle of the saints?

This time the enemies didn't just come from the west.

Her idea was supported by most young and middle-aged officers, but she faced difficulties from reality-the offensive in the dusk had broken through the last line of defense, and scattered acropolises and defense facilities outside the "Tiantian Tower" Within a few days, they will lose everything. Without logistics support, how long will they be able to stand in this lonely fortress? One month, two months, half a year or one year?

So on the other hand, it is precisely that the Duke Ludwig totally disagrees with such a desperate approach.

Trapped in the fortress and waiting for the Bugatians to resolve the internal problems, and then let the Wind Elves return to the negotiating table with Madara's undead—how can military operations be so passive and place hope on the best that can happen? Happening? But if it is too late, the combined army of humans and elves will be buried here, and the world of such loss of order cannot afford it.

His statement has also been supported by some people, even most people. After all, most people still understand the principle of 'save the land and save both people and land; This sounds more logical.

Intellectually speaking, Veronica does not disagree with such logic.

But there was a deeper worry in the head of the female legionnaire.

If the coalition forces retreat to the Baishan-Autumn Mountains, the empire's access to Eruin will be fully exposed. When it comes to the border country to the southeast of the empire, Veronica has something strange in her mind. This is not her emotional affairs, but she feels that it is not so simple.

Although Eruin was nothing more than an insignificant existence for most of the Empire, it was this small kingdom that had shown amazing power in the recent civil strife of the Empire-that young man, Veronica I can't see through. She always felt that the other party might have some secrets, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the rapid rise of this small kingdom.

What's even harder to explain is that if the Baishan disaster is still understandable, why did the Bugatian rebellion run to Eruin to make waves, there is no connection at all to this war.

What if the purpose of the Dragon of the Twilight was to destroy this little kingdom?

The more Veronica thought, the more she felt that she might have seen through the movement of the Twilight Dragon, but this judgment was totally contrary to her common sense and logic. There was no reason for the Twilight Army to hold Cruz and Saint Osor two powerful civilization Without handling it, we must first destroy a small border country.

She could only speculate that the Dragon of Dusk had another picture.

But it is precisely where she ca n’t tell the truth. The significance of such a large-scale military operation may affect the future of the entire continent, and no one will ever take his own speculation as a criterion for judging-no matter what her speculation No matter how confident.

And she could not prove her conjecture, because Cruz's land connection with Eruin had long since been cut off by the disaster at Azeruta. Now almost all news about that kingdom comes from Yinwan area, but Yinwan area is actually only unilaterally accepting magical communication in the south.

Now it is impossible for anyone to go to Eruin to confirm the accuracy of the news. After the outbreak of war, business exchanges in various regions have long been stalled.

Veronica can only choose to insist on her own opinion.

However, her attitude seemed to be stubborn to outsiders, and even those who supported her in the first place could not help but shake.

There are also some main factions, most of whom are young people in various noble families. They seem to be organized by others, lobbying those hesitant two-sided factions. At first Duke Ludwig thought that these people had been found by Veronica, but only later discovered that the head of the female regiment seemed disdainful to do such a thing.

But the political influence of these young people is weak, and neither side takes them too seriously.

For Veronica's stubbornness, Duke Ludwig just shook his head.

"No, no."

He kept opposing.

The dispute between the two became louder and louder, even once overshadowing the arguments in the hall. People looked back in this direction, and Mangrove's face looked a little awkward, but it was at this time that an attendant hurried in from outside the hall.

Mangrove had a bad hunch from the uneasy look on the servant's face, and the servant came to him and leaned over his ear to say a few words. After listening to Mangrove, Huo Ran stood up from his seat.

"what did you say?"


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