MTL - The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl-Chapter 1234 Emotional "Master"

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  Chapter 1234 Emotional "Master"

   "What do you want me to do?" An Chen didn't let Fu Yanxing in, so he leaned against the door and talked to Fu Yanxing.

   "I want to go in and sit down and say that the shoes are uncomfortable and my feet hurt." Fu Yanxing has also evolved now, love makes people hypocritical, this sentence is really correct.

  Fu Yanxing's current appearance is really different from when we first met. An Chen really wants to ask, is the real Fu Yanxing lost?

  Although he thought so, An Chen still let Fu Yan march into the room. What if the shoes are really uncomfortable?

   After An Chen entered the room, he took another pair of slippers and handed them to Fu Yanxing. Fu Yanxing immediately changed into the slippers, thinking to himself that his children are so caring.

   "The faucet in my room may be broken, I want to wash up with you." After putting on the slippers, Fu Yanxing walked into the bathroom without giving An Chen any time to answer.

   An Chen stared at Fu Yanxing's back speechlessly. This person probably hasn't entered the room since he came back, so he can think of such a ridiculous reason.

  What happened to Fu Yanxing today? Was it stimulated by something? Why did it suddenly become like this?

  An Chen's question, probably only Qu Yan, Fan Luo and Yan Yi can answer her.

   As the saying goes, three cobblers can stand up to a Zhuge Liang, and three single dogs can also stand up to an emotional master.

   They were in the same car when they came back just now, and then these three unreliable people started to teach Fu Yanxing.

  Fu Yanxing really has no experience in dating. If it is about business or other things, Fu Yanxing is really a genius, but in terms of dating, he can be regarded as ignorant.

  Anyway, the three dared to teach, and Fu Yanxing dared to listen. Along the way, Fu Yanxing also summed up a sentence, it is necessary to have a thick skin when falling in love.

   In front of the person you like, it’s okay to be coquettish and shameless, what’s the use of putting on airs? I can't hold a child.

   You don’t have to lose face when you’re in love, and the following is the original words of the emotional master Qu Yan.

  "When you are in a relationship, you must have a thicker skin, but it is definitely not a stalker without a bottom line. That is not thick-skinned, it is shameless.

   Chasing people requires a good measure. Sometimes boys need to take the initiative. At this time, you must have a thicker skin. Only when you take the initiative can there be a story. "

  Although Fu Yanxing has chased An Chen, the above still applies.

  What Qu Yan said is true, and it sounds reasonable. Although Fu Yanxing also maintains a dubious attitude, but he doesn't have enough experience, and there are a few people who agree.

  So, Fu Yanxing's current state is entirely thanks to three bad friends.

   Fu Yanxing, who ran into the bathroom, let out a long sigh of relief. Even he was a little uncomfortable with this appearance.

  But it seems that what they said makes sense, because just now he successfully let himself into the house from the door with a coquettish trick, and now Fu Yanxing still feels that what the three of them said is a bit right.

  For the sake of the children, Fu Yanxing washed his face with cold water several times to make his face less red.

   After washing his face, Fu Yanxing even kicked his feet. After all, he still has to rub a child's bed for a while, and the child should not be disgusted.

  If An Chen knew that Fu Yanxing was thanks to Qu Yan and the others, he would definitely ask Chi Jing to give them laxatives.

  (end of this chapter)

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