MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3815 :Good luck world, finally!

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"No, father, how could this be?"

The Saint Emperor Feng Witch was shocked and smashed Xuanyuan Yulan with a slash, watching this scene incredible.

On the other side, incredible things are happening.

Luo Yu actually abandoned the condensed divine body, amazing willpower, Dao soul will, burned into fire, and rushed into the Jiuwu Burning Heaven Pearl.

"How is it possible, how can there be such a strong willpower?"

The ancestor of the flame witch was frightened and angry.

Among the Jiuwu Burning Sky Bead, the soul of the nine golden crow roared and rushed towards Luo Yu's burning Dao soul.

"This seat has become the Spirit of Ten Thousand Flames. You can burn my Dao body, Dao Yin, but you can't burn the will of this seat, Dao Soul, Nine Crow Spirits, and you still don't submit to this seat!"

Luo Yu roared, and the terrifying willpower rushed into the body of Jiuwu Divine Soul, attacking frantically and obliterating the opponent's will.

In order to refine the Great Sacred Fire, in the primordial secret realm, in the distorted time and space, the Dao Soul was tempered and burned for countless thousands of years, and his will was tempered for countless thousands of years.

His will to refine the sacred fire of the sacred fire, shocked the mother of heaven and earth.


The nine-headed Golden Crow's soul is rolling and roaring, Luo Yu's terrifying willpower and consciousness are crazily occupying their soul.

"Die to me!" The ancestor of the flame witch was furious, and his palm collapsed on Luo Yu's Heaven and Earth Dao Seal. The Heaven and Earth Dao Seal was collapsed, but it could not be broken.

Strange things gradually happened, and the power of the Jiuwu Burning Sky Bead was drawn to Luo Yu's Heaven and Earth Dao Seal, and merged into Luo Yu's body, giving Luo Yu a powerful force.

The Jiuwu Burning Sky Pearl actually flew towards Luo Yu.

"No, come back to me!" The ancestor of the flame witch roared, and his soul power controlled the Jiuwu Burning Sky Bead. However, the Jiuwu Burning Sky Bead was uncontrollable, and was pulled towards Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's seal of heaven and earth turned into a huge flame vortex black hole, which swallowed the Jiuwu Burning Heaven Pearl at once.

"No, my Jiuwu Burning Sky Bead, my Holy Treasure!" The ancestor of the Yan Witch was shocked, spitting out blood, watching this scene inconceivably.

"The Fifth Holy Fire, the Nine Wus Burning Heaven Holy Fire, Burn!"

Luo Yu's roar echoed in the world, and the huge flame black hole vortex burned out the fifth kind of terrifying world sacred fire.


The even more terrifying Burning Tianyan ancestor's body was condensed, flowing the power of five terrifying sacred flames.

He, surrounded by the nine-headed Golden Crow Shenyang, is like the world's first fire god! At this moment, the breath is also terrifying to the extreme.

"Return my holy treasure, return my Jiuwu Burning Sky Pearl!"

The ancestor of the flame witch roared, condensing a terrifying flame giant sword, this sword, smashed the world.

"Old Piff, let's try this trick of this seat again!"

Luo Yu said indifferently, swinging the Hongmeng Holy Sword!

"Doutian Saint Phoenix, Nine Black Flames, Slash!"


This sword swung out, a terrifying divine fire and divine phoenix, accompanied by the roar of the nine golden crows, rushed towards the burning sky sword of the ancestor of the flame witch.


The horror Nine Crows and One Phoenix blast exploded on the opponent's sword, and the horror sword power was divided into ten strands and continuously blasted on the ancestor of the Nine Flame Witch.

Bang! In the sound of the explosion, the ancestor of the flame witch exploded ten times, and the divine body exploded and shattered! The gods of the heavens and the earth smashed and flew, and the soul was terrified.

"Impossible! How is this possible?"

The ancestor of the flame witch roared, not accepting this fact.


Luo Yu transformed into a huge flame vortex black hole and shrouded it, covering the ancestor of the Yan Witch Heaven and Earth Dao Yin.

The ancestor of the flame witch turned into a flame and the universe burned and confronted. However, it was suppressed, swallowed, and enveloped by this power of heaven and earth that refines all flames.

In the end, this side of the flame vortex was completely controlled, and this side's original universe was sealed.

"Old Wind Witch, you mistaken me! How could this happen?" Dao Soul, the ancestor of Yan Witch, roared bitterly.

At this moment, the two great Wuzu ancestors were completely sealed.

"No, no, it won't be like this? How could it happen, don't end like this, no!"

The Wind Witch Saint Emperor roared, crazy.

"Hahahaha, Holy Emperor Wind Witch, the day when your sacred dynasty is destroyed has arrived, and my human race is about to rise up completely!"

Xuanyuan Yulan laughed.

Mu Feng, step towards the Wind Witch Saint Emperor!

"Mu Feng, Mu Feng, I'm fighting with you! Burn the original universe!"

The Wind Witch Saint Emperor roared, burning his original universe and world to kill him.

Mu Feng sneered: "In front of the general trend of heaven and earth, the general trend of the human race, and the general trend of chaos, you are simply a maniac and overpowering!"

Mu Feng waved a palm, and a purple-gold horror palm erupted, turning into a purple-gold palm print and slammed down, enveloping the Holy Emperor of Wind Witch!


This palm exploded, and then all the power transformed into the ultimate nirvana power to decompose the Wind Witch Saint Emperor.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." the screaming emperor of the wind witch, the burning origin heaven and earth universe collapsed and decomposed in an instant, and the heaven and earth road seal was controlled.

Then the Vientiane Sacred Tripod smashed down and suppressed Dao Yin.

"Wu Zu, Holy Emperor!"

"Impossible, how could Father God be defeated, how could my ancestor of the Wind Witch be defeated?"

"I can't stop it, Human Race, we can't stop it anymore, run away!"

At this moment, the fighting will of the entire Feng Witch Saint Dynasty was almost completely disintegrated, desperate, had a master, and had begun to flee for his life.

The few remaining primordial supreme, also desperate.

"My human race has won!"

"Your Majesty has won, my human race is going to win, we are going to win!"

"My human race, re-establishing the prehistoric, is no longer unstoppable!"

At this moment, Tianfeng God broke out to the high-levels to start a battle, with unprecedented cheers.

"Brothers, kill, the era that belongs to us is coming!"

"Kill, the backbone of my human race, will not be trampled by anyone in the future, break out of our world, break out of freedom and dignity!"

Throughout the battlefield, the Tianfeng army is boiling, and the Terran warriors are crying with joy, burning their supernatural power, and the final battle!

The Wind Witch army, which was already at an absolute disadvantage, completely collapsed, its will collapsed, and despair.

At this moment, they are not fighting for the wind witch, but fighting for their lives.

"It's over."

Mu Feng and Luo Yu looked at each other, and there was a terrifying Dao Fa erupted in the two of them, covering a range of tens of light years. People without the mark of the Heavenly Front Divine Army were all covered by Dao Fa.

A witch lord **** king suddenly screamed, his blood burned, his whole person suddenly burned into ashes, and the extremely heavenly Shura method burned!

At this moment, the companions around him were suddenly wrapped in a skyfire, burning and screaming, turning to ashes.

The two shots, the power of Taoism is unstoppable, and hundreds of thousands of defeated troops were wiped out one by one!

After a long time, the witch **** dynasty died!

A scarred Tianfeng Terran warrior picked up a smear of blood, took a deep sniff, then wiped it on his face, knelt on the ground and cried, crying with joy.

"We have won! We have won, brother, we have won!"

A comrade-in-arms rushed over and hugged him, and the two main gods embraced and wept at this moment.

"Long live Tianfeng God Dynasty, long live Human Race, your Majesty Mu Feng, long live Lord Luo Yu!"

In billions of miles of land, countless Tianfeng fighters scattered all over the land roared up to the sky and turned into a star-sized giant, running on the earth, crying with joy!

Mu Feng and Luo Yu glanced at each other, and the two laughed at the same time. They walked over to give a hug and patted each other on the back.

"We did it!"

"Yes, the victory of this battle is the victory of the entire Chaos, Human Race, and Tianfeng through the joint efforts of a **** battle. Only a victory that comes from a hard-won can have a peace that comes from a hard-won."

"The three-legged pattern has been established. In the great age of Lich contending for hegemony, how can we be missing you and me, hahahaha."

Mu Feng laughed aloud, and the two of them rose up into the sky. Then, an extremely huge city of good fortune fell into the wilderness and turned into a vast world!

All the Tianfeng fighters, the supreme of the beginning, the master, the human race, the Shura race, or the warriors in the chaos, looked at the figures of the two, and their eyes were full of hot worship and firm belief.

At this moment, everyone half kneeled down tacitly.

"Heaven and earth are in the same heart, my human race has experienced **** hardships, been slaves for countless epochs, I am chaotic, suppressed by countless days, today, I am Mu Feng!"

"My Luo Yu!"

"The two join hands to build a heaven of good fortune!"

"Fortune Heaven, from now on, we will keep the predecessor forever, keep peace for me, stand for life for my human beings, and open peace for peace forever!"

"Fortune heaven does not exist for killing," it only establishes the heart for the heaven and the earth, establishes the life for all beings, for the sacred inheritance, and creates peace for all beings!

"Just to protect the immortal justice in my heart, and to protect my future generations."

"Good Fortune Heavenly Court does not want to take the initiative to destroy any clan, however, it is not afraid of any opponents. Whoever wants to destroy my heaven and earth, I Good Fortune Heavenly Court must be a qualified opponent and a terrifying opponent to fight to the end!"

"My heart has Shura, and I will fight till the end, and my heart has heaven and earth, and can take the world, sun, moon, mountains and rivers!"

"So far, good fortune heaven, stand!"

Mu Feng's voice resounded throughout the entire Wind Witch God Realm at this moment, and even spread to other God Realms, a prehistoric world.

"Good luck heaven, stand!"

Hundreds of thousands of Tianfeng people roared.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth shook, and the heavens were made for good. The name shook the wild for an instant!

The prehistoric, double-dragon game of the Lich's hegemony has been broken, and now it has entered the era of the triumphant triumphant warlord!

Is the story of Shura over here? No, the heart is immortal, the will is immortal, and Shura will never end. Shura is not just a bloodline, a race, but a kind of spirit. He will not bow his head after a thousand tribulations, fight against the sky, and fight to the end!

Boy, let's see how he used the killing card to be sentimental, and write the name of Shura in blood!

Since I was born as Shura, I will be stained with blood!

The traitorous male is in power, the troubled times are all the time, and the iron-blooded youth is constantly striving to improve.

Kill the villain, cut the evil spirits, Shura and Amano with one hand!

Three characters kill and fight against the sky, Hengjian laughs and breaks through the world!

On the road to the strong in the dead mountain and the sea of ​​blood, step on the dry bones and climb the peaks to create good fortune for the heaven and the earth, and stand proud for the unyielding integrity!

Open, a new era of great famine, push, the most glorious era, with the power of aspiration, cast the name of Shura, Qi, the era of ten thousand monsters, the next "Sacred Ancestor of Ten Thousand Monsters" ignites the strongest fire of war and descends into the most brilliant and brilliant era!

Everyone, this Shura ship traveled for 789 days and updated nearly 8 million words. Now it is docked.

The helmsman stood up in October and thanked all brothers and sisters. Those who have entered this ship have stayed with me until now, bow! I wish you all a bright future in the years to come, encounter difficulties and adversities, hope in your heart, and embrace the warm sun. I would like to continue to be with you in winter and summer.

Shura, not the end, everyone has an Shura in their hearts, an unyielding will, a fighting spirit that wants to fight against fate! The next song "The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons"