MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3811 : Heaven and earth are perfect, bone (four more)

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As soon as he appeared, the primordial world couldn't bear his terrifying aura, and the primordial space was oppressed and collapsed by an extremely powerful cosmic force.

The leakage of his energy seems to be able to destroy a world of heaven and earth. The strength of his skill is far surpassing the heaven and earth supreme of the great heaven and earth!

The supreme is divided into the heaven and the earth, and the earth is the supreme. It is the beginning of the time to dominate the realm.

The supremacy of heaven and earth, above the great heaven, is for perfection. The original heaven, earth and universe in the body have been completely perfected, comparable to the universe of the heavens and gods.

However, this universe is not born out of the heart of heaven and earth, but a human, cultivated universe.

This ancestor of the wind witch is the perfect supreme of this terrifying realm!

"The ancestor is the ancestor **** of my Feng Witch clan, the ancestor god!"

"Hahahaha, my ancestor of the Wind Witch clan returned from the ancestral court, and Tianfeng was defeated, and I paid respect to my father."

At this moment, countless suppressed masters of the Wind Witch clan exclaimed in surprise, and looked at this man with fiery eyes.

The first person of the Wind Witch clan, the Wind Witch clan, was born the first heaven and earth supreme, the ancestor of the Wind Witch!

Mu Feng vomited blood, and then, the original holy power restored the sacred body, looking at this figure, his face was extremely solemn.

"The people of the ancestral court, are they finally here!" Although he was surprised by the terrifying strength of the opponent, he was not surprised.

Because Ancestral Court's shot was already expected.

Luo Yu also Tianhuo reunited his body, beside Mu Feng, he also looked at a man with a solemn expression, saying: "This person's heaven and earth sacred power is complete, and the strength is completely incomparable to other heaven and earth supreme. Self-contained Consummation level universe world."

The Saint Wind Witch broke through the sealed space, rushed to this person, reunited with the Holy Body, and bowed before the old man.

"Fengbo, meet my father!" Feng Wu Shengdi bowed and bowed.


The ancestor of the Wind Witch slapped the face of the Feng Witch Saint Emperor, and the Wind Witch Saint Emperor was silent.

"When I left, I handed over the entire Wind Witch clan to you, and you can see how this world is governed by you."

The ancestor of the wind witch said coldly.

"Yes, father, the child is incompetent, and he is under his father's request."

Saint Emperor Feng Witch whispered.

The ancestor of the wind witch snorted coldly, and looked at Mu Feng and Luo Yu with a glance.

"The two boys from the chaos also tried to destroy my Wind Witch clan and did not know what they could do. Today, if I force my ancestor to take action, I will surely kill everyone like you."

The ancestor of the wind witch said coldly.

"Old thing, with a big tone, your son was also beaten as a dog by us. What kind of battle can your old dog change? There is no one in the ancestral court, so did you send such an old guy to die?"

Mu Feng said coldly.

"Hahahaha, Old Wind Witch, I didn't expect you to be looked down upon in this way. I haven't heard anyone scold you like this in years."

There was another loud laughter between the world and the earth, and then, the prehistoric space collapsed, the world was torn apart, and thousands of miles of fire dragons roared out and swept the world.


"Do not……!"

At this moment, there were no fewer than a million Tianfeng men and horses, or the army of the Wind Witch Sacred Dynasty, instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into smoke, heaven and earth burned out a big hole, a huge spatial melting cave, the ruler was burned, and the Taoist seal burned into ashes!

Fen Li of terror!

"Old Yan Wu, the speed is so slow, so much behind this seat, and dare to speak wildly in front of this seat."

The ancestor of the wind witch said indifferently.

Another horrible heaven and earth Shengwei that completes the universe appears.

Thousands of fire dragons roared together and turned into a huge flame **** standing proudly in the world.

He wears a robe of flames, long red hair, a bold face, and two holy flame dragons!

The ancestor court, the ancestor of the flame witch!

"The two perfect heaven and earth supreme, this is interesting." Mu Feng sneered: "Ancestral Court, really can see our Tianfeng God!"

"There is a real battle!"

Luo Yu narrowed his eyes and said.

"Unexpectedly, the Wind Witch Saint Dynasty would be endangered by the forces of two Chaos children. We really underestimated Chaos before." Yan Witch's Ancestor said coldly.

"It's not a dangerous clan, today, the Wind Witch God Clan will be destroyed!"

Mu Feng said indifferently, facing the two Supreme Heaven and Earth Supremes of the Consummation level, there is no color of fear.

"You, are you Mu Feng, the lord of the sky front," said the ancestor of the wind witch indifferently.

"It's this seat." Mu Feng said coldly.

"Boy, you can force my clan to such a degree, you are indeed proud of the predecessor, and your fame is prevalent in the world, but today I will use your blood to shape my wind and wizard power."

The ancestor of the wind witch said coldly.

"Old things, the rise of my Tianfeng Divine Dynasty and the re-establishment of Human Race are already unstoppable. You two can't stop the general trend of the world!"

Mu Feng said strongly.

"Hahahaha, it's really ridiculous, then let my ancestor see, you have the qualifications to be generous, Mr. Yan Wu, another person, and leave it to you."

The ancestor of the wind witch sneered.

"This kid, I have sensed three extremely powerful fire sources in my body. He is my food."

The ancestor of the flame witch also focused on Luo Yu, his eyes hot.

"I'll help you hold the Wind Witch Saint Emperor, you two, even if you fight with these two old guys with all your strength."

Xuanyuan Yulan said.

Luo Yu and Mu Feng looked at each other, and both knew that this was the most important and crucial battle!

Victory leads to a complete rise, the sky will rise up, and the world will dominate the world, and the witches and demons will stand together!

If you fail, all previous efforts will be abandoned, and all efforts will come to nothing.



The two roared at the same time, exploded with holy power, and took the initiative to attack the two great Wuzu ancestors.


The two great ancestors of witches stepped out thousands of miles in one step, and the eruption of terrifying holy power also crushed them.

"Vientiane Nine Dragons!"

Mu Feng swung his sword, and the six Vientiane Extreme Sacred Powers exploded, matching the power of the ancient evil Nine Dragon Sacred Sword.

Nine Dragons roared and turned into nine miraculous sword dragons to kill the ancestor of the wind witch.

"Doutian Nine Phoenix!"

Luo Yu transformed into the Burning Heaven Yan Ancestor, the Hongmeng Sacred Sword transformed into the Sacred Power Sword Qi, condensing his own Holy Power, and turned into the Golden Sword Phoenix of the Nine-Headed Fighting World to the ancestor of the Yan Witch.

The real decisive battle is now breaking out!

The ancestor of the wind witch sneered, the power of the heaven, the earth and the universe of the Consummation level exploded, condensing a **** seal that destroys the sky, and in the **** seal, there are nine overlapping storm black holes!

This seal suppresses eternity!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The terrifying energy exploded and shattered, and this seal turned into a nine-fold black hole to strangle the nine sword dragons, and the nine sword dragons were directly destroyed by a single blow!

The Nine Die Storm Black Hole, strangling everything, the town killed Mu Feng, and the prehistoric space was shattered!

Mu Feng was enveloped by the nine-fold black hole, and burst to pieces in an instant, and the Vientiane Saint Body was directly exploded by one move!

Consummation is supreme, unstoppable!

Read The Duke's Passion