MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3794 :There is mouse **** everywhere! (Four more)

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Tens of millions of soldiers knelt down respectfully, raised their heads, and stared at the man with scorching eyes.

Looking at these familiar faces, Mu Feng was extremely happy in his heart. He walked across the heavens and worlds, traversed the gods, the primordial chaos, these people are still there.

"You guys, please, when Mu Feng is away, you will be able to hold on to this day."

Mu Feng clasped his fists and bowed back to everyone.

"Big Brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Brother Feng!"

Bai Ziyue, Jiu Cang Lan Mu Kuang and the others came directly, and the brothers hugged together.

"Haha, Ziyue, it's amazing, you finally took the road of supremacy by your own strength."

Mu Feng looked at Bai Ziyue with a smile.

Ziyue can be said to have grown up and progressed, and his brotherhood is no different from a blood brother.

Ziyue is also the most diligent, positive and progressive person among all people.

"Hehe, I was still dragged down too much by the big brother." Bai Ziyue smiled.

"Brother, congratulations, you are also on the road of supremacy." Mu Feng looked at Jiu Canglan again.

"Haha, I was still overwhelmed by your second child, but I only have one day to become the primordial realm in nine days, and it is not considered that I have completely stepped into the realm of the primordial beginning. When I am respected for nine days, my eldest brother will have the confidence to fight for the supremacy of heaven and earth." Jiu Canglan smiled.

"Fatty, Xiao Kuang, you two have to work hard." Mu Feng smiled.

"Did you not rely on the Swallowing Dao Yin to become Dao? Now that you want to progress, you can only swallow the Dao Yin." Yaochuan smiled and rubbed his hands: "Brother Feng, you suppressed so many Dao Yin just now."

"You're so fat." Mu Feng scolded with a smile: "Can I miss your share?"

"Haha, thank you Feng brother, yah."

"Get out! Hahahaha, it's still so cheap."

"Hmph, they have broken through too early." Gu Yaner snorted softly.

"Then my lady is amazing." Mu Feng smiled.

Gu Yan'er just smiled, and Mu Feng held Feng Jiuge's hand again and said, "Juge, you have worked hard too."

Feng Jiuge shook his head and said, "Compared with you, my strength is nothing."

She is still in the realm of Heavenly Dao, and her speed at refining the Dao Yin is also very slow, not easy to break through.

At the beginning, because she was the master and a strength, she also resolutely accompanied Mu Feng to open up the land.

Wan'er, Xiyue, and Qingman are all in the heavens and their husbands and sons, accompanying Mu Feng's parents and educating future generations.

Mu Feng whispered in her ear with a laugh: "At night, the husband of double cultivation will help you refining and practicing Dao Yin."

Feng Jiuge's face immediately turned red, and he was almost soft enough to be in Mu Feng's arms, and nodded shyly.

"Your Majesty, the battlefield has been cleaned."

Xuanyuan Zhantian came to report and said, "In this battle, more than 50 million troops of the witch gods have been annihilated, and some of them have escaped. The witch gods have been sealed to dominate 120 people, killing, heaven and earth supreme, wind and cloud madness, primordial realm supreme, sky desert Wang, Feng Lingba, Tiansha, Tianxiu, the Three Kings of Tianjing, Marshal Liu Hai, Meng Peng, King of Tianyi Zhou, and the commander of Tianyi soldiers, nine witch gods are supreme."

"And we have fallen more than 15 million soldiers."

"Haha, the nine witch gods, the foundation of the sacred witches of the wind have been greatly injured, this time it can be said to be a complete victory."

"Yes, this blow has caused too much damage to the Wind Witch Saint Dynasty."

"Broken Wind Witch Saint Dynasty's arm!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and the results this time were indeed amazing.

"What are you happy about? This time, we have had a big problem. If your majesty hadn't come to the rescue, Tianfeng would have been destroyed in our hands." At this moment, Xuanyuan Yulan suddenly came over and said coldly.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at her.

"Princess Xuanyuan." Elder Jiang and others looked at Xuanyuan Yulan excitedly.

When Xuanyuan Yulan saw these old friends, the old department, she also showed joy, and said, "Xuanyuanhong, where is my second brother?"

Everyone looked dark when they heard this, and a trace of grief flashed.

Xuanyuan Yulan frowned, with a bad feeling, frowned and said, "Why don't you speak anymore?"

Mu Feng sighed: "Let me do it."

"Xuanyuan Shengtian Taoist friend, persecuted by Hongjun ancestor, the Taoist soul has died, and my consciousness has been sent into reincarnation. When I return to the wilderness, he has been sent to rebirth."

"What, the second brother has fallen and reincarnated!"

"Second brother!"

Xuanyuan battled the sky, Xuanyuan Yulan looked sad after hearing this.

"Old Hongjun!" Xuanyuan Yulan roared angrily, exploding with terrible sword energy.

"I knew he was not a good thing. At the beginning, I thought he had big ambitions to help our human race to teach the people. I didn't expect that he would dare to harm my Xuanyuan clan holy emperor. If I didn't kill him, I swear not to be a human!"

Xuanyuan Yulan was furious.

Old Jiang hurriedly said: "Princess Yulan can rest assured that the old thief Hongjun has been killed by your majesty, and your consciousness is immortal, and there is still a chance to see you again after reincarnation."

"He was killed by your town!" Xuanyuan Yulan's anger turned into shock and looked at Mu Feng.

The ancestor Hongjun was one of the strongest people in the world.

Mu Feng has an extra seal of heaven and earth. Said: "This is Brother Shengtian's Heaven and Earth Seal, he asked me to give it to you, saying it can help you break through.

"Second brother, you still think of me to death..."

Xuanyuan Yulan looked at Tiandi Dao Yin, holding it in the palm of her hand, with a sad expression on her face.

"And this, the bloodline of the Xuanyuan clan. Zhantian, Brother Shengtian asked me to give it to you. From now on, you will be the Xuanyuan clan's patriarch."

Mu Feng gave Xuanyuan Zhantian's bloodline and clan seal.

"Second brother..." Xuanyuan Zhantian also sighed in grief.

"Father, I'm sorry, this time, I made a major mistake. If you didn't come to the rescue, I am afraid that Tianfeng will destroy my decision-making hands." Taichu Jun recalled with guilt.

Attacking Tianmo Shenzhou is his proposition.

Mu Feng frowned slightly and said: "I haven't asked what's the matter, why are you entangled by so many witch gods? How come you face Feng Yun Kuang?"

At the beginning, Jun Yi said bitterly: "We originally came for a sneak attack. Who knew that the Sorcerer God's reinforcements arrived so fast."

At the beginning, Jun Yi then told the story all over again.

After Mu Feng heard the words, his face was indifferent and said: "Your decision is not wrong, but we have a traitor, a spy!"

"What, there is a traitor, this..."

"Those who know the decision are all high-levels dominated by the Dao of Heaven, and they are all pillars of my human race. How can there be traitors?"

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the words, and some of the eyes flashed unconsciously in the crowd.

"Hehe, there are more people, naturally there will be scum and mouse shit, which is normal, and that person is currently among us."

Mu Feng smiled coldly, sat on the throne calmly, looked at everyone with cold eyes, and said: "Scum and scum, get out by yourself, this seat will give you a happy way to die, otherwise, not only you will die, yours The clansmen and family members are inevitable from the anger of this seat, and the nine clans will be killed because of you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the group of rulers below were in danger and looked forward to each other.

Thank you Wen Hao, Luo Yu fans, and Ge's unblocking.

Read The Duke's Passion