MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3792 : Suppress everything

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"No, it's impossible. How could you become so strong? How could you become so strong in a short time?" Feng Yun shouted in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Just now, if he didn't run away, it was enough to destroy his heaven and earth body.

Mu Feng went into the Land of Annihilation, and now he has come out, but it has only been more than a thousand years. For them, a thousand years have passed.

But in fact, Mu Feng has not known how many tens of thousands of years he has practiced in the time and space in the Vientiane Tripod.

"There is a chance between life and death. You don't know more about the patience of this seat. As the last resort, don't blame this seat for not giving you a chance."

Mu Feng said coldly, domineering unparalleled.

"I don't believe this king, what kind of opportunity can make you invincible, Mu Feng, look down on this king, I will make you pay the most painful price, die!"

Feng Yun roared furiously, and then the holy spear appeared in his hand.

With a rumbling roar, the amazing energy of the original universe in the body burst into this gun.

The terrifying power of the supreme heaven and earth, at this moment, merged and exploded with the sacred weapon, plus supernatural power.

"Fenglongtian is gone, go to death!"

Fengyun roared wildly, holding a gun in person, and killing it with one shot. The Heaven and Earth Storm condensed into a huge spear dragon, which was a million li long, condensed extremely terrifying spear power, and the power of heaven and earth.

The gun dragon roared, tearing through the world, this shot exploded his strongest combat power, terrifying and unparalleled, and the supreme of the beginning would definitely kill with one shot.

And in this scene, all the fighting Taichu Supreme, the masters, have a ray of spiritual thoughts and wait and see.

Mu Feng smiled coldly, and inside his body, a purple-gold sacred cauldron appeared in the void with a hum.

"Five turns of Vientiane, Vientiane Shenyang!"


Yin Yang Tian Dao, space-time Tian Dao merged into Vientiane Taichu, and at the same time, it merged with other Taichu holy powers!

At this moment, it is the real sacred power in Vientiane!

The Sanctuary of Wanxiang turned into a purple light, and it collapsed and killed in an instant, crushing the shattered void, and directly smashed into this gun, which was far more terrifying than before.

There was no light in the sky and the sun and the moon. At this moment, the light of two magical powers enveloped the star field for dozens of light years, and the world became the day of magical powers.


Fengyun roared wildly, stab the dragon with one shot!


However, the Vientiane Sacred Cauldron smashed and killed on the spear dragon, the power of this world with a single shot could not continue to take one step forward, and was abruptly stopped.

"Break it for this king!"

Feng Yun roared furiously, however, no matter how he output all his power, this shot still couldn't move forward.

At this time, the Vientiane Sacred Cauldron exploded like a million stars, and an extremely terrifying force exploded.


The dragon head was directly detonated, and then the entire dragon body was continuously shattered by the Vientiane Sacred Cauldron, and the space collapsed.

Amidst the bang bang bang, there was despair in the wind.

"No!!" Fengyun roared wildly, and was completely blown up in one blow, and the holy spear was hit by the impact projectile, and then the Vientiane holy cauldron blasted his body severely.


The heaven and earth supreme divine body was struck by a tripod in an instant, and burst into an explosion!

"Prince, no!"


Feng Lingba, Tianmowang and others roared in horror.

The situation was crazy, it exploded completely!

A **** seal of heaven and earth was collapsed, and Fengyun mad immediately gathered a new divine body, but how could Mu Feng give him another chance.


The Sanctuary of All Elephants came violently and blasted in an instant, with a bang, the heaven and the earth, the sacred body, and the sacred body were directly blasted!


Mu Feng said coldly, the Vientiane Saint Ding turned into a huge black hole and shrouded it.

"No, how could this king lose?"

The situation roared wildly, and the whole person was directly smashed into the cauldron by the town, facing the entire Vientiane sacred cauldron all the time!

The situation is crazy, completely defeated!

"Prince, no...!"

"How could it be possible that Prince Yun Kuang, the Supreme Heaven, the Supreme Heaven and Earth, how could he lose to Mu Feng!"


"How could Mu Feng become so strong? Has he also broken through to Heaven and Earth Supreme?"

Feng Lingba, Tianmo King, Liu Hai and others were incredible, staring at the huge stalwart figure in horror.

"His Majesty!"

"Brother Feng, actually blasted Tian Zhizun!"

"Hahahaha, your majesty is mighty, the real revival of my human race is coming!"

At this moment, the senior officials of Tianfeng God Dynasty didn't know how excited they were.

"The ancestors of the human race, the man who led us to the dawn of my human race has really come, long live your majesty!" Old Mo knelt on the ground, weeping with joy, and roared up to the sky.

"Your majesty is immortal, your majesty is immortal!" In the God City of Good Fortune, hundreds of millions of people in the city cheered for joy, escaping with excitement.

From the dominance of billions of life dollars to the just sensible fairy children, all knelt on the ground enthusiastically and shouted for immortality.

Xuanyuan Yulan also looked at this man in shock, and only at this moment in her beautiful eyes did she completely reveal the color of submission.

"Hahahaha, your Majesty, the glory of my human race is finally coming, second brother, after you, the hope of my human race has finally been born again."

The sealed Xuanyuan Zhantian laughed and was extremely excited.

"How could the prince lose? No, no, this is not true!"

King Tianmo roared, unwilling to believe this result.

"King Tianmo, you still worry about yourself, and die for this seat!"

Ji Wuming sneered, the four-eyed demon king, the eyes of the fourth demon **** opened!

Three golden lights and a black divine light simultaneously enveloped King Tianmo.


The king of the desert screamed, and the Dao Soul was actually restrained. A terrible swallowing force erupted from the black pupils, which directly pulled out his Dao Seal of the Beginning, turned it into a black hole space, and swallowed it!

King Tianmo was sealed in the fourth demon eye!


With blood splashing, Old Jiang was smashed into the air by Feng Lingba. Feng Lingba roared, "Withdraw!"

The defeat of Prince Yun Kuang would be a chain reaction. No one would be Mu Feng's opponent, and it would be impossible to get rid of other people and mobilize people to deal with Mu Feng.

"Withdraw? I said that everyone here today will die!"

Mu Feng sneered, and sealed the situation madly, stepping out in one step, just light years away, instantly came to the sky above Marshal Liu Hai, and Marshal Liu Hai was frightened.

Mu Feng's palm condensed all phenomena to the heavens and turned into a sacred sun.

"Do not!"

The bangs were horrified and slashed out with a single knife. However, the sword that wiped out the world was shattered by the holy sun in an instant, and the holy sun burst out.


The bangs screamed, the people burst into pieces with a bang, and the Vientiane sacred cauldron was killed!

In the beginning, Dao Yin was completely sealed and killed!

One blow would kill, Concubine Huang Yan looked at this man in admiration, and then Mu Feng walked away again, stepped across the space, and came to the sky above King Tianjing.

The Tianjing King who had been suppressed by Xuanyuanhong was directly frightened and fled!

Read The Duke's Passion