MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3790 : King's Landing (four more)

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Xuanyuan Yulan was nailed to the sun **** star by a single shot, and the wind and clouds came in one step, ignoring the billions of degrees high temperature on the sun **** star that can melt the iron, and came to Xuanyuan Yulan.

The guardian of the nine-handed nine-prison saint sword slashed towards Feng Yun Kuang, but was blown away by the holy power thrown by Feng Yun Kuang's sleeve.

Xuanyuan Yulan roared in a low voice, this shot even penetrated the original world in her body, and her long dark golden hair was dyed red with blood.

Feng Yun Kuang squeezed Xuanyuan Yulan’s beautiful cheeks and sneered: “Have you seen it? This is your ridiculous strength. In front of this king, you are still nothing. After your second brother Xuanyuan Shengtian was sealed, you Xuanyuan clan Just a bunch of ridiculous grasshoppers!"

Xuanyuan Yulan sneered and spit out a mouthful of blood, which turned into a **** knife and collapsed to kill him. This knife cut Feng Yun Kuang's face away, but it healed instantly.

"When my second brother is here, you are just a grasshopper in front of him!" Xuanyuan Yulan sneered.

"Hahahaha, it's a pity, now that he is gone, I am afraid that he has died into ashes, bitch, then you can see how this king destroys your human hope once again!"

Fengyun smiled wildly, and exploded with terrifying power.

With a bang, Xuanyuan Yulan's beautiful head was directly crushed and exploded!

The holy spear suppressed Xuanyuan Yulan, and Fengyun rushed towards the Tianfeng God Dynasty with terrifying power, creating a **** city.


A horrible palmprint condensed out and turned into an extremely huge blue-black giant hand, which fell with the attack of the Holy Dragon Battle Fortress.

Boom...The heavens and the earth exploded, and the terrifying aura crushed, and this palm collapsed on the already broken defense of the God City of Good Fortune.

A horrible energy exploded, like a universe explosion, the defenses of the gods of creation shattered with a boom, and a terrifying force blasted the entire city back!


Suddenly, in the God of Good Fortune City, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the sky and the earth shook, and countless human fairy gods uttered in horror.

"Tianfeng Divine Army, burn the source!" Mo Lao roared sadly.


Thousands of guards roared, burned the origin, and surging out the strongest divine power.

"Fortune God City, Tianfeng God Dynasty, the hope of the human race? Ha ha, today is the day when your so-called hope is destroyed, let this king go in and leave none!"

Feng Yun Kuang sneered.


Twenty-seven sacred dragons roared, frantically rushing to the city of good fortune, carrying the sacred dragon battle fort, the million wind **** forbidden army!

"If you dare to slaughter my people, this seat will destroy your whole clan!"

However, at this time, a loud rage came from the extremely distant star field.


An incomparably huge horrible purple-golden rainbow came across countless light years in an instant.

Looking closely, it turned out to be an extremely huge purple-gold sacred cauldron!

"Kill this town!"


In the sacred cauldron, an extremely terrifying sacred power town broke out and killed, covering 28 golden sacred dragons in an instant!

Click! Click!

Twenty-eight golden sacred dragons were suddenly shrouded by an incomparably terrifying killing power. The huge body of the sacred dragon exploded and shattered in an instant, and the sacred dragon roared, exploding and splitting into pieces. The keel was shattered.

Bang! Bang! Boom...The Dao Shenlong Dao Seals one after another were shattered and broken! Broken to pieces! The primordial qi that turned into masses was then absorbed into the cauldron frantically by the sacred cauldron of Vientiane, and the dragon soul screamed.

Kill 27 golden dragons in Yiding Town!


After that, the power of this trip even hit the Sacred Dragon Battle Fortress, and the Sacred Dragon Battle Fortress was directly smashed into the air!


Feng Yun roared and asked, and then his face changed in shock, how could this breath be so familiar.

The purple-gold sacred cauldron shone brightly, and a group of figures appeared in the void in an instant!

He is like a star, with long gray hair, wearing a purple and gold dragon robe, his eyes are as cold as a knife, his face is handsome, standing with his hands, and a breath of terrifying surging.

In the early days, the God of Scorpion, Concubine Huang Yan, the Four-Eyed Demon Sovereign Ji was lifeless, and the six supreme Xuanyuan human races all stood behind him.

After that, it was the Harmony rank army above the realm of the 800,000 Lord God King! Ninety Front Guard!

"Mu Feng, how could it be possible that you came out? You are not dead!"

Feng Yun looked at this voice wildly, shocked and unbelievable.

Wasn't Mu Feng chased by him into the Jiuhu area, how could he come out alive?

"Your Majesty!" When Elder Mo and others saw this figure, their eyes were sour, and they shouted excitedly.

"Your Majesty is back! It's your Majesty!" Ten thousand army looked at that figure, one by one, all of them eagerly looked at that person.

"Father!" At the beginning, Jun Yi smiled miserably, and his father finally came back.

"Smelly man, you are finally back, your wife and children were bullied by others..." Gu Yan'er looked at the figure, and she burst into tears for an instant.

"Husband!" Feng Jiuge also cried with joy.

"Big Brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Your Majesty is back!"

At this moment, the excitement brought by this figure enveloped all the people of Tianfeng Divine Empire.

"Hey, it seems that we are catching up with a big battle, and it's just time." A bloodthirsty ray appeared in Ji Wuming's eyes.

"It's Mu Feng, how could it be possible? Didn't it mean that he was killed by the Prince's Town to kill the Fire Extinguishing Domain? How could it be possible to come back!!"

"Wait, then, those people are...Four-eyed Demon Lord, Ji Wuming! Nine-headed Heavenly Phoenix, Concubine Huang Yan, Lao Xiezi, Scorpion God Xie Jie, and Jiang Laoshan, Xuanyuanhong!"

As soon as this group of people appeared, the faces of the witch gods changed in shock. Many of them were famous in the ancient times and should have been killed by the town. Now, they have come out alive!

Feng Yun Kuang's face was also gloomy and cold, looking at the group of people who appeared, he knows everyone!

"Are you surprised? Feng Yun Kuang, this seat is not dead!" Mu Feng looked at Feng Yun Kuang coldly, the man who had nowhere to go to the sky and nowhere to go to the ground.

"Mu Feng!"

The situation surging wildly with an extremely powerful murderous intent, his eyes locked to Mu Feng.

"The wind and clouds are mad, we are not dead, your witch **** clan has sealed us for so many years of gifts, we, come back to repay!" Four-eyed Demon Junji sneered lifelessly.

"Feng Yun Kuang, the hatred of the destruction of my Xuanyuan Clan and Human Clan, today I will pay for the destruction of your Feng Witch sacred dynasty first!" Xuanyuanhong roared.

"Hahahaha, a bunch of **** broke free from the cage. Now that you have escaped, this king will seal you up again and cut your hopes." Fengyun laughed wildly.

"He, it's mine, and the others, give it to you, the Witch God Race, don't keep one! Let go and see you!"

Mu Feng stood with his hand in his hand and said coldly.

"Your Majesty's decree!" The nine supreme sages responded in unison, and then, one after another, one after another burst of extremely terrifying holy power, the lowest cultivation level was in the middle heaven!

"The Order of Your Majesty, the Witch God Race, one does not stay, kill, nothing, pardon!"

Thank you Luo Yu fans. Ray unblocked. If you don’t see enough, you can watch "The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons". Everyone, cherish the last period of Asura. Let me finish more quickly now, when I suddenly finish. , The comment area is a bunch again. I have been with him for more than two years, and I have finished what I cannot bear. Don’t say I like the new and dislike the old. From the emotional perspective, the author and readers are the same. From the perspective of interest, Shura also earns more. Others are incapable of taking care of each other. I am pursuing a balance. I have four changes each. I pay more and write eight changes every day. Not to mention the double-book update volume. The update volume of the single book is also very interesting.

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