MTL - The Almighty Asura-Chapter 3748 : Strong suppression (four more)

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Just a palm blasted Mu Feng from the sky and into the earth.

Amid the explosion of the wild land, Mu Feng's huge divine body kept crashing into the ground, smashed into the ground tens of thousands of miles deep, and suddenly fell into the underground magma fire.

"Puff......" Mu Feng rushed blood in his mouth, his internal organs were all shattered by this palm, and his body was severely injured.

There was also a look of horror in his eyes, and the blow just now was undoubtedly the move by Tian Zhizun.

The gap between Tianzhizun and Taichuzhizun is so big!


However, at this time, another terrifying blue-black edge fell from the sky, traversing space, time, and instantly smashed to the ground, and the earth slashed in half to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng Wanxiang Dao Ding blocked him instantly.


This attack slashed on the Vientiane Cauldron, cutting out a long opening.

With a bang, Vientiane Dao Ding instantly hit Mu Feng again, and Mu Feng was knocked into the depths of the magma.

With a bang, the magma soared into the sky, rushing to the earth, jetting tens of thousands of feet high in the air and splashing in all directions.

Feng Yun madly stood in the void, saying indifferently: "You continue to chase and kill Tianfeng Divine Empire, this seat will kill Mu Feng himself."


Feng Lingba and the others should have arrived, and Feng Yun Kuang personally attacked Mu Feng. Mu Feng must die. They had nothing to worry about.

"Lord, after killing Mu Feng, please give him to me to seal. I will take action personally to refine and kill his Dao soul in order to forgive the crime of negligence."

King Tianmo asked.

"Yes." Feng Yun nodded indifferently, stepped out, and his body disappeared instantly.

"Continue to chase the Tianfeng Shenchao!"

Feng Lingba and others drove the Sacred Dragon Battle Fort and continued to chase and kill Tianfeng God.

In the underground magma space.

Feng Yun Kuang came to Mu Feng in an instant, his face cold.

Mu Feng held the ancient evil holy sword in his hand, suspended the Vientiane Dao Ding, and looked at the man who suddenly appeared very solemnly.

"The power of the human race is already irreversible. No matter how hard you try, it is useless. I heard that you are from Chaos. Sooner or later, Chaos will become the territory of the Witch race."

Feng Yun Kuang said indifferently.

Mu Feng smiled coldly and said: "There are some things, you will never know the result if you don't do it, people will conquer the sky."

"As a result, it is doomed, Human Race, forever as a slave, you will die!"

Feng Yun Kuang stretched out his palm to face Mu Feng, and a terrifying blue-black black hole in front of him expanded in an instant, releasing terrible energy.


A beam of light that destroys the heavens and the earth erupted from it, turning into an angry dragon and blasting towards Mu Feng with terrifying power, and all the space it passed was turned into a black hole and annihilated.

"The slave is the master, we have the final say, kill!"

Mu Feng roared, madly exploding all his divine power, and Yiding bombarded in front, turning into a thunder sun madly blasting towards Fengyun Kuang.

Rumble... The blue and black ruining Tianzhu blasted and killed on the Vientiane Dao Ding, and the condensed thunder sun burst out in an instant. However, the destructive power of the blue and black Tianzhu continued to smash the power of the thunder and sun, and hit Vientiane with a bang. Dao Ding.


And Mu Feng suddenly appeared on Fengyun Kuang Shanglong, stepping out in one step, the power of time and space roared out, and the condensed sky pattern enveloped Fengyun Kuang.

Time and space freeze instantly.

Feng Yun frowned, and then sneered: "The technique of imprisoning time and space is useless for this seat."

Boom... As soon as he punched out, a more terrifying force of time and space bombarded the solidified space, and the space was instantly shattered and completely useless.

His fist condensed a terrifying fist mark and bombarded Jian Peng who Mu Feng struck with all his strength.

With a bang, Jian Peng completely exploded, and at this moment the horror fist strength also vented on Mu Feng's body.

Puff......! Mu Feng vomited blood and retreated, and the man was beaten up again, breaking through the ground and flying into the sky.

Fengyun violently moved his fists, all the fist marks all over the sky whizzed towards Mu Feng.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mu Feng's Vientiane body exploded continuously, blood splashed, arms exploded, chest exploded, and thighs exploded.


Countless shadows of fists fell, and Mu Feng's body, who was shot into the starry sky, exploded with a bang, turning into blood mist and broken flesh.

Exploded, Mu Feng exploded, and was alive!

Horror, madness, and horror!

However, Feng Yun frowned and was blown up by Mu Feng. Why didn't he see any God Seal of the Beginning, Dao Soul?


At this moment, a black ancient tripod crossed the void in an instant, rushed to the depths of the starry sky, and escaped!

Mu Feng didn't have the God Seal of the Beginning at all, in other words, his God Seal of the Beginning was Vientiane Dao Ding.

"Space-time transformation, burning!"

In the Dao Cauldron of Vientiane, Mu Feng who had reunited with the divine body roared, all the supernatural power of Vientiane was burned and transformed into the power of time and space to accelerate.

Boom... The Vientiane Dao Ding burned a terrifying fire, melting through the void, speeding up to the extreme.

Now, in the Tianfeng God Dynasty, the people of the God of Fortune City should have fled. He didn't need to fight the opponent to death.

"Hiding in that cauldron?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly, and then stepped out, step by step across a light-year distance to chase Mu Feng who was fleeing frantically.

Fengzi has not been beaten to the point of escaping for many years.

No way, the enemy's strength far exceeded his imagination.

Tian Zhizun, really surpassed the Taichu Zhizun by a large level, and it is not comparable to the small, medium and big Tianzhi gap of Taichu Zhizun.

Bang! Boom...!

When Mu Feng passed through the void, some stars were blasted one after another, crazily crisscrossing the stars.

And Mu Feng can also feel that the madness behind him has been chasing behind him, the speed is not slow at all, and even a bit faster.


At this moment, a beam of energy in the void from the rear blasted towards him at a faster and more terrifying speed. Mu Feng quickly turned around, changed one direction and fled.

However, this energy still violently rubbed Vientiane Dao Ding, Vientiane Dao Ding was knocked into the air with a bang, and Mu Feng in the Ding was shocked to overflowing blood.

"The situation is mad, you forced this seat!"

Mu Feng shouted angrily, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and then changed direction, and the huge black cauldron with stars slammed into the wild land again.


It was like a meteor hitting the earth, but the speed was tens of thousands of times faster, and it instantly pierced the tens of thousands of miles of high spatial energy wind layer of the prehistoric land, and the Vientiane Dao Ding burning and enveloping the divine fire blasted down a huge city below.

This is a witch **** city near the border of Tianmo Shenzhou, with a population of hundreds of millions of witch gods.

"Look, what is that?"

"Meteor? No, it's not right, so fast, so big, come to us!"

"No, the stars are falling? Run away!"

For an instant, the wizard gods in the city were all shocked by the dazzling sky light, and then saw a round of thunder and sun crash and fall, and the Dao Ding of Vientiane hit!

Read The Duke's Passion