MTL - The Alchemist God-Chapter 1255 Devourer

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The bottom of the secluded spring, the world is dead.

The vast earth is empty and empty, only a huge spring is mooring, this spring is the end of the world, falling into the spring means silence, eternal death, in other words, here is the real secluded spring.

In the fog, getting closer and closer to the secluded spring, at the same time, the irritating atmosphere is getting richer and thicker.

Qin Yin has some uneasy eyes and contempt, saying: "The smell of Donglin ghost emperor seems to be everywhere. What is going on, what happened in this spring?"

"I do not know either."

Lin Muyu raised his palms and stirred up a flame to blow away the fog. The earth gradually emerged. It was a swamp floor. There were wild grass and muddy water everywhere. His heart suddenly slammed and said: "Be careful, they are coming!"


The mastery of power is obviously that Qin Yin, the graceful goddess, is slightly inferior. After all, Lin Muyu is the commander of the Valkyrie, and he is not aware of the crisis of the upcoming battle.

Sure enough, the wind "brushing" two waves of waves came, it is the second-rate wind, like the knife-like dimension wind.

Lin Mu Yu Meng then leaned back and avoided the knife, and Qin Yin was also swayed by the side of the body, and there was a low voice in the fog in the distance, like a beast.

"What a ghost thing!?"

Lin Muyu felt the power of the Yuan Yuanfeng, not even inferior to the wind of the wind, which was launched by the Fengshenfeng. It was fierce and swift. He raised his palm and the elephant invisible and silently said: "Get out!"


From the breath of the heavens, the fog was crushed, and the two huge figures hidden in the fog suddenly flew out. They were two monsters that were not ghosts, covered with scales and eyes like brass bells. Both feet and hands are stretched out with sharp claws. The eyes are covered with faint light, and the limbs are on the ground. It is a roar to Lin Muyu and Qin Yin.

“What is this?” Qin Yin has some doubts: “It’s like a ghost, but the power is not inferior to the god...”

Lin Muyu looked stunned and said: "I feel more than one soul in the body of these two monsters. They are not as simple as one person, but a fusion!"

"Ah?" Qin Yin stunned.

Just then, a sharp, weird laugh came from the clouds.

"Hahahaha... I haven't seen you for a long time. Lin Muyu, you still have such insight and sensitivity. It really didn't disappoint me. You are the real opponent worthy of a battle, hehe..."

The figure slowly walked out of the cloud, it is the legendary Donglin ghost emperor, but the Donglin ghost emperor was a bit less than the original Emperor's domineering, more awkward, even his face appeared A bit of decaying color, it is reasonable to say that the ghost emperor is eternal, and should not rot, it is not reasonable.

Lin Muyu looked at him and said: "Donglin, what are these two monsters? What are you doing? The Donghaifujun on the ground said that you have not gone out for many years, have you cultivated any sorcerer? ?"

"The sorcerer?"

Donglin Ghost Emperor couldn’t help but smile: "Here is the ghost field, the **** of martial arts... Which kind of martial arts practiced in the ghost field is not a sorcerer? It is a unique skill of refining the soul. Don't tell me the five party ghosts. The Weeping Emperor is practicing martial arts, and... these two are not monsters, but the devourers carefully cultivated by the old man."

"Devourer? What do you mean?"

"You should understand that there are not only one soul in the body of the devourer, but thousands of them. Those violent and inexhaustible souls wandered in the spring for many years. Isn't it a pity not to use it?"

"You... are you refining the soul in the secluded spring?" Lin Muyu was amazed.

"Yes, that's it." Dong Lin Ghost Emperor's mouth raised, showing a smile, said: "But all this is thanks to you and the Seven Devils, if not you made me so fierce, I How could it be painful to make up your mind to practice the refining of the gods in the depths of the secluded spring?"

"Refining the gods? You look at these two devourers, no one is not a ghost, you are not practicing God, but a devil?"

“Is it?” Donglin Ghost Emperor looked at his two works and smiled: “The selling is worse, but their hearts are still relatively pure, melting the souls of countless good and evil. They are very complicated in themselves, so it depends on how I guided this."

Lin Muyu raised his eyebrows: "You made the depths of the secluded springs messy, and the turmoil of the law order has even caused the attention of the graceful goddess. I think you probably made this kind of devourer just to beat me, what are you waiting for now? I am coming, use your devourer, or even yourself, fight me!"

"Hey, a good god!"

Donglin Ghost Emperor gently put a palm, suddenly a **** knife appeared in his hand, smiled: "If you want to challenge me, you will defeat my sons first, then these devourers are not the devils of the devil, the magic will So good to deal with, you have to be careful, I don't want to bear the notoriety of killing the Valkyrie, and... the graceful goddess, please stay away from it, don't be affected by the battle, I don't want to hurt you."

Qin Yin frowned: "Do you want to hurt Ah Yu's brother?"

"Not want to hurt, but... shame!"

Donglin Ghost Emperor smiled: "As long as I can beat him Lin Muyu, I am the **** of the world, but it is a ghost, a demon or a god. The six people in the world will look at me."

Lin Muyu couldn't help but smile. He floated down and stood in the air less than 20 cm from the ground. He said, "Xin Yin, you are going backwards, don't be affected."


Qin Yin is very confident in Lin Muyu's strength. He walked away from the void and walked nearly 100 meters. He was watching this field that is about to become a battlefield.


"Why, don't you have a sword? If I remember correctly, your sword is the Xuanyuan sword at the head of the sword." Donglin ghost emperor smiled lightly.

Lin Muyu glanced at the two devourers who were eager to move. He smiled and said: "The two ugly guys are not enough for me to use the sword. Besides, I don't have to use a sword."

"If that's the case... then offended!"

Donglin Ghost Emperor whispered: "Two mixed kids, give me a defeat, just leave him a life, the rest will be yours!"

Fortunately, this Donglin ghost emperor still has a trace of humanity, just wants to shame but does not want to hurt Lin Muyu's life. After all, the ghost domain is also affiliated to the six realms, killing Wushen does not have any advantage to the ghost domain.


The two devourers launched an assault almost together, and their body shape flashed away. They entered the dimension and the speed was very amazing. The lightning appeared on both sides of Lin Muyu, and the two claws came with a speed attack. .

Lin Muyu stunned and was shocked by the speed of the devourer. This speed is probably not inferior to Lia’s peak speed? Fortunately, Lin Muyu has the power of sacred martial arts and the invisible shackles of elephants. Such rapid speed is several times slower in his eyes, at least not so fast that he can't cope.

The fingertips flashed, and the proud swords started.

"Dangdang" two sounds, like the golden stone sympathy, Lin Muyu's fingertips smoldering on the devourer's claws can not be directly cut off, but just like weapons colliding with each other, the devourer's body tyrannical degree is not ordinary Even, this level of resistance should have reached the level of nine secluded monarchs.

For a moment, Lin Muyu had to look at the Donglin Ghost Emperor. This old boy used the refining of the gods to make such a monster. It is not easy!

Between the electric and the Flint, the two devourers were lightning-fast in the Lin Muyu body and attacked more than ten times in a week. Although there was no damage caused by one time, it was already a dangerous situation. Even Lin Muyu’s cloak was torn apart. I am afraid that the body of the sacred force has been seriously injured.


It was a fierce blow. Lin Muyu’s fingertips slammed the devourer’s claws for the eighth time. There was a doubt in the bottom of his heart. The two devourers seemed to never know the tiredness. After running for many times. Actually, the speed and strength are getting higher and higher, and even a little fatigue is not there. Such an opponent is really a bit scary.

In the distance, Donglin Ghost Emperor laughed: "Lin Muyu, don't try to use the procrastination tactics to kill the devourers. It's useless. They will fight more and more bravely, and the more they hurt, the more you have the ability to make it out, I believe that you, the **** of war, will never stop this."

"okay then……"

Lin Muyu smiled lightly, his arms filled with **** thunder, and suddenly the power of Shengwu was raised from 40% to 80%. The left hand and the five fingers were condensed into a fist, and the arrogant swords and hearts were covered with the surrounding, and the foresight of the prophet was punched. Just banged on the claws of a devourer!


The air burst open and made a deafening sound, and the devourer was shot into the fog by Lin Muyu as if it were a shell. The sound of the rumble came from afar, and it must have turned the swamp in the distance into a mess. .

This time it was the turn of Donglin Ghost Emperor. He knew that Wu Shenqiang was strong, but he did not know that Wu Shen was strong enough to swarm this spurt. What a strange force?


The other devourer rushed in the air, as fast as the arrow of the string.

Lin Muyu’s body was slightly rotated, and the right fist was full of the power of the sacred martial arts. He suddenly slammed the other devourer, and even the two devourers’ fangs remained in the air, after a few weeks in the air. Slowly falling into the mud, and a series of buzzing sounds from the distance is the sound of the devourer slid from the ground.

With his fist clenched, Lin Muyu said: "To be honest, I am a bit disappointed. Is your devourer only able to resist this?"

Donglin Ghost Emperor looked gray and faint: "Don't be eager to win. This is just two devourers. If the number is four times and the eight devourers are besieging together, can you still calm down?"

"Oh? Eight?"

Lin Muyu laughed: "Come on..."


In the fog, the sound of the cymbals came in pieces, and the black figures appeared in the air. The Donglin ghost emperor did not rumor. There are indeed eight devourers, including the two who were just shot by Lin Muyu. They only hurt. Not dead, not right... not even hurt, endurance is really scary.

Read The Duke's Passion