MTL - The Alchemist God-Chapter 1244 I missed me.

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Changming Mountain, the Lingshan that has spread hundreds of miles, is also a more magnificent one in the many spiritual mountains of the Eastern Divine. If it was not too close to the West Gods, I am afraid that the Seven Devils would choose Changmingshan instead of Dachengshan.

At this time, the flowers in the Changming Mountain are full of flowers, and the jungle is flourishing. In the secluded deep grass, there is an ancient demon god, the nightmare, who is completely holding his breath. They gather all the breath, just like the dead things lying there, plus The enchantment laid by the Shangjiu Jiujunjun, it is difficult for outsiders to find out the situation here.

Ten nightmare pioneers squatted on the ground, surrounded by nine secluded monarchs.

In the hands of the Nine Monsters, they held a small white flower and smiled slightly: "Life begins in Sri Lanka and dies in the sin. If you let the flowers go, you will be sorry for this being. You will fight for me, but you will not know what the heavens are."

"..." The Nightmare Pioneer seems to be unable to understand what the Nine Monsters are saying.

"Hey." The nine secluded monarch sneered and asked: "Do you know what the meaning of life is?"

Nightmare Pioneer: "..."

They have been sleeping for many years and have long forgotten their thinking. They only know how to obey orders.

"A group of idiots." Nine secluded priest smiled lightly, his fingers twitched hard, and suddenly the small flowers in his hands became shattered particles dissipated with the wind, saying: "The meaning of life is destroyed... What are you idiots besides killing? Do not understand, do you know what is the loneliness in eternity?"

Nightmare Pioneer: "..."

Nine secluded monarchs feel that they can't talk any more, said: "I am trapping myself in this lonely dry well. Other people can't get in. I don't want to go out. The only thing I can come in is my thousands of thoughts, and you, yes. Rain in the air, wind in the ear."

The nightmare pioneers are so powerful.

"It’s really a group of boring guys." The nine secluded monarchs looked at the dreams with a contemptuous look, lying on the grass on their backs and saying: "Hundreds of thousands of years ago, if I didn't become a demon, I should be a poet."

"..." Nightmare Pioneers continue to look like, but one of them laughs.

Nine sorcerer turned his face and glanced at him: "Look at Laozi and kill you."

At this moment, a breath appeared in the spirit of the Nine Monsters. He immediately raised his arm and said: "All nightmares hold their breath, they come, listen to my orders, and be ready to attack!"

In fact, there are still nearly two hundred miles apart, but the war angels fly very fast, two hundred miles for them is a few minutes, but after a minute, Jiuyi Mojun once again feels three forces above the head. Flying, one of them was extremely strong, and the other two were slightly weaker, and they frowned.

"The demon, it seems to be some accidents." A nightmare pioneer said that he also felt the breath of Lin Muyu, Leah and others.

"No matter what they are."

Nine Secrets: "You will be with you, you two pioneers will lead the 20 nightmare to kill the three people in the air, the rest will go with me to intercept the gods of the Western gods, as long as we destroy the West God The world will certainly be reused. Once there is a steal the tower of the gods, the purple inflammation that has not destroyed the tower is just a waste."

"Yes, the devil!"

"They are coming, hands-on!"

The nine secluded monarch whistling, rushing into the air with a purple flame, and the left palm lifted up, turning into a rushing **** to master the blazing angel and the moon goddess Xi Yan in the forefront of the air queue.

How fast Xi Yan’s reaction was, the first time he realized that he was overcast, loudly: “Be careful!”

The blazing sword shines sharply, turning into a sturdy sword mark that opens the magic palm energy of the nine secluded monarchs. The sword light does not scatter straight, and it slams into the earth, smashing a group of nightmares to hide, watching those The action was very agile nightmare, suddenly Xi Yan could not help but scalp tingling, this group of opponents in front of it is not easy to deal with, hurriedly loudly: "Keep the defensive formation, do not spread, they are strong, relying on me and the baby to defend them Attack, don't panic!"

The two blazing angels guarded the front and the left, and the intensive sword light continued to burst out. They barely protected the war angels in the battlefield for a short time. Otherwise, if they were directly released with the nightmare fighters, most of them might After three rounds of battle, the angels will be killed. After all, the level of tyranny of the nightmare fighters is equal to the median god, far from being comparable to those of the old gods.

At the same time, a roaring sound broke out in the air.

Xi Yan looked up and couldn't see the light and shadow of the battle, but he could feel the familiar atmosphere. He couldn't help but dance and smiled. "A Yu, it is Ah Yu, and Wu Shen Lin Muyu is coming!"

A group of war angels are morally inspiring. This is what they are most lacking now. Enemies who are much stronger than themselves, the most necessary is the courage to fight. If you dare not fight, you can only wait for death.


Above the sky, two nightmare pioneers roared and danced, with a sly magical flame, with a strange warrior attacking Lin Muyu on a two-to-one attack, while Leah and Changwei looked far away, this is not their The battle that can be intervened, the strength of the nightmare pioneer is far beyond imagination.


The weird long-handled warrior continually whirls and brings out the blade of the sorcerer's magical flame. This razor blade is like a squeaky skin, and it is almost invisible, but the ordinary **** may have been killed, but Lin Muyu early. In the past, the palm of the hand suddenly slammed like a steel, grabbed the handle of the other side of the blade, and gently opened the right hand, aiming straight at the heart of this nightmare pioneer.


The nightmare Pioneer was shocked and realized that the big event was not good.


Tens of thousands of swords blew from his back and directly twisted his heart into pieces. When the air died, the body was thrown down by Lin Muyu, and a strange warrior from the nightmare of the nightmare was descended from the sky.

Lin Muyu couldn't help but smile, his fingers raised, and suddenly the proud swords started, and the swordsmanship swirled around his body, and the sword of the nightmare pioneer was violently stirred. At the same time, the fingers suddenly slammed, and suddenly the swords flowed through and disappeared. The shooting of this nightmare pioneer into a flesh and blood is as if it has been passed through a million bullet holes.


Faced with the siege of 20 dreamers who are desperate to live and die, Lin Mu Yu Shen Shen Tian, ​​proud swords and powerful powers, formed a huge ball in the body, surrounded by a swell of swords, it is proud sword One of the swords in the heart of the law, for a time, 20 nightmare fighters constantly hit the ball, non-death and wounded, one by one tragic and fall.

Lin Muyu did not stay, loudly: "I went to help Xi Yan, Chang Wei, Li Ya, clean up the mess!"

"Yes, Master!"

Leah pulled out the star and walked in the air like a wind. The sword directly cut off the head of an injured nightmare fighter. Before the other nightmare fighters approached, the figure quickly moved, one in the air. The maneuver avoids the opponent's attack, and the star-sword sword violently strikes, and the power of the star-studded blasts the other's heart.

Changwei did not dare to be too close, but he could only pick a nightmare fighter who had been beaten by Lin Muyu and died. He was so equal and equally divided!


"I, with the power of Xia Shen, give me the strong heat of the sun!"

Toure’s long knife was covered with flames and swept away.


A nightmare pioneer is perfectly guarded by a strange shield. Except for a fire mark on the shield, it is unscathed. Instead, he has a spear in his backhand. The spear is with a stunned flame, and there is no imposing manner!


Toure grabbed with a long knife, but wherever he was able to stand up, the spear passed through his heart. He suddenly looked at the enemies in front of him with confusion. He didn’t even know where the powerful enemies came from, not even Know why you humiliate and die.


The death of the god, the body is like the red sand, and the wind dissipates. The first-class **** of the gods, Xia Shentu, is so dead.


Not far away, Tallinn’s heart is shocked. There are seven opponents like this nightmare pioneer, and there is a more powerful nine secluded monarch, which can be imagined to resist the nine secluded monarchs and four How much pressure does the dreaming Pioneer Xiyan have.

Around, there are always war angels killed, and screams come and go.

Xi Yan was extremely embarrassed, and his arms seemed to be as heavy as lead. It was the strange magic flame of the Nine Monsters. In addition, the four Mengyu Pioneer’s turn of the storm also made Xiyan’s powers unsustainable. It’s not that there is a strong force for the coldness of the moon. I am afraid that it has already lost.

"Dead, month goddess!"

The nine secluded monarchs laughed, and the two palms fell together. The fingers clasped the blazing sword like a talons. The pervasive magic flame came along the blade and quickly wrapped up the body of Xi Yan.


Xi Yan was shocked.

"Xie Yan adults!" everyone shouted, but no one has the strength to enter the battle circle.

At this moment, a bunch of blood red thunder suddenly descended from the sky, broke into the arms of Xi Yan, constantly dispelling the magic flame of the nine secluded monarchs, let Xi Yan feel the body seems to be born again, the power of the cold Suddenly erupted, the nine secluded monarchs retreat.

Above the top of the head, the handsome boy with a lazy smile asked: "Xie Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time, miss me?"

Xi Yan also smiled: "I want to die, I don't want to use it, help me!"


Lin Muyu's power of the sacred martial arts in the air scrambled, greatly enhanced the combat power of the war angels. At the same time, he finally took the Xuanyuan sword out of the sheath, with a sigh of momentum, screamed: "Nine secluded monarchs, eat me one sword!"


The power of a sword like a mountain falls from the sky. This is not a simple sword, but a sword containing a proud sword to a high heart. It seems to be a simple blow, but it makes the nine sacred sniper numb.

However, this sword is only a 40% force of the proud sword.


It is a problem to pick up or not pick up this sword.

No, it’s shameful.

After receiving it, it may be lost.

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