MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and seventy-three ending and prologue

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On the second day of the wedding of the century and the announcement of the start of the World War, governments broadcast the horrors of the front lines to the people.

Fortresses were destroyed, the ground ripped apart, and only twisted metal remains were left of MSs, tanks and land warships.

Personal injury... This is not reported, because although it is super nonsense, although the terrain of the battlefield where Emperor Li Ping appeared, although the terrain changed to make people terrifying, the casualties were unexpectedly small.

Even the casualty ratio of the generally breached fronts is much lower.

In the words of a lieutenant general who has surrendered to the Brittanian army, being able to kill without killing is the mercy of the emperor.

Therefore, the front line of the emperor's appearance, not only the Brittanian army is like a rainbow, but it can continue to attack one-third of the death rate.

Their enemies are also rout very fast, and even the nearby cities will surrender happily.

Of course, the citizens of all other regions don't know about it yet.

The next day, Lux reorganized her direct troops and implanted the seeds of power named "Apostle Tinder" into the bodies of members of her direct troops. Let these seventeen talented women from various aspects selected from the selection become the second batch of extraordinary people besides Li Ping and his harem group.

Well, this apostle fire is the way of using power that Li Ping had an epiphany at his wedding. God is pitiful, and he finally had an epiphany after living for a long time.

Based on the way that Akane Shizuku was forcibly transformed from the rosary to her own apostle, the power of death, the power of the quencher, the use of superpowers of the brain, the perfect soldier experience package and more than a dozen parts, according to the long-term absence of appearances. The system's mode of instilling skills in itself has been suppressed into a chocolate-flavored Mai Lisu whose external performance is similar to that of Mai Lisu.

As long as you eat it, you can get the adaptive absolute combat power of the deputy captain of the death **** or level 4 and a hundred years of combat experience.

Afterwards, Lux took 17 people and cooperated with the coup team organized by Azaria, who returned first, to complete the correct suppression in one day.

Although he said that, he was actually dealing with those who were recently promoted by Durandall who were only loyal to himself.

Not long after Durandal came to power, he found that he, the speaker, had insufficient control over the zaft army.

Because after the last war, in order to prevent the speaker from being too powerful and thus another uncontrolled war, the parliament has introduced quite a few bills to limit the speaker's military power.

In order to increase his control over the army, Durandal bypassed the National Defense Committee and strengthened his control over the military by issuing a large number of faiths, that is, the special forces directly under the National Defense Committee.

Then the group was cleaned out again (〃' alas`).

Cagalli led the former Orbu Army, which is now the imperial concubine's direct troops, to directly attack Kaohsiung Cosmos Port.

Originally, Kira was still strongly opposed to Cagalli going to the front line.

But when she saw that Kagali was walking in the air in a state of anti-common sense, she just frowned, and then waved her right hand, and the air force on the opposite side crashed like a dumpling, Kira knew, This war has come to an end.

"Anyway, you will see all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods soon. This time, let's first let you see what the fantasy style is, so you won't be shocked when you see those messy things later." That's probably what the man thought. Well, Kira was thinking in Freedom Gundam.

On the third day, except for the Brittany Empire and the Mars colony, all countries in the ce universe declared their surrender.

On the sixth day, the state-level quantum computers that had been prepared for a long time were shipped to major cities in various countries, and the supporting social-level comprehensive monitoring facilities were also in full swing.

On the fifteenth day, the administrative networks at all levels of the earth and the administrative network of Brittany completed the integration.

On the sixteenth day, Emperor Li Ping, who had been paddling for two weeks, was secretly dragged from his bedroom. It is reported that at that time, ten deep fingers were left in the corridor from the emperor's palace to the emperor's office in the Tower of Babel. mark.

It is reported that the staff in the Tower of Babel and the royal maid all heard the indescribable screams of His Majesty the Emperor.

"I don't want to work!!!!!!! Let me put gold on it!!!!!!"

On the seventy-second day after the wedding, His Majesty the Emperor walked out of the office expressionlessly. Seven shadows burst out from the Tower of Babel and fled to the distance. But it was bundled into zongzi by dozens of red thunderbolts that only superhumans could see and dragged back to the Tower of Babel.

At this time, the world is in the historic moment of the ninth day in human history that there is no war in the world.

The administrative regions of the empire shall compete and develop reasonably within the permitted scope in accordance with the laws of the empire.

The resources that were originally used for war and internal friction were all used for environmental restoration and development, and hunger and poverty were eliminated in the poverty alleviation program implemented by the empire.

Although many people don't want to admit it, they have to admit that the world is now in a fantasy age like a fairy tale where everyone can pursue their dreams.

Then, seven days later, someone with a heart saw the Emperor of the Empire burst out from the Tower of Babel. After dozens of minutes of high-intensity aerial combat, he was shot down by thirty shadows into the Nevada desert. After 3 hours of high-frequency and high-frequency After a local earthquake of magnitude 11, Emperor Li Ping was dragged back to the Tower of Babel like a dead dog. This time, somewhere in the Nevada desert around the imperial capital Camelot, there were eleven deep streaks left on the crystallized desert. Deep finger marks.

...Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong.

Ninety days after the wedding, the Tower of Babel issued a new executive order following the previous order eighty-nine days earlier.

——All staff are more than 10 kilometers away from the imperial capital Camelot.

Half a day later, under the watchful eyes of many people around Camelot, the imperial capital Camelot, which had been upgraded to a fortress, lifted off into low-Earth orbit.

On a circum-equatorial orbit with a height of 333 kilometers, it runs stably in an orbit passing through longitude 0 and latitude 0 at 0:00 every day.

Then for a period of time after that, before the New Year's Day in ce80, the administrative orders from the emperor did not stop, and the flaws in the world that were forcibly blended together were gradually repaired and tended to be perfect.

According to everyone's ideas, the next step should be to cut the huge military expenditure and invest the budget into further scientific research and development and people's livelihood projects, Li Ping announced to his subordinates that some people have already prepared, while others have a vague hunch, but Still an incredible order.

——The 501st Corps and its auxiliary logistics corps will leave with him and go to another territory of Emperor Li Ping as a vanguard for defensive operations. The follow-up will inevitably require more conventional troops to Before that, the Empire must make preparations for full disclosure.

Until further orders came, the Holy Brittany Empire continued to expand and upgrade its armaments in preparation for a powerful enemy.

By the way... Even though they have met many times, the imperial officials still find it difficult to understand that the number of imperial concubines has expanded to 30 in a short period of time, and 23 of them have exactly the same faces.

On January 2, ce80, the emperor of the empire, the imperial concubine, the 501st legion directly under the emperor and its affiliated auxiliary legion left from the huge wormhole that suddenly appeared beside the imperial capital Camelot.

The next day, due to the temporary departure of the emperor, Patrick Zara, the president of the Imperial Council, who acted as the country's representative, read out Li Ping's last order before leaving, which opened the prelude to the interplanetary battlefield of the Holy Brittany Empire in the ce universe.


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