MTL - The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere-~ Seven hundred and fifty one new 3 Xiaoqiang is gone

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As usual, when Li Ping's body reached supersonic speed, the body constantly corrected its flight attitude. The nose of the aircraft was aimed at several Windams in sequence at high speed, and then generally shot while passing through the enemy aircraft group.

After shooting down six Winddams, the Immortal Messiah Gundam rushed out of the enemy aircraft group, accelerated again to climb, deformed, accelerated reflexively and rushed into the enemy aircraft group again, drawing down two Winddams with his sword.

At this time, Aslan's savior Gundam had just completed the transformation and was ready to accelerate in reverse.

"Does the variable machine play like this?!" Aslan, who had never driven the variable machine here, was in a hurry to fight against the high overload while aiming at the enemy plane to avoid the beam.

"That's how it's played." Li Ping swung his sword and slashed down a Windam that dared to stick it up, his right lightsaber was raised horizontally and moved down slowly, and the quadruple beam assault rifle built into the attack shield moved down and fired at the same time , after the dense beam smashed another short sword l into a sieve, the short sword l exploded in the air.

Below, the people who see Asuka are stupid, so you're kidding me when you say you won't try your best? How are you doing your best?

Sure enough, we are not playing a game, right?

"...What are you dawdling at?" Cruze said quietly, then increased the thrust of the backpack and rushed towards the enemy aircraft group. "If you don't go up, there will be no head."

"..." Lei, Lunamaria, and Shin Asuka stayed for a moment. Immediately they all responded.

The trough enemy planes have all collapsed. This is the number of hits that can fly.

The pilot of the Chaos Gundam was also stupid.

He borrowed 30 MSs, plus 10 MSs from his own troops, and 3 grabbed units. How could he have caused a lot of trouble for the opponent, or even shot down the Minerva directly?

How come up close to half of the ms of one's own side disappears?

What magic is this?

"The whole machine spreads out, and when they gather, they will be targeted on the spot." Suddenly a harsh alarm sounded, and the chaotic driver jerked the joystick, avoiding two powerful beams sandwiched between red and white. Then the body transformed into a human shape, looking for the enemy aircraft to attack itself.

"The reaction is wrong." With the huge vibration, the driver of Chaos Gundam only saw a red shadow flashing, and then the body began to fall uncontrollably.


"Since it is a variable machine, the feedback of being attacked in the ma form should be to speed up and change the track." Li Ping, who was driving the Immortal Messiah Gundam, took the machine for a circle. "What does it mean to transform into MS form and wait to die in place?"

On the other hand, Aslan drove his body past the falling Chaos Gundam, and used his lightsaber to cut the Chaos Gundam in half.

Chaos Gundam was cut in two and completely lost power and fell to the sea, blowing into two fireballs in the air.

"To be honest, it is not difficult for me to understand the design idea of ​​Chaos Gundam." Li Ping drove the body back to the frontal battlefield.

"Or it's called Chaos Gundam..." Aslan also doesn't understand it very well. The prototype of Chaos Gundam is quite good. It only has the ma form, and there are four dragoon style eqfu-5x maneuvers that can be used in the atmosphere. The weapon pod, when the Dragoon is mounted, the thrust of the body is quite objective, except that the maneuverability of the high-mobility ma is too strong and no one can control it, the weapon on the body is so weak that there are only two beam claws and one The beam cannon, and the lack of power to fly in the atmosphere without the motorized pod body.

As for why I know this body...

Because Li Ping once drove Messiah Gundam and Aegis Gundam two variable machines to achieve excellent results in the last war, the zaft army believes that high mobility ma should also be able to compete for air supremacy.

As the only ma-type next-generation machine X-24a Chaos developed at the same time as Pulse Gundam, the outstanding performance on paper even made the National Defense Committee fascinated at the time, and with a big wave of his hand, he made an unprecedented twelve prototype machines.

Then one test pilot died, three test pilots were disabled, nine of the twelve prototypes fell, and the remaining three were still sealed in the warehouse of Armory One.

However, it turns out that after recovering the data of the Aegis Gundam and Messiah Gundam through technical means, the os modified by referring to the battle data of the ma form is still too cruel for the general adjuster.

This body, which can reach 10.5g overload with conventional maneuvering, eventually became a monster that no one can control.

Its data was used for the development of the later X-24s Chaos Gundam. Because of the addition of deformation mechanisms, arms, multi-phase guns and other structures, and the reduction of two mobile weapon pods, the mobility of the x-24s Chaos Gundam was reduced to The level of conventional ms.

——By the way, the Immortal Messiah also used the data of the prototype x-24a Chaos (actually ma), the Immortal Messiah Gundam's prototype is simply a drone, otherwise the prototype is even more thorough. Whoever gets on and who dies, after all, it is the next-generation dedicated flagship machine produced by the benchmark after getting the data of the monster machine of i Gundam...

"The sonar detected a high-speed propulsion sound, it's ms... it's the Abyss Gundam!" The radar controller of the Minerva saw that the sonar suddenly detected a high-speed moving object.

"Lift from the water." Captain Kuradis gave the order. "Prepare for anti-submarine combat, project sonar buoys, and prepare for anti-submarine missiles. The ciws on the bottom of the ship are activated and ready to attack."

"Understood, the Minerva sped up."

"Missile launch tubes, launch sonar buoys from No. 13 to No. 16, missile launch tubes, load anti-submarine missiles from No. 1 to No. 12." Arthur immediately issued an order.

"The new high-speed propulsion sound 4 is a torpedo!"

"Accelerate out of the water and lift off!"


With the operation of the helmsman, the Minerva had the maximum thrust and directly started the auxiliary engine at the bottom of the ship. Under the powerful engine thrust, the Minerva quickly accelerated and took off forcibly at a high elevation angle.

Not long after takeoff, four torpedoes slid across the sea below Minerva's bottom.

Minerva launched four sonobuoys.

After the buoy entered the water, the seawater infiltrated the tail of the buoy, the seawater battery was activated, and the airbag at the tail of the sonar buoy was activated to float.

"Target capture, speed 150 knots, depth 3 meters."

"This depth and speed torpedo is not efficient, captain, roll and hover?" Arthur assessed,

"Yes, Malik, the height is 150 meters, the port side sinks 35 degrees, and the circle is centered on the abyss."

"Understood." The Minerva raised its altitude further, the port side sank, and all the guns that could fire to the left turned to the port side.

"Full bomb launch on the port side! The ciws system launches a barrage in the target area!"

Then, I saw the Minerva trench unmannedly using live ammunition main guns, beam main guns, 8 ciws and 16 missile launch tubes to start pouring artillery fire towards the sea.

"...emmmmmmm" Li Ping looked back at the Minerva, which was pouring firepower, and was silent for a while. "The abyss is so miserable."

In Li Ping's perception, the Abyss Gundam was completely unprepared. First, it was shocked by the explosion generated by the beam main gun that hit the sea surface. Then, three 420mm high-explosive bombs exploded near the Abyss Gundam. The vibration and the high overload of the Abyss Gundam pushed out by the three shock waves directly shocked the driver of the Abyss Gundam, and the body was also damaged in a large area due to the severe water pressure impact.

Afterwards, sixteen ship-to-ship missiles crashed into the water. Although they were all near misses, the water pressure generated by the explosion of the same several tons of explosives made the VPS armor of Abyss Gundam quickly consume the energy of the body.

Although the vps armor kept all the main parts of the body, the propellers in the water were completely destroyed, and the abyss Gundam that lost its power became a big iron tuo and sank to the bottom.

In the deep sea, which is nearly two thousand meters deep, the abyss is exhausted, the armor of the body is crushed, the battery of the body is crushed, and the contact between the oxidant in the battery and other substances makes the body explode for the last time, and the body is completely scrapped .

But the Minerva didn't know, the main gun fired six rounds and the missile fired three rounds, until Deputy Chief Arthur felt that it was almost the same.

"It was robbed at random, and bombed at random... It's a bit miserable." Aslan was also a little chilly. As an ace driver, the powerful dynamic vision allowed Aslan to see the massive explosions. One more splash caused by a small explosion.

This let him know that Abyss Gundam had actually been shot down and exploded.

"Do you want to escape!" A roar of True Asuka came from the communicator.

"Huh?" Li Ping turned his head to look at Zhen Fei Niao, only to see Zhen Fei Niao driving the Pulse Gundam and chasing after the fleeing Union Army Winddam troop and killing it. "Wait! The mothership is gone?"

But it was obvious that the real bird above could not hear Li Ping's cry.

"Really... for a while I didn't know whether it was good to be young, or was it an impulsive mistake." Li Ping scratched his head.

"It should be said that he has both. I heard that this kid was a thorn when he was in the military academy, and he felt uncomfortable when he didn't fight the instructor for a day." Aslan sighed a little.

"To be honest, such a thorny zaft military academy instructor can't hold back?" Li Ping raised his eyebrows, stabbing his head? Generally speaking, isn't it a thorn in the military academy?

"Zaft is different from the general army. The relationship between superiors and subordinates is not so absolute. Strength is the ultimate determinant of the right to speak, so when he wins his instructor, naturally no one can hold him back."

"...I think there is a considerable problem with your talent training process." Li Ping was choked for a while, and it was considered a correct situation for the soldiers to disobey the commander's orders. Are you kidding me?

"Forget it, Aslan, clear the sky, Cruze, I'll leave the defense of the mothership to you, I'll go watch the child." Li Ping operated the body, quickly locked the nearby enemy planes, and then fired all bombs.

Most of the remaining enemy planes were shot down before two salvos, and the enemy planes that were not shot down by sweeping shots were also quickly shot down under the encirclement and suppression of the three tigers.

After the shooting was completed, the Immortal Messiah Gundam was transformed into a ma form together with the Savior Gundam, and went to chase the Pulse Gundam.

"Base?" After chasing for a distance, Li Ping saw a small island appearing on the horizon, as well as a large number of artificial facilities on the island.

"In this position?" Aslan was also surprised. "Is this right under the nose of the Carpentaria base? What are they doing?"

"It doesn't matter, it's really there, speed up." Li Ping saw the flames blasting around the base in the distance, and pushed the throttle valve of the body to the bottom.

After the two arrived, Zhen had completely destroyed the base's defense facilities and combat vehicles, and was using MS to forcibly remove the barbed wire around the base.

"Really! What is he doing?!" Aslan looked confused.

"Rescue the workers requisitioned by the Allied Army and reunite them with their families." Li Ping marked Aslan a few points. "Look, here are the bodies of workers who were shot. It looks like they were killed by coalition forces trying to escape after the fighting began."

"This kind of thing..."

"It's good to get used to it. The current coalition army and the previous coalition are not the same thing." Li Ping sighed. There were still quite good soldiers in the previous coalition, and the basic qualities were reasonable.

Like zaft, in the last war, the coalition lost a lot of troops. Excellent soldiers and troops, as long as they are not from the Blue Universe or the Atlantic Federation, will be betrayed and used (such as the Eighth Fleet of the Universe and the Battle of Alaska). ), was killed on the frontal battlefield. In order to maintain its strength, the United Army is desperately recruiting troops, but the current coalition army cannot recruit soldiers at all, and the quality of its recruits has dropped again and again. Even petty criminals are forced to serve in the pits.

——Return to Minerva after the battle——

"Really, wait a moment for the celebration, come with me now." Li Ping stopped Ma Asuka, who was amusing with his friend who was a ground crew technician, in Gnaku.

"Ah, yes!"

"Um, what's the matter?" True Asuka instinctively wanted to be sprayed.

"Two things are advice and explanation." Li Ping sighed slightly. "One, war is not a heroic game, and people will die. Because of the existence of MS, the touch of our MS pilots killing someone when they shoot down an enemy plane is actually not that heavy. But sooner or later, maybe one will witness the physical death of the enemy. The picture may be a meditation in the dead of night, and you will suddenly realize that the same person as you is sitting in the enemy plane you shot down.

To be honest, I don't know when you'll come back to it, so I'll tell you in advance.

Don't care about the existence of the enemy's driver, whether it's you or me or others, we are no longer human after entering the battlefield, but a combat unit called "driver", whether it is shooting down the enemy or being shot down by the enemy, are our destiny.

There is no need to be merciful when you start, because you and I also became part of this state at that time. "

"Yes, I know this." Zhen Asuka's excited mood slightly lowered. "But, you and General Yamato are in battle..."

"That's what we have as a super trump card. What's more, the fastest time for our reputation to rise is almost after the replacement of Freedom Gundam and Messiah Gundam. In a strict sense, it should be after the offensive and defensive battle of Orb." Li Ping He picked up the water bottle and took a sip. "At that time we fought more to protect ourselves and stop the war from getting worse than to destroy enemy fighting forces.

Therefore, as long as there is room to spare, we will save the life of the opponent's driver.

If you have studied the battle records of our driving Divine Shield Gundam and Assault Gundam, you will find that our reputation is a little weak. Otherwise, Kira and I wouldn't have been crowned "Grim Reaper" by the zaft. At that time, we didn't have much energy to show mercy, and we were still alive after the fight, which was really the fate of the other party. "

Li Ping spread his hands and smiled, it would really be chased and killed by the zaft army like a rabbit.

"In addition, you must consider this matter carefully and then study us carefully, just for a very simple reason." Li Ping raised his index finger and shook it. "The enemy you let go will come back with weapons, and the enemy you let go is likely to kill your companions and even kill you.

At that time, if you knew that it was the guy you once let go that shot down Lei or Lunamaria, how much remorse you would feel, there was no way to save the life of your comrade-in-arms. "

"...It's really hard to decide." Zhen Asuka thought for a while, and then the brain felt a faint feeling of overload. "And what about the second thing?"

"Well, a total of 19 ms were shot down, Gaia Gundam was repulsed, 29 tanks were destroyed, 17 armored vehicles, 7 gunships, 41 anti-aircraft guns, a very beautiful record, plus the previous record, the military department I'm sorry if I don't give you a Nebula Medal." Li Ping first praised Zhen Flying Bird, and he was really gifted to achieve this record with an air combat equipment Pulse Gundam.

"Thank you for the compliment..." Zhen Asuka scratched her head shyly.

"But...the battle line without authorization caused serious neutrality in the mothership's air network. Ignoring the commander's direct orders, attacking unarmed personnel and facilities during the battle." Li Ping scolded one by one. "Fortunately, the Union Army infantry saw you and ran away. Otherwise, if you use machine guns to fire the Union Army infantry or use MS to trample the Union Army infantry, I should apply for grounding and psychological intervention for you now."

"This...that's because I saw their soldiers shooting those so I was on a whim..."

"Well, I understand." Li Ping interrupted Zhen Asuka. "As a zaft soldier, you are asking for trouble for yourself by doing this. Thank you for your body. If it wasn't for the high performance of the Pulse Gundam, you would be 100% dead at that base today."

"However." Li Ping changed his words. "As a human being, seeing soldiers shooting civilians and not helping them is really bad for your conscience. So, Asuka. The guilt of leaving the line is worth the credit for taking down the base. You wait for the medal."

"Eh?" Zhen Fei Niao was stunned, shouldn't he ground himself directly, or even slap himself because he was off the front line and put his teammates in crisis?

"As for the consequences of disobeying my deployment, I will call you wanton in the next battle, so be conscious."

"Yes!" Hearing that Li Ping gave him enough reasons to convince him, Zhen Fei Niao stood at attention and saluted excitedly. "I will work hard!"

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers..." Li Ping patted Zhen Fei Niao on the shoulder. "Justice in your heart and the responsibilities you shoulder should be well balanced."