MTL - Tempest of the Stellar War-v27 Chapter 4 Domineering Gemini!

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The "legend" from Wang Shuo looked like a child in front of the heavenly warrior. Xue Lai Leite sighed softly. The ending was what he expected, but even he even had a glimpse of luck. It turned out that the enemy The preparation is more comprehensive. Book

"Xie Yuxin, withdraw the army." Wang Hao had no hope, and he could not even cause damage to the enemy. Shelley Leite could not stop it, but he could take Xie Yuxin, as long as Xie Yuxin was still alive, retaining hope. .

Dramack, ignorant, ruthless and staring at the screen, seeing this scene, Dramack immediately ordered the retreat, Mars, must give up, if there is no Xie Yuxin, they will die in Mars, but with Xie Yuxin, the solar system There is hope, even if it is in exile, it will come back one day, and with Xie Yuxin, it is possible to get the support of the big country.

As for Wang Hao...

Perhaps this is the price of embarrassment.

At this moment, it seems to be still. The hope that the solar system warriors will burn up is finally turned into a bubble, and Ieta’s smile has gradually become thicker, showing a crazy expression. The **** solar system will pay for this war. Even let him lose so badly!

In every corner of the Union, some people are silently praying that their beloved ones can leave the battlefield alive. This kind of suffering, this waiting, those aggressors can understand...

Ye Zisu keeps himself in the house. This is almost the case every time Wang Hao battlefield. One person faces three heavenly warriors. Ye Zisu wants to stop, but can't stop...

Zhang Shan also looked quietly, no dignity, he did not play, because he was waiting for the signal of Wang Hao.

As a prefecture-level warrior, the master of the space department, Zhang Shan can feel the gap between himself and Zar as a chasm. Every time the cosmic movement is not so simple, this space master is as free as a swimming master. .

This made him daunting, and Wang Hao was trapped. This is in the universe, there is no way in the sky, there is no door to the ground, and even the space is waiting for death.

This is the legendary heaven.

However, at this time, Wang Xiao smiled, a very light feeling, his slightly shaking body suddenly stabilized.

Zar, who is preparing to take the shot, immediately felt a strong crisis. The feeling of a heavenly master is not wrong, his instincts tell him. Wang Hao is waiting for him.

The actual warrior of the heavens will never take such a danger, nor is it necessary. Almost instantaneously, Zar’s figure disappears. This is his space field. He can freely shuttle. As long as he wants to go, no one can Stop him!

However at the moment of startup. Suddenly around Wang Hao, there was a cut surface like a stellar ray, which cut the space horizontally like a sickle and cut the darkness!


Zal’s figure appeared and the blood was floating in the air. Zar couldn’t believe that his lower body and his half body were slowly separated. No matter how he struggled, the lower body was getting farther and farther.

The darkness of not far away is a transpiration. The darkness that was cut seemed to be very painful, but the tumbling was actually merged.

The next second, Wang Hao has appeared behind Bolognese, Bolognese was shocked, this is Zar's space field, they are shared. Why is Wang Hao’s space movement available? ? ?

And Wang Hao is not a space ability at all! ! !

In the next second, Bologna saw a fist piercing his body. He claimed to be an indestructible body, and even a fist was supported.

... atomic bursting fist.

The aftermath of the punch penetrates the body of the road and blasts to the end of space like a superconducting beam.

The strength of the heavenly warrior is to fully communicate the power of the heavens and the earth, to understand the use of the original force, and to let the body exceed the limit. But this is what Wang Hao had already touched at the time of the land level. The power of atomic blasting, and entering the heavenly level, there is no so-called defense in front of Wang Hao.

Because he can use real atomic blasting!


It’s just a blink of an eye, the situation is instantly reversed, three big masters, two deaths and one injury.

Still Wang Hao, only Wang Hao!

There is another one. The last one, the man of the Dark Empire, has never revealed the true body. He seems to be able to shuttle in the darkness and dissolve in the darkness.

There is no power that can destroy the darkness. Even if the space is just cut off, it is just that he is injured and still exists in the darkness. This is the form of immortality, the intangible ability that cannot be grasped!

At this time, Wang Hao’s body burst into a violent ray like a star. This ray instantly illuminates the sky. The big five elements, the power of light, the universe is always alive, corresponding to the ultimate darkness, only need to be illuminated with light.

Wang Shuo’s light is obviously not limited to the limit, but it is enough to show the enemy.

The light, the heavenly master from the dark empire finally became dominant. Once he lost the intangible qualities of the dark field, why did he single out with Wang Hao?

And this dark master seems to be extremely unsuitable for this kind of exposed body shape, as if it is suddenly in the crowded street.

A scream, Wang Hao's atomic blast has been pointed out ~ ~ is eyebrows.

The beam runs through the opponent's head, without blood, and the opponent's body has completely transformed into a dark state of mind and is healing.

And the opponent seems to have reacted from the shock, but just as he intends to sneak into the deep darkness, a flame rises.

The soul ignites.

The soul flame completely enveloped the dark killer, the bones of the flames, the endless, the dark killer figure disappeared from the space, but did not run far and re-entered, disappeared, but could not help but appear pain.

In the end, the real body is completely revealed. A very small and wretched little old man, long in the dark, his form is like a hairless monster, but the soul flame will thoroughly purify him.

The burning flame seems to have the shadow of the frosty day... This is not an illusion, this is also the reason why Wang Hao is sure. Although the Frosty Day is dead, he is a soul fire under the dark killer, as long as there is a heavenly level. The ability to manipulate the flame can ignite, no matter where he hides.

The flame will eventually illuminate the sky.

Pay tribute to the frosty days!

Majia United Army, the three major heaven-level masters, all destroyed!

Xuelelet finally understood why Wang Hao didn't need him to go. It would only be cumbersome to obstruct Wang Hao's display. After seeing their battle, Wang Hao has seen through the strength of these three people.

Hole through.

Looking at Xie Yuxin, who had no accidents at all, Xie Yuxin did not obey the command of retreat, the fleet was still chasing, and Xue Lillite understood.

A new era is coming, the solar system Gemini, the rise of the solar system!

(The formation of the rudimentary lineup of the rise of the solar system, opened up, partners, ask for a monthly pass, thank you!) (To be continued.)

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