MTL - Tempest of the Stellar War-v26 Chapter 67 Ruler of the next era

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Lin Yi’s voice was slightly delayed. He noticed that Lin Lin’s name was not the uncle of the past, but his general title in the Aslan army. This is a signal. He pondered for a moment in his heart and tried again. The temptation to draw closer to the family said: "Long time no see, Yu Lin has grown into a man, and I remember the last time I met, you are still a little boy who wants to listen to the story."

Xiao Lin smiled a little, and he understood a lot of things. He sighed in his heart and did not show anything in his face. "At that time, I was not sensible. General, Major General Lin Feng is okay?"

"He has now become an ordinary soldier. Her Majesty has given him a chance to sin." Lin Yi is also smiling. He certainly will not be naive. It involves the country. This distant relationship is of no use. The little prince will give The opportunity for him to talk alone is already very emotional.

Atlantis will still stand on the front of Aslan, but there will be no clear statement. Lin Yixin sighs. The biggest goal of his trip is actually to hope that Atlantis can publicly support it. Slan, it would be great to be able to send their fleet.

The ballistic train stopped, the hatch opened, and a white light belt was on both sides of the road. The line of sight of a team of heavily armed Atlantis warriors immediately became sympathetic when they saw Lin Lin.

Advancing along the road of the light belt, entering a gate of heavy protection, in an instant, all kinds of sounds surged.

The huge war factory, countless machines, under the control of Atlantis technicians, efficient and high-speed production of perfect precision, visible to the naked eye, the core parts of a battleship, here is an unbelievable Speed ​​assembly and manufacturing, there are no workers, every technician, at the Atlantis is a jewel-like high-level priest, here is the highest crystallization factory of countless Atlantis technology.

Lin Yi admired watching all this, almost the miraculous rune technology, Atlantis's righteousness, Aslan also has a similar level of production, but the scale and yield and the huge factory in front of it In comparison, it is like a comparison between laboratory and industrialization.

One piece was delivered to the final packaging stage, and it was only then that the logo on the top was not Atlantis but exclusively for the Aslan Empire.

The production of the core components of the Aslan warships here is the primary purpose of Lin Yi to avoid the attention of all parties. At this time, the components must be delivered on time, which is essential. Of course, Lin Yihe I don't think Atlantis will break the contract or deliberately delay. It's just that this kind of thing can't be "should". What is needed is "certain" and "ok"!

"His Royal Highness Prince." A technician who was in charge of production greeted him and prayed.

Yu Lin’s jaw was excused and said: “Tam priest, this is General Lin Yi.”

"General Lin Yi, hello, Aslan's order will be completed on time." Tam smiled, and this was a slight gift to Lin Yi. The etiquette of the Atlantis has always been meticulous.

"Hello, Lord Tam, thank you very much!"

Lin Yi's standard ceremony, a simple inquiry about the production situation, is a basic problem, Tham is not exposed to production secrets, one by one.

However, Lin Yi still found some clues. "From the production situation, there should be room for improvement in production rate?"

Tam’s face was calm. “General, I can only guarantee that the production will be completed within the specified time.”

Lin Yi is not too entangled. After confirming this, he has to find a way to lobby the little prince. If there is no drama on the Queen, he must follow the curve policy.

"His Royal Highness, in fact, I have never understood, as long as Atlantis will take the shot, we cooperate, the Abytan Empire is absolutely unable to withstand, we make the worst assumption, if Aslan is defeated, to Abitan Style, they will not let Atlantis regardless, especially the Mayan Empire has set an example." Lin Yi said that diplomacy seems to be a hard work, but sometimes it can dominate the battle, as long as you can find the right people.

"The times are changing, and the diplomatic strategy has to change. Of course, we also know that you have difficulties, but once the pattern changes, what will Atlantis eventually become?"

He Lin quietly listened to Lin Yi’s persuasion. He is a good listener. In fact, from the intuitive analysis, Atlantis’s neutrality at this time is not suitable because in the inherent system, Atlanti Sri Lanka has received great benefits. It must be acknowledged that there is a credit from Aslan, which is why Atlantis still exports equipment to Aslan. Once the pattern changes, as Lin Yi said, this "Neutral", the ruler of the new order, willing to give it?

Human ambition is endless.

Yan Lin smiled a little, "General Lin, political things, you know that I don't care, the age is not enough, Wang Jie's marriage is now our top priority."

Lin Yi sighed in his heart, but his face was smiling. "His Royal Highness, let go of family, don't talk about it. For many years, the Aslan Empire asked himself and Atlantis has been very friendly. Frankly, I am this time. Coming to represent Her Majesty the Queen, Atlantis gave us some help in the war, but the situation is indeed crucial, and Her Majesty wants to know Atlantis’ position."

Lin Yi showed up, obviously it is not a matter of dragging it down. As for the promotion of Yu Lin, he certainly can hear it. The reason why he chose him is because he definitely knows the core decision, and the little prince is more emotional, this is also Aina's jealousy, in Atlantis, only Hun Lin may be scrupulous about this feeling ~ ~ can not expect this feeling can dominate Atlantis's decision, but at least let A There are counts in Slan.

Yan Lin sighed, and the Atlantis Empire had already made a decision. For the sake of peace and prosperity in the next 100 years, if the choice is wrong, Atlantis will go to destruction, in the communication with humans, Atlanta. The Tees also know how to deal with it.

But over the years, the Atlantis Empire and the Aslan Empire can indeed be called friendship. Aslan only can see Atlantis. Among the silver leagues, only Atlantis can He is comparable, but for Atlantis it is not the case.

"General Lin Yi, we hope that the Aslan Empire will win this war and will also give some resources to support it, but we can't send troops on behalf of Aslan." Lin Lin gave an accurate answer.

Lin Yi’s heart was cold, and as expected in his heart, the Atlantis had made a decision. The Atlantis were very intelligent. They could never maintain the so-called neutrality in this troubled world. Aslan, who did they decide to support?

Abidan? This is unlikely, and if so, they will not continue to support Aslan supplies and technology.

Manaraso? Ice Cloud Alliance? Who else?

For a moment, Lin Yi’s mind turned a thousand times, and the Atlanteans chose the rulers of the next era, just as they chose Aslan.

(Today at home with my father and mother cleaning together, the move is moving, haha.) 〖Unfinished to be continued〗