MTL - Tempest of the Stellar War-v26 Chapter 49 She... still a princess

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Going back to my hut, a scent floated out, Aina walked out and faced the smile. "Dear, come back, try my craft today."

Aina’s look with an apron is really unbelievably cute. “What is delicious today,”

"No matter what I do, you have to finish it. Just say it is delicious. I spent a day working hard." Aina said.

"Understand, understand, my wife and adults!" Although the battlefield is a stormy, but the home of Wang Hao is still like a naughty big boy, there are some men no matter how old they like to spoil in front of their beloved woman.

"Go take a bath first, smell a sweat, don't pollute my taste."

"Haha, this is the taste of a man." Wang Hao said, first eat the perfect taste, now said, I am afraid that even the mood of eating is gone.

Not only is it delicious, but Aina also prepares a good wine. It is definitely the most delicious wine of Dida people, and it is very strong wine.

Everything was arranged by Aina. It wasn't long before Aina came out, wearing a white evening gown with a beautiful wreath of flowers on her head, just like a fairy.

"What day is it a big day, so grand, I don't seem to be prepared?" Wang Xiao smiled.

Aina raised her glass. "Today is the sixth anniversary of our understanding. Shouldn't we celebrate?"

"Ah, we have known this for so long. Isn't this going to the seven-year itch soon?" Wang said in amazement.

Aina gave Wang Hao a charming look. "Do you think this is a problem?"

The shoulders are slightly on one side, and the white neck does not carry any jewelry. It goes like a natural art, and the smooth clavicle makes Wang Hao look a little hot. This... can't be too weak.

"It should be celebrated, have a drink!"

Today's Aina's extra enthusiasm, of course, Wang Hao will not be embarrassed, according to a single collection, enthusiasm, Aina has not yet danced a new dance of Dida. The same dance to Aina is full of enthusiasm and infinite beauty, this is God's gift.

In the middle of the rotation, the white skirt slid down, and Wang Hao looked at the goddess in front of him and could say anything.

The love of one night is lingering, and Aina also shows unprecedented enthusiasm and strength. She has to dedicate herself to everything, not admitting defeat, not admitting defeat. To fight against Wang Hao in the end, this is the same feeling of heaven, nothing to ask for, the most beautiful fit, the sky is clear and cloudless, but the stars seem to be shy to hide.

Wang Hao slept very sweet and even with a little snoring, and Aina on the side was already dressed neatly. It is not the costume of the Dida people, but the military uniform of Princess Aslan. Gently stroking the face of Wang Hao, Aina’s eyes are all gentle and reluctant, but they are not willing to give up.

"Sorry, I love you." Gently kissed Wang Hao's lips, Aina stood up and closed the door of the hut.

If Aslan is not facing such a dangerous situation. If Kashawen is still alive, she will not leave, but now the country where she raised her is already on the verge of destruction. She cannot enjoy it alone or herself. She is always the princess of Aslan.

She didn't want to say goodbye to Wang Hao, because it was a farewell, maybe she was still alive, but since then, she has to become another Aina, a violation of the past insistence, an Aina fighting for Aslan, one even herself I want to hate Aina, but only this kind of Aina can make the country and countless Aslan citizens live.

In the space port, there is already Azlan’s spaceship waiting for Aina. At this time, only she can save the Aslan Empire. At least she can bring a little confidence to the soldiers of Aslan. They must know who to fight for. The royal family has ruled for so many years, and this belief has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Spaceport, Musen and others are all there. In fact, only Wang Hao does not know that Yan Xiaoshuang is very helpless. This is how long his mother’s life has been stopped, but Yan Xiaocui knows that the reason why people are human is because Can not abandon the blood, blood is thicker than water.

"His Royal Highness, all the way down the wind." Musen can only say so.

"Thank you for your care during this time. If possible, please let Wang Hao hate me." Aina said, her eyes are very calm and decisive. From the bones, Aina is a decisive person, so she decided that Wang When I was embarrassed, I dared to fight against Kashavin. Similarly, when she decided to take responsibility for defending Aslan, she already thought very clearly. Wang Hao couldn’t forget her. She couldn’t forget Wang Hao and said she would never forget. Reality, but can hate.

No one else answered, Aina didn't seem to need it, the door was slowly closed, and there was no farewell.

Until the spacecraft left, the space port was silent, and whoever went to talk to Wang Hao, miserable!

"Why are you looking at me, I want to live two more years!" Yan Xiaoshou said, "Perilla, you go, the boss will definitely listen to you."

Ye Zisuo shook his head, and others were even more unwilling.

In fact, when Aina closed the door, Wang Hao had already opened his eyes in the room.

Although not talking about the soul, but Wang Hao is to understand Aina, from another angle, if he is Aina, he will make the same decision, people are alive, never for themselves, at least he can't do it, Aina also Can't do it.


No, don't care forever, just care about having it. This is fart, the uncomfortable is certain, but Wang Hao is really understandable. He likes this kind of love.

I ordered a cigarette, this thing, Wang Hao really has no interest, but this moment I especially want to come to one, quietly lying on the lake, looking at the sky, seems to be the departure of Aina...

The solar system, Alcatraz Space Station, where the solar system merged with the military and government to form the first solar system coalition government conference, facing the chaotic international environment, the conservative faction finally compromised, this is also an important step for the growth of the solar system!

On the rail elevator, Dramack quietly looked at the "Alcatraz Island" below, the selection of the last ig, as if it happened yesterday, the scene is so clear.

Behind him, Aktitis, Milu, Pi Xiaoxiu and Dong Yuxi, looking at Alcatraz Island, is also infinitely emotional, Aktitis and Milu are outside, especially Aktitis, that It is the pride of the moon. The first battle made the moon people find the feeling of the peak. This is rare. The moon people are not disgusted with the earth. In fact, the earth people have always been the boss in the solar system. The moon people do not object to who is the boss. The boss must have the style and strength of the boss, and the power of the boss is the most unbearable for the moon, until Wang Hao appears.

In this era, the lunar people have long been hoping to rely on a moon to regain the dominance of the year. The union is a must, but who is the main?

Wang Hao gave the answer. From the small to the big, the solar system still has the blood of the king, as long as the people of the solar system are united.

Pi Xiaoxiu and Dong Yushuang are also in the midst of the moon in the past few years. Although they are incomparable with the stage of Aktitis, they are also the backbone of the younger generation of the moon.

Soon, the scene of Alcatraz Island was getting closer and closer until it was dark, and the rail elevator settled into the depths of Alcatraz Island.


The door is opened and the entrance is a standard underground military fortress.

An officer greeted him and saluted him: "General Drammark, only ten minutes from the meeting, please."

Going all the way, very quickly, into a huge conference room, "Delamark, a big shelf, every time is the latest arrival."

The ruthless and rough voice immediately rushed over, behind him was the arrogance of a military uniform, for a long time no see, the heart is full of confidence and domineering.

Drammark haha ​​smiled and looked at the time displayed on SkyInfo. It was one minute before the start of the meeting. He said: "There is no ruthlessness. I call it punctual."

Aside, Meng Yu came over with the monks. "Oh, almost, start the meeting."

I was ruthless and looked at my time. I nodded. "Get started."

As the three people attended, the entire conference hall was quiet and quiet, leaving only breathing. Aktitis and others stood by, although they were expanding the meeting, but in fact they just listened and did not have real voting rights. Of course, the significance of the meeting is to enhance their prestige in the army. The predecessor action of the big one.

Meng Yu was the host of the conference. He spoke quietly and straightened to the point: "Everyone, the 31st Solar System Federal Army expanded military conference, now it begins the first item of the conference charter, on the establishment The EFF unified operations and command system voted..."

The conservatives at the meeting were calm, but they could not conceal their inner loss. The so-called combat command system was to shake their foundation in the army. However, what is even more embarrassing is that they have been unable to stop the various actions of the reformists. In the future, the era when they want to spend money on armaments is gone, and military reform is also economic reform.

The all-out war between Aslan and Abidan did not cause much impact on the neutral solar system in the people's livelihood economy. However, for the solar system EFF, this war brought no less than a face-to-face. Supernova explosion!

The tactical tactics of the two most powerful empire and the fighting qualities of the soldiers, the complete performance in this war, so that the various factions of the EFF of the Solar System are truly awake, in the face of the tactical tactics of the two empires, the solar system has a The power of war?

It’s useless to cover the door, and the solar system needs to be truly transformed before the war.

Without the security guarantee of strong force, the rise of the solar system is a false pseudo-proposition.




"It should have been long ago."

The generals who attended the elections completed the voting one by one, and the conservatives also lost the will to resist, and silently pressed the consent on the voter.

"The last item in the charter of the conference, about the construction of the oz fleet, at present, thirty main battleships have been delivered. Now, the appointment of the ships is discussed..."

(And cooling down, the partners pay attention to keep warm, the late stage of the Star Wars will be the era of the five major stars to fight for hegemony, guess where is the five, ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you!) (to be continued.)

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