MTL - Tempest of the Battlefield-~ 673 happy

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Even at this moment, Wang Dong showed absolute strength, and the Protoss generals still firmly believe that Patroclus will win.

The rise of any nation requires heroes, all need to fight, and this battle is the most difficult, but as long as it crosses the past, the Protoss will become true Protoss.

Dimaris, Halmon, Lanjia and others have all arrived, faithfully carrying out the orders of Patroclus. From these orders, Patroclus’s estimate of the situation is quite conservative. The emperor is dead, the Protoss is not expanding, which makes the Protoss lose control of many things, and the domino effect is erupting.

Unless Patroclus defeats the king, the Protoss will be finished, and even if they die together, humans will definitely have the Protoss left.

Although the Protoss still hold a huge army, the order is barely sustainable, but all this is due to the pressure of Patroclus, and the outsiders do not know whether they can provide the worms. These secrets are all in Pat. In the hands of Lockox, Harmon knew that it might not be impossible to create a worm with the genetic technology mastered by Patroclus, but even if he could, he would expand the Protoss indiscriminately, which is different from his philosophy.

"Everybody, thank you all these years." Patroclus said quietly, the rest of the time belongs to him, he does something that belongs to him, and then quietly waits for the coming of the decisive battle.

Looking at the back of Patroclus, God could not say a word.


The wind is very cold. Patroclus did not wear the armor of his Protoss, but a simple dress, which he used to wear when he was a human being.

Is this Andrees? Dole's tomb.

In that war, people only knew that Andres was dead, but no one saw the real process.

Patroclus stood there quietly. "Father, I did it. The Zago is finished. I will fight for myself. Since I created the Protoss, I will not let it die in my hands." The Daoer family will not fail again."

At this moment, many things have changed. In the past, it was no longer important for what is going on, and time will change everything.

Looking at his father's tomb, Patroclus showed a smile, just in this place it was extraordinarily cold, just like his mood.

The Doyle family, glory for hundreds of years, genius continues, and finally severed in his hands, but in fact, the Doyle family is born again as a protoss.

At that time, the pioneers of the Doyle family gave birth to new human beings. When new human beings first appeared, they also suffered from **** hurricanes. It turns out that new human beings have made tremendous contributions to the development of human beings, and how many technological innovations are It originated from the Evans, but for more than two hundred years, the new man was accepted, and the resistance of the Protoss was obviously one hundred times larger than that of the new man of the year.

He is one step away.

Are the Dole family crazy?

Guess it, he is a madman, his father, Andres is also a madman, even a bigger madman than him.

That battle, no move at all, has come to this step, Patroclus will never stop!

Whether he is a **** king or a crazy Daoer, he has to go on.

In the bleakness, Patroclus’s back looks very straight, and the Doyle family goes against the sky.

On Earth, Wang Dong’s classmates are partying, friends on the planet, friends on the moon, friends on Mars, all coming, and the carnival is going on.

Everyone doesn't know if this will affect Wang Dong, but as Wang Dong said, it is too late to rely on the last time to practice.

At the level of Wang Dong and Patroclus, the body and spirit have reached the limit, and the outcome is another.

The rest of the time is to do what I want to do.

When Wang Dong’s classmates were very young, they had a dream. When they had money in the future, they would open a big panty, invite their friends, want to eat what to eat, what to drink and what to drink. Still don't have to give money.

At this moment his dream was fulfilled.

Looking at this lively scene, the old man couldn’t help but patted his head. "How did I cultivate it, this kid is just like this."

"Haha, Pharaoh, you are asking too much, how do you want to be, and the Lord is true."

Several elders were alone in a corner, looking at this lively atmosphere, and they were very emotional when they reached this age. It’s really not easy. Wang’s character is the kind of casual, but he is willing to take it all for others. .

"Hey, this kid, Grandma, I drink too much."

Wang Buting, looking at the ecstasy of the king like a child, his heart was sour and sorrowful. From the time he was a child, he had to bear the pressure that the average child did not have. He had never had any good days, and looked at the king to grow up into a man. The old man’s heart was sad and happy. .

The more this is the case, it can only be explained that Wang Dong has no grasp at all. In the face of Patroclus, who dares to say that he is sure, regardless of victory or defeat, is now a farewell.

Everyone knows it, but I can't say it on my mouth. I pretend to be very happy. Wang Dong has a lot of drinks. Today, there will be too many old friends.

"Rely, Wang Hao, your kid is getting fatter, and you have to lose weight." Carl smiled.

"Roll yours, my name is strong, I think like you, three or two meat." Wang Hao said.

"You kid dare to marry the chief, courage is not small, come, drag out to play the 30 big board!" Carl said with his nose, from the rank, Karl is higher than Wang Hao, the space fleet has always been a helicopter promotion. .

"Would you both go to the heads-up." Wang laughed.

"That's also what to pick, don't say anything else, on the pick-up, I am definitely better than him, Xiao Yan, or a virgin."

On the bickering, several people are opponents of Major General Carl.

"Karl, don't always bully Wang Hao." A soft voice sounded, Wang Hao was a little confused, and the beauty in front of him seemed familiar.

"No, you won't even recognize our most beautiful crush of Aaron?" Zheng smiled.


Wang Hao looked incredulously at the high-ranking female officer in front of him. This is really a woman’s eighteen.

"Wow, Wang Hao is blushing."

Everyone started to squat, six years later, everyone's changes are great, the only thing that has not changed is friendship, this feeling is really good.

What is heaven?

Heaven is ruthless, but people are affectionate.

This kind of taste is full, and Wang’s face has a heartfelt smile, and his mouth is a little bit close.

"Brothers and sisters, this is a celebration party. Celebrate Wang Dong in advance to defeat Patroclus, and he will go with the wind!"

Carl said.

"Wang, this kid is a little bit worse than me, but I still feel relieved to give it to him. Apache said very calmly and sincerely.

People who don't tell jokes are more likely to detonate the audience. Carl is very dissatisfied with Apache's smashing, and everyone goes to the white wine.

"Wang move, I think you have plans in your heart, what is the victory, you are very clear, come, I wish you success." Zhang Jing and other people are almost noisy, walked over and said.

"Sister Jing, rest assured, I know what humans need. Fortunately, you took me away from the uninhabited Norton Star, or I might still live a savage life."

"Yes, I am a little regretful." Zhang Jing shook his head and said.


"Oh, I regret how I did not stay with you to live with the two worlds." Zhang Jing said half-truth.

"Haha, Rongrong is proud, let's do it!"

Li Shimin and Bolton and others are also less likely to drink a few cups, a smile and enmity. In fact, it is as simple as living a simple one. In this atmosphere, everyone is infected.

"Wang move, kill the guy, the Evanite has such a beautiful woman, I haven't bubbled it yet." Bolton did not hide anything, said the lewd.

"There is something I need to help. Despite the opening, I don't want my sister to be sad." Li Shimin patted Jiang's shoulder.

"Oh, it seems that I really want to die."

Wang moved and smiled, very happy to drink the wine.

Throughout the night, he was pulled and pulled, and enjoyed with everyone, unscrupulous drinking, old man and others first exited, after all, older, can not compare with young people.

Ma Xiaoru, they are very understanding of the king to give them to everyone, they still have a lot of time, today is actually a farewell to Wang Dong, or to relive those most precious memories.

Perhaps it was too stuffy, Wang moved to the balcony, holding two wine glasses in his hand, one lifted into the air, and when they came back, the two cups were empty, but he was quickly pulled into the crowd to continue fighting.

"Lao Wu, is the wine so good?" asked Tan Charco with interest.

"Not bad, really good."

Zachary’s figure is imaginary. He has entered the super-wu sect. In order to see the last battle of Wang Dong, he still left the projection of the body But in fact, the taste of the wine is irrelevant. It’s urgent, he understands the feelings inside.

"Black charcoal, let these young people have a good time, let's go to the game."

"Lao Wu, I am a bit worried about the owner, I have assessed the strength of Patroclus, the two are quite strong."

"Black charcoal, no matter whether they win or lose, they are not born in this life. We will not care about this matter, let them decide their own lives."

"Okay, but your chess is still so stinky, there is no interest in killing you."

"Fart, Laozi is a super martial art, you know, that is the realm of God, playing everything is God." Zachary blows his eyes and blinks.

One high and one short disappeared into the void.

Wang Dong was carried back. It was so happy that everyone played, and some of them were forgotten. In fact, life is full of joy. The more it is in the war years, the pressure is great and you need a little indulgence.