MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 182 Xanadu

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  Chapter 182 Xanadu

   Lu Yang knew about Lu Mingyu's rescue of Jiang Yanzhou from the beginning to the end.

  She also knew that the two of them had a good relationship.

  However, in order to protect her, Lu Mingyu never mentioned her name in the circle, so Jiang Yanzhou only knew that Lu Mingyu had a younger sister, but didn't know that Lu Yang was the younger sister herself.

   Later, Jiang Yanzhou knocked on Lu Yang's door and invited her to the Xihuai Music Festival.

  He threw out the words: "Your favorite Lu Mingyu will also appear."

  Lu Yang searched in his mind, but couldn't find a reason to refuse.

   And seeing Lu Mingyu's performance was one of the reasons she came to Huai City.

  There were many people at the music festival, and Jiang Yanzhou stood behind her and never left her.

  In the past, she used to watch Lu Mingyu's performance alone, but now that there is one more person, Lu Yang is not used to it.

   "Want to go backstage to see Lu Mingyu?" He asked suddenly.


   "I know him and I can get him to sign for you."

  Lu Yang quickly refused: "No need, it's better to keep some distance between fans and idols."

  The corners of Jiang Yanzhou's mouth in the mask slightly raised.

Lu Mingyu came out in the second half, first sang a lively song, then sat on a high chair, held a microphone, looked at the audience and said, "The next song is my debut song, and it's also my debut song." favorite song."

   ""Winter's Gift" is dedicated to everyone."

  On the screen behind him, a sentence floated eloquently:

  You are the gift of winter, but not limited to winter.

  Lu Yang looked at Lu Mingyu on the stage, the smile in his eyes was something Jiang Yanzhou had never seen before.

  After the song was over, he called her name: "Lu Yang."

  Lu Yang turned around and almost bumped into Jiang Yanzhou. Although he missed, the two were very close, and her eyes were full of his Adam's apple.

  At this time, someone pushed hard, Lu Yang uncontrollably rushed towards him, Jiang Yanzhou subconsciously stretched out her hand to protect her, her forehead pressed against his chest through her clothes.

  Lu Yang's eyes trembled.

  His heartbeat seemed to be a little fast.

  Jiang Yanzhou asked: "Are you all right?"

   "No, it's fine." Lu Yang's ears turned red, maybe it was because of the freezing weather, or maybe it was the intimate contact in the noisy crowd.

  The crowd was crowded, and Lu Mingyu's performance was over. Lu Yang was not interested in staying any longer and proposed to go back. Jiang Yanzhou nodded in agreement.

  The weather was unpredictable, and after a while, the quiet sky began to rain heavily.

  Jiang Yanzhou didn't avoid her when he called. Lu Yang opened the umbrella and held it high for him to support. Jiang Yanzhou was still on the phone, but he stretched out his other hand.

   As he grasped the handle of the umbrella, he also covered her hand.

  Lu Yang's brain shut down for two seconds, and after recovering, he hastily pulled out his hand.

   After Jiang Yanzhou hung up the phone, he said to her, "Come with me somewhere."

  Lu Yang approached him for an impure purpose. He didn't want to get in touch with his family, but his heart softened easily at night. He even accompanied her to the music festival, so she had no reason to refuse.

  Lu Yang stopped at the door of the mansion, she didn't go in, waiting for him to come out after finishing the matter.

  The rain has stopped.

  When she was bored, Lu Yang received a video, she clicked on it, it was a picture of several people drinking and talking.

  A group of people with ulterior motives at the wine table, one of them made a move, and the scene became chaotic. Lu Yang clicked several times to watch, saw a familiar figure, and slowed down.

  Jiang Yanzhou sent Jiang Ruzi out and asked Su Yiran to pick her up. Everything was handled properly, but he didn't see Lu Yang's figure. He was about to make a phone call when he saw her walking over with a plastic bag

"Where did you go?"

  Lu Yang raised the things in his hand, "Drugstore."

  Jiang Yanzhou touched the back of his head and felt the sticky liquid before realizing that he was injured just now.

   "Did you see it all?" he asked.

   "Well, kneel down."

  Jiang Yanzhou knelt on his knees, Lu Yang leaned his head against her body, and pressed his forehead against her abdomen.

  She took medical alcohol, brushed his short hair, and saw the wound, "Be patient with the pain."

   "Jiang Ruzi is Jiang Jinshi's biological mother." Jiang Yanzhou explained without thinking, "Su Yiran, you met last time."

   "Yeah." Lu Yang knew his background, and had met Su Yiran once.

  Jiang Yanzhou lowered his eyes, and his gaze stayed on her feet for a long time.

   "You can get up now." Lu Yang said after treating the wound.

  Jiang Yanzhou didn't stand up, he put her hand on her shoulder abruptly, then pinched her ankle with knuckle fingers, Lu Yang struggled reflexively.


   Lu Yang lowered his head and understood that he was referring to her shoes.

  Jiang Yanzhou said: "The shoes are wet and uncomfortable to wear, so take them off."

   "No, my shoes get wet every time it rains, I'm used to it."

  Jiang Yanzhou raised his chin, looked up at her for a while, his quiet eyes moved slightly: "Understood, raise your feet."

   Seeing his persistence, Lu Yang had no choice but to lift her foot and take off one shoe. She realized a question: "If I don't wear this, what should I wear? Are you barefoot?"

   "Well, barefoot."


  Jiang Yanzhou put her feet on his knees with the palm of his hand, "Step well, don't fall."

   After finishing speaking, he took off his expensive coat, spread it on the ground, and moved her feet to clothes of comfortable fabric.

   He lowered his head and slowly took off the other shoe for her.

  From Lu Yang's perspective, he can only see his short black hair.

   Not long after, both shoes and socks were taken off.

  Lu Yang looked down at her feet, her toes twitched and moved, she hadn't taken off her shoes in public, she was barefoot.

  Jiang Yanzhou turned around, squatted halfway, with his back firmly facing her, and waved his hands back: "Come up, let's go home."

  Lu Yang wanted to refuse, but couldn't find a reason.

  She climbed onto his back, put her arms around his neck, and where he couldn't see, her cheeks were dyed crimson.

   They all said that the incident was only three times, and they had intimate contact three times in one day.

   Not far away, Su Yiran in the car saw this scene, frowning, lost in thought.

  Jiang Yanzhou appeared polite and gentle, but deep down he was surprisingly aloof and indifferent. He had never kneeled before anyone. Now, when ly asked him to squat down, he knelt down without thinking.

  The man with a cleanliness knelt on the ground, but stomped on her a custom-made coat.

   "Sister Ruzi, your brother seems to be in trouble?" Su Yiran tilted her head, looking at Jiang Ruzi, who was so drunk that her eyes were closed.

"Will not…"


  Lu Yang was sleepy and his consciousness was blurred, and the memories flashed a little fast in his mind.

  One New Year's Day, Jiang Yanzhou asked her to watch a movie, and he appeared in front of her holding a bouquet of fragrant yellow roses.

  She was listening to a song "yellow" that Lu Mingyu recommended to her recently, and he gave her yellow roses.

  She became friends with him because she knew that he was working on a project with Huaicheng Pharmaceutical Group. As the mayor of the city, Jiang Xi was difficult to get close to, but Jiang Yanzhou came to his door himself.

  She didn't want to have any development with him. It's just that when the two get along, the more they get to know each other, the more they realize that he is not what others see.

  He will take the initiative to share with her things beyond her vision, not to show off, not to win favor, but to tell her naturally.

  Lu Yang has frequently dreamed about an accident in Lu Mingyu recently, waking up from nightmares every night, and it was Jiang Yanzhou who gave her the night-colored purple skull bracelet.

  She asked him: "How do you know I haven't been sleeping well lately?"

   He said, “I’m a detail-oriented person.”

   "I will pay special attention to people I like."

   A bunch of horns outside the car drowned out the next sentence.

   She heard it.

  Lu Yang always felt that the two of them were purely intellectual friends, without any emotional color. But she thinks so, but he doesn't. If someone takes the first step in an adult's relationship, it's either the beginning or the end.

  When Jiang Yanzhou's feelings for her turned sour, Lu Yang didn't know, when she realized it, she already found that she had fallen into the trap.

  She manipulated him and made him take the initiative to make her his friend step by step, but he wanted to go one step further.

  Ye Yu came out of the movie theater, Lu Yang stepped on the steps with candied haws in his hand, the two of them walked and chatted while having nothing to do.

  Perhaps his gaze was too hot, she was a little absent-minded, and suddenly stepped on the ground, Jiang Yanzhou reacted quickly and helped her steady.

  His eyes fell on the corners of her lips that were a little sugary, and he raised his hand to wipe them lightly. The emotion in the man's eyes was straightforward and strong, and the warm fingertips fell on her lips, seemingly hooking him, and her heart trembled unconsciously.

  The moist ambiguity fermented silently, spread, and was caught and wrapped tightly by an unbreakable net.

  With the other party's permission, Lu Yang can do whatever he wants, plus the man's tall and straight body blocks the cold wind blowing, so she stood on tiptoe and kissed him when her mind got hot. Then, he kissed back. The first kiss of two people was mixed in the false rainy night.

   A week later, Jiang Yanzhou discovered that Lu Yang was avoiding him.

  Su Yiran is a famous friend, Ye Cixing's simple matchmaking, plus Lu Yang once had a relationship with Su Yiran—

  Lu Yang was blocked by someone in the bathroom, Su Yiran saw her slap the other person back with a clear and loud slap, then folded his arm and threw it into the corner,

  The first impression is good, and everything will be easy to handle later. When Su Yiran brought a group of cronies together for a happy gathering, Lu Yang was also there. This was also the first time Jiang Yanzhou took the initiative to find her in public.

  Lu Yang can move or stay still, without any restraint, Jiang Yanzhou saw her from the crowd at a glance. Lu Yang was dressed simply, with loose black trousers, a short waistless inner with a coat, her facial features were more glamorous, delicate and clean, with a few strands of long hair floating on her fair neck, Contrasted with bright red lips.

  Jiang Yanzhou approached, and naturally raised his hand to help her smooth the messy hair on her neck. His actions made Lu Yang stiff.

  She frowned, "What are you doing?"

   "Are you hiding from me?" Jiang Yanzhou smiled slightly, "I have never messed with men and women, and I have never liked other people. I just found out about the marriage, so don't be angry."

  Lu Yang tilted his head, "It has nothing to do with me."

   The smile in his eyes grew stronger, "Are you jealous?"

  Lu Yang lengthened the distance between the two without showing any signs, raised his eyes and asked him: "Do you like me?"

  The light was dim, but the frozen expression between Jiang Yanzhou's brows and eyes was particularly obvious.

   "It's boring." Lu Yang walked past him without looking sideways, "If you don't admit it, don't come to me."

  Witnessing the whole process, Su Yiran caught up with Lu Yang and inquired about the news: "Ly, are you familiar with Jiang Yanzhou?"


   "You two broke up? Is it because I want to get engaged to Jiang Yanzhou?"

   "There is no breakup, we only have pure friendship."

   "If we didn't break up, it means that he can't pursue unilaterally." Su Yiran said, "I like the man you rejected before, we really don't want to be too predestined!"

  Lu Yang: "?"

  What kind of fate is this?

In Jiang Yanzhou's family, the marriages in the previous life and the previous life all ended in failure. His parents were in a political marriage. There is no love, only hatred, but they will not divorce. The seeds planted by the parents are bad, and the roots of love and marriage lie in the years. In the rotten soil, neither Jiang Yanzhou nor Jiang Ruzi believed in marriage or love.

  When Lu Yang first came into contact with him, he thought that he was the same as her, that the relationship should be sincere, and that he would not say love easily. But later, she discovered that he couldn't say love because he didn't believe it.

  She insisted on forcing him to admit that he fell in love with her.

  Jiang Yanzhou, who has just opened his heart, is the first time he likes someone so much. He is deeply trapped, and he doesn't know how to get out, and he doesn't want to get out. I don't know when she started to occupy all his attention. So, when he exposed the first lie, he held her wrist, pressed against her, and crushed her hard without saying a word. Just like this, the anger that has nowhere to vent can be dissipated in a very useless way.

   "Touched me so many times, ate so many meals, and it turns out that you don't know me well?"

   "You heard me."

   "Well, it's not like you don't know that I only cook for you, and Jiang Jinshi didn't treat you like this. So, I treat you..."

  She snatched the words: "You admit that you like me?"

   He said, "You know I like you."

  She knew he liked her, and the thick love in his eyes was exposed to her without warning

  She raised her head suddenly, "If you like me, you have to prove it to me."

  Lu Yang looks cute on the outside, but there is a dormant monster hiding in his heart.

  It was raining continuously, and the rainwater floated on the glass window to form a stream of water, and the view outside the window became blurred.

  Lu Yang raised her chin, her blushing cheeks seemed to be due to the high temperature of the air conditioner in the room, her eyes were clear, but she tapped her fingers.

   "I want to touch this."

  Jiang Yanzhou frowned, and in an instant, his breathing stopped.

  “I have always been curious about andrology, but I have no practice object.”

  Jiang Yanzhou pressed his forehead against hers, rubbed the tip of his nose against the bridge of her nose, his chest trembled when he laughed, and his tone was low and slow: "Lu Yang, you are not ashamed."

  She can say nothing too much, she can do whatever she wants.

   "If you want to touch it, do it yourself."

  Lu Yang stopped at the edge, "Actually, I'm not that curious."

  Her eyes were as clear as ever, but she was very vile, deliberately hanging him.

  Jiang Yanzhou grabbed her wrist, without any sense of shame, and used her curiosity over and over again to seduce her, seduce her, and let her play with him.

  Jiang Yanzhou's voice overflowed from his throat, hoarse and somewhat vague: "If you like it, no one can touch it, only you..."

   "What about yourself?"

   "I don't touch it either."

   "Really?" She obviously didn't believe it.

  If he knew that it was her game from the beginning to the end, he would be completely crazy.

  The first lie is trivial, the second makes the past count.

   Winter is over and spring is coming. Everything is recovering, except Jiang Yanzhou.

  Someone went to the center to report the fake and inferior products of the pharmaceutical group, and some people took advantage of the delusion to confuse the real ones. Jiang Xi and Jiang Yanzhou were investigated. In the end, although Jiang Yanzhou didn't do it, he didn't find out. The supervision was ineffective, and Jiang Xi was furious.

   After being scolded, Jiang Yanzhou walked out, saw the figure on the side of the road, and smiled while holding his lips, the irritability in his heart dissipated silently.

The evening in early spring was still a bit cold, under the mottled light and shadow, Lu Yang put her hands in her pockets, looked down at her toes, her hair was carried by the wind and floated to her back shoulders, and then slipped down again, she turned a little bit bored, the orange-yellow The setting sun reflected on her profile, like a beautiful oil painting, especially beautiful.

  The sun was setting and night was falling, and he was suddenly afraid of the dark.

  Twilight should not pass away, she should always be shrouded in brilliant light.

  Lu Yang raised his head inadvertently, and his eyes met his. Jiang Yanzhou strode towards her, but the phone in her pocket rang.

   It's Secretary Jiang Xi calling.

   "Miss Lu, Mr. Jiang asked me to convey a word to you."

   "Throw it away as soon as you're done using it."

   Often the most absurd things, the most incredible things, are the easiest to believe.

"Lu Yang approached you just to convince you. Do you think she's really just interested in you? It's ridiculous. Lu Yang never takes himself seriously. She might like your hand, or even be addicted to it, but she It's definitely not a brainless, reckless person, unless you have something she wants here."

  The details ignored by Jiang Yanzhou were dug out like cocoons.

  Lu Yang doesn't know how to act, it's true that she likes to touch the bulging veins on the back of his hand, it's true that she's interested in his body, it's true that she knows he likes her... everything is true, and nothing is true.

  His self-esteem was trampled to the ground after half a year of being self-indulgent and sloppy. He didn't want to bruise himself.

  He wanted to bet that she would miss him when he was not around.

Lu Mingyu was busy with the tour and hadn't seen Lu Yang for nearly a month. He was so excited that he didn't fall asleep all day, thinking of going to the airport to pick her up in person. Yes, I bought a bottle of water and drank a couple of sips when Jiang Yanzhou appeared in her sight unexpectedly.

  When she was in a daze, he had already stepped forward and pulled her into his arms.

  They haven't been together officially, she said to give him a chance, but he didn't know if that chance was her means to stabilize him, or the truth.

  Jiang Yanzhou was born in a cold family, he is the successor of Huaicheng trained by Jiang Xi.

  Until one day, there was a longing for a paradise.

  Jiang Yanzhou's paradise is named Lu Yang.

  He longed for her, loved her.

   Later, he was abandoned by her.

   But that's just what he thought.

   She never wanted to have him.

   Talk about abandoning it.

  He doesn't even have the right to be sad.

   "Lu Yang."

"I like you."

  Jiang Yanzhou pleaded softly, "Lu Yang, my heart hurts so much, please help me, okay?"

  He worried that if he missed this second, he would miss it forever.

   With her, love will never defeat family affection and faith.

   But if her love is all about him, what else would he be dissatisfied with?

  When can her love be him?

   "Like me, okay?" Jiang Yanzhou buried his face on her shoulder, his hair covered the redness at the corners of his eyes, but he couldn't hide the wetness on his shoulders.

   After a long time, Lu Yang pushed him away: "My brother is calling, I should board the plane."

  Jiang Yanzhou was unable to let go.

   No one can keep her.

He is also included.

  Lu Yang turned around, walked a few steps, turned around suddenly, ran towards him, wrapped his arms around his neck, gently rubbed the short hair on the back of his neck with five fingers, stood on tiptoe, and brushed his lips against his ears:

"wait me back."


   "Lu Yang."

  Lu Yang frowned, when she heard someone calling her, she opened her eyes reluctantly, her vision was pitch black.

  Jiang Yanzhou reached out and turned on the warm yellow lamp by the bed, fiddled with her bangs, touched the cold sweat on her forehead, "Did you have a nightmare?"


  Lu Yang shrank into his arms, listening to the strong heartbeat, her flustered heart slowly calmed down.

  Lu Yang said vaguely: "You gave me a bracelet, I gave you a headband, I kissed you, and you kissed me."

  His persistent sweet and sour taste, her habit of having nightmares easily without wearing a bracelet, all have answers.

  Wake up in the middle of the night, my mind is always very clear.

  Lu Yang closed his eyes, his mind quickly flashed the past, and at the same time, the doubts in his heart kept springing up like mushrooms after rain.

  According to this timeline, she went to another world after she left Huaicheng. After she came back, Jiang Yanzhou found her. Does it mean that he actually knows her experience?

   Moreover, although their personalities are not the same, they are both personalities who tend to control the overall situation in their bones. Such human nature cannot tolerate their own life being arranged. If the reason for her separation from him was not because the Jiang family wanted to marry the Su family, then why?

  What kind of role does her brother play in it?

  The soft kiss fell on the corner of the eye, Lu Yang couldn't help laughing and said: "Are you secretly kissing me?"

"you caught me."

  He seemed to know what she was thinking, turned on the bedside lamp, stared at her, and promised word by word: "There is no love that remains the same in the world, so I will love you more and more."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion