MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 176 Friends become brother-in-law

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  Chapter 176 Friend becomes brother-in-law

  Jiang Yanzhou coaxed Lu Yang to sleep, closed his eyes for nearly an hour, and then slowly opened them.

  He opened his eyes, and with the faint light, his eyes fell on her face, slowly exploring.

  In the dark night, a slight sigh sounded, a little gentle and helpless.

  Jiang Yanzhou lowered his eyelids, gently scratched her nose with his fingertips, stared at her for a moment, then slowly pulled out his arms, tucked her in the blanket, adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, and then came out of the room lightly.

  Jiang Yanzhou picked up the wine, filled the glass, took the glass with his bony hand, drank most of it, and the liquid flowed through his fingers, he didn't care.

  Pick up the phone, slide your finger quickly, and make a call.

  The other party quickly answered, and a familiar female voice came in a high-pitched voice: "Stinky boy, I finally remembered to call your sister."

  Jiang Yanzhou's voice was neither salty nor weak: "Why do you want to meet Lu Yang in private?"

   "The last time we met, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to give her a gift. You can't see anyone all day long, so I had to meet and give it to her."

   "What else?"

   "Impolite guy," Jiang Ruzi's attitude was a little ambiguous, "Why are you so forceful to ask your sister?"

   "Our matter, we will solve it, and you don't need to intervene."

   "If you identify her, you must have my father's consent. I will help you find her in advance. Don't take my kindness as a donkey."

   "I think why Lu Yang asked you to agree, you got married, and I agreed to have a baby?"

  Jiang Ruzi choked, "Secretary Wang sent me a message today and asked me to convey it to you. The original words are: Don't get overwhelmed by women, or you won't have tears when you cry."

  Jiang Yanzhou replied slowly: "Just think I'm in a daze."

  He has nothing to deny, liking Lu Yang and falling in love with her are all facts. It might disappoint some people, but he just can't do without her.

   "All right, all right." Judging from his tone, the two of them should be fine, "Just don't mess yourself up."

hang up the phone.

  Jiang Yanzhou went back to the room after a while, he just lay on his side, without lifting the quilt to get in.

  Looking at her quietly, he also fell asleep after some time.

  At dawn, when Lu Yang woke up, Jiang Yanzhou's face was the only thing he saw. He propped his chin slightly, staring at her intently, with a calm expression on his face and just the same romantic flair everywhere.

"woke up?"

  Lu Yang blinked. Just after waking up, his breath was extremely soft: "En."

  She wanted to reach out to hug him, but found that she was wrapped in the quilt, and he was outside the quilt, unable to touch him at all.

  Jiang Yanzhou smiled, he pulled back the quilt, put his long arms around her, "I got it."

  Fingers brushed the back of her neck, and suddenly felt a little hot.

  Jiang Yanzhou looked down at her and found that Lu Yang's complexion was pale and his lips were dry. He put his hand on her forehead, which was very hot.

  Lu Yang complained first: "Your hands are so cold."


  She hummed weakly, "Cold..."

  Jiang Yanzhou's heart was scalded, giving off a burning sensation, and said to her softly, "Let's go to the hospital, you may have a fever."

   "No, take your temperature first..."

   "Then I'll take the thermometer and you lie down first."


  Jiang Yanzhou got out of bed, went to the medicine box in the study to get a thermometer, and when he came out, he found that Lu Yang also came out quickly.

  She was holding a cup and was pouring water. When she saw him, she called out, "Morning."

   "Lu Yang, you are sick, lie back on the bed."

   "I just got a little cold, it's fine."

   "You need sleep."

  Lu Yang supported his dizzy head. She hadn't been sick for a long time. When he hugged her by the waist, she only felt dizzy and didn't struggle much.

  “When others get sick, they take care of them in every detail, so why don’t they take it seriously every time they get sick.”

   "My brother doesn't scold me." Lu Yang complained, "You scold me."

   "I didn't scold you..." Jiang Yanzhou put her down, covered the quilt tightly again, told her not to move around, went out and poured a glass of water, and took her temperature after she finished drinking.

   "I have a low fever." Jiang Yanzhou held the thermometer and said, "I'll take you to the hospital."

   "No, I have medicine at home." Lu Yang refused again.

  No matter how good the normal care is, the body mechanism will always be rebellious. Occasionally, when she gets sick, seeing that she is still conscious, Jiang Yanzhou sighed and had to follow her.

  Jiang Yanzhou cooked some light porridge, and Lu Yang ate it slowly. After breakfast, she fell asleep after taking the medicine.

   Woke up again, it was already evening.

  Lu Yang took the water on the bedside table, it was still warm, she took a sip, and her dry lips regained some moisture.

  When she put on her slippers and came out, the smell of vegetables wafted into her nostrils.

  Jiang Yanzhou was carrying dishes on the dining table, his shirt cuff buttons were rolled up, revealing a strong forearm and watch, looking like a good man at home.

  Lu Yang stopped in his tracks and looked at him without blinking.

   If there is no formal goodbye, he will stay every time.

   Several times, she thought that the two had broken up and he must have left, but in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of her again.

  From his inadvertent tenderness, she felt an indescribable throbbing in her heart.

  Jiang Yanzhou saw her and greeted her: "Get up, come and eat."

  Lu Yang walked over and stood in front of him, with two slender arms hugging his waist, and pressed his face against the man's chest, rubbing against him, without saying a word.

  Jiang Yanzhou reached out to hug her back, as if he had discovered some secret: "How do you throw yourself into your arms? Is it the benefit of being sick?"

  Lu Yang raised his finger up and touched his shoulder blade, "I dreamed about you."

  Jiang Yanzhou put his palms on her waist, raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and spoke with a half-smile, "It seems like a sweet dream."

   It's a sweet dream.

   At least in the dream, she was quite at ease.

   Thinking of something, Jiang Yanzhou said: "If I can't handle something well and you feel wronged, you must tell me in time. I'm here to make you happy, not to make you wronged."

   "Okay." Lu Yang shuddered, and said, "He Kongqing and I are just ordinary friends, you should trust me."

"You and him are very familiar with each other and get along day and night. Although I am older than you, I know that I shouldn't be jealous at every turn, but," Jiang Yanzhou rolled his Adam's apple, "I'm just a man, don't overestimate me, look If you keep in touch frequently, I will still mind."

   "He Kongqing knows about my relationship with you, and he doesn't like me either."

   "There are a lot of male mistresses now," Jiang Yanzhou grabbed her, "Why do you feel that he doesn't like you, are you a little regretful?"


  The corners of Jiang Yanzhou's mouth curled up, and a soft kiss fell on her hair: "Okay, kidding, get hungry, let's eat first."

  Because of an illness, Lu Yang rested for two whole days.

  In winter, it is freezing cold, Christmas is approaching, and various decorations can be seen everywhere in the shopping mall, in colorful colors.

  The marriage of Gu Liye and Pei Yiyan was exposed, and now the house was on fire. He was busy putting out the fire for a few days, and finally it subsided.

  Lu Yang was in the elevator, and when the elevator door was about to close, it opened again, and Gu Liye's figure appeared in front of him.

   "Junior Sister."

   "Brother." She raised her eyes, then lowered her eyelids.

  Gu Liye stood aside, glanced at Lu Yang who was looking at his phone with his eyes raised from the corner of his eye.

   "Junior sister, Fei donated two buildings to the hospital in time for the inspection by the leaders, do you know about this?"

  Lu Yang glanced at the phone page for him, "I just saw the news."

  The elevator stopped and opened slowly. Lu Yang raised his eyelids. The target was a group of people, surrounded by men in suits and leather shoes with a decent face.

  The moment her eyes met, she felt a strong sense of oppression.

  Jiang Xi's image is no different from that on TV, with a solemn expression and a heavy aura of majesty on his body. His eyes swept over Lu Yang calmly, with a calm expression.

  Jiang Yanzhou is seven points similar to him, calm and determined, gentle and indifferent, like a **** on the altar, not angry and majestic, making others tremble.

  However, Jiang Xi's city is much deeper and more rational than Jiang Yanzhou's.

  Lu Yang and Gu Liye bowed their heads respectfully.

  When He Huaijing saw them, he raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Dr. Lu Yang, Neurosurgery, and Dr. Gu Liye, Cardiac Surgeon."

  Jiang Xi glanced at them, and said in a low and flat voice, "Yes."

  Lu Yang and Gu Liye stood beside them, watching a group of people support Jiang Ma to go up.

  Gu Liye turned his head sideways, looking at Lu Yang who was lost in thought.

  Junior Sister usually makes people feel that she is angry in her heart, and the diamond pearl is not half as good as her. Even Jiang Xi's eyes did not cover her light.

  However, he seemed to notice that Jiang Xi's eyes stayed on Lu Yang for a long time, and there was a lot of meaning in his eyes.

  But soon, Gu Liye himself denied the absurd idea.

  How could the great leaders of Huaicheng and the doctors in Yuncheng know each other?

  The phone rang with a ding-dong, it was a message from "My Wife".

  Gu Liye glanced, then raised his eyes in astonishment: "Junior Sister, you are on fire!"

  Lu Yang's thoughts returned, "?"

   "The photos of you and Jiang Yanzhou have been exposed."

  Lu Yang took out his mobile phone, clicked in, and as expected, the first few hot searches were her and Jiang Yanzhou.

  The photo is of him kissing her in the car on the first snow day. Due to the angle and darkness, the man’s face can’t be seen clearly. What the whistleblower wrote:

  Lu Mingyu's younger sister and the mysterious man behaved intimately in the car, suspected to be kissing passionately, and their relationship was exposed!

   They seem to be unable to pronounce the name Lu Yang, but netizens who haven't completely forgotten can remember who Lu Mingyu's younger sister is.

   Scrolling down, some netizens gave evidence that the car belonged to Jiang Yanzhou.

   "Junior Sister, don't worry, most of them are blessings." Gu Liye comforted her, "Netizens said they are waiting to drink your wedding wine."

   Lu Yang frowned and looked at the phone, and Jiang Yanzhou's call came.

  "Are you busy?" The usual greeting, with an unexplainable gentleness, can easily comfort people's hearts.


   "What did you have for lunch?" Jiang Yanzhou asked again, without any hint of hot search.

   "Meals in the cafeteria, Hong Kong-style sauced duck, sweet and sour eggs, green vegetables."

   "I'm a little busy this morning, so I didn't have dinner with you."

  Jiang Yanzhou was dressed in a crisp black suit, sitting in a chair, his raised jaw line was clear and smooth, and when he was talking, his bony hands tapped on the armrest one by one, and he said with a smile, "Would you like to have dinner with your boyfriend at night?"

"it is good."

  Gu Liye showed the page to Lu Yang, and said silently: No more!

  The topic disappeared, and the endless discussions disappeared.

  As if the hot search just now was just his illusion.

  As soon as the topic came out, it became very popular, but it disappeared after a while.

  Lu Yang hung up the phone, his black eyes looked at Gu Liye calmly.

   "Junior Sister, it's not simple, it's not simple."


   "If it's a popular search, it will slowly decline instead of disappearing. Junior sister, are you sure Jiang Yanzhou is just an actor?"


   After two seconds of silence, Lu Yang asked, "Brother, are you just a doctor? Are you sure you're not a reporter from Gossip Weekly?"

  Gu Liye: "..."

  He looked at her clean eyebrows, pretended to be deep and said: "Junior sister, don't blame senior brother for not reminding you, the thoughtfulness of a mature man is a poison."

   "Senior brother evaluates himself so much, have you prepared an antidote for sister-in-law?"


  Junior Sister's easy-going attitude almost made him forget that she is both medicine and poison. She can not only eliminate toxins, but also fight poison with poison. No matter from which aspect, he doesn't need to worry about it.

   What's more, he didn't even handle his own affairs properly, so he really didn't have the energy to share his worries with his junior sister.

  Gu Liye's eyes flickered, and his upper body tilted a little to look at Lu Yang, with a look of thirst for knowledge: "Junior Sister, if your parents don't agree with you being together, how do you plan to persuade them?"

   "There are two possibilities for my parents not to accept Jiang Yanzhou. One is that Jiang Yanzhou has bad character, and the other is that Jiang Yanzhou has no sense of responsibility and treats me badly." Lu Yang said, "Both of these may not exist."

   "I have a good character, a sense of responsibility, and I treat my wife well. Why don't her parents accept me?"

   "You kidnapped someone else's precious daughter to get a marriage certificate without their consent. How can you tell that you have a good character?" Lu Yang asked back.

  Gu Liye: "..."

  This is a fact, and he can't refute it.


  The hot search only appeared for a few minutes, but it made people unable to calm down for a long time.

  The moment Zhao Yanshu got the news, he stared at Jiang Yanzhou with wide eyes, wanting to ask him what was going on, but found that the air pressure around the man was extremely low, his brows were filled with a cold breath, and he looked lingering, full of oppression.

   Zhao Yanshu's words got stuck in his throat, and he swallowed them abruptly.

   "How are they talking?" Jiang Ruzi called and asked about the situation.

   "The two of them didn't have a good conversation." Zhao Yanshu faltered and said, "I want to wait for his anger to subside before we go to investigate the situation." After Jiang Xi and Jiang Yanzhou quarreled, who would dare to approach.

  Jiang Ruzi: "Didn't Lu Yang and his hot search come up? Go in and tell him about it, he won't be angry."

   "Really?" Zhao Yanshu was a little disbelieving, a tiger in a rage was not the same as usual.


  Zhao Yanshu took a few deep breaths, went in, and did what Jiang Ruzi said, and Jiang Yanzhou's anger was reduced by half.

  After solving the hot search matter, Zhao Yanshu stood aside, looked at the man who was in a much better mood, and asked anxiously, "Mr. Jiang came back to Yuncheng to persuade you to go back?"


   "That's...for what?"


  Another corner of the world.

  Lu Mingyu, who was in retreat for training, lay down tired, and Chen Zhi walked over quickly, pushing him awake without any explanation.

  Lu Mingyu was woken up, furious. He glanced angrily at the person coming, and lay down again.

  Chen reported throwing the iPad to him, and his excited words were broken: " look!"

   "What are you looking at?" He didn't want to look.

   "The trending search is gone, but there are still comments under your Weibo, you can see it by looking at it."

  Lu Mingyu squinted, and looked at the screen casually. On the screen, a bunch of netizens tweeted at him under his Weibo.

  【@Lu Mingyu Come back soon, your friend has become your brother-in-law! 】

  【I don’t see you for a day, like three autumns. If you don’t see me for a few days, a friend becomes a brother-in-law, wonderful! Wonderful! @Lu Mingyu]

  【@Lu Mingyu国际国宝兄姐姐姐姐姐姐妹妹妹了,你的哥子Why hasn’t come back yet? Is it possible that you’re still digging bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest? ! 】

   "What kind of **** friend turned into a brother-in-law?" Lu Mingyu was in a fog, unable to react, "Netizens are so busy, don't worry about them."

   "..." Chen Xu swallowed, and slowly explained to him: "Jiyou, that is your friend, Jiang Yanzhou."

  Lu Mingyu suddenly realized: "He."

   "..." Chen Xu had no choice but to point out more clearly, "The meaning of Jiyou becoming brother-in-law is that Jiang Yanzhou and Lu Yang are together!"

   "Is that so..."

  The air freezes for a few seconds.

  Lu Mingyu was dying, and sat up in shock: "What??!"

  (end of this chapter)

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