MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 145 Perfume is poisonous, sister has medicine

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  Chapter 145 Perfume is poisonous, but my sister has medicine

"What's wrong?"

   "Junior Sister, go back and have a good rest when you're tired. It's good to have me here."

   "I'm fine, I just suddenly remembered something."

  Seeing that Lu Yang's expression was normal, Gu Liye didn't say anything else.

  The film crew has other professional consultants, but Shen Xiangzhi strives for perfection as soon as he shoots a film, so he first asked He Huaijing to help guide the script's surgery plot, and now he asked He Huaijing to call senior experts to watch the filmed surgery.

  Shen Xiangzhi held the thermos cup, took a sip of water, pointed at the men in the camera, and asked them: "How do you evaluate?"

   Gu Liye said persuasively: "The professional quality is high. Although he is not from a major, the details of the operation are done well."

  Lu Yang thought for a while, and said: "A good actor meets a good work is a collision of souls."

  Shen Xiangzhi laughed a few times and was full of praise: "That's right, the fusion of actors and characters can interpret a perfect work."

   "But, do you know what I am most satisfied with?"

  Gu Liye glanced at Lu Yang, who also shook his head.

  Shen Xiangzhi gave the answer in the form of a joke, "It's cheap and easy to use."

  Although Gu Liye doesn’t know much about the entertainment industry, he has a good brain and can understand Shen Xiangzhi’s voice—

  Jiang Yanzhou has acting skills, the salary is not high, and the price/performance ratio is extremely high.

  Lu Yang was silent, and slowly moved his eyes to look at the person in the camera. She seemed to know the similarities between Jiang Yanzhou and his grandfather.

  Jiang Yanzhou has strength, excellent professionalism and character, amazing appearance, and an idol halo. Don't be arrogant or impetuous, and abandon distracting thoughts in the world. This is similar to how my grandfather quit the big hospital and went to the countryside to go to the grassroots to treat diseases and save lives.

  Jiang Yanzhou walked out of the operating room after filming this scene. There were first-class crew members outside the room. He raised his eyes and met Lu Yang, who was also looking over.

Shen Xiangzhi introduced with a smile on his face: "Yanzhou, they are experts and foreign aid I invited, this is director Gu Liye of Jinghua Hospital, this is Dean He's chief apprentice Lu Yang, she is also the one who polished the script Guided."

  Shen Xiangzhi hasn't introduced Jiang Yanzhou yet, Gu Liye smiled gently, "Director Shen, no need to introduce, we know each other."

  Shen Xiangzhi looked at Jiang Yanzhou in surprise.

  Jiang Yanzhou is succinct and to the point: "Fate on one side."

   "Sister Lu Yang!"

  Before seeing the person, hear the voice first.

  Zhao Yanshu was stunned. He approached and stopped beside Jiang Yanzhou.

   "Sister Lu Yang, why are you here?"

   "Professional consultant," Gu Liye answered Chen's doubts, with a hint of obsequious flattery in his tone, "You can ask my junior sister if you have any questions about surgery."

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Brother wanted to go home with his wife, so he pushed her out.

  Everyone is a tool person.

  Lu Yang squinted at Gu Liye, and showed a rare modesty, "I'm a newcomer, Dean He asked me to learn from my senior brother."

  Zhao Yanshu: "?"

  Did the sun come out from the west this morning?

  Shen Xiangzhi: "?"

  This is different from what old man He said!

  Gu Liye: "..."

  At this moment, he looks gentle, roaring in his heart.

  Junior Sister is good at everything, but she has strength in her bones, so people can't guess her thoughts.

   "Junior Sister, don't let me down again." Gu Liye said.

  When Shen Xiangzhi looked at Lu Yang, she politely smiled back. The former realized it later, "Did girl Yang know Yanzhou too?"

   "I know." After a pause, Lu Yang said, "Very familiar."

  Zhao Yanshu opened his mouth wide like a sloth, my God, "very familiar" makes it easy for people to fill in various plots.

  Shen Xiangzhi lived decades longer than them, how could he not see this strange atmosphere, but he didn't expect Lu Yang to admit it so soon.

   "We're going to shoot heart bypass surgery later, girl Yang, you are more familiar with Yanzhou, so you can teach him how to do the surgery first. Although the props are not real organs, they are all complete, so I will use them."

"it is good."

  Shen Xiangzhi asked Gu Liye, "Director Gu, let's continue to see if there is any problem with the surgery filmed a few days ago?"

  Gu Liye responded: "Everything is according to Director Shen's plan."

  Zhao Yanshu refused to leave.

According to the information he learned, these two experts should have stayed with director Shen Xiangzhi for a few hours...Shen Xiangzhi kindly called Lu Yang a girl, but called Gu Liye Doctor Gu. .

  Perfume is poisonous, but my sister has medicine. Not only cure all diseases, but also attack the city and attack the heart, with a hundred shots and a hundred hits!

   "How long have you been here?" Jiang Yanzhou asked Lu Yang who looked down at the filming props seriously.

"Less than two hours." Lu Yang didn't chat much, remembering her mission, she said, "As the name suggests, heart bypass surgery is to take the patient's own blood vessels and connect the distal end of the narrowed coronary artery to the aorta, so that The blood bypasses the narrowed part and reaches the ischemic part, improving the blood supply to the myocardium, thereby alleviating the symptoms of angina pectoris and improving the function of the heart."

  Jiang Yanzhou's eyes moved unconsciously.

  The girl's obsidian-like bright eyes are vivid and unreal, full of love and faith.

   It was the first time he saw such a sincere and pure look, and he felt that no matter what happens in the future, life is worthwhile.

  The speaker is attentive and the listener is serious.

  The output and reception are smooth.


  Zhao Yanshu stood at the door, his eyes rolling between the two of them. On such a quiet night, they abruptly turned it into an academic exchange meeting.

  Zhao Yanshu shook his head helplessly.

  Hey, Jiang Yanzhou is just not very good.

  Thinking, out of the corner of the eye, he spotted a staff member passing by with a cup of coffee, Zhao Yanshu hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, wait a minute."


"Is there a problem?"

  Lu Yang raised her eyelashes, a few strands of blue hair fell silently on her cheeks, her black pupils reflected the hot eyes of the man.

   Unknowingly, the two approached.

   Noticing someone passing by, Jiang Yanzhou also reacted and stepped back, opening the distance between the two of them.

   "No, the teaching is very clear."

  Lu Yang froze for a moment, "Okay."

  Too serious.

  How could such serious two people spark off!

   Zhao Yanshu muttered these words, and walked in with coffee.

   Regarding the update, let me say something here:

   1) The author is in good health;

   2) Unstable updates are due to work and life, and the three-dimensional busy;

   (Internet giant lying king, also very busy, Versailles.jpg)

   3) In recent months, my brain is not working well, and my writing will be slower;

   4) There is a beginning and an end, and the article will not be abandoned, but it will not be long.

   Family affection, faith, love, friendship... How many percent of one's life is accounted for, each has its own considerations.



  (end of this chapter)