MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 140 Exploring Lu Mingyu

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  Chapter 140 Visiting Lu Mingyu

  The day the crew of "White Storm" started.

  The morning light shines through the balcony and sprinkles on the interior walls, reflecting an illusory white light.

  Lu Mingyu had a music program that he had promised earlier, and went to the rehearsal early in the morning. When Lu Yang woke up, he found the sticky note he had left behind.

  Yang, I went to the rehearsal. The breakfast is on the table. I bought it. I didn’t make it myself. Eat it at ease. If it’s cold, remember to warm it up.

  —A handsome brother with a new look.

   After breakfast, not long after, Jiang Yanzhou called.

  Lu Yang nestled on the sofa, lazily and casually connected, "Where are you?"

   It was agreed before, today she will take Jiang Jinshi to play.

   "The doorway."

  Lu Yang was two seconds late, "So soon? I'll be right there."

  Opening the door, two people, one big and one small, stood at the door. The young one kept yawning and swaying, looking very sleepy.

  Jiang Yanzhou: "Good morning."

  Lu Yang: "...good morning."

  Jiang Jinshi said in a daze, "Sister Yangyang..."

  Looking like she couldn't even open her eyes, Lu Yang's heart felt weak when she saw it. She said to Jiang Yanzhou: "I haven't slept well when I was young, let him catch up in my brother's room first, the child has enough sleep."

  Jiang Yanzhou nodded: "Okay."

   Tucked the quilt for Jiang Jinshi, walked out of the room quietly, and the person in front of her suddenly handed her an envelope.

  Lu Yang raised his head and looked at him suspiciously.

  Jiang Yanzhou smiled lightly, "Love letter."

  Lu Yang took it, and after thinking about it, he raised his eyelids and asked, "Are you sure you haven't been in a relationship?"

  The corners of her mouth curled up in a pretty arc, and she teased in a teasing tone, "No girlfriend, no boyfriend? You don't want to steal my house and my brother as you said on the Internet, right?"

  Jiang Yanzhou: "..."

  Lu Yang said again: "My brother is handsome, beautiful and sweet. He is famous for being silly and sweet. Anyone can lie to him, so don't lie to him."

  Jiang Yanzhou was silent for a moment, then hummed lightly, with a low voice, "I'm the fool."

  Lu Yang: "?"

  He arched his back slightly, stopped at eye level with her, close at hand, raised the corners of his lips, and there was an unspoken tenderness in his eyes, straightforward and aggressive.

   "I believe what you say, and I can be deceived by you every time. It's not your stupidity, what is it?"

  The man's aura swept over the sky and covered the sky, the eyes met for a moment, the smoldering eyes were burning, and the invisible intertwined breathing...everything made the atmosphere tacitly ambiguous.

  The funny interest is gone.

  Lu Yang looked away, with a slight annoyance in his tone, "You go to the set, I'll send Xiao back tonight."

  After saying that, she turned sideways and took a step, but her hand was caught off guard, and a gust of wind blew by, and she fell into her warm chest unsuspectingly.

  The man's arm was extremely strong, Lu Yang didn't come out of a daze, and heard a deep voice: "Protect yourself."

  His words suddenly reminded her of what Ye Cixing said to her last night.

  The Survival Variety Show was forced to stop recording, and no one knew the reason. Even if the Fei's Group had their backs, they couldn't let the show continue filming.

  Cheng Zelin couldn't stay in China, so he found various channels. He finally got an offer from abroad, but was suddenly terminated temporarily. Useless, dead end.

   "You did the variety show and Cheng Zelin's business?" Lu Yang asked in surprise.

  Jiang Yanzhou didn't deny it, "Let me be the villain, and it won't affect your brother."

  She didn't expect that such a decent person like him would have an evil side.

  After all, he is so restrained even when he likes her. He can take her by force, but he has to take it step by step.

  It's not that Lu Yang doesn't understand anything, she understands that he likes her, and she also understands that she has feelings for him, but she is slow to warm up. After experiencing what happened to her brother, she knew clearly that she didn't have deep feelings for him now.

If Sheng Yu were to evaluate Lu Yang, \'Hai Nu\' could no longer describe her. Instead, \'Hai Hou\', Queen Mother of Hai, would be used, because although her purpose is to fulfill Lu Mingyu's every wish, he would not be disappointed. No matter how regrettable it is, it always steals the hearts of pedestrians. In particular, he is best at beheading girls!

  Before meeting Lu Yang, Sheng Yu never thought that a seemingly harmless woman could make him feel so threatened.

  A man's biggest rival in love is not other men, but Lu Yang.

  In the quiet morning, the frequency of the beating heart is absolutely thrilling.

  The strange and complicated clear fragrance of the man, mixed with the faint herbal fragrance of himself, floated into the nasal cavity, disturbing Lu Yang's thoughts.

   "I know, you are not weak." Jiang Yanzhou said more clearly, "But they will dirty your hands."

  The unusual heartbeat sounded again.

  It's like a drumbeat in a hurry, without rhythm.

   Between the two, I don't know whose.

  Jiang Yanzhou drew some distance away, bent down, his eyes seemed to have warmth passing over her lips, and then turned away when only a few centimeters away, his breath fell on her ear pinna unexpectedly.

   "Is the heart beating fast?" Jiang Yanzhou asked.

  Lu Yang fell into silence, as if he was thinking about something, and after a long while, he was uneasy and said "um".

  Jiang Yanzhou smiled and asked, "Is your heart beating, or mine?"


  Lu Yang didn't answer.

  Sometimes he looks like a seasoned hunter, and sometimes he looks like a newborn calf, unfathomable and expressive.


   Fortunately, he will not harm his silly brother.

  Thinking of this, I don't know if something went wrong in her brother's rehearsal, which is really worrying.

  Looking at the ground, Lu Yang sighed inaudibly.

  The man suddenly squatted down, slowly raised his head, and looked up at her in a submissive attitude.

  He said: "Show me your hand."

  Lu Yang lowered her eyes, a pair of clear brown eyes broke into her sight, her expression froze for a moment.

  Jiang Yanzhou patiently repeated: "Hand, show me."

   After the voice fell, seeing that her eyes were no longer wandering, he reached out and took her hand, holding it in the palm of his hand, and quietly pressed her pulse with his fingertips.

The man's fingertips were dry and warm, and he inspected her hand carefully and carefully. The temperature and touch penetrated the surface of the skin as if along the blood, scalding to the nerves of her brain, making her stand numb in place, staring down in a daze. look at him.

   "Recovery is good." Jiang Yanzhou didn't let go of her hand, raised her head, and said with a smile, "When you recover, see a doctor."

  Lu Yang: "See a doctor?"

  Jiang Yanzhou asked with a smile: "Didn't you say that I need to see andrology?"

  Lu Yang pursed his lips and said, "...I just give you a suggestion."

   "Since it's your suggestion, it doesn't make sense to show it to others. After all..." Jiang Yanzhou dragged his tone and said meaningfully, "You know my body better than me."

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Seeing a doctor, she doesn't mind.

  But she is not an expert in andrology, nor does she understand it very well. She has a shallow knowledge and cannot harm patients at will.

  The gazes of the two were blazing and intertwined in mid-air.

  Lu Yang took his hand out of his hand, and naturally gave the order to evict the guests, "It's time, you should go, a good medical drama can promote social progress, I wish you a good start."

  Jiang Yanzhou stood up, took a few greedy breaths close to her neck, and then said in a low voice, "Well, I'm leaving, see you tonight."

  Lu Yang: "Okay, goodbye."

  Two minutes passed, but he didn't move. Lu Yang felt that there was something really wrong with Jiang Yanzhou.

  Being used by their brother and sister, not only was she a little bit angry, but she also tried her best to get along with her. She is not some kind of Daji who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

  Jiang Yanzhou was a little funny and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

  Lu Yang felt that he asked knowingly, "What do you think?"

  Jiang Yanzhou narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Reluctant to bear me?"

  Lu Yang: "..."

  There seems to be an unspeakable tacit understanding between the two, and they can always pass certain situations lightly, such as now, Jiang Yanzhou narrowed his eyes with interest, and said softly to her: "Let's go, see you later."

  Lu Yang: "Okay."

  Downstairs, Zhao Yanshu sat in the driver's seat and waited bored. When he saw the figure, he opened the door and got out of the car.

   "Why did it take so long to deliver things?"

  Jiang Yanzhou: "Something?"

  Zhao Yanshu: "Send a child, okay, don't be so entangled in words, the point is, why did it take you so long to come down?"

  Before getting into the car, Jiang Yanzhou looked back, with a smile on his lips, and said softly, "Greetings to my little ancestor."

  Zhao Yanshu was confused when he heard it: "What? Hello? What are you doing? Little ancestor?"

  Jiang Yanzhou got into the car, Zhao Yanshu didn't understand, got into the car in a hurry, started the engine, started the car, and drove away.

  After Jiang Yanzhou left, Lu Yang looked at the envelope in his hand.

  The words on the surface of the envelope are the same as last time, simply saying "LY received".

  She opened it, and there was still a sketch and a letter inside.

   Thinking of something, Lu Yang frowned, feeling uneasy.

  She only lightly told him a few things about herself and her brother, but he didn't ask again, did she really trust her, or did she find out something.

Jiang Jinshi knew that he was going to be with Lu Yang today, so he fell asleep very late when he was excited, and was pulled up by his uncle early in the morning. He was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes when he saw Lu Yang, so he fell asleep comfortably and soundly, and fell asleep as soon as he fell asleep It's noon.

  Lu Yang sent off the staff of the western restaurant, and talked with Lu Mingyu on the phone.

   "Yang, how's it going, did the people from the western restaurant deliver lunch?"

  Lu Yang: "Well, they just set up the tableware and food and left."

  Lu Mingyu snorted shortly, and spoke in short intervals, "Okay, talk to brother after eating, when the time comes, brother will ask the people from the western restaurant to come and clean up, don't move, and have a good rest."

   "Okay." Lu Yang said, "Have you eaten yet?"

  Lu Mingyu wiped the thin sweat from his forehead, "Not yet, just finished the third rehearsal, Chen told me to eat when I bring the food, don't worry."

   Then, he asked again: "Is the kid awake?"

  After the question was settled, Lu Yang raised his eyes just in time, and when he saw Jiang Jin who was rubbing his eyes and sleepy, she waved to him, curled her lips and smiled.

   "Just woke up." Lu Yang said.

  Lu Mingyu: "Little kid can sleep too much, Yang, you guys have lunch first, and if you have nothing to do in the evening, you can watch my brother's show."

  Lu Yang: "Can I?"

  Lu Mingyu: "Of course I can. When I'm ready to come, I'll ask Chen Chen to pick you up."

  Lu Yang: "I'll take an hour to go there, and I'll contact you when I get there. Brother, hurry up and have a meal."

  Lu Mingyu said hello, and asked her to tell him after eating, then hung up the phone.

  Lu Yang put the phone on the table, touched Jiang Jinshi's head, and said softly, "Are you awake?"

   "Wake up, sister, when did I arrive at your house?" Jiang Jinshi asked blankly.

   "This morning," Lu Yang held his hand, "my sister will take you to wash up, and then you can eat."

  Jiang Jinshi's milky voice responded: "Okay~"

Lu Mingyu set an alarm clock for lunch, taking advantage of the rehearsal time, and set it up for her. When the staff of the western restaurant delivered it to her door, Lu Yang asked them for a contact information, and didn't bother Lu Mingyu's work anymore. After eating, she directly contacted Western restaurant staff, ask them to take back the tableware.

   After the tableware was collected, Lu Yang sent a message to Lu Mingyu, leaving a message.

  Before the show officially started, there were many rehearsals. Lu Mingyu was very busy at this time, so she didn't bother her too much.

  Jiang Jinshi sat on the stool with his calf shaking, holding his mobile phone in two small hands, pointing at Lu Yang who was standing in front of the refrigerator with fruit, murmured "click", and the photo was taken.

  He opened the social software proficiently, sent it to his uncle, and then sent a voice:

   "Little uncle, my sister is the most beautiful girl besides Mommy!"

  Jiang Yanzhou took a break in the middle of the set, and the bustle of other people around him had nothing to do with him. He just sat quietly by himself, holding his phone with one hand, and clicking on the picture.

  The girl in the photo is wearing casual home clothes, her black hair is simply tied up, she is comfortable and lazy, her head is lowered, and the side face can vaguely see that her eyebrows and eyes are stained with a smile, and she is in a good mood.

  Jiang Yanzhou pressed his fingertips on the screen, clicked save, and directly transferred Jiang Jinshi's voice to text, and soon returned a voice message.

  Lu Yang put the fruit on the crystal table, picked up two, stuffed them into Jiang Jinshi's mouth, "Is it sweet?"

  Jiang Jinshi nodded in satisfaction, "Sweet!"

  The notification sounded on the mobile phone, and Jiang Jinshi clicked the play directly with his little hand. In the quiet space, the voice of a man who was not here sounded:

   "I think she's prettier than Jiang Ruzi."

  Lu Yang was puzzled, "What voice?"

  Jiang Jinshi: "Sister, little uncle said you are prettier than Mommy!"

  Lu Yang: "?"

  Jiang Jinshi enthusiastically showed the chat page to Lu Yang, feeling that his words might be ambiguous, he quickly explained: "Sister, what I said is that you are as good-looking as Mommy, and you are the most beautiful in the world!"

  Lu Yang was amused by his cute appearance, "Sister will take you to see brother tonight, will you go?"


  Although I am meeting my uncle, as long as I am with my sister, it doesn't matter who I meet!

  In the evening, Lu Yang sent Chen Xu a message in advance, telling him when she and Jiang Jinshi would arrive.

  Jiang Jinshi was still wearing the cool black jacket today. To match him, Lu Yang changed into black pants and a dark blue jacket. The two of them wore peaked caps and sunglasses in their pockets before going out.

  This is a music program, where singers will sing songs, there is no competition, and it will be broadcast on satellite TV in half a month.

  Lu Yang led Jiang Jinshi and stood at the front door of Yuncheng Art Center, waiting for Chen Zhi to come out to pick him up. Since the two of them were mysterious and cool, they were very conspicuous in the crowd, and passers-by turned their heads to look more curiously.

  When the report came out, he saw the Cool Street sisters and brothers at a glance. He approached and exclaimed: "My God, sister and brother, are you two here to visit the class? Are you not here to mess things up?"

  Lu Yang and Jiang Jinshi took off their sunglasses at the same time, she smiled and said, "Neither of them."

  Report: "?"

  Lu Yang: "We're here to be the audience."

  Jiang Jinshi raised the ticket in his hand, "Little uncle asked Uncle Zhao to give us two tickets!"

   Statement: “…”

   Walk through the back door with peace of mind. did the ticket come about?

  These two tickets were like knives piercing into Report's professionalism.

   It seems that he still doesn't know enough people, and his business needs to continue to develop. Otherwise, when he asked the program team, why did the other party say that there are no tickets!

   Career development is uneven! Chiguoguo treats differently!

  He was very excited in his heart, but remained calm and calm on the surface.

  Chen said: "Mingyu is still preparing for the performance backstage, you come with me, and I will take you to the studio."

  Lu Yang: "Thank you."

  Jiang Jinshi: "Yes!"

  In the studio, the auditorium was full of people, and Lu Yang and Jiang Jinshi sat at the best viewing angle of the stage.

   Viewers who participated in the recording of the program were required to hand in their mobile phones, so Lu Yang and Jiang Jinshi's mobile phones were temporarily given to Chen Chen for safekeeping.

  Chen Fu pointed to the position next to the camera brother, and said: "Sister Yangyang, when I was young, Xu Fu was in the corner over there. I can see you from that position. Just wave to Xu Fu if you have something to do."

  Lu Yang looked over, assistant Xu Fu received her gaze and raised her hand to wave, she waved back and said to Chen: "Okay."

  Chen said: "After the intermission of the show, I will take you to the backstage to find Mingyu."

  Lu Yang: "Thank you."

   "It's okay, I'll hold the phone first, let Xu Fu contact me anytime if there is something urgent."

  After Chen Xu gave his orders, he told Xu Fu a few more words, and he went to the backstage to see Lu Mingyu after the explanation was finished.

   "Sister, do you think I will be on TV?" Jiang Jinshi looked at a bunch of cameras and lights, very curious.

  Lu Yang: "It's possible, when the camera is here, you'll be on TV when you're young."

   "Yeah, I'll show Mommy!" Jiang Jinshi was very excited.

  Lu Yang suddenly felt that Jiang Jinshi might not even know what Jiang Yanzhou did, otherwise why would he be so curious about going on TV.

  At this time, the staff of the program group are testing whether the stage lighting, microphone sound and other equipment are normal.

  Jiang Jinshi was a little bored, his eyes turned around twice, and suddenly lit up, he whispered: "Sister, I will secretly tell you a secret."

  Lu Yang stared straight ahead, moved to the person next to him, his eyes bent like a moon, and echoed: "Okay, tell me, I'll listen, don't tell others."

  (end of this chapter)

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