MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 131 The system is choked by saliva

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  Chapter 131 The system was choked by saliva

   Dead silence.

   Persistent silence.

  Jin Yao is usually rebellious and rebellious, and he is used to doing whatever he wants. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with everyone's eyes and silence.

  The sky at noon is a gradual azure blue in the watercolor painting. The bright blue sky is surrounded by white clouds and melts into the horizon. In the vast and distant sky, silk-like clouds float leisurely.

  Jiang Yanzhou packed more food and walked out, Jin Yao was standing in front of the girl chattering.

  Lu Yang's black hair fluttered in the wind, and the brows had returned to gentleness. The light wrapped around her, reflecting an illusory beauty that could make anyone lose their way.

   "Where are you going?" Jin Yao raised his chin, "I have a car, I will take you there."

  Lu Yang looked at him calmly: "No need."

   "According to our feelings, why are you being polite," Jin Yao said, "I'll take you to a big meal. What's so good about this small coffee shop? It's not good enough for you."


   "The man who brought you here must be stingy, Lu Yang, don't talk to him, talk to me!"


  My head doesn't hurt, but my hands hurt.

   Want to punch someone.

   It’s fine to say one person at a time, and it doesn’t respect people at all.

   Sweeping at the man exuding indifference and alienation all over his body, Jin Yao snorted, "I thought it was some boy, but it turned out to be you!"

  Under the brim of Jiang Yanzhou's hat, a pair of clear brown eyes stared at Jin Yao. Before he could speak, a familiar voice came:

   "Not everyone can be a badass, don't you have a mirror in your house, join in the fun all day long."

   After taking the traditional Chinese medicine granules, Lu Mingyu and Chen Xu came down to buy food for Lu Yang, and walked over when they saw a familiar figure.

   Jin Yao was not only not angry, but even yelled, "Uncle!"

  Lu Mingyu: "..."

   Statement: “…”

  This person's face is thicker than Lu Mingyu's.

  Lu Mingyu patted Jiang Yanzhou's shoulder, and reminiscing about the past in a leisurely way: "Brother, long time no see."

  Jiang Yanzhou: "...Long time no see."

  Lu Mingyu stood in front of Lu Yang, took out the things in his pocket, put them in Lu Yang's palm, and said with a bright smile: "Bring some chocolates in bulk, and make Yang Yang happy!"

   "Where's the ice cream?"

  Lu Mingyu called Chen Xu, who immediately stepped forward and handed the ice cream he was holding to Lu Mingyu, "Here it is."

  Chocolate is just for Lu Yang to touch, to try the texture, after trying it, Lu Mingyu let her stuff it into his pocket, and he gave her the ice cream.

   "Yang Yang, eat an ice cream."

  Lu Mingyu paused, and quickly said: "No, I have to eat a piece of chocolate first to cushion my stomach."

  Lu Yang was quite quiet at this time, allowing him to arrange his own eating order.

   Chen Xu stood aside in shame.

  The two men searched around the hospital for a long time before they could buy such an ice cream, which was quite strange.

   This is obviously a naive and persistent thing that elementary school students would do.

   "It's a happy gathering!" Jin Yao said out of time, "It seems that today is a good day!"

  He looked at Lu Yang, only to find the gauze wrapped around her other hand, and said nervously, "Lu Yang, what's wrong with your hand?"

   Statement: “…”

   Sure enough.

  The head of the man who fell in love also ran away from home.

  Jin Yao has always been rebellious, but he fell in front of Lu Yang.

   Chen reported that it was outrageous.

  Unknowingly, more and more people were watching.

   Passers-by raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

Jiang Yanzhou was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, Lu Mingyu was wearing a mask, it was not so obvious, and Lu Yang appeared in the public eye not long ago, although there were not many people who recognized her, most of the passers-by were wearing racing suits, which were very conspicuous Jin Yao is here.

   "Master Yao! You are an eternal god!"

   "Master Yao, did you catch up to the hospital because of your sister-in-law's broken bone?"

   "The racing suit is so handsome, my brother will kill me!"


  Everyone knows that Jin Yao is a crazy leopard, no one dares to step forward, only dare to shout from a distance.

   "Lu Yang, Master Yao is simply an ideal in the world, when will you be together, when can we drink your wedding wine?"

   "I want to ask, Lu Yang, why did you and Lu Mingyu quit the variety show? Are you getting closer to good things with Jin Yao?"


  Lu Yang was eating ice cream with relish, when she heard the sound, she raised her eyes, wanting to look towards the source of the sound, for a moment, a shadow fell in front of her eyes, and someone put a peaked cap on her head.

  The brim of the hat was gently lifted up by him, revealing her pair of bright black eyes. At the same time, she also caught Jiang Yanzhou's gaze.

  In a daze, Lu Mingyu said, "Jiang Yanzhou, take my sister home first."

  Lu Yang blinked, "Brother, where are you going?"

   "Well, I'm going to discuss the termination of the contract with the director team." Lu Mingyu raised his hand and patted her on the head through the hat, and said with a smile, "You go to Binjiang's house first, brother will go over later."

   Apart from worrying that she would provoke Jiang Yanzhou and bring bad influence on her brother, Chen complained that she had no problems and had strong working ability.

  Lu Yang nodded reassuringly, "Okay."

  Seeing that she was leaving, Jin Yao made gestures to follow her, but was stopped by Lu Mingyu.

   "Uncle, what's the matter?"

  Lu Mingyu hooked Jin Yao's shoulder with his arm, patted Jin Yao's shoulder blades twice, and said in a low voice, "Like my sister?"

  Jin Yao responded immediately: "I always like it!"

   "Did you often bully my Yangyang when you were a student?"

   "How is it possible! Give me a thousand guts, and I won't bully Lu Yang. It's too late for me to be nice to her!"

   "How did I hear that you asked someone to stop Yangyang when school was over."

   "It's all a misunderstanding, I was young and ignorant..."

  Before he finished speaking, Lu Mingyu raised his knee and pressed it directly against Jin Yao's abdomen, angrily said: "That's true! You **** dare to touch my sister, you're tired of working!"

   Caught off guard, Jin Yao swayed and pushed back a few steps. He also had a violent temper, so he slowed down, stepped forward angrily, and punched Lu Mingyu in the face.

   "It's none of your business who I like. Whoever I like to be with has something to do with you. Even Lu Yang's own brother can't stop us from being together!"

  Lu Mingyu wiped the blood from the corners of his lips, and with a groan, he grabbed Jin Yao's neckline and punched him without showing any weakness.

   "My sister is something you can imagine!"

  Chen Xu took the time to let the onlookers disperse, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to see two people fighting together.

  Lu Mingyu's face was stained, and his jaw was swollen from the beating, "I just let you go because I saw Yang Yang was there, don't push yourself!"

  Jin Yao was not much better, his skin was broken and bleeding came out, "I have already said that it was a misunderstanding before, and now I just want to be nice to her!"

   Statement: “…”

  Lu Mingyu fought for the 19th time.

  Every time it is related to Lu Yang.

  Example: Someone scolded Lu Mingyu: You stupid sister! Die your sister!

  He was irritable and hit people.

  Someone imagined Lu Yang and compared her to some undisciplined people.

  Lu Mingyu was furious, and beat the man into a pig's head, almost kicking the other party's offspring.

  Huo Beiqu once openly provoked Lu Mingyu, and whispered in his ear, "I heard that you have an adult sister, why don't you give me some introductions?"

  Lu Mingyu immediately punched him, and behind him squatted Huo Beiqu, kicked him into the water, let him drink some water, and wash his brain.


   There was also the Fengyun Bang Music Festival a few months ago, because Qin Yitan said: "Your brothers and sisters have to call me daddy when they see me, and you don't..." An exception.

   Qin Yitan had no chance to say the last two words.

  Lu Mingyu was stopped, Qin Yitan was not beaten, but he was still scolded.


   This is also the main reason why Chen Zhi has a bad impression of Lu Yang.

  He believed that Lu Yang indirectly hindered Lu Mingyu's development.


   Jinghua Hospital parking lot.

  In the red BMW, Pei Yiwu put his elbows on the car window, looked at the passers-by outside, and asked, "Tongzi, what kind of Cupid do you think you are?"

  [Cupid, just Cupid, there is no prefix, if there is one, it is the cutest, the best, the cutest, the invincible beautiful girl in the universe, Tongzi! ]


  [The system that protects your love and finds it for you is cute! ]

  Pei Yiwu spoke convincingly: "A woman's misfortune begins with sympathy for a man. I don't accept your suggestion."

  [Love is not sympathy, did you get it wrong? ]

  Pei Yiwu: "Not everyone is lucky enough to taste love."

[Yes! There is no love without sex. ]


  Damn homophonic stalk, why did it become colorful.

  Pei Yiwu asked tentatively: "Are you sure, you were not sent by Lu Mingyu to play tricks on me?"

  [Do you like Lu Mingyu? ]

   "You understand in your heart why you said it?" Pei Yiwu said, "It's so noisy."


  System choked on saliva.


   Wait, it's a system!

   It has no drool!

   It's all her fault for admitting too quickly and not being reserved, making it all forget—

   It's not human!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion