MTL - Taking Part in a Survival Game with My Brother-Chapter 118 compensate

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  Chapter 118 Compensation

  Lu Yang clenched the envelope slightly with his fingertips, paused, and unnaturally shifted his gaze a little, not to meet his gaze.

   "However, men want to reach the sky in one step." Jiang Yanzhou's lips smiled even more intensely, "I am no exception. I just want to let you be with me directly with just a few words."

  He was really direct.

   Straight to the point that she didn't know how to deal with it.

  Lu Yang was wearing pajamas at home, and his hair scattered behind his back was not too long, but a few strands were picked up by the evening wind, but it was very annoying to look at.

  Jiang Yanzhou took a strand of her hair casually and wrapped it around his fingertips, "If there is a sentence that surprises you, it's not to tease you, but I'm just wishful thinking."

  Lu Yang's throat is a little tight. It's really easy to let people off their guard in the middle of the night. Just standing and talking like this can make her arrhythmia.

   Without saying a word for a while, she asked him: "Do you care about me?"

  Jiang Yanzhou: "Yes."

  Lu Yang lowered his eyes, stared at the envelope, pursed his lips, and murmured: "Since it's hung up, let's hang it up."

  During this time, Jiang Yanzhou was as difficult as a dried fish, especially when other men appeared, he was anxious, worried about gains and losses, afraid that she would leave him again.

  He understands the reason for attacking her weakness, and knows that she is probably also a little confused and slow because of the ambiguity of wanting to refuse and welcome, but it is rare for her to let go of her guard and not refuse.

  At this moment, her words caused countless secret joys in his heart.

  Jiang Yanzhou stared at her intently, raised his eyebrows slightly: "I want some compensation."

"give me a hug."

  The tone of the voice is very peaceful, but the voice is extremely lingering.

   "You can refuse." Jiang Yanzhou said: "This is your right."

  A gust of drafts blew, Lu Yang's nose got sore, and he sneezed loudly in an untimely manner.

   Immediately, Jiang Yanzhou grabbed her wrist, with a little force, and pushed it into her arms.

  His hand only grabbed her wrist, and didn't touch other places, so he was quite peaceful.

  Jiang Yanzhou raised the corners of his lips, sniffed with a smile, "Just one sound, it means you have agreed."

  After sneezing, he would have fallen into a momentary daze, but now he fell into his arms again, Lu Yang was even more dazed.

  The heart kept pounding against the chest, pounding, and it was unknown whether it was hers or his.

  Jiang Yanzhou leaned close to her ear again, exhaling warm air and whispering, "One time is not enough, two hugs, okay?"

   Once, how to define twice, Lu Yang didn't know, but his words hit her heart, she acquiesced.

   After hugging her for a while, Jiang Yanzhou let go of her, looked down at her with a dazed expression, and said with a smile, "Why do you look like you just woke up?"

  Lu Yang blinked, the mist in his eyes dissipated, and he regained his clarity, "I'm a little sleepy."

   "Okay, go back and rest." Jiang Yanzhou raised his hand to stroke her hair, "Good night."

  Lu Yang's black and white eyes rolled over his face several times, and he said goodbye: "Be careful on the way back."

   "Well, I will send you a message when I get home."

  Jiang Yanzhou stood by the car, watched her enter the house, and hadn't left yet. When Lu Yang got to the room and opened the curtains, he saw him slowly getting into the car and driving away.

  She focused on the love letter he gave her. The love letter handed by hand is not cryptic, but compared to his straightforward words, it can indeed be considered cryptic.

   Open the envelope, inside is a piece of letter paper with a sketch.

  Lu Yang opened the sketch first, and it was he who drew her, each brush stroke was very vivid, just like her in real life, the only difference was that she in his drawing smiled brightly and full of aura.

  Lu Mingyu got hungry in the middle of the night, got up to eat, and found that the light in Lu Yang's room was still on, so he knocked on the door with a bowl of Xin ramen.

   "Yang Yang, brother."

  Before Lu Yang opened the letter paper full of words, he hurriedly stuffed the sketch back, threw it into the drawer, and hurriedly opened the door.

  Before she raised her eyes, the scent hit her nostrils.

  Lu Mingyu said: "Brother cooked noodles, the taste is not bad, come out and eat together."

  Lu Yang was puzzled: "Why are you holding your face and running around?"

   Just call her directly, no need to carry it around.

  Lu Mingyu raised his eyebrows, and said triumphantly, "I can't wait to show you my brother's cooking skills?"

self boasting.

  Lu Yang's eyes flashed eagerly, "It smells good, I just happened to be hungry, let's go."

  There was a bowl on the dining table, Lu Mingyu nunu chin, motioned: "Yang, you eat that bowl."

Lu Yang nodded, sat on the chair, picked up the chopsticks, and before he could move his mouth, he heard Lu Mingyu who was opposite him shout loudly, "I wish our Yangyang family all the best in the future in \'Wan\'! Pengcheng\'Wan\ 'Li!\'Wanwan\' be happy!"

  Lu Yang narrowed his eyes with a smile, and catered to him: "Then wish us all the best, health and safety!"

   "Your wishes will definitely come true," Lu Mingyu laughed heartily, and then said viciously, "Who dares to question, brother will kill him!"

   "Then I'll hold him down for you."

   "No, pressing with one hand and slaughtering with the other, it's easy for me."

   "Okay, okay, then I'll stand by and eat popcorn and watch a movie."

   "Must have the biggest popcorn!"


  The Huo family's banquet actually doesn't have any theme, it's mostly to win over friends and business partners on weekdays.

   There is no need to wear a formal dress, Lu Yang and Lu Mingyu just follow their heart, a little more serious than usual.

  The two brothers and sisters had just stepped into the magnificent hall, holding wine glasses not far away, when a man in a suit and leather shoes caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, he was very happy and walked over with ostentatious steps.

   "Yo, is this our big top sister?"

  Lu Yang raised his eyelids, and the other party looked like a bohemian son. He was less wild than Jin Yao, but his eyes were full of affection.

  Lu Mingyu frowned, and warned coldly: "Huo Beiqu, show some respect to my sister."

  Lu Yang pulled his lips, and raised a slight arc.

  Huo Beiqu, a well-known vagabond, never missed the prey he set his sights on.

   This person has a relationship with her brother.

  Huo Beiqu didn't hold any grudges, and still had a big smile, "Sister, your brother is really fierce, go hang out with him, brother is not fierce at all."

   "Whose sister are you calling?" Lu Mingyu frowned, and said displeasedly, "Don't call me brother, it's disgusting."

   "My sister didn't speak, what are you in a hurry for?" Huo Beiqu's eyes locked on Lu Yang, his tone was not serious, "Besides, I'm not like Jin Yao, who is so ignorant."

  Lu Mingyu said violently, "Get out of here."

  Huo Beiqu turned a deaf ear to it, and still looked like that. He rolled his eyes at Lu Yang and stretched out his hand, "Sister, let me introduce myself. I'm going to Huo Beiqu. I'm 26 this year. I usually like the most talented beauties like my sister."

  Lu Mingyu quickly slapped Huo Beiqu's hand off, angry and wanted to do it, but Lu Yang put his hand on his elbow, "Brother, it's okay."

  Huo Beiqu stared at her with a smile, "My sister is still sensible."

  Lu Yang said to Lu Mingyu: "Brother, you go give Grandpa Huo a gift first, I'll go to the bathroom, and I'll go find you later."

  Lu Mingyu hesitated, but still nodded: "Okay."

  Huo Beiqu could tell that Lu Yang deliberately sent Lu Mingyu away.

   Taking Lu Mingyu's car to leave, Huo Beiqu greeted the waiter, took a glass of wine, and handed it to Lu Yang, "Sister, can I have a drink?"

   "Thanks, alcohol allergies."

  Huo Beiqu reacted quickly: "I'm the one who was abrupt, is orange juice okay?"


  Before Huo Beiqu asked the waiter to get juice, Lu Yang asked friendlyly, "Do you have a swimming pool here?"

  He was taken aback, and said, "Yes."

   "You want to swim, don't you?" Huo Beiqu stretched out his hand and actively led the way, "My brother immediately asked someone to prepare a swimsuit, this way."

  There are two swimming pools here, and he took her to the one that was only in their age group.

  Handsome men and beautiful women, chatting happily.

  Lin Xinmeng was obediently standing next to Zhou Li, and was surprised to see a familiar figure.

  However, in the next second, her pupils dilated to the limit.

   My heart was also shocked to the limit.

Huo Beiqu led Lu Yang to the edge of the swimming pool. He turned his head to the side, and hadn't lowered his head to talk with her about swimming skills at close range, when his foot suddenly tripped over the other foot. Press in.

  The body is still on the ground, but the head is already submerged in the water.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion