MTL - Sword Among Us-~ Little black truth

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This time, the book breakthrough is only one of the reasons.

It’s not a fever of the mind.

And Xiaohe is very clear, everyone is not willing to be happy that everything that is owned is thrown to another person, including feelings - even though that person is also called Chen Kaixin.

But the first point revealed yesterday, I believe that some of the brothers have already seen that Xiaohe is slowly closing the story and linking the two worlds.

The second point will be released this evening. Because there will be a lot of entanglements in the collision between the two worlds, one or two chapters are difficult to fully describe. Xiaohe can only increase the time of the code by adding more pressure, and try to express the thoughts he wants to express. Express it clearly and let everyone relax.

Feelings of entanglement, Xiaohe will handle it well;

Uncomfortable plots will not appear.

After all, happiness is happy, the character is there, and the disgusting things that are out of thin air should not be imposed on Xiaohei.

... There is also a question of plot coherence.

Some people say that Xiaohei is because the world can't write, so he jumped back to the original point and continued to develop and swindle money.

This is the third and fourth points that Xiaohe wants to express. In the article, Xiao Hei mentioned a concept of revenge completion, as well as mental strength;


The wolf has appeared in both worlds... but the strength of the two sides is not very different. With experience and superior resources, you can deal with the evil emperor from the current starting point.

Yes, at the same time deal with the evil kings of the two worlds.

So there is no need to re-train what, this kind of text content will not be much.

At the same time as the pits that Xiao Hei once dug, he will deal with his new enemy and nothing more.

The evil emperor will also be the last enemy to face.

... finally said one sentence.

Xiao Hei doesn't like the same way of writing, nor can he write stories that make him uncomfortable.

Because Xiaohe is a senior reader first, a writer who starts to write a novel at least after reading the book he likes to watch every day, a reader with a 10-year experience. Self-identification is still in the mainstream, but I am tired of boring and not breaking through.

This time the book turned, Xiao Hei said that he was satisfied, and the follow-up plot was bloody. Now, including the accumulation of new books (draft framework), I have to write nearly 20,000 words a day.

Xiao He now mainly focuses on the success of his most brilliant novel. Xiao Hei wants to write better and more complete, instead of ruining it.

As for the fact that I can't wait for a few days of running-in period, there is no patient friend, Xiaohe can only say sorry.

In order to complete this story, Xiaohe even prepared for the loss of most readers.

But Xiaohe hopes that those friends can look at the end of the "Global Sword" when they are bored.

Maybe... the situation is different from what you think.

Friendship, love, are there, a happy ending.

Happy, or the original happy!

Then, every time you come back, Xiaohe will be happy and gratified.

This book is very important to Xiao Hei.

The first online game in the East was also the first one to subscribe to the million, and stayed on the first week of the week for nearly two months. Xiaohe is proud of having everyone's encouragement and support, so how can it destroy the beauty of his heart.

Thank you again for your support.

A true word before two million words!