MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1245 Practice in the array (recommended)

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Chapter 1245, Practice in the Array (recommended)

Chapter 1245

A large array of guards!

At the moment when Daqianjian was officially in operation, he was happy to find that he still had a small degree of strength in the Jianzong.

The swordsman who was still calm in the past moment, took time to fly the sand;

The empty swords and swords brought out the dense sound and whistle from the air, and the heavens and the earth changed! Wan Jian Qi Fei! The whole space was completely swayed by the sword, forming a layer of sword nets that could not be counted, and the happy and thousand-faced foxes were completely covered in all directions.

Thousands of people's swordsmanship was instantly twisted into one. In an instant, it seemed that all the swordsmanship became more and more fierce. Thousands of incompetent swords became the swords of the mythical level under the sword and the general trend. The empty strokes bring out the screaming of the tremor space, and the sound of "嗤嗤" is endless. It is this sword trend that has a tendency to collapse.

"It's over!"

Thousands of people fox face a pale time!

Under the pressure of a powerful sword, there is no such thing as a slap in the face, and the power of light work has been compressed a lot. Even the cohesion of internal forces is much slower than usual.

Seeing that the sword net is completely formed over the top of the head, numerous swords are intertwined and interspersed, separating people and arrays...

Thousands of Jianzong disciples are outside the heavy sword net, one-handed Yu Jian, a sword of the sword, Changhong from the sword net bursting in all directions, the speed is horrible, ghosts unpredictable.

In the rush, the thousand-faced fox slammed against a wave of attacks, and his face became paler!

Because every attack of the Great Thousand Swords has the power of absolute mythology! Every impact made his arm faint!

The attack of each wave contains dozens of swords of the same intensity. After receiving a few swords, the thousand-faced fox is somewhat stretched.

If the non-thousand-faced fox is doing a good job, the effort to evade the temper is not inferior to the master of the heavens. I am afraid that even the first wave of attacks on the squadron cannot support it...

"the host!"

Thousands of people are eager to sweat on their foreheads!

Happy at this time, okay...

Since the change of the magic armor, the Tianjing Shenbing has also been upgraded, the root bones and defenses have been upgraded, and an ordinary attack can swing more than a dozen mythical levels of swordsmanship. This level of attack is also more than enough!

But the happy face is not good!

Although the Daqianjian array has already started, it is obviously not full-loaded into the attack state, and more is a cat-and-mouse feeling.

Just starting a little power can make people so big. It’s hard to imagine that the Thousand Faces will start to attack in full load, and the thousand-faced fox will not be worn by a single face.

The face is heavy and happy:

Thousand-faced foxes are extremely useful at the side, and there is absolutely no loss.


When people are in the air, Tianjing’s soldiers screamed and screamed, and an amazing sword broke out!

Heavenly level of attack!



Seeing happy, thousands of people foxes in the Daqianjian array of dangerous situations, the voice of the Swordsman's lord spread from all directions, with a bit of gloating:

"Happy door master, on that day, you took advantage of the sharpness of Tianjing Shenbing to bully me Jianzong, and now dare to go to my swordsman mountain gate, this sect will definitely have you come back!"


Happy long swords.


A sword out, the four sides are moving!

The laughter stopped short!

A scene that is unacceptable to the Swordsman is presented to everyone!

The whole space trembled, and the space in the Quartet was crowded with a sudden force. The numerous swords in the space collapsed.

With happiness as the center, the swordsmanship in the range of dozens of meters has collapsed, as if it was smashed by a more horrible force;

Within the scope of the Jianzong disciples have vomiting blood and vomiting.

The complete sword net is also instantly shocked by a hole with a diameter of more than 100 meters!

The Daqianjian array was temporarily bombarded with a huge gap!



The wind is full of sky!

One after another!

Ten out of ten powerful swords were swept out, and the sword that was shot at the same time by the Eight Heavenly Masters was plucked out, and the sword net that was a hundred meters away was instantly torn and shattered;

Far away, a group of swordsmen and disciples have been turned over to the ground.


Happy swords are swept out, creating an excellent opportunity for the thousand-faced fox.

The latter did not waste happy efforts, seized the opportunity of the collapse of the sword net, like the arrow of the string, quickly swept over a group of disciples who were injured by the sword.

"Running one!"

"Don't worry! Happy still inside!"

"Don't worry about the old man."

"Everyone is careful, don't let the fun run again." Jianzong disciple yelled and did not chase the disappearing thousand-faced fox, but quickly replaced a group of injured Jianzong disciples and restarted the Daqian sword array. .

This time, Daqianjian can be fully open!

Sword net re-closed!

Under the astonishing pressure, ten times the sword gas spurred from all directions.


After sending away the thousand-faced fox, I was happy without any worries. Although Daqianjianwei can improve a lot, I don’t care.

The body shape flashed, and the place that stood before was suddenly cut many times by numerous swords.

A sword quickly changes the trajectory in the air, like a sacral spurt.

Dragon swing tail!

In situ, there are countless criss-crossed swordsmen.


A Jianzong disciple has not had time to take back the long sword. He only feels a flash in the direction of the front and a whip leg.


The sound of a short, torn tear in the air sounded.

Hey! !

The whole person was kicked around and squatted on the ground, and the personnel were not saved.

As a disciple of the innocent swordsman, he was hit by the head of the mythical level, and he was not dead or concussed...

Thousands of swordsmen and disciples fly across the butterfly like a shuttle;

Big array changes!

The sword air above the head slightly stagnate and quickly re-lock the target!

Happy did not stop here.

Lingbo micro step!

Countless swordsmen and disciples have lost their enemies.

Despite the swordsmanship, following the happy and moving fast-moving afterimages, he continued to draw a long and deep gully from the ground, but he could not hit the enemy.

Between the moments...

I broke into a group of swordsmen.


In a series of strong crashes, more than a dozen Jianzong disciples screamed and screamed, almost simultaneously being smashed by a vast force and flew down in all directions.

Happy surprise!

Take a deep breath and look at your hands incredulously:

It is worthy of "the supreme power of the heavens and the earth", the speed is so fast, I don’t know much more than the unique martial arts cheats of Chen Jianyi.

Before the fight with the Heaven and Earth Alliance, most of them rely on the dragon's tail, the dragon shape, the true strength of the field, and then use the edge of the Tianjing Shenbing to compete with it, but only by using the "Supreme Master of the World" Feel the magic of it.

This is like breaking through into the realm of creation. Suddenly, it has been upgraded from the ordinary martial arts cheats to "No Shadows and Legs". Although the power is not much improved, the speed has increased several times, and the number of fists has been counted in an instant. There is no chance of rebellion.


The system prompts also come in at this time:

“Take the sword sect to protect the ancestors’ ‘Great Thousand Swords’!”

"Trigger to save the task! Protect the ancestors, the ghosts are hard to stop! In the desperate situation, you can temper the will and stimulate the potential! Successfully break out from the sword sects, the savvy, the roots will get A further breakthrough, get 1 will!"

“The potential is stimulated during the mission period, and the progress of cultivation is improved!”

Have a good time!



This time is especially lively in Shiva, where people come and go;

Some time ago, the Emperor led the people of Jinxiu Heshan to visit here for a while;

After all, Persia is no less than a small country like Vietnam and Thailand. The powerful empire of the ancient times was not small. The local forces that cooperated with the wolf organization were deeply rooted. When the emperor entered Persia, he once entangled in Shiva for a long time.

At that time, an influential gang of the Emperor and Shiva City had a large and small battle with Persian’s largest power, ‘blood river’.

It is also because the time spent here is too long, and the wolf organization seized the opportunity to plan a ten-dead life.

After the emperor and the beautiful embroidered rivers and mountains were completely cleared, the local forces here were again cleaned up vigorously;

This is not finished...

After the evil emperor's "Da Dao Devil's Law" was completed, the evil emperor came here to practice in a prestigious place, and the wolf organized two thousand top experts to settle in, making the city extremely lively.


In Shiva, the largest building is an altar of temples dedicated to the flames that have been conquered! The temple is here equivalent to the martial arts temple of the Central Plains, the resurrection hall of Europe and others.

At the entrance of the temple, there are dozens of pillars... Each pillar is thicker than ordinary houses, so high as dozens of feet, and people standing outside are very small.

Nowadays, there are two people sitting on the top of the temple temple with high boring, and with a very devout attitude of the gods, they are condescending to enter and leave the temple like the ants.

Two people on the roof, one is a jackal, the other half is covered with metal, the other carries a long spear, and the other end of the spear is a meteor hammer with unknown materials. Going up, people and weapons are quite overbearing.

The two of them were condescending to glance at the crowds below the ants, while discussing:

"Persia is also an ancient power. The force is far worse than the Central Plains. It seems that a few good peerless martial arts books have fulfilled us. It is ironic..."

"The head is ahead of the eye! If you don't take Persia! You have the Persian resources to offer, we wolf so people do not want to easily attack most of the world's resources."

"Speaking well."

"But... I don't know what the head thinks this time." The man with the metal head shell of the strange meteor hammer snorted:

"The Daoist Devil's Law has been cultivated to the Great Consummation, and it has directly entered the Central Plains. It is not better to kill him personally. It is still time to integrate the people in the Central Plains..."

Wen Yan, the wolf frowned and sighed:

"You don't understand this... the Central Plains is no better than Persia!"

"Persian national strength is good, but martial arts is too slow, and it is combined by many countries, there is not much cohesiveness! At the beginning we used the point of force to convince... but the Central Plains is different, the Central Plains martial arts, the martial arts prevail, Everyone’s bones are filled with the heroic feelings of eagerness and enmity. The external resistance is very strong, and people who are happy, Bai Xiaosheng, and an emperor are not easy to deal with. Even if they enter the Central Plains, they cannot take them. Convinced!"

“Is it possible to be convinced by the Central Plains?”

"Oh... this time I led people to Shiva City, I want to be ashamed of snow, and once and for all." The wolf is not innocent and deeply inhaled.