MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1241 Mobilization before the war (recommended)

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Chapter 1241 Before the war mobilization (recommended)

Chapter 1241

After thinking about it, Dashenwan thought about it. In the eyes of the happy and noble, he finally took over the jade, and in the eyes of the public, he smacked the scalp and accepted the plaque of the knives, and was the first disciple of Jinxiu Heshan. title.

In the eyes of others, the big snake pill greeted him with the most brilliant moment...

But only the two parties, Happy and Big Snake, know that this is a difficult choice and decides the choice of Jianghu Road in the future.

Big Snake Pill made an inevitable choice!

Holding the jade in a complicated mood, I went to the side.

Joining Jinxiu Heshan is for the lack of clothes, but he only wants to swim between the Jinxiu River and the wolf organization, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger, and get the most benefit from it;

But now...

The words of happiness will completely smash his calmness and abacus, unless the clothes with the knives and songs are completely hidden, and give up the role of the big snake pill for five years. Otherwise, you must be the member of the Jinxiu Heshan. Self-rejected, happy, Bai Xiaosheng teamed up, can easily limit all his freedom.


Under the instructions of Ji Feng, the big snake pill lifted the jade to show it, and the mood was extremely complicated and went down to the disposal side.

Happy to take your eyes off the big snake pill:

"The following are the three disciples who have performed the best in this ratio."

Ji Feng re-released the full power of the people to speak and sound, and the arena became hot again! Everyone's eyes are focused on the whirlwind Xiao Li, Mo Feng, Qing Lan Muyu:

The happy voice echoed over the arena:

"They are the whirlwind Xiao Li, the green light wooden fish, and the Mo Feng... Of course, there are many people who can also perform well, silver fox, knife, thunder, sliver, Xiaoyue, the latter batch The performance of the people is also very bright, and it is entirely possible to enter the ranks of the outstanding disciples. I will give appropriate rewards in the name of the individual afterwards... Now let the three come to power."

Whirlwind Xiao Li, Qing Lan Muyu, Mo Feng...

The three men stepped on stage.

In the face of Lin Biao, one of the founding partners of the gang, Mo Feng just nodded faintly, no other reaction.

"You have performed well this time, especially the whirlwind Xiao Li and the blue-light wooden fish. The strength shown has already surpassed the top top players. Mo Feng has a slight reservation on the strength. However, before the game, the performance of Wu did not taste a defeat. I am very admire."

Happy to mention and care for the three people, looking at Mo slightly slightly soft expression, this announced:

"According to the previous regulations, you will get the qualification to pick a top-quality warrior and a set of magic weapons from the gang warehouse. For specific needs, you can contact Ji Feng to do it..."

"Thank the Lord!"

Whirlwind Xiao Li first time bowed his hand.

The blue-light wooden fish and Mo Feng successively hold their fists and thank you.

Congratulations on the arena.


"The rest of the brothers can get a magic weapon. After the big ratio, Ji Feng will put the contribution point on everyone's head."


"This big ratio, this is the end of the announcement!"


Although the happy announcement ended, the people in the arena did not leave immediately.

All the people, the leaders of the big and small gangs sat down quietly, staring solemnly at the Lin Biao, the Phantom of the Opera, and Bai Xiaosheng who stood up on the stage.

One of the purposes of the Splendid World Tour is to watch the ceremony, but there is also a major event!

Yu Linjun!

Happy in the heroic post is very clear, I hope to invite the world to compete, to form an alliance, fight the wild wolf, crush the dominance of the wolf organization in the world.

The end of the big game is just the beginning of another big show!


"This time, the ratio is to select the manpower and form the ‘Yulin Army against the wolf organization! I believe everyone has heard it...”


Playing the sound over the arena again confirmed the guesswork in everyone's heart!

One by one, hold your breath and listen carefully.


"Jinxiu Heshan has not been built for more than two months... Now that there are more than two million people, you have to raise the same martial arts. Now it is one of the biggest gangs in the Central Plains!"

The phantom and Lin Biao stood silently beside the happy side, and the heart was filled with emotion.

From the joyful re-emergence of the rivers and lakes to the creation and growth of the Jinxiu River Mountain, you can use the leap and incredible to describe! Half a year ago, who could have thought that happiness could come to this step in such a short period of time? A hero post summons hundreds of thousands of Central Plains heroes? !

Looking around at the magnificent arena, look back on the big rivals of the top 100 top players, and play a few days before the large-scale competition...

Each of these is something they have never thought of, and it is difficult to do...

But happy to do it!

Just like breathing and talking, some arrangements are made.

Both of them could not help but come up with a thought:

Since then!

The entire Central Plains, I am afraid that will enter the era of Jinxiu Heshan, enter an era dominated by happiness!


Lin Biao and the phantom are very touched.

Mo Feng, Cyclone Xiao Li, Qing Lan Muyu, Dashe Pill, Ji Feng and others are also silently standing behind each other, each with different thoughts and feelings, eyes staring at the happy back and side face!

Mo Feng is one of the original founders of the Chivalry Gate!

Unfortunately, because it is not very good at gang management, lack of crisis awareness, and ultimately lead to gang differentiation, Yipintang attacked and broke, and the heroic doorkeepers fell into a desolate situation.

Mo Feng joined Jinxiuheshan because the happy encounter was very similar to her, and was also framed by the design of Mengyun. It was the same from the past to the present. It experienced the worst things and experienced the rebellion... but happy to return to the rivers and lakes. After a fierce counterattack ignited the blood in her chest.

The achievements and experiences of happiness make Mo Feng feel and yearn for it.

In particular, in a product hall was chased by the Jinxiu River and the mountain to completely evict the Central Plains, Mo Feng is extremely happy, this is the right to join the Jinxiu River.

Half is to imagine that you are happy, to know yourself clearly; on the other hand, you want to become stronger, help the beautiful rivers and mountains, and completely block the enemy of Mengyun from the Central Plains.


Whirlwind Xiao Li.

His impression of happiness is more inclined to worship!

The whirlwind Xiao Li is just an ordinary disciple in the Murong family. He is silent in the rivers and lakes. Since he became famous, the latter’s experience can almost write a legendary novel.

Whirlwind Xiao Li repeatedly subscribed to the happy rep more than once, from which to try and get inspired!

Joining Jinxiu River Mountain is the decision made by the wolf when it invaded the Central Plains!

But that decision has now been made the most important and wise decision of his life! !

A decision made him enter a happy vision, and he was happy to personally give pointers and get the "Fighting to the Stars". Later, he came to work and got the "Sucking Star Dafa" to achieve his own legend.

Today, his feelings of happiness are more of a cult of idols and gatekeepers.

The words that are happy are deeply rooted in the depths of the soul.


Staring at the back of happiness, the big snake pill has knocked over the five-flavored bottle, I don’t know what it is!

It has always been thought that although the talents and strength of happiness have reached the peak of prosperity, the first intrusion and the most insane plan will be brewing in the Yipintang and the wolf organization.

At this time, I won the plaque of the knives, and even if I am happy, I will not choose to deal with myself. Then he can systematically intervene between the two forces, digesting the lack of clothes, and growing rapidly, becoming a happy existence.

However, the joy of being indifferent to this big ratio and the means of banned the male rhetoric, the absolute strong expression, let him be faint!

But what makes him most uneasy is the happy words that are profound...

Happy revealed a message to him:

"I know who you are! I know everything about you!"

It is the ‘scholar’ that is not intimate, so that the image that is not too low in his heart is as vast and unpredictable as the sea.


Compared with the three people, the blue-light wooden fish look happy and simple, simple curiosity and attention, quite a taste of outsiders, staring at a more distant look, very strange.


"Before January, the wolf organization was ambitious and tried to control the land of the Central Plains. As a result, I was frustrated by my Central Plains and successfully drove away from China!"

"But unfortunately... the ambition of the wolf organization has not been annihilated!"

The happy voice quietly reverberates over the arena, and the rhythm of the ups and downs deeply attracts everyone's attention.

"But just two days ago, I got news from the Western Region!"

"I am the emperor of the embroidered rivers and mountains. I was ambushed by hundreds of top experts in the wolf organization and strangled in the Western Region... At the same time, there were more than 8,000 disciples under my door."

boom! ! !

Although there are fragments of this news circulating in the rivers and lakes, the information is not comprehensive, and many people are holding a suspicious attitude. Now, I am personally confirmed by happy, and the data of hundreds of top experts has been shaken.

"This is not counting... According to the data speculated by Master Bai Xiaosheng, the size of the action of the wolf organization is extremely large! Not only the evil emperor! And at least more than 1,800 members have been called into the Western Region, hoarding close to me. The border of the Central Plains! Its purpose is still unclear! But it does not rule out that the wolf intends to start from the Western Region and open the portal into my Central Plains!"


Inside the arena, the crowd is stunned:

"The wolf has a lot of top players, but it has never been a sigh of more than a thousand top players..."

"What do evil kings want to do this time?!"

“Opening my Central Plains portal from the Western Region?”

"The wolf wants to fight again?!"


"If you hit it, don't we still be afraid of him!"

"Happy door owners, anyway, everyone trusts you, and you are recommended to lead everyone to fight against the wolves! As long as you make a order, we will make a strong support!"


"That's right! Happy door, though you open your mouth!"

"Cut the alliance now! Everyone will send the troops to the Western Regions, and the people of the wolf organization will be swallowed together with the forces of the Westerners who are relying on the wild wolves!"


There are countless gangs in the arena, and you are full of words. You can say a word, and you will be wary and full of gunpowder.

Read The Duke's Passion