MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1237 "卍", hide strength (recommended)

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Chapter 1237 "卍", hiding strength (recommended)

Chapter 1237

The words of happy and arrogant words made the phantom and Lin Biao surprised. Even Ji Feng showed his horror. I don’t know how happy I had such a strong confidence in the whirlwind Xiao Li.

In the face of the gathered sight, I didn’t care...

He naturally wouldn't tell everyone that he did this because he cultivated the "Turning the Stars" in another space and deeply understood the great battles of the "Fighting to the Stars" group and the continued consumption.

"Sucking Star Dafa" strengthens the ability of "Turning the Stars"!

Today's whirlwind Xiao Li, etc., if faced with the strength of mythology to face three opponents who are weaker in one realm, the situation is completely different from the situation of the four silver foxes.

It is not difficult to win in such a competitive ratio.

Now let's see if the whirlwind Xiao Li will find out where it is!


On the top floor of the tower, in the face of the oppression of the top three masters, the face of the whirlwind Xiao Li quickly became more dignified, this feeling is much more serious than when faced with a dozen top players.

During this time, he also had a look at the battles of Mo Feng and Da She Wan. He knew the two people's means. The single-on-one may not be able to win. Now, even if he has the advantage of a realm, he will not dare to be slow on the three rivals. He knows where his current strength comes from, not like Mo Feng, Da She Wan, and is a famous person for many years.

Whirlwind Xiao Li did not have a happy fighting instinct, but the whirlwind Xiao Li knew that his starting currency was low, and he also knew the gap between the two before. Compared with before, he made a very detailed and profound experience for each opponent. Understand that it is definitely one of the top 100 high-handed people, the most cautious and serious to face this big ratio.

The advantage of "Sucking Star Dafa" is to turn the enemy's internal forces into entities and turn them into their own weapons, but there are also shortcomings...

Once you get used to a powerful force, you will be hit back when there is no target internal force available for ingestion.

Although the whirlwind Xiao Li is confident that he will temporarily occupy a certain upper hand, the internal force of consumption will not be restored, and it will not be able to return to the mythology. It will not last long...

Silent, the sight of the whirlwind Xiao Li fell to the air token floating behind the three.


At the foot of the foot, the thought of the whirlwind Xiao Li was firm and he rushed to the trio without hesitation.

Chen Xing reversed! !

The whirlwind Xiao Li was the most common move in the "Sucking Star Dafa", but Mo Feng, Dashe Pill, Shaolin disciples were surprised, such as avoiding snakes, completely afraid to touch.

The martial arts, which is dominated by the "Sucking Star Dafa", implies a strong absorbing force that can affect people's reaction speed and moving speed invisibly.

Once entangled with the whirlwind Xiao Li, it is very disadvantageous to use their incompetent repairs and whirlwind Xiao Li hard hit!

The strength of the three people is similar, and any one of them may be smashed by the other two in advance with the whirlwind Xiao Li.

After all, the remaining four are enemies of each other, and every step must be very careful. If you make a mistake, you may miss out on the lack of clothes and regrets.

Although the three men are temporarily allied, they have not yet used their lives to protect each other!

Seeing that the whirlwind Xiao Li took the initiative to attack, no one wants to be the first bird...

The three men retreated in different directions!

While retreating, the shots counteract the power of a morning star reversal.

The three people tacitly handed the first bird to the whirlwind Xiao Li, let him decide, let him decide who is the unlucky guy.

Although the reaction of the three people's retreat was somewhat out of the expectation of the whirlwind, Li Li, who was not shocked and rejoiced, went straight to the Shaolin disciple who was retreating...

The Shaolin disciples with leggings are very handsome, and they are very young. Because they are in the same position as the big snake pill, they are now recognized as the four candidates who won the gold medal.

However, when I saw the whirlwind Xiao Li carrying the straight edge of the section, the face was slightly white.

He now knows why the big snake pill and Mo Feng are not in the middle of their position...

It’s no longer useful to regret it now.


Fight! !


With the sound of Buddhism in the shocking space, the brains of Shaolin disciples suddenly brightened!

The skin seems to be painted with a layer of golden paint, and the expression on the face becomes stiff, with no expression, and a strong breath instantly receives the body!

Standing on both feet, the mighty and unrelenting welcoming to the whirlwind Xiao Li.


"This guy, like me, also hides strength."

When the snake snake prickly saw the amazing changes in the Shaolin disciples, it was obvious that the latter felt a threat that was not inferior to the whirlwind thief, and the heart sank and secretly rejoiced.

Mo Feng's face is still cold, as if there is no more thing in the world that can make her move.


""Admiral Luohan"!"

On the stage, Bai Xiaosheng was full of incredible colors, as if he had seen something that shocked him, and he could not help himself to rise up and blurt out.


Happy and slightly moving, with the corner of the corner of the eye smashed a hundred Xiaosheng, revealing the color of attention.

What kind of characters are Bai Xiaosheng? At present, there is nothing in the Central Plains that can make him move. It seems that this Shaolin disciple who is not aware of it is not a simple character.

boom! ! !

Thinking about it...

An earth-shattering loud noise above the tower! Golden light splashes! Even the happy sense of sensation could not penetrate into the top of the tower, and it was impossible to detect what was going on inside.

Hey! !

In the huge dazzling golden light group, a gray figure flew out at an alarming speed from the top of the tower...

This time, it is very different from the previous ones.

The gray figure flew straight out a hundred meters before it began to fall, and was directly disqualified when it was halfway through the flight.

"That is?!"

"Little Li."

From the moment the gray figure flew out of the golden mans, the happy brow was close, and in an instant, a flash of incredible light flashed through his eyes.

With a sense of spirituality, he clearly witnessed the last moments of the golden light burst.

Bai Xiaosheng’s exaggerated exclamation of the Shaolin disciple who played the "King Kong Lohan" hit the golden symbol of the word '卍'.

He has a whirlwind of the mythical territory and has a whirlwind of Li, who is unable to take the trick and was shocked on the spot.

It’s just a matter of flying...

The whirlwind Xiao Li was shattered by the palm of the body, and he had not yet landed and died. Even if he was happy, he felt that the Shaolin disciple had no compassion when he played the palm, and some of them were a sigh of relief. Cold and chilly.


Everything is silent!


The golden paint on the whole body of the Shaolin disciple who stayed on the top of the tower slowly faded away, replaced by a layer of pale and pale.


Now watching the Shaolin disciples, not only the hundreds of thousands of people on the courtesy seat show the shocking color, but even the people on the stage, as well as the Mo Feng and Dashe Pills left on the tower, are full of horror and full of vigilance. look.


This result is too unexpected!

The whirlwind Xiao Li, who has defeated more than a dozen top players by one's own strength, has surpassed the current top class of the rivers and lakes, and has been moved by this silent and unknown Shaolin disciple. kill……

Who would dare to marry this person at this time?


Big snake pill is full of dignified colors!

Even if I had a small Shaolin disciple before, I never thought that the other party would have hidden such a big trump card...


Mo Feng’s unchanging cold expression appeared a slight thawing, gazing at a Shaolin disciple with a weak internal gesture of excessive internal force, and his lips were close.

In the face of the whirlwind Xiao Li, in the face of the big snake pill, Mo Feng has never been like this...

But now the strength of Shaolin disciples' exhibitions has indeed exceeded her expectations, and brought her a big impact. It is also the first time that she has shaken her belief that she will win the first place!


Hosting the stage!

The phantom and Lin Biao's face are almost sluggish.

Before that, they were shocked by the happy handwriting, and the shock was the joyful magical weapon and heavenly clothes that brought happiness to everyone.

Once upon a time, they could imagine...

Jinxiu Heshan buried a group of talented people who are amazing?

Command the four easily stand up from several times the enemy, get the whistle of the token!

With the power of the sword, it is easy to trap dozens of top players, a short-lived, unforgettable four swords, silver fox four! !

Then it was the whirlwind of the top ten masters who defeated the top ten masters and even smashed the four swords of the silver fox! ! !

As far as the talents explored in Jinxiu Heshan are concerned, happiness has already been earned...

But what they did not expect was that this time they actually broke out a master who made them stunned. One face defeated the whirlwind Xiao Li, who fell in disappointment, and smashed everyone's glasses.

The phantom and Lin Biao are not even lightly stunned by this blockbuster!

One by one, in the dark, regrets not to repent of the intestines. If you know that there are such talents in the rivers and lakes, you should also have a grand dance center meeting on weekdays.

Not to be smothered by Jinxiu Heshan, and tossing so many amazing top talents in the past!

With the addition of Cyclone Xiao Li and Shaolin disciples, even the second Jinxiu River is not necessarily impossible!

When the two repented, their hearts did not consciously transfer their attention to Mo Feng and Da Snao.

They can't afford too much excitement.

If Mo Feng and Da She Pill have similar outbreaks, Jinxiu Heshan is really going to kill the top masters of the Central Plains Wulin;

By then, they really can't help but also toss a martial arts conference to play!


The two did not know, just as they envied their happy luck, the latter’s mind had been turned over and over to observe the scene.

Shaolin school...

Buddha's Palm?

Just a palm, a bit plausible feeling.


That symbol is absolutely wrong.

But what makes you happy is the killing and suffocating!

"Ji Feng..."

“Door?” Ji Feng was awakened by happiness, and there was still a surprise smile on his face: “This time we will be beautiful and beautiful!”

"...tell me all the information you know." Happy and quietly, did not tell the slightest uneasiness in the hidden heart.


Read The Duke's Passion